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The Foundation/s of The Course R. A. 9163 - The National Service Training Program Act of 2001 The Course Syllabus of SBC CWS

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•The Foundation/s of the Course

•R. A. 9163 - The National Service Training

Program Act of 2001
•The Course Syllabus of SBC CWS
• Be aware of the salient points and provisions
of R.A. 9163.
• Be able to distinguish between CWTS, ROTC,
LTS in terms of contents and objectives.
• Be aware of the objectives, methodologies,
contents and guidelines of the course.
• Be aware of the foundations in the
conceptualization and implementation of the
National Service Training Program and Civic
Welfare Service as program of instruction
offered by San Beda College, College of Arts
and Sciences.
Socio-Political /Legal Institutional /”Bedan”
Basis Basis
1. Constitution 1. Mission Statement
2. Republic Act 9163 2. Thrust of the College
• Article II – Section 4
• “ The prime duty of the government is to serve and
protect the people. The government may call upon the
people to defend the state, and in the fulfillment thereof,
all citizens may be required, under conditions provided by
law to render personal military or civil service.”

• Article II- Section 13- Declaration of State Principles and

• “ The state recognizes the vital role of the youth in
nation building and shall promote their physical, moral,
spiritual and intellectual well-being. It shall inculcate in
the youth patriotism and nationalism, and encourage their
involvement in public and civic affairs.”
Republic Act 9163- National Service Training
Act of 2001

I. History R. A. 9163:

 Passage of the Law: Started on July 23, 2001

 Passed by the Senate and the House of
Congress: December 19, 2001
 Approved by the President: January 23, 2002
 Effectivity- Start of School Year 2002-2003
What is the National Service Training Program
 The National Service Training Program (NSTP) is
a training program for students enrolled in
tertiary as well vocational/ technical educational
institutions; mandated by the state through R. A.
9163 or the “National Service Training Program
Act of 2001”. The program aims to enhance civic
consciousness and defense preparedness in the
youth by developing the ethic of service and
patriotism while undergoing training in any of its
three (3) program components.
 The three components of NSTP are

 Reserve Officers Training Course (ROTC),

 Literacy Training Service (LTS)
 and Civic Welfare Training Service (CWTS).

 A student shall take up only program of

instruction as requisite for graduation
• ROTC is a program designed to provide military
training among students in order to motivate, train,
organize, and mobilize them for defense preparedness.
• LTS is a program designed to train students to become
teachers of literacy and numeracy skills to school
children, out-of- school youth and other segments of
society in need of their services.
• CWS refers to programs or activities contributory to the
general welfare and the betterment of life for the
members of the community or the enhancement of its
facilities, especially those devoted to improving health,
education, environment, entrepreneurship, safety,
recreation and morals of the society.
Who will undergo the training ?
• All incoming Freshmen students, male and
female, starting school year 2002-2003, enrolled
in any baccalaureate program and in at least
two-year vocational and technical courses are
required to complete 1 NSTP of their choice as
requisite for graduation.

How long will the student be undergoing the

• A student shall be undergoing the program for
two semesters, normally during the freshman
year, by enrolling in NSTP 1 during the 1st
semester and NSTP2 during the 2nd semester.
The said programs of instruction shall carry a
non-academic credit of 3 units per semester.
How will the implementation of NSTP affect the
completion of ROTC requirements by

• Upperclassmen/transferees who have

completed at least 2 Military Science (MS)
subjects shall be deemed to have completed
the ROTC requirements for graduation, thus
they no longer need to enroll in NSTP.
• Upperclassmen/transferees who have
completed only one MS subject shall be
required to enroll in NSTP1 in order to fulfill
the requirements.
• .
• Upperclassmen/transferees who have not
yet completed any MS subject shall be
required to enroll in NSTP1 during the 1st
semester, and NSTP2 during the 2nd
• Students who have completed their
academic requirements for graduation as of
March 23, 2002 but have not yet complied
with the ROTC requirements may apply for
suspension of ROTC requirement, thus they
may apply for graduation with their
respective schools
• Graduates of LTS or CWTS shall be
organized into the National Service Reserves
Corps (NSRC).
• Graduates of the ROTC program shall form
part of the Citizens Armed Force.
San Beda College Mission Statement
• To form the Bedans to become: Fully Human,
Wholly Christian and Truly Filipino.

Thrust of the San Beda College, College of Arts

and Sciences

• “ The Bedan of the 90’s and beyond in

the service of Country and God, through the
pursuit of academic excellence and the
formation of Filipino Christian Values, “
Course Description

 Community Service Course - The course provides

the students opportunities to perform actual
community service in support of community
initiatives towards community development and
the delivery of social services.

 Multi Disciplinary - The course provides the

students with concepts and theories from different
disciplines like Economics and Psychology, which
they could use in understanding communities and
human social behavior.
 Community Development/ Development Management
Course - The course provides the students basic tools or
skills in planning, implementing, managing community
development programs or projects. The said competencies
can be useful to students not only during the course but
more especially when they become professionals or
leaders in their own communities in the future.

 Social Awareness Course - Through community exposure

and service, the students will become more aware of
community problems and needs related to such concerns
as health, public safety, education, environment,
entrepreneurship, recreation, morals and other social
welfare services.

 Values Education Course - The course aims to deepen the

students’ sense of nationalism through actual community
service. Moreover, it aims to enhance the students’ values
related to community service, as well as that
understanding and working with others

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