Structure of Interest Rates
Structure of Interest Rates
Structure of Interest Rates
Chapter Outline
Characteristics of debt securities that
cause their yields to vary
Explaining actual yield differentials
Estimating the appropriate yield
A closer look at the term structure
Interest Ratestructure in Bangladesh:
Some thought
Characteristics of Debt Securities
Credit (default) risk
Securities with a higher degree of risk have to offer
higher yields to be chosen
Credit risk is especially relevant for longer-term
Investors must consider the creditworthiness of the
security issuer
Can use bond ratings of rating agencies
The higher the rating, the lower the perceived credit risk
Ratings can change over time as economic conditions
Ratings for different bond issues by the same issuer can vary
Characteristics of Debt Securities
Credit (default) risk (cont’d)
Rating agencies
Moody’s Investor Service and Standard and Poor’s
Corporation are the most popular
Agencies use different methods to assess the
creditworthiness of firms and state governments
A particular bond issue could have different ratings from each
agency, but differences are usually small
Financial institutions may be required to invest only in
investment-grade bonds rated Baa or better by Moody’s
and BBB or better by Standard and Poor’s
Characteristics of Debt Securities
Ratings Assigned by:
Description of Security Moody’s Standard and Poor’s
Highest quality Aaa AAA
High quality Aa AA
High-medium quality A A
Medium quality Baa BBB
Medium-low quality Ba BB
Low quality (speculative) B B
Poor quality Caa CCC
Very poor quality Ca CC
Lowest quality (in default) C DDD, D
Characteristics of Debt Securities
Credit (default) risk (cont’d)
Shifts in credit risk premiums
The risk premium corresponding to a particular
bond rating can chance over time
Accuracy of credit ratings
In general, credit ratings have served as
reasonable indicators of the likelihood of default
Credit rating agencies do not always detect
financial problems of firms
Characteristics of Debt Securities
Liquid securities can be easily converted to
cash without a loss in value
Short-maturity securities with an active secondary
market are liquid
Securities with lower liquidity have to offer a
higher yield to be preferred
Characteristics of Debt Securities
Tax status
Investorsare more concerned with after-tax income
than before-tax income
Taxable securities have to offer a higher before-tax yield
to be preferred
The after-tax yield is equal to:
Yat Ybt (1 T )
Characteristics of Debt Securities
Tax status
Computing the equivalent before-tax yield
The before-tax yield necessary to match the after-tax yield
on a tax-exempt security is:
(1 T )
State taxes should be considered along with federal taxes
Computing the Equivalent
Before-Tax Yield
Assume a firm in the 30 percent tax bracket is
aware of a tax-exempt security that pays a
yield of 9 percent. To match this after-tax yield,
taxable securities (with similar maturity and
risk) must offer a before-tax yield of:
Yat 9%
Ybt 12.86%
(1 T ) (1 .3)
Characteristics of Debt Securities
Term to maturity
The term structure of interest rates defines the relationship
between maturity and annualized yield
Special provisions
A call feature allows the issuer of bonds to buy the bonds
back before maturity
The yield on callable bonds should be higher than on noncallable
A convertibility clause allows investors to convert the bond
into a specified number of common stock shares
The yield on convertible bonds is lower than on nonconvertible
Explaining Actual Yield Differentials
Yield differentials are often measured in basis
100 basis points equal 1 percent
Yield differentials of money market securities
Commercial paper rates are higher than T-bill rates
Eurodollar deposit rates are higher than yields on
other money market securities
Market forces cause the yields of all securities to
move in the same direction
Explaining Actual Yield Differentials
Yield differentials of capital market securities
Municipal bonds have the lowest before-tax yield
After-tax yield is higher than that of Treasury bonds
Treasury bonds have the lowest yield
No default risk
Very liquid
Investorsprefer municipal or corporate bonds over
Treasury bonds only if the after-tax yield
compensates for default risk and lower liquidity
Estimating the Appropriate Yield
The yield on a debt security is based on the
risk-free rate with adjustments to capture
various characteristics:
Computing the Appropriate Yield
A company wants to issue 180-day commercial paper. Six-
month T-bills currently have a yield of 7 percent.
Assume that a default risk premium of 0.8 percent, a
liquidity premium of 0.1 percent, and a 0.2 percent tax
adjustment are necessary to sell the commercial paper
to investors. What is the appropriate yield the company
should offer on its commercial paper?
7% .8% .1% .2%
A Closer Look at the Term
Pure expectations theory
Pure expectations theory suggests that the
shape of the yield curve is determined solely
by expectations of future interest rates
Assuming an initially flat yield curve:
The yield curve will become upward sloping if
interest rates are expected to rise
The yield curve will become downward sloping if
interest rates are expected to decline
Sudden Expectation of Higher
Interest Rates
Market for short-term risk-free debt Market for long-term risk-free debt
S1 S2 S2 S1
i1 i2
D1 D2
i2 i1
D2 D1
Sudden Expectation of Higher
Interest Rates (cont’d)
Yield Curve
Sudden Expectation of Lower
Interest Rates
Market for long-term risk-free debt Market for short-term risk-free debt
S1 S2 S2 S1
i1 i2
D1 D2
i2 i1
D2 D1
Sudden Expectation of Lower
Interest Rates (cont’d)
Yield Curve
A Closer Look at the Term
Structure (cont’d)
Pure expectations theory (cont’d)
Algebraic presentation
The relationship between interest rates on two-year and
one-year securities is:
(1 t i 2 )2
t 1 r1 1
(1 t i1 )
Computing the Forward Rate
Assume that the annualized two-year interest rate today is
8 percent. Furthermore, one-year securities currently
offer an interest rate of 5 percent. What is an estimate
of the forward rate?
(1 t i 2 )2
t 1 r1 1
(1 t i1 )
1.08 2
A Closer Look at the Term
Structure (cont’d)
Pure expectations theory (cont’d)
Algebraic presentation (cont’d)
The one-year interest rate in two years (the forward
rate) can also be estimated:
(1 t i 3 )
t 2 r1 1
(1 t i1 )(1 t 1r1 )
Computing the One-Year Interest
Rate Two Years from Now
Continuing with the previous example, assume that three-
year securities currently offer an interest rate of 10
percent. What is an estimate of the one-year interest
rate that will prevail two years from now?
(1 t i 3 )3
t 2 r1 1
(1 t i1 )(1 t 1r1 )
1.10 3
(1.05 )(1.1109 )
A Closer Look at the Term
Structure (cont’d)
Pure expectations theory (cont’d)
Algebraic presentation (cont’d)
Future annualized interest rates for periods other than
one year can also be computed using the yield curve
A one-year investment followed by a two-year
investment should offer the same yield as a three-year
(1 t i 3 )3
1 t 1r2
(1 t i1 )
Computing the Two-Year Interest
Rate One Year from Now
Continuing with the previous example, what is an
estimate of the two-year interest rate that will prevail
in one year?
1 t 1r2 2
t 1 r2 1.27 1
A Closer Look at the Term
Structure (cont’d)
Pure expectations theory (cont’d)
The theory assumes that forward rates are
unbiased estimators of future interest rates
If forward rates are biased, investors should
attempt to capitalize on the discrepancy
A Closer Look at the Term
Structure (cont’d)
Liquidity premium theory
According to the liquidity premium theory, the
yield curve changes as the liquidity premium
changes over time due to investor preferences
Investors who prefer short-term securities will hold long-
term securities only if compensated with a premium
Short-term securities are typically more liquid than long-
term securities
Thepreference for short-term securities places
upward pressure on the slope of the yield curve
A Closer Look at the Term
Structure (cont’d)
Liquidity premium theory (cont’d)
Estimation of the forward rate based on a liquidity
The yield on a security will not necessarily be equal to
the yield from consecutive investments in shorter-term
Computing the Forward Rate
With A Liquidity Premium
Assume that one-year interest rates are currently 10
percent. Further assume that two year interest rates
are equal to 8 percent. The liquidity premium on a two-
year security is 0.7 percent. What is an estimate of the
one-year forward rate?
(1 t i 2 )2
t 1 r1 1 LP2 /(1 t i1 )
(1 t i1 )
1.08 2
1 .007 / 1.10
A Closer Look at the Term
Structure (cont’d)
Segmented market theory
According to segmented markets theory,
investors and borrowers choose securities with
maturities that satisfy their forecasted cash needs
Pension funds and life insurance companies prefer long-
term investments
Commercial banks prefer short-term investments
Shiftingby investors or borrowers between
maturity markets only occurs if the timing of their
cash needs change
Impact of Different Scenarios –
Segmented Markets Theory
Investors Have Mostly Investors Have Mostly
Short-Term Funds Long-Term Funds
Available; Borrowers Available; Borrowers
Want Long-Term Funds Want Short-Term Funds
Supply of short-term funds Upward pressure Downward pressure
provided by investors
Demand for short-term funds by Downward pressure Upward pressure
Yield on new short-term Downward pressure Upward pressure
Supply of long-term funds Downward pressure Upward pressure
provided by investors
Demand for long-term funds Upward pressure Downward pressure
issued by borrowers
Yield on long-term securities Upward pressure Downward pressure
A Closer Look at the Term
Structure (cont’d)
Segmented market theory (cont’d)
The preference for particular maturities can affect the
prices and yields of securities with different maturities
and therefore the shape of the yield curve
The preferred habitat theory is a more flexible
Investors and borrowers may wander from their markets
given certain events
A Closer Look at the Term
Structure (cont’d)
Research on term structure theories
Interest rate expectations have a strong influence on the
term structure
The forward rate from the yield curve does not accurately
predict future interest rates
Variation in the yield-maturity relationship cannot be
explained by interest rate expectations or liquidity
General research implications
Some evidence for pure expectations, liquidity premium, and
segmented markets theory
A Closer Look at the Term
Structure (cont’d)
Uses of the term structure
Forecast interest rates
Pure expectations and liquidity premium theories can be
Forecast recessions
A flat or inverted yield curve may indicate a recession in
the near future since lower interest rates are expected
A Closer Look at the Term
Structure (cont’d)
Uses of the term structure (cont’d)
Investment decisions
Riding the yield curve involves investment in higher-
yielding long-term securities with short-term funds
Financial institutions whose liability maturities are
different from their asset maturities monitor the yield
Financing decisions
Assessing prevailing rates on securities for various
maturities allows firms to estimate the rates to be paid on
bonds with different maturities
A Closer Look at the Term
Structure (cont’d)
Impact of debt management on term structure
If the Treasury uses a relatively large proportion of long-term
debt, this places upward pressure on long-term yields
If the Treasury uses short-term debt, long-term interest rates
may be relatively low
Historical review of the term structure
Early 1980s: downward sloping yield curve
1982 to 2001: an upward sloping yield curve generally
September 11, 2001: investors shifted funds into short-term
securities and the Fed provided funds to the banking system,
causing the yield curve to become steeper
International Structure of Interest
Yield curves vary among countries
Interest rate movements across countries
tend to be positively correlated
Interest rates may vary across countries at
any particular point in time
Supply and demand conditions across
countries cause differences