This document contains a questionnaire about the socio-economic effects of delayed salary payments in Bangladesh. The questionnaire contains questions about the respondent's organization, position, salary payment regularity, sources of funding when salary is delayed, effects on performance, and recommendations. It aims to understand how delayed payments impact employees and their lives. Questions cover topics such as taking on debt, selling property, the ability to support family, and effects on motivation and sense of belonging to the organization. The goal is to learn more about the personal challenges employees face due to irregular salary payments in Bangladesh.
This document contains a questionnaire about the socio-economic effects of delayed salary payments in Bangladesh. The questionnaire contains questions about the respondent's organization, position, salary payment regularity, sources of funding when salary is delayed, effects on performance, and recommendations. It aims to understand how delayed payments impact employees and their lives. Questions cover topics such as taking on debt, selling property, the ability to support family, and effects on motivation and sense of belonging to the organization. The goal is to learn more about the personal challenges employees face due to irregular salary payments in Bangladesh.
Original Description:
A Study on Socio-economic effects of delayed payment in Bangladesh
This document contains a questionnaire about the socio-economic effects of delayed salary payments in Bangladesh. The questionnaire contains questions about the respondent's organization, position, salary payment regularity, sources of funding when salary is delayed, effects on performance, and recommendations. It aims to understand how delayed payments impact employees and their lives. Questions cover topics such as taking on debt, selling property, the ability to support family, and effects on motivation and sense of belonging to the organization. The goal is to learn more about the personal challenges employees face due to irregular salary payments in Bangladesh.
This document contains a questionnaire about the socio-economic effects of delayed salary payments in Bangladesh. The questionnaire contains questions about the respondent's organization, position, salary payment regularity, sources of funding when salary is delayed, effects on performance, and recommendations. It aims to understand how delayed payments impact employees and their lives. Questions cover topics such as taking on debt, selling property, the ability to support family, and effects on motivation and sense of belonging to the organization. The goal is to learn more about the personal challenges employees face due to irregular salary payments in Bangladesh.
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Bangladesh Institute of Management
Post Graduate Diploma in Personnel Management
A Study on Socio-economic effects of delayed payment in Bangladesh Questionnaire (This is for academic purpose only. Confidentiality of data will be maintained strictly. Please fill up the blank or put tick () where appropriate depending on your answer. If you dont ha!e information of any specific "uestion you may skip it.) #. $ame of the organi%ation& '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''( (ptional) ). *ear of +stablishment& ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ,. $ame of the employee------------------- .. Position of the employee-----------.. /. Total year of 0er!ice& a) 1ess than # year b) #',year(s) c) ,'/ years d) more than / years& 2. *ear of ser!ice in the e3isting organi%ation& a) 1ess than # year b) #',year(s) c) ,'/ years d) more than / years& 4. The engagement of the firm at the industry of& a. 5anufacturing b. Consultancy c. Information technology d. 6inance and 7anking e. 0ocial 0er!ices f. Insurance g. Transport 7usiness h. +ducational institute i. $8( 9. International $8( k. 8arments:;58 l. <ospitals m. Pharmaceuticals n. Trading o. (ther =. +mployee Type& a. >hite collar (+3ecuti!e) b. 7lue collar (>orker:security:peon etc.) ' ?. Type of (rgani%ation& a. 7angladeshi b. International c. 5ultinational #@. Co!erage of operation& a. 1ocal (sub'national) b. $ational c. International ##. $umber of 7ranch: network& ''''''''''''''''''''''''''' #). ;egularity of 0alary& a) ;egular b) 5ake delay sometimes c) 5ake delay regularly #,. Aelay Auration& a) #') >eeks b) (ne month c) Two months d) Three or more than three months d) $on'specific #.. Bictim of Aelayed Payment& a) 7lue Collar employee b) >hite Collar employee c) Cll including 5anagers #/. Is there any installment during paymentD a) yes b) no #2. Percentage of payment (>hen Pay)& a) )@ b) )/ c) ,@ d) /@ or more than /@ e) #@@ f) $o fi3ed amount # #4. Aoes the organi%ation consider festi!al allowanceD a) *es b) $o #=. If yesE what is the modeD a) >ith allowance clear all dues b) 8i!e around /@ percent and allowance c) there is no specific system to follow #?. Is there any o!ertime paymentD a) yes b) no )@. >hen you are not paidE what is the source of money to support your familyD a) 0upport from spouse b) support from other family member c) taking debt d) selling property e) from other income source )#. If debt is takenE what is the source of debtD Cns&FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF )). Auration of debt& Cns&FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF ),. If your spouse can support youE can you make up all with the help of your spouseD a) *es b) $o c) n:a ).. If you cannot what is the source of the rest of the money& a) Taking debt b) selling property c) from other income source d) support from other family member e) n:a )/. If debt is takenE what is the mode of debtD a) >ith interest b) >ithout interest )2. If with interestE what is the yearly percentage of interestD a) #@ b) #/ c) )@ d) )/ e) more than ,/ )4. If you take debtE Can you estimate how much money you had to pay as interestD Cnswer& ------------- )=. If property is sold (within the ser!ice time of the e3isting organi%ation)E can you estimate the amount of property priceD Cnswer&--------.. )?. Ao you buy goods in creditD a) *es b) $o c) n:a ,@.Ao you think that for buying in creditE sometimesE you are gi!en low "uality productD( >hen you buy in credit) a) *es b) $o c) n:a ,#. Ao you think that you cannot buy according to your choiceD (>hen you buy in credit) a) *es b) $o c) n:a ) ,). Ao you think that you cannot compare the market price of the productD (>hen you buy in credit) a) *es b) $o c) n:a ,,. Ao you think that buying in credit gi!es you a feeling of inferiorityD a) *es b) $o c) n:a ,.. Cre you satisfied with the present situationD a) *es b) $o ,/. Ao you think that only for your dues you cannot lea!e the organi%ationD (r there are other reasonsD Cns&FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF ,2. If you get chance in other organi%ation in a lower but regular payment will you lea!eD a) *es b) $o ,4. Ao you think that your performance is affected due to delayed paymentD a) *es b) $o ,=. If answer is yesE do you think that regular payment will moti!ate to better performanceD a) *es b) $o ,?. Ao you think that it is your (sense of belongingness) organi%ationD a) *es b) $o .@.Is it possible for you to gi!e the highest personal effort for the betterment of your organi%ation in pre!ailing situationD a) *es b) $o .#. Ao you think that you are responsible for the betterment of the organi%ationD a) *es b) $o .). (thers FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF .,. >hat is your recommendation for better ownershipD Cns&FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF ,