HDFC Bank provides home loans to help customers realize their dream of owning a home. The home loan process involves submitting an application form along with necessary documents which are verified. Key documents include address proof, income proof, bank statements and passport photos. Customers must meet eligibility criteria like minimum age of 21 years, maximum age of 65 years at loan maturity, minimum 2 years of employment, and minimum income of Rs. 30,000 per month.
HDFC Bank provides home loans to help customers realize their dream of owning a home. The home loan process involves submitting an application form along with necessary documents which are verified. Key documents include address proof, income proof, bank statements and passport photos. Customers must meet eligibility criteria like minimum age of 21 years, maximum age of 65 years at loan maturity, minimum 2 years of employment, and minimum income of Rs. 30,000 per month.
HDFC Bank provides home loans to help customers realize their dream of owning a home. The home loan process involves submitting an application form along with necessary documents which are verified. Key documents include address proof, income proof, bank statements and passport photos. Customers must meet eligibility criteria like minimum age of 21 years, maximum age of 65 years at loan maturity, minimum 2 years of employment, and minimum income of Rs. 30,000 per month.
HDFC Bank provides home loans to help customers realize their dream of owning a home. The home loan process involves submitting an application form along with necessary documents which are verified. Key documents include address proof, income proof, bank statements and passport photos. Customers must meet eligibility criteria like minimum age of 21 years, maximum age of 65 years at loan maturity, minimum 2 years of employment, and minimum income of Rs. 30,000 per month.
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A study of HDFC bank home loan
Logo of RGI / AKS (As the case may be) A report submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements of THE BBA THREE YEAR !E"REE PRO"RA# $%&''(')* Submitted By Guided By (Bhupendra singh) (ramod d!i"edi) (#oll no) (Designation) #ana+ement of Business Administration Ra,i- "andhi .olle+e atna $#/P/* 1 C$#%&F&CA%$ This is to .ertif0 that the pro,e.t report on A study of HDFC bank home loan1 has been .ompleted b0 Bhupendra singh student of BBA 23 semester 45inan.e 6+roup/ 3n partial fulfillment of the requirement of the BBA three 0ear de+ree .ourse/ Signature (ramod du"edhi)
2 !EC7ARAT3ON 3 Bhupendra singh 8o Ramprasad singh student of Ba.helor of Business Administration $BBA*9 Ra,i- "andhi Colle+e here b0 de.lare that this pro,e.t report under the title A study of HDFC bank home loan1 is m0 ori+inal :or;/ All the information and data +i-en in the report are authenti. to the best of m0 ;no:led+e and ha-e been obtained from reliable Signature < Student's (ame< Spe)ialisation < 5inan$nrollment (o < A( ''(:6000
Roll No:
3 ACKNOWL!G"N# No ga$% &$tho't $s a commo% say$%g( G)at$t'*e $s the ha)*est of emot$o% to e+,)ess a%* ofte% *oes %ot f$%* a*e-'ate &o)* to co.e)y(the)efo)e th$s ,)o/ect )e,o)t $s %ot a% effo)t $s %ot a% effo)t of s$%gle ,e)so% b't $s a co%t)$b'to)y effo)t of ma%y ha%*s a%* b)a$%s( So I &o'l* l$0e to tha%0s all those &ho ha.e hel,e* me *$)ectly o) $%*$)ectly *')$%g my s').ey ,)o/ect( W$th a% $%effable se%se of g)at$t'*e I ta0e th$s o,,o)t'%$ty to e+,)ess my *ee, se%se of $%e,t%ess to ")(A%a%t So%$ (*$)ecto))1Ra/$. Ga%*h$ G)o', of $%st$t't$o%s fo) ,)o.$*$%g $%f)ast)ct')e to ca))y o't th$s ,)o/ect &o)0( I am e+t)emely g)atef'l to !)( G(S(,a%*ay (,)$%c$,le) fo) g$.$%g me the o,,o)t'%$ty to ca))y o't th$s ,)o/ect( I am also tha%0f'l to ")(,)amo* *$&e*h$ fo) h$s 0ee% $%te)est1,e)s$ste%t e%co')ageme%t a%* '%$t$2$%g g'$*a%ce tho'ghts the *e.elo,me%t of the ,)o/ect1$t has bee% my g)eat ,)$.$lege to &o)0 '%*e) h$s $%s,)$$%g a%* ,)o.o0$%g g'$*a%ce( I am also tha%0f'l to ma%y ,eo,le &ho t$mely hel,e* me b't ,a'c$ty of s,ace $s )est)$ct$%g me f)om me%t$o%$%g the$) %ames a%* f$%ally I also tha% to all my f)$e%*s&ho &e)e co%sta%tly s',,o)t$%g me *')$%g the &hole ,)o/ect(
3456N!RA SING4 4
5 IN#RO!5C#ION O #O 4O" LOAN 4!7C 3ANK 4ome $s a *)eam of a ,e)so% that sho&s the -'a%t$ty of effo)ts1 sac)$f$ces l'+')$es a%* abo.e all gathe)$%g f'%*s l$ttle by affo)* o%es *)eam( 4ome $s o%e of the th$%gs that e.e)yo%e o%e &a%ts to o&% home $s a shelte) of ,e)so% &he)e the )ests a%* feel comfo)table ma%y ba%0s ,)o.$*$%g home loa% &hethe) comme)c$al ba%0s of f$%a%c$al $%st$t'tes to the ,eo,le &ho &a%ts to ha.e a home( 4!7C (ho's$%g *e.elo,me%t f$%a%ce co),o)at$o%)home loa% I%*$a ha.e bee% se).$%g the ,eo,le fo) a)o'%* the)e *eca*es a%* ,)o.$*$%g .a)$o's ho's$%g loa% acco)*$%g to the$) .a)$e* %ee*s at att)act$.e 8)easo%able $%te)est )ate o&$%g to the$) &$*e %et&o)0 of f$%a%c$%g 4!7C ho's$%g loa%s ,)o.$*es se).$ces at yo') *oo)ste, a%* hel,s yo' f$%* a home as ,e) yo') )e-'$)eme%ts( "a%y ba%0s a)e ,)o.$*$%g home loa%s at chea,est )ate to att)acts co%s'me)s to &a%ts them the mo)e c'stome) f)$e%*ly att$t'*e of th$%gs ba%0s I% .$e& of ac'te ho's$%g sho)tage $% co'%t)y a%* 0ee,$%g $% m$%* the soc$al 9eco%om$c )ole of comme)c$al ba%0s $% the ,)ese%t t$mes the R3I a*.$se* ba%0s to e%co')age the flo& of c)e*$t fo) ho's$%g f$%a%ce( 6 HDFC also provides with home improvement loan for internal and external repairs and other structural improvement like paintin! waterproofin! plum"in and electric work# $iltin and floorin rills and aluminum windows HDFC of renovation %1&&' for existin customers( ) * CO"6ANI 6RO7IL:; HDFC +ank ,td is a ma-or .ndian financial service compan/ "ased in mum"ai#the "ank is a pu"licl/ $he "ank has three primar/ "usiness sements namel/ "ankin wholesale "ankin and treasur/ #the retail "ankin sement service retail customer throuh a "ranch network and other deliver/ channels this sement raises deposits from customers and makes loan and provides other service with the help of specialist product roup to such customer # $he wholesale "ankin sement provides loans non0fund facilities and transaction service to corporate pu"lic sector unit1s overnment "odies! financial institutions and medium scale enterprises# $he treasur/ sement includes net interest earnins on investments portfolio of the "ank the "ank1s 2$3 network can "e accessed "/ all domestic and international visa 4master card 4visa electron4maestro! plus 4cirrus and 2merican express credit4chare cardholders# $he "ank shares are listed on the +om"a/ stock exchane limited and the national stock exchane of .ndia ,td# $he "anks 2merican depositor/ shares %2D5( are limited on the new 6ork stock exchane %7658( and the "anks lo"al depositor/ receipts %9D:( are listed on ,uxem"our stock exchane HDFC "ank ,td are incorporated on 2uust 3&!1;;4 "/ housin development finance corporation ,td in the /ear 1;;4 housin ; development finance corporation ,td was amonst the first to receive an in principle approval from the reserve "ank of .ndia to set up a "ank in the private sector or part of the :+.s li"erali<ation of the .ndian "ankin industr/ HDFC "ank commenced operations as a scheduled commercial "ank in =anuar/ 1;;5 in the 75CC,#in the /ear 1;;) the launched retail investment advisor/ service in the /ear 1;;* the/ launched their first retail lendin product loan aainst shares in the /ear 1;;; the "ank launched online real0time 7et "ankin in Fe"ruar/ 2&&& times "ank ,td owned "/ "ennett!coleman and climes roup amalamated with the "ank ,td this was the first merer of two private "anks in .ndia !the "ank was the first to launch an international de"it card in association with >.57 %>isa 8lectron( in the /ear 2&&1!the/ started their credit card "usiness! 2lso the/ "ecome the first private sector "ank to "e authori<ed "/ the central "oard of direct taxes %C+D$( or well as the :+. to accept direct tax#
3OAR! O7!IRC#ORs !eta$l of boa)* of *$)ecto) $% te)ms of the$) *$)ecto)sh$,s /membe)sh$,s $% comm$ttees of ,'bl$c com,a%$es as o% ma)ch <=(>0=? a)e as '%*e)( :eno# 7ame of directors Cateor/? 7o# of directorship?? 7o# of committees??? 1# 3r# Deepak 5partech 7on0 executive chairman ) 5 2 2# 3r#+#5#mehta .ndependent 13 ; 4 3# 3r#D#3#sukthanka r .ndependent 3 2 1 4# 3r#D#7#9hosh .ndependent 4 0 0 5# Dr#5#2#Dave .ndependent * 6 2 6# Dr#:am 5#$ame-a .ndependent ; 6 1 )# 3r#7#3#mun-ee .ndependent 11 * 5 *# Dr#mimal -alan .ndependent 0 0 0 ;# Dr#=#=#.rani .ndependent 3 1 0 1&# 3r#>#srinivasa :anan 8xecutive director 12 * 0 11# 3s#:enu sud karma 3anain director 13 5 3 12# 3r#kekim#minstr/ >ice chairman @chef executive officer 13 1& 4 11 12 $o explain home loan procedure0 13 $he procedure involves in the dis"ursement of home loan "/ an/ "ank entails the followin steps# 1# Home loan application form is first su"mitted "/ the customer coverin all details# 2# Checklist of reAuirement is reAuested to from the customer 2nd all documents are reAuired to "e su"mitted %copies( the/ are then verified whether the details are failed in correctl/ and whether all the documents or su"mitted# $he followin diaram indicates the loan procedure at the0 Customer +ranch manaer 14 ,oan department ,eal opinion >aluation and technical :eional officer For lare "orrows +ank $o stud/ and understand the documents involved in the home loan scheme B
1 passport 4 drivin license 4 voter id card4C27 card 4 ration card4 emplo/er id entit/ card4school livin certificate4"irth certificate# 2 cop/ of "ank statement for the last 6 month 3 cop/ of latest credit card statement# 4 passport si<e photoraph +ranch manaer 15 5 sinature verification "/ /our "ankers 6 proof of residence0 :ation card C27 card Cassport ) income proof B Dated salar/ certificate with latest from 16
* "ankin histor/ "anks B +ank statements of latest 2 months43month "ank pass"ook l$g$b$l$ty c)$te)$a fo) home loa%; 16 How much an application can "orrow home loan rane from :s#11 ,ake to :s#5& ,ake /our repa/ment period can var/ from 1 /ear to 2& /ear dependin upon /our capacit/ to repa/D 8lii"ilit/E0 2e0minimum /ou should "e at least 21 /ear of ae# 3aximum at the time of loan maturit/! /ou should not exceed 65 /ears or /our retirement ae! whichever is earlier# .ndividuals0/ou should have completed a minimum of 2 /ear of service# %Fith a minimum of 1 /ear in the current -o"( +usinesspersons4self emplo/ed professionalE /ou must have an esta"lished "usiness or professional practice of not less than 3 /ear with a positive#net worth and must have posted a net profit for the last 2 /ears# 7ote0minimum net take home salar/ of :s#6&&&40p#m# for salaried emplo/ees or annual income of not less then :e# 1#2& ,ake for "usinesspersons4self0emplo/ed professionals# 1# .ndividual who are salaried or self emplo/ed professional! "usinessmen are elii"le proprietar/ concerns HGF! partnership firms or limited companies are not elii"le for this loan! where partners at their individual capacit/ are free to avail this loan# 2 2s a customer to enhance the loan elii"ilit/! all HGF la/ down condition to who is co0applicant !as co0owners to the propert/ should necessaril/ "e co0applicant# .ncome of the 1) co0owners can "e clu""ed to ather to et hiher loan elii"ilit/ minors are not elii"le to "ecome co0&wner #as also friend and relatives onl/ "lood relatives are elii"le to take a propert/ -ointl/ 3 $he minimum ae for the applicant and the co0applicant to "ecome elii"le for the commencement loan is 23 /ears and co0applicant can "e of 1* /ears of ae if there income is not clu""ed to calculate the loan elii"ilit/
4 $he maximum ae at the time of loan maturit/ for applicant or co0applicant is 6& /ear or the retirement ae whichever is earlier 5ome of the accepta"le relationship where loan clu""in is possi"le# .ncome clu""in of co applicants 1* Com"inations Hus"and0wife Carent0son Carent0dauhter +rother0"rother +rother0sister 5ister0sister Carent0minor child .ncome clu""in 6es 6es%if onl/ son( 6es%if onl/ child( 6es 7o 7o 7ot elii"le for loan#
( I%te)est )ate 9 1; Fithout dou"t the most important parameters to factors into home loan calculation the interest rates ma/ var/ from institution to institution and enerall/ rane from at 1ú 12#)5' to around 11#5' repa/ment is in the form of 8mirs %8Auit/ monthl/ pa/ment will "e less $he two kinds of interest rates availa"le to a customer are 10fixed interest rate 20floatin interest rate HDFC "ank home loan floatin interest rate # 20up to 3& lacks 1&' +03& to )5 lacks 1&#)5' C02"ove)5 lacks 11' HDFC home loan fixed interest rate# 20up to 3& lacks 12#25' +03& to )5 lacks 12#5&' C02"ove )5 lacks 12#)5' 2& Re,ayme%t schemes HDFC which has "een in the home sement since 1;)) has also introduced a host of new features to its home loan portfolio# HDFC offers flexi"le repa/ment scheme# Heepin in mind the fact that each individual has uniAue pro"lem reAuirin uniAue solutions HDFC has developed various repa/ment options like# 5tep up repa/ment facilit/ Flexi"le loan installment +alloon repa/ment scheme# where the pa/ment in the initial /ears is less and the later /ears are more#
RSARC4 "#4O!OLOG@ O7 #4 S#5!@ 22 Resea)ch metho*ology Resea)ch metho*ology $s a &ay to systemat$cally sho& the )esea)ch ,)oblem $t may be '%*e)stoo* as a sc$e%ce of st'*y$%g ho& )esea)ch $s *o%e sc$e%t$f$cally( $t $s %ecessa)y fo) the )esea)che) to 0%o& %ot o%ly the )esea)ch metho*s b't also the metho*ology( #h$s sect$o% $%cl'*es the metho*ology &h$ch $%cl'*es the )esea)ch *es$g% ob/ect$.e of st'*y sco,e of st'*y alo%g &$th )esea)ch metho*ology a%* l$m$tat$o% of st'*y etc( #o 0%o& the c'stome)s ,e)ce,t$o%s abo't home loa% of 4!7C ho's$%g *e.elo,me%t f$%a%ce co),o)at$o% Lt*( #o st'*y the sat$sfact$o% le.el of c'stome) abo't home loa%s( #o st'*y the ,)oblem face* by c'stome)s $% obta$%$%g the home loa%( #o ma0e com,a)at$.e st'*y of *$sb')seme%t of home loa% by comme)c$al ba%0s the st'*y shall be co%*'cte* $% the ma%%e) e%'me)ate* belo&( 23 =;RSARC4 !SIGN;: #h$s ,)o/ect $s base* o% e+,lo)ato)y st'*y as &ell *esc)$,t$.e st'*y $t &as a% c'stome) sat$sfact$o% le.el &as st'*$es to s'ggest %e& metho*s to $m,)o.e the se).$ce of 4!7C Lt*( I% ,)o.$*$%g home loa% a%* $t &as *esc)$,t$.e 24 st'*y &he% *eta$l st'*y &as ma*e fo) com,a)$so% of *$sb')seme%t of home loa% by comme)c$al ba%0s( >;SO5RC O7 !A#A;: #o f'lf$ll the $%fo)mat$o% %ee* of the st'*y the *ata $s collecte* f)om ,)$ma)y as &ell as seco%*a)y so')ce( A;6RI"AR@ !A#A;: I *ec$*e* ,)$ma)y *ata collect$o% metho* beca'se o') st'*y %at')e *ose %ot ,e)m$t to a,,ly obse).at$o%al metho* $% s').ey1 a,,)oach &e ha* selecte* a -'est$o%%a$)e metho* fo) ta0$%g a c'stome) .$e& beca'se $t $s feas$ble f)om the ,o$%t of .$e& of o') s'b/ect 8s').ey ,'),ose &e co%*'cte* =00 sam,le of s').ey $% o') ,)o/ect to /'*ge the sat$sfact$o% le.el of c'stome) &h$ch too0 home loa%( SA"6L SIA 7o) the -'est$o%%a$)e I ha.e ta0e% the sam,le s$2e of =00 c'stome) of 4!7C Lt*( 3;SCON!AR@ SO5RC;:
It &as collecte* f)om $%te)%al so')ce( the seco%*a)y *ata &as collecte* o% the bas$s of o)ga%$2at$o%al f$le off$c$al )eco)*s1 %e&s ,a,e)1 maga2$%es ma%ageme%t boo0s ,)ese).e* $%fo)mat$o% $% the com,a%y *atabase a%* &ebs$te of the com,a%y( 25 <;SA"6LING;: Sam,l$%g )efe)s to the metho* of select$%g a sam,le f)om a g$.e% '%$.e)se &$th a .$e& to *)a& co%cl's$o%s abo't that '%$.e)se a sam,le $s )e,)ese%tat$.e of the '%$.e)se selecte* f)om st'*y( SA"6L SIA;: La)ge sam,le g$.es )el$able )es'lt tha% small sam,le ho&e.e)1 $t $s %ot feas$ble to ta)get e%t$)e ,o,'lat$o% o) e.e% a s'bsta%t$al ,o)t$o% to ach$e.e a )el$able )es'lt so th$s )e,eat select$%g the sam,le to st'*y $s 0%o&% as sam,le s$2e1 he%ce fo) my ,)o/ect my sam,le s$2e &as =00( SA"6LING #C4NIB5;: Ra%*om sam,l$%g tech%$-'e &as 'se* $% the s').ey co%*'cte*( #OOL O7 ANAL@SIS;: !ata has bee% ,)ese%te* &$th the hel, of ba) g)a,h1 ,$e g)a,h1 cha)ts1 l$%e g)a,hs etc( 6LAN ANAL@SIS 26 #ables &e)e 'se* fo) thee a%alys$s $s of the collecte* *ata the *ata $s also %eatly ,)ese%te* &$th thhheeeee hel, of g)a,hs a%* ,$e cha)ts ,e)ce%tage a%* a.e)ages ha.e also bee% 'se* to )e,)ese%t *ata clea)ly a%* effect$.ely( ?;!A#A COLLC#ION INS#R5"N# !CLO6"N# #he mo*e of collect$o% of *ata &$ll be base* o% s').ey metho* a%* f$el* act$.$ty ,)$ma)y *ata collect$o% &$ll base o% ,e)so%al $%te).$e&Ds ha.e ,)e,a)e* the -'est$o%%a$)e acco)*$%g to the %ecess$ty of the *ata to be collecte*( E;LI"I#A#ION O7 #44 S#5!@ #h$s st'*y also $%cl'*es some l$m$tat$o% &h$ch ha.e bee% *$sc'sse* as follo&s: =( the sam,le s$2e of =00 c'stome)s a%* ? ba%0s m$ght ,)o.e a l$m$tat$o% beca'se of *$ff$c'lty $% ge%e)al$2at$o% of )es'lts( >( #o collect the *ata f)om .a)$o's ba%0s &as -'$te *$ff$c'lt *'e to %o%;coo,e)at$o% of some ba%0s the ,)o.e* to be ma/o) l$m$tat$o% the st'*y( <( Lac0 of *ata &as also the othe) l$m$tat$o% of thee st'*y as some of ba%0s *o %ot ha.e ,)o,e) *ata o% to,$c( 2) ?( #he)e &as l$m$tat$o% of t$me to co%*'ct s'ch a b$g s').ey $% l$m$te* a.a$lable t$me( E( Ig%o)a%ce a%* )el'cta%t att$t'*e of c'stome) &as also a ma/o) l$m$tat$o% $% th$s st'*y( 2* RCIW O7 LI#RA#5R S5""AR@;: Afte) go$%g th)o'gh ,)e.$o's st'*$es of home loa% I come to co%cl'*e that( 2; #he)e $s g)o&th of home loa% afte) >00= 4ome loa% ha.e a% $%.e)se )elat$o% &$th $%te)est )ate Ice( &he% $%te)est )ate la& thee *ema%* of home loa% $%c)ease(OF4A =GHI) 6eo,le a)e go$%g mo)e to&a)*s home loa% the% ,)o.$*e mo)tgage $%s')a%ce (be sta$% >00H) Go.e)%me%t ta0$%g .a)$o's ste,s to e%co')age ,eo,le to go to&a)* home loa%s((ha.e 0o, >000) S3I ,)o.$*e a .e)y lo& $%te)est )ate o% home loa% as com,a)e* to othe) ba%0s S3I may >0=>( 3&