1) State Bank of India introduced new debit card variants and discontinued some old variants. A new Global card was introduced to replace the discontinued Silver, Gold, and Yuva International Debit Cards.
2) Details are provided on four debit card variants - State Bank Classic (domestic), State Bank Global (international), State Bank Gold (international), and State Bank Platinum (international) - including eligibility criteria, transaction limits, insurance benefits, and fees.
3) Methods for blocking an ATM card include sending an SMS, online request, or calling the contact center. Blocking can also be done via a written request at a branch.
1) State Bank of India introduced new debit card variants and discontinued some old variants. A new Global card was introduced to replace the discontinued Silver, Gold, and Yuva International Debit Cards.
2) Details are provided on four debit card variants - State Bank Classic (domestic), State Bank Global (international), State Bank Gold (international), and State Bank Platinum (international) - including eligibility criteria, transaction limits, insurance benefits, and fees.
3) Methods for blocking an ATM card include sending an SMS, online request, or calling the contact center. Blocking can also be done via a written request at a branch.
1) State Bank of India introduced new debit card variants and discontinued some old variants. A new Global card was introduced to replace the discontinued Silver, Gold, and Yuva International Debit Cards.
2) Details are provided on four debit card variants - State Bank Classic (domestic), State Bank Global (international), State Bank Gold (international), and State Bank Platinum (international) - including eligibility criteria, transaction limits, insurance benefits, and fees.
3) Methods for blocking an ATM card include sending an SMS, online request, or calling the contact center. Blocking can also be done via a written request at a branch.
1) State Bank of India introduced new debit card variants and discontinued some old variants. A new Global card was introduced to replace the discontinued Silver, Gold, and Yuva International Debit Cards.
2) Details are provided on four debit card variants - State Bank Classic (domestic), State Bank Global (international), State Bank Gold (international), and State Bank Platinum (international) - including eligibility criteria, transaction limits, insurance benefits, and fees.
3) Methods for blocking an ATM card include sending an SMS, online request, or calling the contact center. Blocking can also be done via a written request at a branch.
NUMBER OF ATM 31.03.2013 March .2014
STATE BANK 32750 38011 Average uptime 96.73 96.85%(feb 14) Average hits 217(feb 2014) CA! "#$%&A'"%# (Sl. No. : 579/2013 14 Cir No. : CS&NB/CS&NB-DEBITCRD/23/2013 14 ,September 02,2013. ) The following cards are discontinued vide above mentioned circular 1. State Bank Silver International Debit Card 2. State Bank Gold International Debit Card 3. State Bank Yuva International Debit Card A new card Global card was introduced. The card is to be issued to those custoers who consent to issuance o! an International Debit Card but do not !all under Gold and "latinu cate#ories. $The instructions were to co%l& with 'BI instructions that Global card be issued onl& on deand o! the custoer.( 1) (tate )a*+ C,assi- !ebit Car. '/pe 0f Car. Doestic $valid in India() *a#netic Stri%e "ssua*-e -riteria To be issued b& de!ault to custoers unless International Debit Card is re+uested. !ai,/ Cash 1imit at A'&s 's ,-.---/) !ai,/ 20( 1imit 's 0-.---/) 3a,i.it/ 2- &ears 2) (tate )a*+ 4,0ba, !ebit Car. '/pe 0f Car. International) Chi% 1 *a#netic Stri%e "ssua*-e -riteria To be issued to those custoers who consent to issuance o! an International Debit Card but do not !all under Gold and "latinu cate#ories. !ai,/ Cash 1imit at A'&s Doestic2 's. ,-.---/) International2 3orei#n currenc& e+uivalent o! the dail& cash ru%ee liit !ai,/ 2ur-hase 1imit Doestic2 's. 40.---/) International2 3orei#n currenc& e+uivalent o! the dail& %urchase ru%ee liit 3a,i.it/ 11/2-22 ATM STUDY MATERIAL FOR PROMOTION 2014-15- BY PRADEEP KAND CM(SYSTEMS) SBLC PUNE 3) (tate )a*+ 40,. "*ter*ati0*a, !ebit Car. '/pe 0f Car. International) Chi% 1 *a#netic Stri%e "ssua*-e -riteria Custoers havin# Avera#e 5uarterl& Balance $A5B( iniu 's. 0-.---/) in SB/CA 6' De%ositors havin# de%osit o! 78 's. 0 lacs 9 's. 1- lacs 6' :oe ;oan borrowers havin# liit o! 78 's. 1- lacs 9 2- lacs 6' Car ;oan borrowers havin# liit o! 7 8 's. 3 lacs 9 's. 0 lacs !ai,/ Cash 1imit at A'&s Doestic2 's. 0-.---/) International2 3orei#n currenc& e+uivalent o! the dail& cash ru%ee liit !ai,/ 2ur-hase 1imit Doestic2 's. 2.--.---/) International2 3orei#n currenc& e+uivalent o! the dail& %urchase ru%ee liit C0mp,ime*tar/ i*sura*-e "ersonal Accident Insurance to the e<tent o! 's. 2.--.---/) "urchase "rotection to the e<tent o! 's. 0.---/) 3a,i.it/ 11/2-22 4) (tate )a*+ 2,ati*um "*ter*ati0*a, !ebit Car. '/pe 0f Car. International) Chi% 1 *a#netic Stri%e "ssua*-e -riteria Custoers havin# Avera#e 5uarterl& Balance $A5B( iniu 's. 1 lac in SB/CA 6' De%ositors havin# de%osit o! 7 's. 1- lacs 6' :oe ;oan borrowers havin# liit o! 78 's.2- lacs 6' Car ;oan borrowers havin# liit o! 7 8 's. 0 lacs !ai,/ Cash 1imit at A'&s Doestic2 's. 1.--.---/) International2 3orei#n currenc& e+uivalent o! the dail& cash ru%ee liit !ai,/ 2ur-hase 1imit Doestic2 's. 2.--.---/) International2 3orei#n currenc& e+uivalent o! the dail& %urchase ru%ee liit C0mp,ime*tar/ i*sura*-e "ersonal Accident Insurance to the e<tent o! 's. 0.--.---/) "urchase "rotection to the e<tent o! 's. 0-.---/) 3or co%lete details. %lease re!er to Circular =o. 2 CS>=B/CS>=B)D?BITC'D/@3/2-12)13 dated *arch 22. 2-13. 3a,i.it/ 11/2-22 (tate )a*+ !ebit Car. ,0/a,t/ pr0gramme5 $ree.0me6ar.75 ATM STUDY MATERIAL FOR PROMOTION 2014-15- BY PRADEEP KAND CM(SYSTEMS) SBLC PUNE State Bank Debit Cardholders are awarded 1 %oint !or ever& 's. 2--/) s%ent on "oint o! Sale/e) Coerce. Bonus "oints "oints earned are tri%led i! 3 "oS/e)Coerce transactions are co%leted in a calendar +uarter on "latinu Cards "oints earned are doubled i! 3 "oS/e)Coerce transactions are co%leted in a calendar +uarter on all other Card variants Activation Bonus 0- %oints on !irst %urchase usin# Debit Card within co%letion o! one calendar onth o! issuance 0- %oints on second %urchase usin# Debit Card within co%letion o! one calendar onth o! issuance. 1-- %oints on third %urchase usin# Debit Card within co%letion o! one calendar onth o! issuance 3reedo "oints not redeeed will e<%ire at the end o! 1A onths e<cludin# the onth o! accrual. "oints need to be redeeed within this %eriod. 3or !urther details. %lease visit www.!reedorewardB.co. (&8 "#('A !82%("' CA! Sl. No. : 241/2012 13 Cir!"#r No. : CS&NB/CS&NB-$$I/1%/2012 13 T&!r'(#),*!+e 14,2012.) Cash can be deposited by the way of currency notes only. Maximum amount of currency notes deposited can be upto 200 pieces with the maximum limit of Rs.!!00"# per transaction. $s regards use of cards through %reen Channel Counter at the branches& there is no limit on the number of pieces of currency notes. 'owever& the maximum amount that can be deposited is restricted to Rs.0000"# only at present. Issue o C!"# F"ee $!%&#&'( o" 10 (e!"s. (uplicate " Replacement Card Rs.200"# ) taxes *ssue of Re#+*, Rs.-0"# ) taxes ATM STUDY MATERIAL FOR PROMOTION 2014-15- BY PRADEEP KAND CM(SYSTEMS) SBLC PUNE STATE BANK BUSINESS DEBIT CARD .S". No. : 320/2012 13 Cir ,o. / C01,2"C01,2#(32*TCR("20"2042 5 46 &7uly 0&2042.8 E%&)&*&%&'( C"&'e"&! P"o#u+' ,!"&!-' CA with balances 7 8I=' 20.--- 9 I=' 0.--.--- ;oan liits o! 7 8 I=' 1.--.--- 9 I=' 20.--.---C $'ead !ootnote below( State Bank "ride $Gold Chi% based Debit Card with !all back on si#nature( CA with balances 7 8I=' 0.--.--- ;oan liits o! 7 8 I=' 20.--.---C State Bank "reiu $"latinu Chi% based Debit Card with !all back on si#nature( CThe !ir/Cor%orate re+uires to o%en a current account on which the Debit Card will be issued. P"o#u+' Fe!'u"es S'!'e B!-. P"&#e (/o%#) S'!'e B!-. P"e0&u0 (P%!'&-u0) D!&%( C!s1 De2os&' %&0&' ,DD-- ,DD-- D!&%( %&0&'s- C!s1 (INR) 1----- 2----- D!&%( %&0&'- POS (INR) 2----- 0----- Re3!"#s , %oints !or ever& 's. 1-- s%ent 0 %oints !or ever& 's. 1-- s%ent Pe"so-!% A++&#e-' I-su"!-+e 's. 2 lakh 's. 0 lakh Pu"+1!se P"o'e+'&o- 's. 0.--- on %urchase %rotection !or the!t/daa#e u% to D- da&s !ro the date o! "oS/e)coerce %urchase. 's. 0-.--- on %urchase %rotection !or the!t/daa#e u% to D- da&s !ro the date o! "oS/e)coerce %urchase. O'1e" *e-e&'s 6!!ers and discounts b& Schee/Bank !ro tie to tie 6!!ers and discounts b& Schee/Bank !ro tie to tie A--u!% +!"# ees 's 2--C 's 2--C C!s1 3&'1#"!3!% ees4 O'1e" B!-. ATMs 's 2-/) 's 2-/) C!s1 3&'1#"!3!% ees4 I-'e"-!'&o-!% ESD 1.40 1 Char#es o! AT* ac+uirin# Bank. i! an&. will be additional ESD 1.40 1 Char#es o! AT* ac+uirin# Bank. i! an&. will be additional 5M!( *e 3!&$e# & s2e-' #u"&-) '1e (e!" +ou-'e# o" AMC 's. 0.--.--- 's. 1-.--.--- 9ootnote/# The stipulated minimum balance of Rs. 2-000"# for issuance of :0tate 2an; +ride< (ebit Card& has been waived. . Ref S". No. : %03/2012 13 Cir!"#r No. : CS&NB/CS&NB- DEBITCRD/41/2012 - 13,No,ember 03,2012.) ATM STUDY MATERIAL FOR PROMOTION 2014-15- BY PRADEEP KAND CM(SYSTEMS) SBLC PUNE A--u!% M!&-'e-!-+e C1!")es .3xcluding 9inancial *nclusion $TM#cum debit card being issued to our 0mall $ccounts= customers8 # $lso excluding salary pac;age accounts under C*T> .Corporate 1 *nstitutional Tie#>ps8. - S". No.: 10.2/2013 14 Cir!"#r No. : NB//B0D-/B/.1/2013 14 T!e'(#),Deember 24,2013.) . 4. Classic/ Rs. 400) service tax Rs.42"# Total Rs.442"# 2. 0ilver"%lobal" %old excluding those under C*T>/ Rs.4-0"# )stax Rs4!"# Total Rs.4?!"# 6. @uva Card/ Rs.4-0"# ) service Tax Rs.4!"# total Rs. 4?!"# . %old/ Rs. 4-0"# ) service tax Rs.4!"# total Rs.4?!"# -. +latinum/ Rs. 200"# ) service tax Rs. 2-"# total Rs. 22-"# ?. 2usiness (ebit Card/ Rs. 600"# ) 0ervice tax Rs.6A"# total Rs 66A"# $TM" +B0 transaction technical declines attributable to customer .i.e lac; of balance in account Rs 4- ) service tax Rs.2"# total Rs.4A"# per transaction Card Replacement Charge Rs.204/- (S". No. : 112/2012 13 Cir!"#r No. : NB//B0D-/B/13/2012 13 T!e'(#), *#+!#r) 01, 2013. B%o+.&-) o ATM CARD '1"ou)1 SMS .S". No. : 133./2013 14 Cir No. : CS&NB/CS&NB-DEBITCRD/22/2013 14 ,4#r& 12,2014. ) . 16 BLOCK7s2!+e89999 to 5:;:;: !ro CardholderFs re#istered obile nuber o-%( $GGGG is the last , di#its o! State Bank Debit Card which Cardholder wishes to block(. 2. By lodging online request in Block ATM card under e!er"ices ta# in $ost login section o% &nline!B'. 3. By calling u$ t(e contact centre. Hot listing of Card be Done by Customer himself By calling at 24x7 Contact Centre through BSNL/!NL Landline "#$%%##22##& or through any other 'hone "%$%(2)*++++%& ). By gi"ing a *ritten request at t(e #ranc(+ *(ic( in turn eit(er calls u$ t(e contact centre or A%ter "eri%ication o% t(e custo,ers credentials+ '-B ,aker *ill lodge t(e request in Branc( 'nter%ace'-B and '-B c(ecker *ill a$$ro"e t(e request %or #locking t(e ATM card Hot listing of Card can also be done by Branch official through Contact Centre or by sending an email to contactcentre,sbi-co-in on .ritten re/uest by Customer ATM STUDY MATERIAL FOR PROMOTION 2014-15- BY PRADEEP KAND CM(SYSTEMS) SBLC PUNE !REEN REM"T #AR$ !R#% TRANSA#T"ON AN$ MONT&'( '"M"T EN&AN#EMENT Sl. No. : 123)/2013 14 Cir!"#r No. : CS&NB/CS&NB-/RC/23/2013 14 5ebr!#r) 12,2014) T&e /RC "imit i' R'. 22,000/- #+( mo+t&") tr#+'#tio+ "imit R'. 1,00,000/- per remitter. Th* l+,+- +. /*r r*,+--*r a01 0o- /*r car1. T&e remitter i' i(e+ti6ie( 6rom t&e i( proo6 e+tere( i+ CBS. C#r( i''!#+e &#r7e' R' 20/-. CARD TO CARD TRANSFER OF FUNDS (C2C) Sl. No. : 971/2012 13 Cir!"#r No. : IT//80B98IT-9T4/1./2012 13 Deember 2.,2012. Transaction Limit: i) Maximum amount: Rs.1!!!"# $%r transaction. ii) Maximum number of transactions: T&o $%r 'a(. c) C)ar*%s : NIL ') Tim% +imits ,or cr%'it: i) Within the same Bank On+in% (if the remitter and recipient are of the same Bank). ii) Between different Banks T-1'a( (between BI and !ssociates and between !ssociates) #2.-o,*r #har3*. 4or 2.* o4 O-h*r Ba05 ATM. For -ra0.ac-+o0. o6*r a01 a7o6* Fr** Tra0.ac-+o0. /*r,+--*1 78 RB" Sl. No. : 490/2012 13 Cir!"#r No. : NB//9T4-NB/-NB//3/2012 13 4o+(#),9!7!'t 13,2012.) #9or 0aving 2an; $ccount/#.beyond - transactions including enCuiry transactions8/# 9inancial Transaction 4A"# ,on#9inancial Transaction Rs ?"# #9or Current $ccount all transaction are chargeable. St#te B#+: $rep#i( C#r(' 4#+(#tor) $IN 6or #"" C#r( $re'e+t Tr#+'#tio+' (0l. ,o./ !D-"2046 5 4 Cir ,o./ C01,2"C01,2#(32*TCR("6A"2046 5 4 &,ov 2D&20468. A%% C!"# P"ese-' (CP) T"!-s!+'&o-s (&6e6< '"!-s!+'&o-s !' ATM !-# PoS delivery channels8 w.e.f. 4#(ec#2046. +*, is already mandatory for $TM transactions using +repaid Cards. PIN !' PoS &s -o' 0!-#!'e# *( RBI o" Se0&-C%ose# &-s'"u0e-'s $&=6< /&' C!"# !-# A+1&e$e" Cards. 'owever& a conscious decision has been ta;en by the 2an; that for all our prepaid cards i.e.& eE +ay Card& *mprest Card& %ift Card& $chiever Card& 0aral Money Card and 0tate 2an; 0mart +ayout Cards& +*, will be mandatory as second factor authentication for all Card +resent Transactions ATM STUDY MATERIAL FOR PROMOTION 2014-15- BY PRADEEP KAND CM(SYSTEMS) SBLC PUNE Re7i'tr#tio+ o6 Debit #r(' 6or reei,i+7 0T$ SE#URE$ #AR$ TRANSA#T"ON:For -ra0.ac-+o0 o6*r +0-*r0*-% Menu navigation. %o to www.onlinesbi.com .home page8. >nder Bther 0ervices 0elect 0ecured Card Transaction. The cardholder will select either 0ecured by Fisa& Master Card& Rupay depending upon the card he has . $ full presentation is available on 02GC +uneHI$lternate channel page8. The mobile number at C*9 level has been updated at bac;end. *n case customer is unable to register then branch will have to send a mail to epg.supportJsbi.co.in and sms.ascJsbi.co.in with the relevant details. . C!s1 3&'1#"!3!% !' SBI Po&-'-o-S!%e ( C!s1>POS ) (S%6 No6 4 ?@;A201B C 14 Cir,o. / C01,2"C01,2#M$2"6-"2046 5 4 &,ovember 0A&2046.8 The minimum amount of withdrawal will be Rs.400"# and thereafter in multiples of Rs.400"# subKect to maximum of Rs.4000"# per day per cardL O9ERAT"ONA' "NSTRU#T"ONS The card custodian cannot be a Custodian of +*, Mailers under any circumstances. The Cards& lying undelivered for a period of - days are to be recorded in the Register and 'otlisted. The +*, mailers& not delivered for a period of - days are to be recorded in the Register and destroyed effectively. R*4*r*0c* ATM MANUA'% ISSUANCE OF ATM-+u0-DEBIT CARD TO MINORS S". No. : 312/2003 0. Cir!"#r No. : IT//80B98IT-9T4/2./2003 0. 5ri(#),5ebr!#r) 01,200.. $ll 0avings 2an; and Current $ccount holders are eligible for issuance of $TM#cum# (ebit card& except in the following cases/# 4. $ccounts operated Kointly by all the account holders 2. Minors 6. *lliterate customers *t has been decided to issue $TM#cum#(ebit Cards to all minors who are eligible to open and operate cheCue boo; facility account. 9ootnote/# The $TM manual does not mention anything about the age of minor. 'owever the e#learning lessons mentions the age of minor to be eligible for card as 4. T1e 0&-o" s1ou%# *e !*%e 'o s&)- u-&o"0%(6 ATM STUDY MATERIAL FOR PROMOTION 2014-15- BY PRADEEP KAND CM(SYSTEMS) SBLC PUNE ATM FA#"'"T"ES FOR :"SUA''( #&A''EN!E$ 9ERSONS Sl. No. : 217/2012 13 Cir!"#r No. : NB//9T4-NB/-NB//1/2012 13 T!e'(#),*!+e 02,2012.) 9 'imp"e (e"#r#tio+ #' per 9++e;!re II '&o!"( be obt#i+e( #"o+7 <it& t&e #o!+t ope+i+7 6orm. 9 "e#r +oti+7 '&o!"( be m#(e o+ t&e 6ir't p#7e o6 t&e #o!+t ope+i+7 6orm #bo!t t&e obte+tio+ o6 t&e (e"#r#tio+.- T&e (e"#r#tio+ i' pre'e+t i+ t&e e-ir!"#r me+tio+e() ATM #OM9'A"NTS *t is mandatory for the ban;s to reimburse the customers& the amount wrongfully debited on account of failed $TM transactions& within a maximum period o ; 3o".&-) #!(s from the date of receipt of the customer complaint. 9or any failure to re#credit the customerMs account within A wor;ing days from the date of receipt of the complaint& the ban; shall pay compensation of Rs.400"#& 2e" #!(< to the aggrieved customer6 This compensation shall be credited to the customerMs account automatically without any claim from the customer& on the same day when '1e *!-. !o"#s the credit for the failed $TM transaction C1!")e*!+.4N is a claim raised by *ssuer ban;.Card issuing ban;8 on $cCuirer ban;. $TM ban;8 through (M0 portal of ,+C* for a disputed inter#ban; $TM transaction. $s per new guidelines& *ssuer ban; can raise the chargebac; within ?0 days after the date of transaction. 'ence& it is important that branch level functionaries lodge the complaints through CM0 immediately on receipt from the customer REPRESENTMENT / Bn receipt of chargebac; from the issuer ban;& $cCuirer ban; has to either accept it or reKect it by providing a copy of error free 3lectronic 7ournal .378"7+ 0ubmission of proof of successful transaction is termed as Representment. ,+C* has prescribed - calendar days for the ma;ing representment by submitting a copy of successful 37"7+. Btherwise& on the expiry of -th day& the claim of the other ban; would automatically become as deemed acceptance. De*&' !#Dus'0e-' refers to a chargebac; made by the $cCuirer ban; against the *ssuer ban; in the (M0 application of ,+C* for the O0hort CashM cases in their $TMs. This happens in the event of OCash dispensed but account not effectively debitedM cases. $cCuirer ban; can raise debit adKustments within 4A days after the date of transaction. *ssuer ban; can raise epresentment within - days after the date of debit adKustment chargebac;. 0ince 04.0A.2044& in case the *ssuing"$cCuiring ban; has failed to raise the dispute through the regular dispute redressal process of chargebac;& representment or debit adKustment& *ssuer"$cCuirer ban; can initiate %ood 9aith cases through (M0 of ,+C*. 2an;s can raise %ood 9aith within ?0 days from the date of Chargebac; "Representment" (ebit $dKustment expiry date. ATM STUDY MATERIAL FOR PROMOTION 2014-15- BY PRADEEP KAND CM(SYSTEMS) SBLC PUNE ATM EISTORY 9*R0T $TM in the world # 2arclays 2an; in Gondon in 4!?A 9*R0T $TM in *,(*$ # '02C in Pol;ata in 4!DA 9*R0T +02 to *nstall $TM in *,(*$ 5 *ndian 2an; *nstallation of 9*R0T $TM 2y 02*# $t 7amshedpur in 4!!6 ATM ,ENDORS $pplication software used at $0C# 2ase 2 supplied by $C* Qorldwide& 0ingapore Tandem 0erver of '+ 'imalaya 0eries is installed at $0C. *t is fail#safe& fault tolerant 1 highly scalable. +*, authentication hardware installed at $0C 5 'ost 0ecurity Module .'0M8 supplied by Racal& >P Connectivity to the $TM networ; is through 0tate 2an; Connect& F0$Ts and C(M$ Connectivity 0ervice +roviders/ 0ate 2an; Connect 5 (imension dataL F0$T 5 'CG ComnetL C(M$ 5 Reliance *nfocomm"T$T$ +29 >pdation +rocess at $0C is managed by Gaser 0oft *nfosystems Gtd. .G0*G8 ABBRIE,ATIONS *0(, # *ntegrated 0ervice (igital ,etwor; F0$T # Fery 0mall $perture Terminal C(M$# Code (ivision Multiple $ccess Promotion material is available on SBLC Pune site ( Lin! available un"er #umbai Cir$le an" S%&. 'n SBLC Pune home pa(e please $li$! on the lin! STUDY MATERIAL. )ll important e*$ir$ulars relate" to )lternate $hannel are available un"er +e*$ir$ular an" ,a$ult- $ontribution. on SBLC Pune /ome Pa(e. ) $ommunit- name" %' aspirants has also been ,orme" in SB0 )spirations. 0ntereste" sta,, members are re1ueste" to 2oin the (roup %' )spirants. Please sen" -our su((estions to pra"eep.!an"3sbi.$o.in
2009 North American Society For Sport Management Conference (NASSM 2009) Dimensions of General Market Demand Associated With Professional Team Sports: Development of A Scale