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National Minorities Development & Finance Corporaiton: NMDFC

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(A Govt. Undertakin ! Mini"tr# o$ Minorit# A$$air"% Core &! &"t F'oor! SCOPE Minar! La()i Na ar! De'*i + &&, ,-. NMDFC/" Re0r1it)ent Advt. No. ,&2 &3 The National Minorities Development & Finance Corporation (NMDFC) was set up on 30 th September, !!" an# is $unctionin% un#er the a#ministrative control o$ Ministr& o$ Minorit& '$$airs, (overnment o$ )n#ia, with an ob*ective to promote the economic & #evelopmental activities $or the bene$it o$ the +,ac-war# Sections. amon%st the noti$ie# Minorities/ The NMDFC has authori0e# share capital o$ 1s/ 200/00 Crores/ For More #etails, re$er our website 3 www/nm#$c/or%/ The Corporation is loo-in% $or $illin% up the $ollowin% posts on #irect recruitment basis/ SECTION + A (VACANCIES% 34 / Genera' Mana er (Pro4e0t"% (& 5 Po"t% (Unre"erved% a/ Pa# S0a'e 3 1s/ "3500436477000 ()D') b/ E""entia' 61a'i$i0ation" 3 8ost (ra#uate De%ree in 'rts 9 Science 9 Commerce 9 Social Science9 :eterinar& Science or ,achelor o$ ;n%ineerin% or C/'/9 )C<' $rom a reco%ni0e# an# repute# =niversit& 9 )nstitute/ c/ De"ira7'e 61a'i$i0ation" 3 M,' #/ E(8erien0e 3 Minimum > &ears out o$ which " &ears post ?uali$ication e@perience at Senior Mana%erial level in the $iel# o$ pro*ect i#enti$ication, pro*ect appraisal, pro*ect $inancin%, monitorin% an# evaluation o$ the schemes in ban-s 9 $inancial institutions 9 (ovt/ Deptts/9 8S=s or private sector or%ani0ation o$ repute/ e/ A e 3 Not e@cee#in% 20 &ears as on 0 /0 /50 "/ ./9 De81t# Genera' Mana er(Finan0e & A00o1nt"% (& 5 Po"t% (Unre"erved% a/ Pa# S0a'e 3 1s/ 37,700436475000 ()D') b/ E""entia' 61a'i$i0ation" 3 C'9C<'9M,' (Finance) c/ E(8erien0e 3 2 &ears e@perience out o$ which, 5 &ears post ?uali$ication e@perience at Senior Mana%erial level in the $iel# o$ Corporate 8lannin%, Financial 8olicies, Financial 'ppraisal, Mana%ement o$ Fun#s, )nvestment, 1ecover&, ,u#%etin% an# 'ccountin%, Ta@ation, 'u#it with speciali0e# e@perience o$ pro*ect Finance & recover& s&stem in lar%e ban- 9 Financial )nstitute9(ovt/ Department98S=s or 8vt/ Sector o$ repute/ #/ A e 3 Not e@cee#in% 20 &ears as on 0 /0 /50 "/ :. C*ie$ Mana er (Pro4e0t"% (&5Po"t% (Re"erved $or O;C% a/ Pa# S0a'e 3 1s/ 5! 0043642"200()D') b/ E""entia' 61a'i$i0ation" 3 (i) 8ost %ra#uate #e%ree in 'rts 9 Science 9 Commerce 9 Social Science9 :eterinar& Science or ,achelor o$ ;n%ineerin% or C/'/9 )C<' $rom reco%ni0e# an# repute# universit& 9institute c/ De"ira7'e 61a'i$i0ation" 3 (ii) Master o$ ,usiness '#ministration (M,') #/ E(8erien0e 3 0 &ears e@perience out o$ which 0A &ears post ?uali$ication e@perience at Mi##le Mana%erial level in the $iel# o$ 8ro*ect )#enti$ication, Scrutin&, 'ppraisal, ;@ecution & ;valuation in ban-s 9$inancial institutions 9 (ovt/ Deptt 98ublic sector un#erta-in%s or private sector or%ani0ation o$ repute / e/ '%e 3 Not e@cee#in% "0 &ears as on 0 /0 /50 "/

3/ A""i"tant Mana er (Finan0e & A00o1nt"% (. 5 Po"t"% (& 8o"t i" re"erved $or O;C and & 8o"t i" re"erved $or SC Cate or#% a/ Pa# S0a'e < 1s/ 7"004364"0200 ()D') b/ E""entia' 61a'i$i0ation3 i) C' 9 )C<' 9 M,' (Finance)/ c/ E(8erien0e 3 2 &ears e@perience out o$ which 3 &ears shoul# be o$ Supervisor& level in the $iel# o$ Corporate plannin%, Financial 8olicies, Financial 'ppraisal, Mana%ement o$ Fun#s, )nvestment 1ecover&, ,u#%etin% an# 'ccountin%, Ta@ation, 'u#it with speciali0e# e@perience o$ 8ro*ect, Finance an# recover& s&stem in lar%e ban- 9 Financial )nstitute 9 (ovt/ Department 9 8S=s or 8vt/ Sector o$ repute/ ii) Bnowle#%e o$ computer/ #/ A e 3 Not e@cee#in% 35 &ears as on 0 /0 /50 "/ =/ CCT501) 5Co)81ter O8erator (& 5 Po"t% (Re"erved $or ST% a/ Pa# S0a'e < 1s/ 220436450220 ()D') b/ E""entia' 61a'i$i0ation3 (ra#uate in an& #iscipline $rom a reco%ni0e# =niversit& with si@ months Diploma 9 Certi$icate in Computer 'pplication $rom a reco%ni0e# =niversit& 9 )T) 9 )nstitute an# T&pin% Spee# o$ "0 wpm in ;n%lish an# Cin#i c/ E(8erien0e 3 (i) Dne &ear e@perience in the relevant $iel# o$ repute# 8S= 9 (ovt/ 9 8rivate Dr%ani0ation #/ A e3 Not e@cee#in% 57 &ears as on 0 /0 /50 "/ SECTION + ; (GENERAL INFORMATION% 34 / 1eservation o$ vacancies an# concessions to Sche#ule# Castes9Sche#ule# Tribes9D,C, ;@4 Servicemen, 8h&sicall& Can#icappe# an# other cate%ories will be re%ulate# as per #irectives9instructions issue# b& the (overnment9Department o$ 8ublic ;nterprises $rom time to time/ Can#i#ates who ha# #omicile# in the Bashmir #ivision o$ the state o$ the Eammu an# Bashmir will be %iven rela@ation as per (ovt/ o$ )n#iaFs or#ers issue# $rom time to time/ )n a##ition to pa& & Dearness 'llowance (on )D' pa& pattern), other allowances presentl& a#missible will inclu#e house rent allowance G 306 o$ the basic pa&, per-s & per?uisites as per ca$eteria approach, Heave, Me#ical Facilit&, HTC 9 ;ncashment o$ sel$ & $amil& o$ 'll )n#ia HTC, C8F an# (ratuit& etc/ as per the rules o$ the corporation/ Mana%ement reserves the ri%ht to up%ra#e the minimum eli%ibilit& criteria $or the purpose o$ short4listin% the can#i#ates to be calle# $or the interview with a view to restrict number o$ can#i#ates to be consi#ere# in proportion o$ the vacancies/ '%e limit an# e@perience will be rec-one# as on 0 /0 /50 " $or all posts/ Dther thin%s bein% e?ual, special consi#eration to the minorities will be %iven in the selection as per (ovt/ o$ )n#ia %ui#elines/ 'pplication not in con$irmit& with the a#vertisement an# its $ormat, mo#e o$ post 9 #a- an# receive# a$ter the closin% #ate are liable to be re*ecte# an# no communication or ?uer&, whatsoever ma& be, will be entertaine# in this re%ar#/ 'pplicants wor-in% with (ovt/ 9 8S= 9 Statutor& 9 'utonomous ,o#ies shoul# appl& throu%h proper channel or submit the No O74e0tion Certi$i0ate at the time o$ )nterview/ The selecte# can#i#ate9s shoul# be able to *oin at the earliest as ma& be #eci#e# b& the corporation/ )n case o$ recruitment to the post o$ CCT4cum4Computer Dperator, personal interview will be $ollowe# in respect o$ the can#i#ates who ?uali$& the s-ill test/ ' citi0en o$ )n#ia or an& other person(s) #eclare# b& the (ovt/ o$ )n#ia as eli%ible $or such emplo&ment $rom time to time, onl& nee#s to appl&/


3/ "/ 2/ 7/ >/ A/ !/ 0/


/ 5/ 3/ "/ 2/ 7/ >/

The appointment to the above posts shall be sub*ect to $urther compliance o$ provisions o$ the 1ecruitment, 8romotion & Seniorit& 1ules 50 3 o$ the NMDFC, wherever applicable/
All appointments will be subject to medical fitness as per NMDFCs rules. No correspondence will be entertained from the candidates not called for interviews. Any corrigendum clarifications on this advertisement! if necessary! shall be uploaded on NMDFCs website and no separate press coverage is envisaged for this purpose. All disputes cases related to this recruitment process are subject to jurisdiction of Courts at Delhi only. NMDFC reserves the right to c l o s e cancel restrict enlarge reopen m o d i f y the recruitment process either partly or wholly! if the need so arises! without issuing further notice or assigning any reason thereof.

A/ !/

The intereste# an# eli%ible can#i#ates ma& appl& strictl& in the prescribe# pro$orma in plain A3 "i>e paper as per enclose# Anne(1re + A/ The applicants shoul# sen# their applications onl& b& post (i/e/ b& re%istere# post with 'D or spee# post onl&) with $ull #etails alon%with recent passport si0e photo%raph to the A""i"tant Genera' Mana er (?RM & Ad)in.%! Nationa' Minoritie" Deve'o8)ent & Finan0e Cor8oration! SCOPE Minar! Core &! &"t F'oor! La()i Na ar! De'*i + &&, ,-. within "2 #a&s $rom the #ate o$ publication o$ this a#vertisement subscribin% the seale# envelope as +A88'i0ation $or t*e 8o"t o$ 5555555. For States li-e 'ssam, 'runachal 8ra#esh, Mi0oram, Manipur, Me%hala&a, Na%alan#, Tripura, Si--im an# Ha#a-h Division o$ Eammu & Bashmir State, Hahaul4Spiti District an# 8an%i Sub4Division o$ Chamba District o$ Cimachal 8ra#esh, 'n#aman & Nicobar )slan# an# Ha-sha#eep, applications $rom the intereste# an# eli%ible can#i#ates shoul# reach within 25 #a&s $rom the #ate o$ publication o$ this a#vertisement/ The corporation shall not be hel# responsible $or an& #ela& in receipt or loss in postal transit o$ an& application sent b& the can#i#ates in response to press a#vertisement, emplo&ment re?uisition, #epartmental noti$ication etc/
"ther information and #nstructions etc. for filling $ submission of the Application Form are given as per enclosed Annexure B. The a#vertisement an# application $ormat

can also be #ownloa#e# $rom our website www/nm#$c/or%/ 50/ This '#vertisement is issue# in supersession o$ the earlier a#vertisement issue# on #ate# 30/03/50 3 in ;mplo&ment News, in Times o$ )n#ia & Navbharat Times on #ate# 3/03/50 3/ 95 / The $inal appointment to the post o$ Deput& (eneral Mana%er (Finance & 'ccounts) is sub*ect to the $inal outcome o$ the Special Heave 8etition(Civil) No/32A " o$ 50 pen#in% in the ConFble Supreme Court o$ )n#ia/


Anne(1re 5 ; OT?ER INFORMATION AND I NSTRUCTIONS FOR FILLING UP T?E APPLICATION FORM Bin#l& ma-e sure that all the instructions %iven below are complie# with, $ailin% which &our application is liable to be re*ecte#/ / 'pplication shoul# be strictl& as per prescribe# $ormat/ 5/ 'll entries in this $orm shoul# be t&pe# or own han# written neatl&/ 3/ Submission o$ this $orm involves no commitment on either si#e an# no correspon#ence with re%ar# to the suitabilit& or otherwise o$ the applicant will be entertaine#/

"/ )ncomplete application will not be consi#ere#/ 2/ Sel$ 'tteste# copies o$ all certi$icates an# testimonials (i/e/ e#ucational, #ate o$ birth, reservation an# e@perience etc/) must be attache# with the $orm/ 'll enclosures to the application $orm shoul# pre$erabl& be o$ the si0e o$ application $orm an# all the sheets be properl& stitche# or ta%%e#/ Dri%inal De%rees9Certi$icates9Testimonials shoul# not be sent/ 7/ The name o$ the post applie# $or shoul# be clearl& in#icate# on the ri%ht han# corner o$ the envelope/ >/ 'll the in$ormation %iven in the application $orm shoul# be correct/ 'n& mis4 statement9suppression o$ $acts $or an& reason will ren#er the can#i#ate liable to re*ection an# even termination a$ter appointment/ A/ 'n& subse?uent chan%e in a##ress shoul# be communicate# to NMDFC/ <hile ever& care woul# be ta-en to recor# the chan%e in a##ress, however, the Corporation will not ta-e an& responsibilit&, whatsoever, $or #eliver& o$ interview letter on chan%e# a##ress/ The can#i#ates shoul#, there$ore, ensure $or re#irection o$ communications to their chan%e# a##ress/ !/ ' recent colour passport si0e photo%raph shoul# be a$$i@e# on the application $orm/ 0/ Can#i#ates belon%in% to SC9ST9D,C I NCH communities shoul# invariabl& attach atteste# cop& o$ the certi$icate $rom one o$ the $ollowin% authorities/ The D,C4NCH can#i#ate shoul# submit the certi$icate as per (ovt/ o$ )n#ia 1ules/ i) District Ma%istrate 9 '##itional District Ma%istrate 9 Collector 9 Deput& Commissioner 9 '##itional Deput& Commissioner 9 Deput& Collector 9 st Class Stipen#iar& Ma%istrate 9 Cit& Ma%istrateJ 9 Sub4Divisional Ma%istrate 9 Talu-a Ma%istrate 9 ;@ecutive Ma%istrate 9 ;@tra 'ssistant Commissioner/ J (not below the ran- o$ st Class Stipen#iar& Ma%istrate)/ ii) 1evenue D$$icers not below the ran- o$ Tehsil#ar/ iii) Sub4Divisional D$$icer o$ the area where the can#i#ate an# 9 or his $amil& normall& resi#es/

NMDFC iv) 'n& other competent authorit& authori0e# on such matter alon%with evi#ence thereo$/ / Canvassin% in an& $orm will lea# to #is?uali$ication/ 5/ The can#i#ates will be calle# $or )nterview 9 T e s t base# on certi$ie# in$ormation an# copies o$ atteste# certi$icates an# testimonials $urnishe# b& them/ The& must pro#uce the ori%inal #ocuments in support o$ their meetin% eli%ibilit& con#itions as per the a#vertisement at the time o$ )nterview, $ailin% which such can#i#ates will not be permitte# to appear $or the interview an# Travellin% 'llowance will not be reimburse# to them/ )n other cases, the Travellin% 'llowance to the outstation can#i#ates will be pai# as per T' 9 D' 1ules o$ NMDFC (to & $ro)/ 3/ Merel& $ul$illin% o$ eli%ibilit& criteria shall not con$er an& ri%ht to the applicant $or bein% calle# $or interview 9 test 9 emplo&ment in the NMDFC/ "/ Dther thin%s bein% e?ual, eli%ible an# suitable can#i#ates with a##itional relevant pro$essional ?uali$ication, e@perience etc/ will be %iven pre$erence/

2/ ;@tra sheet ma& be a##e# wherever space is insu$$icient/

Anne(1re 5 A

Nationa' Minoritie" Deve'o8)ent & Finan0e Cor8oration

(A Govt. Undertakin ! Mini"tr# o$ Minorit# A$$air"! Govt. o$ India% Re0r1it)ent Advt. No. ,& 2&3 APPLICATION FOR T?E POST OF @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Name o$ the post applie# $or 8a& scale

8lease a$$i@ &our recent passport si0e photo%raph

(a) (b)




(b) (c) (#) 3/ (a) (b) (c) (#) "/ (a) (b) 2/ (a)

Telephone No/ 3 D$$ice Mobile No/ Come Town Date o$ ,irth ;@act '%e State to which &ou belon% Nationalit& Cate%or& 3 SC ST


)n case SC9ST9D,C, state Caste 9 Tribe 'lso attach atteste# cop& o$ Certi$icate $rom prescribe# authorit&/ Se@ 3 Male 9 Female (b) Marital Status 3 Sin%le 9 Marrie# 9 <in#owe# 9 Divorcee


AC ADEMIC & PROFESSIONAL QU ALIFICATIONS (Starting fr ! SSC" #$t% C&a''( College #nstitution Month $ (ear of )assing *oard +niversity #nstitute Class Division , age of mar-s C.)A obtained Main subjects speciali/ation studied

&'amination Degree passed

0. i1 ii1

PARTICULARS OF E)PERIENCE 2otal &'perience post 3ualification 4 (ears Months

Details of e'perience starting from present with scales. )lease give details of different positions held in each "rgani/ation with dates. 6hether in .ovt. )7+ )rivate MMC N." Academics others 57pecify clearly1 )eriod of &mployment Designation )osition held )ay 7cale and *asic )ay 2otal &molu8 ments &'act nature of duties functions 9easons for leaving

&mployers name $ complete address 5start from present employer1



:. ;.

Nature of present employment i.e. 9egular Ad8hoc 2emporary )ermanent #n case the present employment is held on Deputation Contract basis! please state 8 a1 b1 2he date of initial appointment )eriod of appointment on deputation contract 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

4 4 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

=>. ==. =?. =@. =A. =B. =%.

Nature of the business of the present employer 2urnover of the Company during ?>=?8=@ 5for other than .ovt. and )7+1 Details of outstanding loans with the present &mployer No. of days re3uired for joining! if offered! For joining including notice period Due date for ne't promotion Notice period re3uired Canguages -nown

=0. 5a1

*ENERAL INFORMATION Details of salary being drawn in the present post as on the date of application 48

S+a&e' f Pa, (CDA"IDA(

Date f entr, in t%e '+a&e

Date f next in+re!ent

Ba'i+ Pa,

S-e+ia& Pa,. if an/


T ta&


Details of other allowances $ per-s 48

=:. 5a1

#f retired from .ovt. Defence 7ervices etc. give details of pension e3uivalent of pensionary benefits 48 *asic )ay and total salary acceptable in NMDFC 5b1 Minimum time re3uired to Doin! if selected

=;. Eave you ever been arrested in a criminal cases or convicted! fined or imprisoned for violation of any law 5e'cluding minor traffic violation1 or is any disciplinary vigilance case pending ever instituted against you or have you been barred dis3ualified by a )ublic 7ervice Commission +niversity or any other educational authority from appearing in its e'aminations F (&7 N"

#f G(es give details

# C&92#F( 2EA2 4 5a1 2he information furnished above is correct. 5b1 My application has has not been forwarded through proper channel. 5c1 At any stage! if it is found that any of the above information is incorrect and or is suppressed! the management of NMDFC shall have the right to ta-e any action! as deemed fit as per e'tant rules.

(Signature f A--&i+ant( Date 4 <<<<<<<<<<<<< )lace 4 <<<<<<<<<<<<<

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