Bar Examination 2006 Labor and Social Legislation
Bar Examination 2006 Labor and Social Legislation
Bar Examination 2006 Labor and Social Legislation
3 September 2006
2 P.M. -5 P.M.
INSTRUCTIONS This questionnaire consists of fifteen (15) numbers containe in se!en (") pa#es. $ea each question !er% carefu&&%. 'ns(er legibly, clearly, an concisely. Start each number on a separate pa#e) an ans(er to a sub-question un er the same number ma% be (ritten continuous&% on the same pa#e an imme iate&% succee in# pa#es unti& comp&ete . *o not repeat the question. ' mere +,es+ or +-o+ ans(er (ithout an% correspon in# iscussion (i&& not be #i!en an% cre it. .'-* /- ,01$ -0T23004 5/T. T./S 612ST/0--'/$2 700* 8194:::
P82'S2 9.294 T.2 -1M32$ 0; P'72S /- T./S S2T 5'$-/-7< -0T ;0$ S'82 0$ 1-'1T.0$/=2* 1S2
LABOR AND SOCIAL LEGISLATION -/1. 5hat is the purpose of &abor &e#is&ation> 2.5? 2. 5hat is the concept of &ibera& approach in interpretin# the 8abor 9o e an its /mp&ementin# $u&es an $e#u&ations in fa!or of &abor> 2.5? 3. 5hat propert% ri#ht is conferre upon an emp&o%ee once there is an emp&o%er-emp&o%ee re&ationship> *iscuss brief&%. 5? - // 5on er Tra!e& an Tours '#enc% (5TT') is a (e&& @no(n tra!e& a#enc% an an authoriAe sa&es a#ent of the Phi&ippine 'ir 8ines. Since maBorit% of its passen#ers are o!erseas (or@ersC 5TT' app&ie for a &icense for recruitment an p&acement acti!ities. /t state in i.ts app&ication that its purpose is not for profit but to he&p ;i&ipinos fin emp&o%ment abroa . Shou& the app&ication be appro!e > 5? - /// 9an an o!erseas (or@er refuse to remit his earnin#s to his epen ents an eposit the same in the countr% (here he (or@s to #ain more interests> 2Dp&ain. 5? - /E ;or humanitarian reasonsC a ban@ hire se!era& han icappe (or@ers to count an sort out currencies. Their emp&o%ment contract (as for siD (6) months. The ban@ terminate their emp&o%ment on the #roun that their contract has eDpire promptin# them to fi&e (ith the 8abor 'rbiter a comp&aint for i&&e#a& ismissa&. 5i&& their action prosper> 5? -E9an an emp&o%er an an emp&o%ee enter into an a#reement re ucin# or
increasin# the minimum percenta#e pro!i e for ni#ht ifferentia& pa%C o!ertime pa%C an premium pa%> 5? - E/ 1. 5hen is there a (a#e istortion > 2. .o( shou& a (a#e istortion be sett&e > 3. 9an the issue of (a#e istortion be raise in a notice of stri@e> 2Dp&ain. 10? - E// /n a% (as emp&o%e b% .errera .ome /mpro!ementsC /nc. (.errera .ome) as interior ecorator. *urin# the first %ear of her emp&o%mentC she i not report for (or@ for one month. .enceC her emp&o%er ismisse her from the ser!ice. She fi&e (ith the 8abor 'rbiter a comp&aint for i&&e#a& ismissa& a&&e#in# she i not aban on her (or@ an that in terminatin# her emp&o%mentC .errera .ome epri!e her of her ri#ht to ue process. She thus pra%e that she be reinstate to her position. /n a% hire %ou as her counse&. /n preparin# the position paper to be submitte to the 8abor 'rbiterC eDp&ain the stan ar s of ue process (hich shou& ha!e been obser!e b% .errera .ome in terminatin# %our c&ientFs emp&o%ment. 5? - E/// The mo es of eterminin# an eDc&usi!e bar#ainin# a#reement are< a. !o&untar% reco#nition b. certification e&ection c. consent e&ection 2Dp&ain brief&% ho( the% iffer from one another. 5? - /G 'rmstron# 9orporationC a forei#n corporationC inten s to en#a#e in the eDp&oration of Phi&ippine natura& resources. Mr. 'ntonio $e%es offere
the forest &an he o(ns to the presi ent of the corporation. Ma% 'rmstron# 9orporation enter into a financia& an technica& assistance a#reement (;T'') (ith Mr. $e%es to eDp&oreC e!e&opC an uti&iAe the &an > 2Dp&ain. 5? -G'39 Tomato 9orporationC o(ne an mana#e b% three (3) e& er&% brothers an t(o (2) sistersC has been in business for H0 %ears. *ue to serious business &osses an financia& re!erses urin# the &ast fi!e (5) %earsC the% eci e to c&ose the business. 1. 's counse& for the corporationC (hat steps (i&& %ou ta@e prior to its c&osure> 2.5? 2. 're the emp&o%ees entit&e to separation pa%> 2.5? /f the reason for the c&osure is ue to o& a#e of the brothers an sisters< 1. /s the c&osure a&&o(e b% &a(> 2.5? 2. 're the emp&o%ees entit&e to separation benefits> 2.5? - G/ 's a resu&t of bar#ainin# ea &oc@ bet(een $0S2 9orporation an $0S2 2mp&o%ees 1nionC its members sta#e a stri@e. *urin# the stri@eC se!era& emp&o%ees committe i&&e#a& acts. The compan% refuse to #i!e in to the unionFs eman s. 2!entua&&%C its members informe the compan% of their intention to return to (or@. 10? 1. 9an $0S2 9orporation refuse to a mit a&& the stri@ers> 2. 'ssumin# the compan% a mits a&& the stri@ersC can it &ater on ismiss those emp&o%ees (ho committe i&&e#a& acts> 3. /f ue to the pro&on#e stri@eC $0S2 9orporation hire rep&acementsC can it refuse to a mit the rep&ace stri@ers> - G// *urin# their probationar% emp&o%mentC ei#ht (I) emp&o%ees (ere berate an insu&te b% their super!isor. /n protestC the% (a&@e out. The super!isor shoute at them to #o home an ne!er to report bac@ to
(or@. 8aterC the personne& mana#er require them to eDp&ain (h% the% shou& not be ismisse from emp&o%ment for aban onment an fai&ure to qua&if% for the positions app&ie for . The% fi&e a comp&aint for i&&e#a& ismissa& a#ainst their emp&o%er. 's a 8abor 'rbiterC ho( (i&& %ou reso&!e the case> 10? - G/// 1. 9an a +no-union+ (in in a certification e&ection> 2.5? 2. 5hen oes a +run-off+ e&ection occur> 2.5? - G/E *etermine (hether the fo&&o(in# minors shou& be prohibite from bein# hire an from performin# their respecti!e uties in icate hereun er< 5? 1. ' 1"-%ear o& bo% (or@in# as a miner at the 5a&(a& i Minin# 9orporation. 2. 'n 11-%ear o& bo% (ho is an accomp&ishe sin#er an performer in ifferent parts of the countr%. 3. ' 15-%ear o& #ir& (or@in# as a &ibrar% assistant in a #ir&sF hi#h schoo&. H. ' 16-%ear o& #ir& (or@in# as a mo e& promotin# a&coho&ic be!era#es. 5. ' 1"-%ear o& bo% (or@in# as a ea&er in a casino. - GE 's a con ition for her emp&o%mentC Josephine si#ne an a#reement (ith her emp&o%er that she (i&& not #et marrie C other(iseC she (i&& be consi ere resi#ne or separate from the ser!ice. Josephine #ot marrie . She as@e 0(enC the personne& mana#erC if the compan% can reconsi er the a#reement. .e to& Josephine he can o somethin# about itC insinuatin# some seDua& fa!ors. She comp&aine to hi#her authorities but to no a!ai&. She hires %ou as her counse&. 5hat