Tender Quotation Notice For Hiring of Vehicles
Tender Quotation Notice For Hiring of Vehicles
Tender Quotation Notice For Hiring of Vehicles
Dated: 29-10-2013
Sealed quotations are invited ro! re"istered a"en#ies/re$uted trans$orters/ leet o%ners or &irin" o D.1, D.( %it& 'ello% nu!-er $lates on !ont&l' -asis. S.N. Vehicle Model Number of Vehicles Required !agon"R#$%&/T$T$ 'ndigo#$%& ( Remarks
t'$es o (e&i#les ) !odels re"istered as ta*is %it& trans$ort de$art!ent, +N,TD -earin" nos. D.T, D./, D.0,
T&e a-ove ve&i#le in "ood #ondition %ill -e &ired -' AUD on !ont&l' -asis initiall' or a $eriod o one 'ear as $er ter!s and #ondition en#losed in Anne*ure-2. T&e quotation s&ould rea#& t&e 3 i#e o t&e 4e"istrar, 5&arat 4atna Dr. 5.4. A!-ed6ar Universit', .ot&ian 4oad, 7as&!ere +ate, Del&i- 110 008 on or -e ore 12.00 $! on 19-11-2013. Tenderers s&ould read t&e tender do#u!ent #are ull' as en#losed and #o!$l' stri#tl' %&ile sendin" t&eir tenders. T&e ,o!$lete tender do#u!ent is availa-le at our AUD %e-site %%%.aud.a#.in.
$sst. Registrar#$dmin&
.ot&ian 4oad, 7as&!ere +ate, Del&i- 110 008, 2ND2A 9 Tele a*: :91-011-23;838<< 9 =e-site: %%%.aud.a#.in
$nne.ure"' T0RMS $N1 %2N1'T'2NS 32R H'R'N4 23 TH0 V0H'%50 1. 2. 3. 4. T&e rates !a' -e quoted or Diesel/,N+ run ve&i#les. T&e ve&i#les !ust -e re"istered in Del&i. Driver s&ould &ave a valid li#ense. T&e dead !ilea"e ro! "ara"e to "ara"e %ill not -e #ounted. T&e $a'!ent %ill -e released
on t&e -asis o entries !ade in t&e lo" -oo6. 5. 6. T&e -ill or ea#& !ont& s&ould -e su-!itted %it& t&e veri ied lo" -oo6 -' <t& o ea#& !ont&. T&e ve&i#le s&ould not -e !ore t&an t%o 'ears old and s&ould not &ave -een driven or !ore
t&an <0,000 7!s. T&e ve&i#le s&ould -e in $er e#t runnin" #ondition %it& t&e interiors o t&e ve&i#le to -e in e*#e$tionall' "ood #ondition. T&e A.,. o t&e ,ar s&ould -e in $er e#t order and runnin" #ondition. 7. No request re"ardin" #&an"e o driver -' t&e trans$orter %ould -e entertained durin" t&e
nor!al #ourse. >o%ever in e*#e$tional #ir#u!stan#es, %it& t&e $rior inti!ation to t&e Universit' at least t%o da's in advan#e, a su-stitute driver -e re$la#ed a"ainst t&e re"ular driver. ,o!$lete $ersonnel details o t&e driver s&ould -e urnis&ed %&o %ould %or6 as a su-stitute in $la#e o t&e re"ular driver. 8. T&e a"en#' s&all $rovide na!es and address, $&one no. et# o t&e driver and $oli#e
veri i#ation re$ort alon"%it& drivin" li#ense nu!-er o t&e driver ) #o$' t&ereo %&ile su-!ittin" a##e$tan#e o o er. 9. T&e driver de$uted on dut' s&ould not &ave an' re#ord involvin" $enal $ro#edures. >e
s&ould not &ave -een #&allaned or !ore t&an t%o o##asions. 2n #ase an' $arti#ular driver is requentl' #&allaned, t&e said driver %ill &ave to -e re$la#ed. ?urt&er in #ase an' #o!$laint o ras& drivin" or !is-e&aviour is -rou"&t to t&e noti#e o t&e Universit' aut&orities, in su#& #ases t&e trans$orter s&all i!!ediatel' re$la#e t&e driver.
@re eren#e %ill -e "iven to t&e -idder/trans$orter %&o %ould $rovide ne% ve&i#les to t&e
Universit'. 11. T&e $eriod o #ontra#t s&all -e initiall' or one 'ear and it !a' -e ter!inated at an' ti!e -'
4e"istrar, A!-ed6ar Universit', Del&i %it&out assi"nin" an' reason. 12. 0arnest Mone, 1e)osit #0M1& o 4s. A<,000/- B4u$ees ?ourt' ?ive t&ousand onl'C in
t&e or! o #rossed de!and dra t/$a' order dra%n in avour o A!-ed6ar Universit', Del&i s&all -e en#losed %it& t&e te#&ni#al -id o t&e tender do#u!ent. T&e DED o unsu##ess ul tenderer %ill -e returned a ter #o!$letion o t&e tender $ro#ess on request. Te#&ni#al -id re#eived %it&out DED s&all su!!aril' -e reFe#ted. 13. 6erformance Securit, 1e)osit: T&e su##ess ul -idder s&all -e required to de$osit a su! equivalent to +7 BTen )er cent& o t&e total (alue o t&e #ontra#t in -e ore #o!!en#e!ent o #ontra#t in t&e or! o 5an6 +uarantee/de!and dra t dra%n in avour o A!-ed6ar Universit', Del&i $a'a-le at Ne% Del&i. No interest s&all a##rue on t&is a!ount. T&e validit' o t&e @er or!an#e Se#urit' De$osit s&all #ontinue or a $eriod o t&ree !ont&s even a ter ter!ination o t&e #ontra#t. 14. ?D4/5an6 +uarantee %ill -e required to -e urnis&ed %it&in t%o %ee6s ro! t&e date o
a%ard o #ontra#t, ailin" %&i#& t&e %or6 order !a' -e #an#elled. 15. T&e (e&i#le s&all -e $ro$erl' insured and s&ould #arr' ne#essar' itness #erti i#ate ro!
#on#erned aut&orit' in#ludin" $ollution #erti i#ate. 16. T&e universit' %ill not -e lia-le to !a6e $a'!ent to%ards an' #&allan a!ount. T&e
Universit' %ould also not -e lia-le or an' loss #aused to t&e ve&i#les, t&e driver o t&e ve&i#le or t&ird $art' on a##ount o an' a##ident, !is&a$ or t&e t. T&e entire loss s&all -e $a'a-le -' t&e trans$orter %&ose ve&i#les are -ein" &ired -' t&e Universit' or its use. 17. T&e trans$orter s&all $rovide as and %&en need arises e*tra ve&i#les to t&e Universit' as $er
t&e a$$roved rates. 18. T&e a"en#' s&all -ear all #osts on a##ount o uel, oil, s$ares, #o!$re&ensive insuran#e,
re$airs and !aintenan#e et#. o t&e ve&i#les. T&e salar' and ot&er #&ar"es o t&e driver s&all also -e -orne -' t&e a"en#'. 19. T&e a"en#' s&ould a-ide -' rules laid do%n -' t&e universit' aut&orities, relevant to
de$lo'!ent o ve&i#le. 20. 2n #ase o an' -rea6do%n o ve&i#le on dut', t&e trans$orter s&all !a6e arran"e!ent or
re$la#e!ent o ve&i#le and t&at !ilea"e ro! #arria"e to t&e $oint o -rea6do%n s&all not -e $a'a-le -' t&e Universit'.
(isit to an' $la#e outside Del&i s&all -e treated as lo#al $rovided it does not involve ni"&t
(e&i#le s&all -e !ade availa-le on all da's in#ludin" Sunda's ) >olida's as and %&en
required. 23. 24. T&e a"en#' s&all $rovide statutor' -ene its to t&e drivers as !a' -e a$$li#a-le. 2 t&e ve&i#le is out o order, t&e #ontra#tor s&all $rovide su-stitute ve&i#le i!!ediatel'. 2n
#ase, ve&i#le does not re$ort on ti!e/does not re$ort at all, t&e re"istrar o t&e Universit' %ill &ave a ri"&t to &ire an' ot&er ve&i#le ro! t&e !ar6et and t&e additional #ost in#urred -' t&e Universit' s&all -e dedu#ted ro! t&e a!ount $a'a-le to t&e trans$orter at t&e end o ea#& !ont&. 25. 5idder s&ould si"n and sta!$ on all $a"es o &is tender do#u!ent as a to6en o a##e$tan#e o ter!s and #onditions stated &erein. 26. Darnest !one' %ill -e or eited i t&e a"en#' ails to #o!!en#e t&e servi#e as $er t&e a%ard
letter, alon"%it& rates and a!ount. T&e Tenderer s&ould not %rite an' #onditions or !a6e an' #&an"es, additions, alterations and !odi i#ations in t&e $rinted or! o tender. 27. $n undertaking to the effect that the agenc, ha8e not been black listed -' an' o t&e
De$art!ents/3r"aniGin" o t&e +overn!ent, ,entral +overn!ent or State +overn!ent -e su-!itted %it& t&e -id do#u!ents. 28. 29. reason. 30. T&e irst #over o t&e quotation s&all -e su$er s#ri-ed as technical bid and se#ond #over No interest on se#urit' de$osit and earnest !one' de$osit s&all -e $aid to t&e tenderer. T&e rates %ill -e valid u$to t&e $eriod o one 'ear or till t&e #ontra#t $eriod %&i#&ever is
later ro! t&e date o a%ard/su$$l' o ve&i#les and no in#rease in rates %ill -e allo%ed due to an'
s&all -e su$er s#ri-ed as financial bid. T&e DED S&ould -e atta#&ed %it& Te#&ni#al 5ids. 5ot& t&ese envelo$es a ter -ein" sealed $ro$erl' !a' -e $ut into anot&er sealed #over addressed to t&e 4e"istrar, AUD, .ot&ian 4oad, 7as&!ere +ate, Del&i H 110008. 31. T&e te#&ni#al -id %ill -e o$ened on 19-11-2013 at 3.30 $.!. in t&e Ad!inistration o i#e o t&e AUD, 7as&!ere +ate, Del&i in $resen#e o t&e re$resentatives o t&e ir!s i an'. T&e inan#ial -id %ill -e o$ened onl' or t&ose ir!s %&o %ill -e te#&ni#all' quali ied. 32. T&e 5id %ill -e reFe#ted in t&e event o in or!ation -ein" ound alse or dete#ted in#orre#t or in#o!$lete at an' sta"e $res#ri-ed in t&e tender or an' ineli"i-ilit' -ein" dete#ted and no #orres$onden#e t&ereo s&all -e entertained, %&atsoever. 33. T&e 5id Se#urit' %ill -e or eited in t&e ollo%in" #onditions:-
(i) 2 at an' sta"e, an' o t&e in or!ation/de#laration "iven -' t&e -idder is ound alse. (ii) 2 a -idder %it&dra%s &is -id durin" t&e $eriod o -id validit' s$e#i ied in t&e ter!s and #onditions o tender. (iii) 2n #ase o an' la$se/de ault in &onourin" o t&e ter!s and #onditions at an' sta"e a ter su-!ittin" t&e tender. (iv) 2n #ase o inal sele#tion o -idder, i &e ails to enter into t&e #ontra#t or ails to urnis& $er or!an#e se#urit' in a##ordan#e %it& t&e ter!s and #ondition o t&e tender. 34. 35. 4e"istrar reserves t&e ri"&t to reFe#t an' or all tenderBsC %it&out assi"nin" an' reason. T&e AUD reserves t&e ri"&t to reFe#t an' or all tenderBsC %it&out assi"nin" an' reason. T&e
de#ision o t&e 4e"istrar in t&is re"ard s&all -e inal. No enquiries in t&is re"ard s&all -e attended. de#ision o AUD in t&is re"ard s&all -e inal. No enquiries in t&is re"ard s&all -e entertained. ,orres$onden#e durin" tenderin" $ro#ess !a' invite disquali i#ation. 36. T&e -idder s&ould &ave a Su$$ort ,entre o$eratin" in Del&i/N,4 Del&i and #o!$lete details in#ludin" tele$&one nu!-er or t&e sa!e !ust -e $rovided. 37. T&e universit' s&all dedu#t 2n#o!e Ta* at sour#e under 19A B#C o 2n#o!e Ta* A#t, 1981. 38. 2n #ase .-1 is !ore t&an one, t&en t&e Te#&ni#al quali i#ation o t&e Tenderer %ill -e t&e #riteria and t&e de#ision o AUD %ill -e inal. 39. 2n #ase o not ul illin" an' o t&e ter!s and #onditions t&e universit' %ill -e ree to #an#el t&e #ontra#t or lev' $enalt'. T&e universit' reserves t&e ri"&t to i!$ose $enalt' I 4s 2,000/- $er da' $er ve&i#les in #ase o not ul illin" t&e require!ents as $res#ri-ed.
: : :
_______________________________________________ Rs. 45,000/- in fa!o"r of Am#ed$ar %ni!ersity, &elhi' Ban$ draft/Ban$er*s +he,"e : __________________________ &ate -ss"in. &ate Ban$ / Bran0h :__________________________ :__________________________ :__________________________
The follo1in. do0"ments are re,"ired to #e en0losed 1ith the te0hni0al Bid:)) )roof of Re.istration 1ith Transport &epartment, 2o!t of N+T &elhi. *) (inim"m t"rno!er of the firm sho"ld not less than Rs. 50 3a$hs d"rin. the last finan0ial
year. Balan0e sheet of the firm d"ly 0ertified #y the +hartered A00o"ntant for the finan0ial years 4055-54 / 4054-4056 may #e en0losed.
+) The details of e7perien0e of the firm in the field of pro!idin. s"0h ser!i0es in +entral 2o!t.
Esta#lishments /A"tonomo"s #odies of 2o!t. 8f -ndia/+orporations of 2o!t. 8f -ndia/Rep"ted p"#li0 or.anisations may #e mentioned in the ta#"lar form .i!en #elo1: ' %AI"# OF %H 9l. No. Name of ,- RI N! ./OR0 'ON No. !ehi0le deployed 8f Remar$s
the )eriod
1) &"ly 0ertified 0opies of the satisfa0tory ser!i0es 1here the Tenderer is pro!idin. the
The detailed #id amo"nt for ea0h 0ate.ory of !ehi0les sho"ld #e .i!en in the Anne7"re----
5. 4.