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I would like to thank Mr. K. J. Barapatre !" #uide $or the trainin# $or pro%idin# !e
with the opportunitie& o$ &tud"in# learnin# and #ainin# pra'ti'al e(perien'e in
%ariou& )eld& durin# the period o$ trainin#. *i& in%alua+le &u##e&tion& not onl"
helped !e to rea'h the &u''e&&$ul 'o!pletion o$ the ta&k& a&&i#ned +ut al&o
!ade !e learn a lot. I would like to #i%e &pe'ial thank& to Mr Tarun Chaudhar" Mr
,.- -hekhawat $or helpin# !e throu#hout with hi& wi&e &u##e&tion& inno%ati%e
idea& and whole.hearted help. I want to thank Mr A.K -har!a Mr B. K. /a! and all
other& in the depart!ent who helped !e durin# !" work here. With pro$ound
re&pe't and #ratitude I take the opportunit" to 'on%e" !" thank& $or per!ittin#
!e to 'o!plete !" trainin# here.
Thi& the&i& pre&ent& a+out WMO 0Wirele&& Monitorin# Or#ani1ation2 and
the te'hnolo#ie& u&ed in !onitorin#. The" allo'ate #lo+al radio &pe'tru!
and &atellite or+it& de%elop the te'hni'al &tandard& that en&ure network&
and te'hnolo#ie& &ea!le&&l" inter'onne't. Thi& report de&'ri+e& the
&u!!er trainin# e(perien'e in the Wirele&& Monitorin# Or#ani1ation at
Ghitorni New Delhi. I worked on E&!eralda &o$tware -pe'tru! Anal"&er
*3 and 4*3 re'ei%er& alon# with %ariou& antenna&. In addition I 'a!e
a'ro&& the wirele&& !onitorin# 'on'ept. In thi& report I de&'ri+e !a5or
'o!ponent& u&ed in WMO and work done on the!.
I here+" de'lare that thi& &u+!i&&ion i& !" own work and that to the +e&t o$ !"
knowled#e and +elie$ it 'ontain& no !aterial pre%iou&l" pu+li&hed or written +"
another per&on nor !aterial whi'h to a &u+&tantial e(tent ha& +een a''epted $or
the award o$ an" other de#ree or diplo!a o$ the uni%er&it" or other in&titute o$
hi#her e('ept where due a'knowled#e!ent ha& +een !ade in the te(t.
-i#nature 6
Na!e 6
/oll No.6
Date 6
7. Introdu'tion
Depart!ent o$ Tele'o!!uni'ation
=. Monitorin#
Need $or !onitorin# 'ited %ia e(a!ple
T"pe& o$ Monitorin#
?. T"pe& o$ Monitorin# -tation&
3i(ed *3A4*3A:*3 &tation&
Mo+ile and A or &e!i )(ed *3 A 4*3 A :*3
Tran&porta+le 4*3A:*3 -tation& 8888888..
B. E&!eralda
C. /e'ei%er&
-o$tware& and Methodolo#" o$ *3 re'ei%er&
-pe'tru! Anal"&er
9. Con'lu&ion
Tele'o!!uni'ation i& re'o#ni1ed a& a ke" $a'tor in e'ono!i' 'o!!er'ial &o'ial
and 'ultural a'ti%it". -u''e&&i%e or +reakthrou#h radio 'o!!uni'ation
te'hnolo#ie& are e%ol%in# at a $a&ter pa'e than e%er and there$ore it
+e'o!e& %er" e&&ential that &pe'tru! &hould +e u&ed in a rational
eD'ient e'ono!i'al and eEuita+le !anner.
A &pe'tru! 0plural &pe'tra or &pe'tru!&2 i& a 'ondition that i& not li!ited to
a &pe'i)' &et o$ %alue& +ut 'an %ar" in)nitel" within a 'ontinuu!.
The ele'tro!a#neti' &pe'tru! &how& diFerent wa%e& whi'h are pre&ent
around u& and 'ould +e u&ed $or the +ene)t o$ hu!an +ein#&.
The&e $reEuen'ie& are u&ed $or the 'o!!uni'ation purpo&e& and )nd their
u&e a''ordin# to %ariou& $a'tor& like #eo#raphi'al 'ondition& weather ti!e
o$ da" et'.
EFe'ti%e and eD'ient &pe'tru! !ana#e!ent i& the ke" ele!ent $or en&urin# the
'o.e(i&ten'e o$ %ariou& radio 'o!!uni'ation network& without 'au&in#
inter$eren'e to ea'h other. Thi& !a5or re&pon&i+ilit" o$ !ana#in# &pe'tru! i&
handled +" IT: at world le%el.
ITU (International Telecommunication Union)
i& one o$ the a#en'" o$ :nited Nation& dedi'ated $or in$or!ation and
'o!!uni'ation te'hnolo#ie& +a&ed in Gene%a 'o!pri&in# o$ 7@7 Me!+er
-tate& and !ore than ;>> -e'tor Me!+er& and A&&o'iate& . It allo'ate&
#lo+al radio &pe'tru! and &atellite or+it& de%elop the te'hni'al &tandard& that
en&ure network& and te'hnolo#ie& &ea!le&&l" inter'onne't and &tri%e to i!pro%e
a''e&& to In$or!ation and Co!!uni'ation Te'hnolo#ie& to under&er%ed
'o!!unitie& worldwide.
Department of Telecommunication
In India the &pe'tru! !ana#e!ent i& #o%erned +" the depart!ent o$
tele'o!!uni'ation. It work& in har!on" with the IT:.
The !a5or $un'tion& o$ Tele'o! Co!!i&&ion in'lude6
3or!ulation o$ tele'o!!uni'ation& poli'"
Li'en&in# o$ tele'o!!uni'ation& &er%i'e&
A&&i#n!ent !onitorin# and 'ontrol o$ wirele&& &pe'tru!
Ad!ini&trati%e 'ontrol o$ tele'o! pu+li' &e'tor unit& 0,-:2
De%elop!ent and &tandardi1ation o$ tele'o!!uni'ation&
eEuip!ent and te'hniEue&
Cooperation with %ariou& international tele'o!!uni'ation&
Wireless Planning Coorination (WPC)
Win# o$ the Mini&tr" o$ Co!!uni'ation& G IT 'reated in the "ear
7@C= i& the National /adio /e#ulator" Authorit" re&pon&i+le $or /adio
3reEuen'" -pe'tru! Mana#e!ent in India. The W,C win# take& 'are o$
En&urin# proper a&&i#n!ent and prote'tion to IndiaH& re'ent and planned
reEuire!ent& o$ &atellite or+it po&ition& in International $oru!.
Orderl" a&&i#n!ent o$ radio $reEuen'" $or all u&er& in the 'ountr".
,rote'tion o$ National radio u&er& a#ain&t inter$eren'e $ro! other 'ountrie& a&
per the pro%i&ion& o$ international radio re#ulation& o$ the IT:.
3or!ulation o$ lon# ter! national $reEuen'" allo'ation plan& 0N3A,2 and poli'ie&.
,ilotin# IndiaH& propo&al& to take 'are o$ pre&ent and lon# ter!& intere&t& in
international radio 'on$eren'e& and !eetin#& 'on%ened +" IT: $ro! ti!e to ti!e .
En$or'e!ent o$ the pro%i&ion& o$ Indian Tele#raph A't 7<<C and rule& there
under &o $or a& the" relate to Wirele&& u&a#e.
In%e&ti#ation with IT: $or International in%e&ti#ation& on &pe'i)' 'a&e& +" wa" o$
parti'ipation in International !onitorin# 'a!pai#n&.
3or!ulation and i!ple!ent o$ national A't&A rule& in &o $or a& it& $un'tion& are
'on'erned. I
Condu't o$ e(a!ination& $or pilot& /adio oD'er& na%i#ator& on +oard &hip and
Air'ra$t a& per International &tandard&.
I&&ue o$ eEuip!ent t"pe appro%al& 0ETA2.
Grant o$ li'en&e to Wirele&& &tation& 0e('ept re'ei%er& $or +road'a&t re'eption2.
To 'lear &ite& $or wirele&& in&tallation&.
Li'en&in#6 It i&&ue& li'en&e on +ound 'ondition& that are to +e $ollowed &tri'tl".
'ondition& are $or!ulated keepin# in !ind J Error $ree tran&!i&&ion
Bandwidth /eEuire!ent
,ower ratin# o$ antenna
Antenna len#th
Nu!+er o$ tran&!itter& and re'ei%er&
Wireless !onitoring Organisation (W!O)
i& the )eld unit o$ W,C Win# whi'h i& entru&ted with the 5o+ o$
!onitorin# the /adio 3reEuen'" -pe'tru!. Wirele&& Monitorin# Or#ani1ation
0WMO2 al&o &etup in 7@C= i& re&pon&i+le $or &pe'tru! en#ineerin# plannin# and
allo'ationK $reEuen'" 'oordination and a&&i#n!ent ad!ini&tration !onitorin#
and i& e&&entiall" the e"e& and ear& o$ the Wirele&& ,lannin# G Co.ordination
0W,C2 Win# in the Mini&tr" o$ Co!!uni'ation G IT. Currentl" there are =;
!onitorin# &tation& in India. WMO en&ure&
Inter$eren'e re&olution
En$or'e!ent o$ li'en&in# 'ondition&
-pe'tru! &ur%eillan'e and In&pe'tion
Aid to &pe'tru! plannin#
Channel loadin# A&&i&tan'e
A&&i&tan'e to national u&er&
/adio /e#ulation BoardH& 0IT:2 !onitorin# 'a!pai#n
A&&i&tan'e to $orei#n Ad!ini&tration&
:nwantedA &puriou& e!i&&ion&
3ield &tren#th !ea&ure!ent&.
E!i&&ion +andwidth !ea&ure!ent&.
/e'ordin# o$ &pe'tru! o''upan'".
/adio dire'tion )ndin#
Identi)'ation o$ unauthori1ed &tation
Monitorin# o$ &pe'tru! i& e&&ential &o a& to !aintain a di&'ipline in the u&e
o$ %ariou& $reEuen'" allotted to %ariou& 'u&to!er&. It en&ure& that
e%er"one i& workin# in their &pe'i)ed li!it&. The" are not inter$erin# other&
in their proper $un'tionin#.
-pe'tru! i& +ein# u&ed eD'ientl" and people are #ettin# the Eualit" o$
&er%i'e $or whi'h the" ha%e paid.
Nee for !onitoring cite #ia E$ample
In Tata CDMA noi&e o''ur& due to inter$eren'e 'au&ed +" 'a+le
operator i.e. in the CDMA +and.
Ba&i' In&tru!ent u&ed6
/ohde and -'hwar1 Miniport /e'ei%er EB=>> and Gunn Antenna.
Channel with 4ideo -i#nal at <?9.C M*1 and Audio -i#nal at
<?@.=C> M*1 Thi& inter$ere& with the CDMA +and allo'ated to the Tata.
Thi& pro+le! o''ur& !ainl" due to +oo&ter or a!pli)er and al&o $ro!
i!proper in&ulation. The 'a+le operator& are per!itted to tran&!it
in$or!ation in the 'a+le& onl" and not in the outer &pa'e. Ba&i'all" it
ori#inate& $ro! the leaka#e o$ 'urrent $ro! the 'a+le& into the &pa'e
inter$erin# with the $reEuen'ie& allo'ated 'au&in# pro+le!.
-i#nal -tren#th6
*ere the 'hannel re$er& to the inter$erin# 'hannel o$ 'a+le operator in
Channel O33 J . 0= to
B2 dB Channel ON J L
== dB
,roper in&ulation i& reEuired i.e. either +" 'o%erin# the +oo&ter or
a!pli)er or +" tapin# the &tra" wire&. An alternati%e approa'h 'an +e u&ed
and the 'hannel 'an +e 'lo&ed.
,ara!eter& to +e 'he'ked durin# !onitorin#
o -- 0-i#nal -tren#th2
o 3reEuen'"
o O''upied Bandwidth6 Bandwidth !ea&ure!ent !ethod i&
&tandardi1ed +" IT: a& !ea&ured =9 dB +elow the peak %alue.
E(a!ple& o$ e!i&&ion
3 . 3reEuen'" Modulation ? M -in#le 'hannel analo#
in$or!ation E M Broad'a&tin#
A . A!plitude Modulation ? M -in#le 'hannel analo#
in$or!ation E M Broad'a&tin#
9 K*1 BW
Dete'tion Condition&6
Dete'tion on a !ini!u! le%el.
MIN T*/E-*OLD %alue i& u&ed.
Dete'tion on a thre&hold ran#e.
Between MIN T*/E-*OLD and MAN T*/E-*OLD
-AN 'orre'tion.
In &e!i.auto!ati' !ode onl"
T"pe& o$ Monitorin#
7. Net Monitorin#
It #i%e& in$or!ation a+out 'ountr" and area o$ !o+ile. It u&e& A/3CN
A+&olute radio.$reEuen'" 'hannel nu!+er BT- ID Ba&e Tran&'ei%er -tation
Identi)'ation Nu!+er CC Countr" Code and LAC Lo'al Area Code. In a
'ellular radio &"&te! a land area to +e &upplied with radio &er%i'e i&
di%ided into re#ular &haped 'ell& whi'h 'an +e he(a#onal &Euare 'ir'ular
or &o!e other irre#ular &hape& althou#h he(a#onal 'ell& are 'on%entional.
Cellular Network
The #roup o$ $reEuen'ie& 'an +e reu&ed in other 'ell& pro%ided that the
&a!e $reEuen'ie& are not reu&ed in ad5a'ent nei#h+ourin# 'ell& a& that
would 'au&e 'o.'hannel inter$eren'e. We #et to know a+out the area o$ the
!o+ile network u&a#e BT- ID and appro(i!ate lo'ation 'an +e $ound out.
=. Band A3reEuen'" &'annin# Monitorin#
Condu'tin# a &ear'h $or &i#nal& o%er a +and or ran#e o$ $reEuen'ie&
+" !ean& o$ a !anuall" or auto!ati'all" tuned re'ei%er. 3ollowin#
para!eter& are in%ol%ed6
-u+.ran#e Nu!+er
Mini!u! $reEuen'"
Ma(i!u! $reEuen'"
Dete'tion thre&hold
-'annin# &tepADete'tion )lter
-'annin# t"pe
Note6 The tunin# rate i.e. the $reEuen'" 'han#e rate !a" +e )(ed or
%aria+le or it !a" +e per$or!ed !e'hani'all" at low &peed or
ele'troni'all" at hi#h &peed.
?. Me!or" &'annin#
It i& &a!e a& $reEuen'" &'annin# a& $ar a& para!eter& are
'on'erned. The onl" diFeren'e lie& in it& !ode& and the $a't that the
'hannel& are &tored in !e!or" and 'an +e a''e&&ed ea&il" whene%er
reEuired. There are para!eter& and !ode& prede)ned +" IT:. The&e are
di&'u&&ed +rieO" here
I Manual !ode6
Me!or" &'annin# i& interrupted a& &oon a& le%el $ul)llin#
the dete'tion 'ondition& i& dete'tedK the &'annin# i& re&u!ed at
the operator reEue&t.
I In)nite &ta" ti!e !ode6
Me!or" &'annin# i& interrupted a& &oon a& le%el $ul)llin# the
dete'tion 'ondition& i& dete'tedK the &'annin# i& re&u!ed at the hold
ti!e de)ned +" the operator.
I -e!i.auto!ati' !ode6
Me!or" &'annin# i& interrupted a& &oon a& le%el $ul)llin# the
dete'tion 'ondition& i& dete'tedK the &'annin# i& re&u!ed at the
dwell ti!e de)ned +" the operator.
I /ated !ode6
Me!or" &'annin# i& interrupted on ea'h &'reened
'hannelK the &'annin# i& re&u!ed at the dwell ti!e de)ned
+" the operator.
I Auto!ati' !ode6
Thi& !ode i& Eui'ker to a'Euire and di&pla" le%el data.
Operator 'annot inter%ene in thi& !ode.
I Dwell ti!e6
It i& u&ed when !onitorin# i& in the rated or &e!i.auto!ati'
I *old ti!e6
It i& u&ed when !onitorin# i& in the In)nite &ta" ti!e !ode.
I Antenna6
It i& &ele'ted +" antenna &wit'hin# unit 'ontrolled dire'tl".
B. -pe'i)'A3i(ed $reEuen'" Monitorin#
In thi& !ode the re'ei%er i& &et to a $reEuen'". The u&er 'an
!odi$" the para!eter& to i!pro%e li&tenin# or to 'han#e the
,ara!eter& whi'h 'an +e altered are6
Tunin# $reEuen'"
-Euel'h and &Euel'h thre&hold
It i& u&ed to dea'ti%ate the audio output& when the &i#nal
le%el i& lower than the &Euel'h thre&hold.
It depend& on $reEuen'" +and. E.#. <<.> M*1 to 7><.> M*1 i&
allotted to
/3 *ead
It depend& on the +and and there$ore the $reEuen'" entered
Beat $reEuen'" o&'illator -ettin#& authori1ed $or &pe'ial e!i&&ion&
like A7A et'.
I3 3ilter Li&tenin#
3ilter dependin# upon the +and.
C. Mo+ile Monitorin#
The !o+ile !onitorin# &"&te! ha& +een 'on&tru'ted on a -wara5
Ma1da %ehi'le. The %ehi'le ha& +een di%ided into %ariou& i&olated &e'tion&
to a'hie%e the !onitorin# o+5e'ti%e&.
Broad Ar'hite'ture o$ MM- 0Mo+ile Monitorin# -"&te!26
I Operator& Ca+in
It hou&e& G,- re'ei%er. Antenna &wit'he& :,- air 'onditionin#
unit a !a&t $or in&tallin# antenna and &tora#e 'o!part!ent $or
&torin# %ariou& antenna&.
I Die&el Generator Ca+in
It hou&e& a !a&t and a ;.C K4A die&el #enerator
I Dri%er& Ca+in
It ha& air 'onditionin# unit and al&o a LCD &'reen 'onne'ted
with operator& 'a+in LCD.
/an#e6 0=> *1 M ? G*12
It i& a dire'tion )nder antenna hou&ed on the top o$ the
!a&t. Onl" u&ed when %ehi'le i& &tationar" i.e. the !a&t i&
lowered while !o%in#. It 'on&i&t& o$ two 'on'entri' arra"& with
)%e penta#onal &tru'ture dipole& .The dire'tion )nder prin'iple
work& on inter$ero!etr" prin'iple i.e. The diFeren'e in pha&e
o$ in'ident wa%e i& re&ult o$ the diFeren'e in the path o$ wa%e.
Thi& diFeren'e in path depend upon two para!eter&
Di&tan'e +etween the antenna
In'iden'e an#le o$ in'o!in# wa%e
NOTE6 Mo%e!ent o$ !a&t i& +a&ed on the &a!e prin'iple a&
h"drauli' li$t.
o /N=7?B
/an#e6 0=> M*1 M C>>M*12
It i& a pa&&i%e dire'tional 'ro&& lo# periodi' antenna
0%erti'al a& well a& hori1ontal polari1ation2. It ha& 9B ele!ent&
whi'h ha%e to +e &er%ed !anuall" to a )&h M +one &tru'ture.
Thi& )&h +one &tru'ture in turn ha& to +e atta'hed to the rear
!a&t ea'h ti!e !onitorin# ha& to +e 'arried out.
o /N=7?C
/an#e6 0=> M*1 M C>>M*12
It i& al&o a pa&&i%e dire'tional 'ro&& lo# periodi' antenna
0%erti'al a& well a& hori1ontal polari1ation2.The diFeren'e
+etween /N=7?B and /N=7?C i& that /N=7?C i& en'a&ed in a
)+re '"linder to prote't a#ain&t hu!idit" du&t and da!a#e. A
reOe'tor ha& +een added in the $ront o$ the antenna to
in'rea&e it& #ain al&o a LNA i& atta'hed $or +oth *A4
o /NB=>=
/an#e6 0=> M*1 M C>>M*12
It i& a hori1ontall" polari1ed O!ni.dire'tional pa&&i%e
o /NB?>7
/an#e6 0C>> M*1 M ? G*12
It i& a hori1ontall" polari1ed O!ni.dire'tional pa&&i%e
o /N7>?B
/an#e6 0?>> M*1 M ?>>>M*12
Thi& +i.'oni'al antenna i& a %erti'all" polari1ed O!ni.
dire'tional pa&&i%e antenna.
o /N7>=@
/an#e6 0?>> M*1 M ?>>>M*12
It i& a %erti'all" polari1ed O!ni.dire'tional pa&&i%e
o /NB=>9.@3
/an#e6 0@ K*1 M ?> M*1 04L3AL3A*3A4*32 => M*1 M ?>>> M*1
Thi& i& a 4L3AL3A*3A4*3 a'ti%e %erti'all" polari1ed O!ni
dire'tional antenna.
o G,- Antenna
Thi& antenna i& 'onne'ted to the G,- re'ei%er and i& not
u&ed $or !onitorin#.
I Antenna -wit'he&6
It i& a two 'hannel antenna &wit'hin# unit 'onne'ted to
the +a&e o$ dire'tion )nder antenna. It ena+le& to &ele't one o$
the antenna &u+ ran#e& and then to &wit'h a dipole +a&e to a
re'ei%er. It #enerate& a te&t &i#nal to te&t the whole dire'tion
)ndin# eEuip!ent.
-wit'hin# unit i& +roken down a''ordin# to the operation o$ the
The =>A;>> M*1 &ele'tor
The ;>>A?>>> M*1 &ele'tor
The a!pli)'ation output &ele'tor
The te&t o&'illator
AEA7@= i& hou&ed in the eEuip!ent ra'k and de&i#ned to
a''o!!odate &wit'hin# !odule&. The &wit'hin# unit i&
parti'ularl" &uited to re'ei%in# appli'ation& reEuirin# either
re!ote or !anual &ele'tion.
I EEuip!ent /a'k
/EC 7><
It i& a two to three 'hannel !ulti M ran#e re'ei%er u&ed +" the
Dire'tion 3inder and !onitorin# re'ei%er. When u&ed a& Dire'tion
3inder re'ei%er& it re'ei%e& &i#nal& $ro! antenna& )lter& de!and
'han#e& the! into the
a'Eui&ition $reEuen'ie& u&ed +" the radio dire'tion )nder&. When
u&ed a& !onitorin# re'ei%er it en&ure& re'eption ad
!ea&ure!ent& a& per IT: &tandard&.
I Indu&trial 'o!puter
It run& on WIN NT 0&p92 Operatin# -"&te! and ha& all the &Aw
ne'e&&ar" to a'Euire di&pla" and de!odulate data. It& !a5or
ele!ent& are6
P&har' Carai+e and P&har' Bia'
It i& a &i#nal pro'e&&in# +oard. It per$or!& dire'tion
)ndin# pro'e&&in# &u'h a& &pe'tru! anal"&i& and retrie%al
o$ the tran&!i&&ion& reEuired +" the Dire'tion 3inder
Cal :nit
ItH& an antenna Control and ,ower &uppl" unit. It
pro'e&&e& antenna &i#nal &ent to a Dire'tion 3inder
It& !ain ta&k& are6
To re'ei%e 4*3A:*3 &i#nal intended $or the Dire'tion
3inder /e'ei%er.
To ,ower the antenna &wit'hin# unit and the a'ti%e
antenna and
To /e'ei%er 'ontrol &i#nal $ro! the Dire'tion 3inder
/e'ei%er and &end the! +a'k to the antenna and
&wit'hin# unit
G,- /e'ei%er
It u&e& 'on&tellation o$ =B &atellite& and deter!ine&
the appro(. po&ition 0lon#itudeAlatitude and altitude2 on
I Ele'troni' Co!pa&&
It ha& an outdoor unit 'onne'ted to ,C. It in$or!& the
Dire'tion 3inder o$ the an#le $or!ed +" the re$eren'e a(i& o$
the antenna and true North dire'tion.
Ele'troni' Co!pa&& -o$tware u&ed i& E&!eralda LG ?>@ and LG
3i(ed *3 A 4*3 A :*3 -tation&
Thi& 'on)#uration !a" +e 'o!pleted +" !onitorin# antenna&
0o!nidire'tional or dire'tional2 $or hori1ontall" polari1ed tran&!i&&ion&.
!o%ile an & or semi '$e () & *() & U() Stations
E-ME/ALDA 'an +e inte#rated in a wide ran#e o$ %ehi'le 0B wheel
dri%e %an& et'.2 in'ludin# G,- re'ei%er !a#neti' 'o!pa&& a&
well a& nu!erou& option&6 re!ote e(ploitation $ro! the pa&&en#er
$ront &eat $or ho!in# appli'ation alternator inte#rated into the
%ehi'le en#ine or independent power &uppl" additional air
'onditionin# et'.
Transporta%le *() & U() Stations
E&!eralda Inte#rated &tation $or &pe'tru! !onitorin# i&
A uniEue &olution $or auto!ati' &pe'tru! !onitorin# 0@ K*1 M ?
Co!pliant with to the late&t IT: re'o!!endation& and
Monitorin# *and+ook edition =>>=
Auto!ati' &pe'tru! !onitorin# !i&&ion&
/elia+le and a''urate te'hni'al !ea&ure!ent& and radio )ndin#
Multipurpo&e and !odular6 autono!ou& &tation or network
re!otel" 'ontrolled &tation&
Antenna& per$e'tl" adapted to ea'h 'on)#uration
-i#nal anal"&i& and tran&!i&&ion& identi)'ation.
E&!eralda *ardware -etup
+" ,-./ operation soft0are for igital recei#ers
a2 De&i#n
It i& de&i#ned to 'ontrol and operate a &tation whi'h 'on&i&t& o$6
A di#ital re'ei%er
An a&&o'iated antenna network
A 'ali+ration #enerator
Antenna &wit'he& 'onne'ted to the eEuip!ent.
+2 3eature&
/e'eptionA li&tenin#.in
3i(ed $reEuen'" !onitorin#
-upport& 3reEuen'" and Me!or" &'annin#
)igure 12 +" ,-.
Tran&!i&&ion& de!odulation A )lterin#
IT: !ea&ure!ent& operation
Graphi'al and te(tual di&pla"& to take $ull ad%anta#e
o$ the ri'hne&& o$ a'Euired and !ea&ured data.
Auto!ati' &pe'tru! !onitorin# !i&&ion&
/eal ti!e de'odin# o$ data tran&!i&&ion&
+" 111/ operation soft0are for irection 'ners
Lo'al operation o$ radio dire'tion )nder&
*o!in# $or !o+ile &tation&
-in#le -tation Lo'ation 0--L2 $or dire'tion )nder& in *3
Graphi'al and te(tual di&pla"& to take $ull ad%anta#e o$
the ri'hne&& o$ a'Euired and !ea&ured data
/e!ote operation
E-ME/ALDA 0&tandard 'on)#uration2 inte#rate& a !ea&ure!ent
re'ei%er 'oupled to a radio dire'tion )nder.
Modular Con)#uration
() Recei#er (1- 3(4 5 ,- !(4)
o Thre&hold %olta#e 'an +e &et alon# with it the &i#nal
&tren#th 'an +e di&pla"ed in either dBu4 or dB!%
o 3reEuen'" and +andwidth are &et.
o Late&t *3 /e'ei%er +a&ed on Esmerala
soft0are &how& the &pe'tru! and al&o
operation& like $reEuen'" &'annin# and
!e!or" &'annin# 'an +e per$or!ed a''uratel".
/ohde and -'hwar1 4L3 M *3 E!$an#er /e'ei%er EK>;>
*()&U() Recei#er (,- !(46, "(4)
The de%i'e dri%er allow& the /ohde G -'hwar1 EB=>> Miniport
/e'ei%er to +e u&ed with /adio Control.
The 43O !ode 0i.e. the RCWA3i(edR
!ode2 The up. and download o$
!e!or" 'hannel& and
The de%i'e.internal &'an and &ear'h $un'tion 0M.-CAN and 3.
-CAN2 are &upported. In addition 'are ha& +een taken durin# de%i'e
dri%er de%elop!ent to $ull" &upport the 'on'urrent 'ontrol $eature o$
the EB=>> whi'h allow& &i!ultaneou& 'ontrol o$ the radio de%i'e e.#.
+" the u&er %ia the radio de%i'eS& $ront panel and /adio Control or +"
!ore than one appli'ation.
To a'hie%e thi& ai! the de%i'e dri%er handle& the e%ent& &ent +"
the EB=>> and $orward& &tate and %alue 'han#e& to /adio Control
whi'h 'an then rea't a''ordin#l".
3or e(a!ple when the u&er enter& a new $reEuen'" or &tart& the
&'anner dire'tl" on the radio de%i'e /adio Control i!!ediatel" rea't&
+" di&pla"in# the newl" entered $reEuen'" or +" &wit'hin# into &'an
4*3A:*3 /e'ei%er& 0?> M*1.? G*12
The&e re'ei%er& a%aila+le are porta+le in nature.
It in'lude& $eature& like &Euel'hin# attenuation and le%el &et et'.
-Euel'hin# M
Mutin# o$ Noi&e -i#nal
Le%el -et.
,eak le%el a%#. le%el et'
Bandwidth ran#e %arie& $ro! >.7C K*1 to 7C> K*1 and 'an i& u&ed
$or AM 3M CW :-B L-B ,ul&e !odulation te'hniEue&.
A3C 'ir'uit& are u&ed.
3reEuen'" &'annin# 'an +e done i.e. &'annin# o$ $reEuen'"
'hannel& +etween #i%en $reEuen'" ran#e.
Me!or" &'annin# 'an +e done i.e. &'annin# o$ $reEuen'"
'hannel& +etween #i%en $reEuen'" ran#e and &torin# the! in
!e!or" and re'allin# the! whene%er reEuired.
Late&t :*3A4*3 /e'ei%er +a&ed on Esmerala soft0are &how&
the &pe'tru! and al&o operation& like $reEuen'" &'annin# and
!e!or" &'annin# 'an +e per$or!ed a''uratel".
-a!e &o$tware i& u&ed i.e. Esmerala +ut the diFeren'e 'o!e& in
their ran#e.
Soft0are an !et7oolog8 of latest tec7nolog8 ()
Recei#ers 6
a2 E&!eralda LG ?>@ &o$tware
Late&t te'hnolo#" *3 /e'ei%er &er%in# Monitorin#
,urpo&e& 0-pe'tru! ABandwidth para!eter&2 alread"
di&'u&&ed +e$ore.
+2 Dire'tion )nder A lo'atin# unidenti)ed Tran&!itter
It i& u&ed $or )ndin# out the &i#nal dire'tion i.e. North -outh et'.
Dire'tion )ndin# 0D32 re$er& to the e&ta+li&h!ent o$ the dire'tion $ro!
whi'h a re'ei%ed &i#nal wa& tran&!itted. Thi& 'an re$er to radio or other
$or!& o$ wirele&& 'o!!uni'ation.
Trian#ulation Method
B" 'o!+inin# the dire'tion in$or!ation $ro! two or !ore &uita+l"
&pa'ed re'ei%er& 0or a &in#le !o+ile re'ei%er2 the &our'e o$ a
tran&!i&&ion !a" +e lo'ated in &pa'e %ia trian#ulation.
: C
)igure 1. Triangulation !et7o
It& lo'ation i& $ound out +" appro(i!ation i.e. +" takin#
%ariou& readin#& and appro(i!atin# it& lo'ation a& &hown in
)#ure a+o%e.
:&in# Qa#i Antenna
Dire'tion )ndin# o$ten reEuire& an antenna that i& dire'tional
0!ore &en&iti%e in 'ertain dire'tion& than in other&2. Man" antenna
de&i#n& e(hi+it thi& propert". 3or e(a!ple a Yagi antenna ha& Euite
pronoun'ed dire'tionalit" &o the &our'e o$ a tran&!i&&ion 'an +e
deter!ined &i!pl" +" pointin# it in the dire'tion
where the !a(i!u! &i#nal le%el i& o+tained. *owe%er to e&ta+li&h
dire'tion to #reat a''ura'" r e E u i r e & !u'h !ore &ophi&ti'ated
:&in# Loop Aerial Antenna
A &i!ple $or! o$ dire'tional antenna i& the loop aerial. Thi&
'on&i&t& o$ an open loop o$ wire on an in&ulatin# $or!er or a !etal rin#
that $or!& the antenna ele!ent& it&el$ where the dia!eter o$ the loop
i& a tenth o$ a wa%elen#th or &!aller at the tar#et $reEuen'".
-u'h an antenna
+e lea&t &en&iti%e to
that are nor!al to it&
and !o&t
re&pon&i%e to
tho&e !eetin# ed#e.on
due to the antenna
the diFeren'e +etween the %olta#e& indu'ed either &ide o$ it at an"
in&tant +e'au&e o$ the pha&e output o$ the tran&!ittin# +ea'on.
Turnin# the loop $a'e on will not indu'e an" 'urrent Oow6 think o$ the
radio wa%e &lippin# throu#h the loop. -i!pl" turnin# the antenna to
o+tain !ini!u! &i#nal will e&ta+li&h two po&&i+le dire'tion& $ro! whi'h
the &i#nal 'ould +e e!anatin#.
The N:LL i& u&ed a& &!all an#ular deOe'tion& o$ the loop aerial near it&
null po&ition& produ'e lar#er 'han#e& in 'urrent than &i!ilar an#ular
'han#e& near the loop& !a( po&ition&. 3or thi& rea&on a null po&ition o$
the loop aerial i& u&ed.
Dire'tion 3inder
The /e'ei%er i& porta+le and hen'e the readin#& 'an
+e taken ea&il". The lo'ation output i& di&pla"ed a&
latitude and lon#itude when two antenna& are u&ed
and their delta !ean i& 'al'ulated.
Spectrum 9nal8ser (;-- (4 6 , "(4)
A &pe'tru! anal"&er !ea&ure& the !a#nitude o$ an input
&i#nal %er&u& $reEuen'" within the $ull $reEuen'" ran#e o$ the
in&tru!ent. The pri!ar" u&e i& to !ea&ure the power o$ the &pe'tru!
o$ known and unknown &i#nal&
The input &i#nal a &pe'tru! anal"&er !ea&ure& i& ele'tri'al
howe%er &pe'tral 'o!po&ition& o$ other &i#nal& &u'h a& a'ou&ti'
pre&&ure wa%e& and opti'al li#ht wa%e& 'an +e 'on&idered throu#h
the u&e o$ an appropriate tran&du'er.
B" anal"&in# the &pe'tra o$ ele'tri'al &i#nal&
Do!inant $reEuen'"
Bandwidth and
Other &pe'tral 'o!ponent& o$ a &i#nal 'an +e o+&er%ed that are not
ea&il" dete'ta+le in ti!e do!ain wa%e$or!&.
The&e para!eter& are u&e$ul in the 'hara'teri1ation o$ ele'troni'
de%i'e& &u'h a& wirele&& tran&!itter&. The di&pla" o$ a &pe'tru!
anal"&er ha& $reEuen'" on the hori1ontal a(i& and the a!plitude
di&pla"ed on the %erti'al a(i&. To the 'a&ual o+&er%er a &pe'tru!
anal"&er look& like an o&'illo&'ope and in $a't &o!e la+ in&tru!ent&
'an $un'tion either a& an o&'illo&'ope or a &pe'tru! anal"&er.
-pe'tru! Anal"&er 0C>> *1 . ? G*12
o It i& u&ed $or %iewin# the &i#nal& pre&ent in a +and. -a" we
take Mariti!e di&tre&& and 'allin# i.e. 0B@C M C>C2 M*1 and
'an keep 'he'k +" %iewin#
the &pe'tru!.
o ,ro%i&ion o$ /BW 0/e&olution Bandwidth2 $or +etter
%i&uali1in# a& reEuired. It +a&i'all" )lter& +andwidth
&et $ro! ener#" plot.
Let u& take Maritime Distress and calling $or e(a!ple6.
o Range
It i& de)ned in the ran#e B@C M*1 . C>C.C M*1
o Parameters
We de)ne the para!eter&
in%ol%ed like :,,E/ AND LOWE/
We &et the upper and lower +andwidth a& C>C.C M*1
and B@C.> M*1 re&pe'ti%el".
o -TE,6
It re$er& to the &tep &i1e an i.e. inter%al a$ter
whi'h 'hannel i& &ear'hed or &i#nal i& pro'e&&ed.
Other para!eter& are &i!ilar to the pre%iou& one& like e!i&&ion
Then +" wat'hin# at the &pe'tru! we 'an ea&il"
identi$" 'hannel& in thi& +and 'orre&pondin# to the
-pe'tru! Anal"&er -o$tware
The !o&t &i#ni)'ant part o$ !" trainin# i& that I wa& a+le to
e(perien'e %ariet" o$ work done at WMO. The" allo'ate #lo+al
radio &pe'tru! and &atellite or+it& de%elop the te'hni'al
&tandard& that en&ure network& and te'hnolo#ie& &ea!le&&l"
inter'onne't. Monitorin# i& done =BN; round the 'lo'k and it&
ne'e&&it" i& under&tood. I worked on E&!eralda &o$tware
-pe'tru! Anal"&er *3 and 4*3 re'ei%er& alon# with %ariou&
I 'a!e a'ro&& the wirele&& !onitorin# 'on'ept. In thi& report I
ha%e de&'ri+ed !a5or 'o!ponent& u&ed in WMO and work
done on the!.
7. /adio /e#ulation&
=. IT: -pe'tru! Monitorin# *and+ook
?. Wirele&& and Broad+and
B. Wikipedia
C. www.wp'.dot.#o%.in

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