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User Information, Current Rule Chapters and Index: High Speed, Light Craft and Naval Surface Craft

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The content of this service document is the subect of inte!!ectu"! #ro#ert$ ri%hts reserved b$ Det Nors&e Verit"s AS 'DNV() The user
"cce#ts th"t it is #rohibited b$ "n$one e!se but DNV "nd*or its !icensees to offer "nd*or #erform c!"ssific"tion+ certific"tion "nd*or
verific"tion services+ inc!udin% the issu"nce of certific"tes "nd*or dec!"r"tions of conformit$+ ,ho!!$ or #"rt!$+ on the b"sis of "nd*or
#ursu"nt to this document ,hether free of ch"r%e or ch"r%e"b!e+ ,ithout DNV-s #rior ,ritten consent) DNV is not res#onsib!e for the
conse.uences "risin% from "n$ use of this document b$ others)
The electronic pdf version of this document found through http://www.dnv.com is the officially binding version
High Speed, Light Craft and
Naval Surface Craft
/ART 0 C1A/TER 2
User Inform"tion+
Current Ru!e Ch"#ters "nd Inde3
4UL5 6027
DNV is " %!ob"! #rovider of &no,!ed%e for m"n"%in% ris&) Tod"$+ s"fe "nd res#onsib!e business conduct is both " !icense
to o#er"te "nd " com#etitive "dv"nt"%e) Our core com#etence is to identif$+ "ssess+ "nd "dvise on ris& m"n"%ement) From
our !e"din% #osition in certific"tion+ c!"ssific"tion+ verific"tion+ "nd tr"inin%+ ,e deve!o# "nd "##!$ st"nd"rds "nd best
#r"ctices) This he!#s our customers s"fe!$ "nd res#onsib!$ im#rove their business #erform"nce) DNV is "n inde#endent
or%"nis"tion ,ith dedic"ted ris& #rofession"!s in more th"n 200 countries+ ,ith the #ur#ose of s"fe%u"rdin% !ife+ #ro#ert$
"nd the environment)
The Ru!es !"$ do,n technic"! "nd #rocedur"! re.uirements re!"ted to obt"inin% "nd ret"inin% " C!"ss Certific"te) It is used
"s " contr"ctu"! document "nd inc!udes both re.uirements "nd "cce#t"nce criteri")
8 Det Nors&e Verit"s AS 4u!$ 6027
An$ comments m"$ be sent b$ e9m"i! to rules@dnv.com
If any person suffers loss or damage which is proved to have been caused by any negligent act or omission of Det Norske Veritas, then Det Norske Veritas shall pay compensation to
such person for his proved direct loss or damage. However, the compensation shall not exceed an amount eual to ten times the fee charged for the service in uestion, provided that
the maximum compensation shall never exceed !"D # million.
In this provision $Det Norske Veritas% shall mean the &oundation Det Norske Veritas as well as all its subsidiaries, directors, officers, employees, agents and any other acting on behalf
of Det Norske Veritas.
'ules for High "peed, (ight )raft and Naval "urface )raft, *uly #+,-
.t.+ )h., )H/N01" 2 )!''1N3 2 .age 4
This document su#ersedes the 4"nu"r$ 6027 edition)
Te3t "ffected b$ the m"in ch"n%es in this edition is hi%h!i%hted in red co!our) 1o,ever+ if the ch"n%es invo!ve
Det Nors&e Verit"s AS+ com#"n$ re%istr"tion number :7; <7= :>2+ h"s on 6<
November 602> ch"n%ed its
n"me to DNV ?L AS) For further inform"tion+ see ,,,)dnv%!)com) An$ reference in this document to
@Det Nors&e Verit"s ASA or @DNVA sh"!! therefore "!so be " reference to @DNV ?L ASA)
" ,ho!e ch"#ter+ section or sub9section+ norm"!!$ on!$ the tit!e ,i!! be in red co!our)
"ain change# $ul% &'(), entering int* f*rce ( $anuar% &'(+
, Sec-( General
B D202C Reference to /ub!ic"tion List h"s been removed "s this h"s become obso!ete)
, Sec-& Current rule chapter#
B T"b!e 2 @Current ru!e ch"#tersA h"s been u#d"ted ,ith the correct revision d"tes)
In "ddition to the "bove st"ted m"in ch"n%es+ editori"! corrections m"$ h"ve been m"de)
Edit*rial c*rrecti*n#
'ules for High "peed, (ight )raft and Naval "urface )raft, *uly #+,-
.t.+ )h., )ontents 2 .age -
C1AN?ES D CURRENT ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) >
Sec- ( General ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +
A- .ntr*ducti*n------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +
A 200 Introduction ch"#ters )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) ;
/- !he rule#------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +
E 200 /ur#ose)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) ;
E 600 Ru!es #"rts))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) ;
E >00 /ub!ic"tion of the ru!es ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) ;
E 700 U#d"tin%)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) ;
E ;00 Numberin% "nd cross references))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) F
E F00 Definitions )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) F
E <00 Units)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) F
E =00 Inde3es "nd t"b!es of contents )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) <
C- Service d*cu0ent# *ther than Rule# f*r Ship# and HSLC1NSC ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2
C 200 ?ener"! )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) <
D- Other DN3 rule# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
D 200 ?ener"! )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) <
Sec- & Current rule chapter# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4
Sec- 5 S%#te0atic inde6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ('
A- .ntr*ducti*n----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ('
A 200 ?ener"! )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) 20
C1AN?ES D 1ISTORIC ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) >=
'ules for High "peed, (ight )raft and Naval "urface )raft, *uly #+,-
.t.+ )h., "ec., 0eneral 2 .age 5
A- .ntr*ducti*n
A ('' .ntr*ducti*n chapter#
('( Amon% others+ the Introduction /"rt 0 cont"ins three ch"#tersC
B Ch"#ter 2C User Inform"tion+ Current Ru!e Ch"#ters "nd Inde3
B Ch"#ter 6C Introduction to C!"ssific"tion
B Ch"#ter >C /!"n A##rov"! Document"tion T$#es D Definitions)
The$ "re inc!uded "s %uid"nce for the users "nd sh"!! not be considered "s #"rts of the ru!e re.uirements)
/- !he rule#
/ ('' 7urp*#e
('( The Ru!es !"$ do,n technic"! "nd #rocedur"! re.uirements re!"ted to obt"inin% "nd ret"inin% " C!"ss
Certific"te) It is used "s " contr"ctu"! document "nd inc!udes both re.uirements "nd "cce#t"nce criteri")
/ &'' Rule# part#
&'( The Ru!es for C!"ssific"tion of 1i%h S#eed+ Li%ht Cr"ft "nd N"v"! Surf"ce Cr"ft "re #ub!ished in seven
#"rts '/t)() E"ch #"rt consists of ch"#ters 'Ch)( "v"i!"b!e "s se#"r"te #df fi!es) The seven #"rts "reC
/"rts 2 "nd 6 cont"in %ener"! re%u!"tions+ #"rts > to F cover ne,bui!din% re.uirements "nd #"rt < de"!s ,ith
1SLC in o#er"tion)
An overvie, of current ru!e ch"#ters is %iven in Sec)6 of this ch"#ter)
/ 5'' 7u8licati*n *f the rule#
5'( The ru!es "re "v"i!"b!e for free do,n!o"d "s e!ectronic #df version throu%h htt#C**,,,)dnv)com) A !ist
of "!! DNV /ub!ic"tions c"n be found on the s"me site)
/ )'' pdating
)'( The ru!es ,i!! norm"!!$ be #ub!ished t,ice $e"r!$+ in 4"nu"r$ "nd in 4u!$+ due to u#d"tes)
)'& If " ch"#ter h"s been u#d"ted+ the document ,i!! norm"!!$ be %iven " ne, edition d"te)
The corres#ondin% Adobe /DF fi!e ,i!! be m"de "v"i!"b!e throu%h htt#C**,,,)dnv)com "nd the d"te of the co!umn
@AA of T"b!e 2 in Sec)6 ,i!! be u#d"ted)
)'5 If there is " need for "mendments to the documentG i)e) editori"! "nd c!"rific"tion corrections on!$+ the
e!ectronic fi!e ,i!! be u#d"ted+ but the edition d"te ,i!! be ret"ined) 1o,ever+ " ne, Adobe /DF fi!e ,i!! be
%ener"ted "nd m"de "v"i!"b!e throu%h htt#C**,,,)dnv)com) The d"te of the /DF fi!e ,i!! "##e"r in co!umn @EA
of T"b!e 2 in Sec)6)
)') The u#d"tes inc!udin% "mendments to e"ch ch"#ter ,i!! be described brief!$ on #"%e > of th"t document)
/t)2 Re%u!"tions
/t)6 H"teri"!s "nd Ie!din%
/t)> Structures+ E.ui#ment
/t)7 H"chiner$ "nd S$stems 9 E.ui#ment "nd O#er"tion
/t); S#eci"! Service "nd T$#e 9 Addition"! C!"ss
/t)F S#eci"! E.ui#ment "nd S$stems 9 Addition"! C!"ss
/t)< 1SLC in O#er"tion
'ules for High "peed, (ight )raft and Naval "urface )raft, *uly #+,-
.t.+ )h., "ec., 0eneral 2 .age 6
/ +'' Nu08ering and cr*## reference#
+'( A combin"tion of di%its "nd !etters is used for e"s$ reference+ e)%) /t)> Ch)2 Sec)2 A200)
+'& Fi%ures "re numbered in incre"sin% order ,ithin e"ch section+ e)%) Fi%)2+ Fi%)6 etc) The fi%ure number
"nd tit!e "re %iven immedi"te!$ under the fi%ure)
+'5 T"b!es "re numbered in incre"sin% order ,ithin e"ch sub9section+ e)%) T"b!e A2+ T"b!e A6 etc) The t"b!e
number "nd tit!e "re #!"ced in the to# !eft h"nd corner of the t"b!e)
+') E"ch ch"#ter is ,ritten "s se!f9cont"ined "s #ossib!e) Cross references "re %ener"!!$ %iven "t the hi%hest
!eve! consistent ,ith fe"sibi!it$ to find the subect m"tterC
"( From #"rt to #"rt+ e)%) see /t)6 Ch)2 'i)e) do,n to ch"#ter()
b( From ch"#ter to ch"#ter ,ithin the s"me #"rt+ e)%) see Ch)2 Sec)> 'i)e) do,n to section() Reference to
subsection+ e)%) Ch)2 Sec)> A m"$ be used ,here necess"r$ for c!"rit$)
c( Iithin " ch"#ter+
e)%) section to section+ see Sec)7 A200 'i)e) do,n to item(
e)%) ,ithin " section+ see A20>
e)%) ,ithin " subsection+ see 20>)
/ 9'' Definiti*n#
9'( S$mbo!s "nd terms "re in %ener"! defined "t one of three !eve!s in the ru!es) A definition %iven "t hi%her
!eve! is norm"!!$ not re#e"ted "t " !o,er !eve!+ "nd references "re not m"de to the definitions "t hi%her !eve!)
Ihen " s$mbo! or term is defined e!se,here th"n in "n$ of the three %ener"! !eve!s+ #ro#er reference is m"de)
9'& The first 'hi%her( !eve! of definitions is %iven in " se#"r"te sub9section in Sec)2 of the ch"#ter in ,hich
the s$mbo! or term is used) This !eve! defines s$mbo!s "nd terms ,hich "re %ener"!!$ "##!ied in the ch"#ter or
9'5 The second 'intermedi"te( !eve! of definitions is %iven in sub9section A of the section in ,hich the
s$mbo! or term is used) This !eve! norm"!!$ defines s$mbo!s "nd terms occurrin% in v"rious connections ,ithin
the section)
9') The third '!o,er( !eve! of definitions is %iven in connection ,ith the formu!" or e3#ression in ,hich the
s$mbo! or term is used) The definition is norm"!!$ %iven immedi"te!$ fo!!o,in% the formu!" "nd in "n$ c"se
,ithin the s"me item "s the formu!")
/ 2'' nit#
2'( The units %ener"!!$ used in the ru!es "re the SI9units 'Intern"tion"! S$stem of Units() Common!$ used
b"se "nd mu!ti#!e units "re %iven in T"b!e E2) Some derived units "nd their conversion re!"tion to the TS9units
'Technic"! Hetric S$stem of Units( "re %iven in T"b!es E6 "nd E>+ res#ective!$) Ihen other units "re used
these "re #"rticu!"r!$ st"ted)
Level Reference example Principle
"!,"$s " number
Sub9section A "!,"$s " !etter
Sub9section e!ement A200 "!,"$s " !etter "nd " number
Item 202 "!,"$s " number
!a8le /( /a#e *r 0ultiple S.:unit#
uantity !ymbol "ame
Len%th m
H"ss &%
Time s second
E!ectric current A "m#ere
'ules for High "peed, (ight )raft and Naval "urface )raft, *uly #+,-
.t.+ )h., "ec., 0eneral 2 .age 7
/ 4'' .nde6e# and ta8le# *f c*ntent#
4'( S$stem"tic inde3 h"s been #re#"red for the com#!ete ru!es "nd #resented in Sec)>)
The s$stem"tic inde3 %ives reference to sections "nd subsections ,ithin e"ch #"rt "nd ch"#ter) The m"ster
inde3 ,i!! be u#d"ted "s re.uired ,hen ch"#ters "re revised)
4'& A t"b!e of contents is %iven ,ithin e"ch ch"#ter #rovidin% " com#!ete !ist of sections+ "##endices "nd
sub9sections "nd their res#ective #"%e numbers)
C- Service d*cu0ent# *ther than Rule# f*r Ship# and HSLC1NSC
C ('' General
('( In "n effort to "id the v"rious #"rties invo!ved in the c!"ssific"tion of shi#s+ the Societ$ h"s issued "
number of su##ortin% #ub!ic"tions ,hich "re described on our ,eb siteG htt#C**,,,)dnv)com "nd !isted in the
DNV /ub!ic"tion List "v"i!"b!e throu%h the s"me site)
D- Other DN3 rule#
D ('' General
('( DNV h"s deve!o#ed "nd #ub!ish ru!es for obects other th"n shi#s) Reference is m"de to
!a8le /& Derived S.:unit#
uantity !ymbol "ame/definition
Fre.uenc$ 1J hertJ K 2*s
Force N
ne,ton K &%m*s

/ressure &N*m

K &/"+ &i!o#"sc"!
K 20
Stress N*mm
K H/"+ me%"#"sc"!
Eendin% moment
Torsion"! moment
K 4+ ou!e
Ior&+ ener%$ 4 ou!e K Nm
1e"t &4 &i!oou!e
/o,er &I &i!o,"tt
1e"t f!o, r"te I ,"tt
Tem#er"ture LC centi%r"de
!a8le /5 S.1!S C*nver#i*n relati*n
!#$unit T!$conversion relation
2 N 0)2060 &#
2 &N*m 0)0206 &#*cm
2 N*mm 20)60 &#*cm
2 Nm 0)2060 &#m
2 4 0)2060 &#m
2 &4 0)6>== &c"!
2 &I 2)>F 1#
2 I 0)=F0 &c"!*h
'ules for High "peed, (ight )raft and Naval "urface )raft, *uly #+,-
.t.+ )h., "ec.# )urrent rule chapters 2 .age 8
!a8le ( Current rule chapter#
%urrent Rule %hapters
%urrent &dition
i.e. editorial
corrections and
clarifications only
7AR! ' .N!RODC!.ON
Ch"#ter 2 User Inform"tion+ Current Ru!e Ch"#ters "nd Inde3 4u!$ 6027
Ch"#ter 6 Introduction to C!"ssific"tion 4"nu"r$ 6006 4u!$ 6022
Ch"#ter >
/!"n A##rov"! Document"tion T$#es D Definitions 4u!$ 6027
Ch"#ter 7 Hethods "nd /rocedures 4"nu"r$ 6022
4u!$ 6022
Ch"#ter ; Introduction to the Ru!es for N"v"! Surf"ce Cr"ft 4"nu"r$ 6022
4u!$ 6022
Ch"#ter F IHO 1i%h S#eed Cr"ft Code 4"nu"r$ 6022
4u!$ 6022
Ch"#ter 2 ?ener"! Re%u!"tions 4"nu"r$ 6027
Ch"#ter 6 S"fet$ Obectives "nd E.uiv"!ent Re.uirements 4"nu"r$ 6022
4u!$ 6022
Ch"#ter 2
?ener"! Re.uirements for H"teri"!s 4"nu"r$ 6027
Ch"#ter 6
Het"!!ic H"teri"!s 4"nu"r$ 6027
Ch"#ter >
F"bric"tion "nd Testin% of Shi#s 4u!$ 6027
Ch"#ter 7 Com#osite H"teri"!s 4"nu"r$ 6020 4u!$ 6022
7AR! 5 S!RC!RES, E;.7"EN!
Ch"#ter 2 Desi%n /rinci#!es+ Desi%n Lo"ds 4u!$ 6026
Ch"#ter 6 1u!! Structur"! Desi%n+ Stee! 4u!$ 6026
Ch"#ter > 1u!! Structur"! Desi%n+ A!uminium A!!o$ 4u!$ 6026
Ch"#ter 7
1u!! Structur"! Desi%n+ Fibre Com#osite "nd S"nd,ich
4"nu"r$ 602>
Ch"#ter ; E.ui#ment+ Steerin% "nd A##end"%es 4u!$ 6026
Ch"#ter F St"bi!it$ "nd I"terti%ht Inte%rit$+ C!osin% A##!i"nces 4"nu"r$ 6022
4u!$ 6022
Ch"#ter < Accommod"tion "nd Esc"#e He"sures 4u!$ 600; 4u!$ 6022
Ch"#ter = Life9s"vin% A##!i"nces "nd Arr"n%ements 4u!$ 600; 4u!$ 6022
Ch"#ter : Direct C"!cu!"tion Hethods 4u!$ 6026
Ch"#ter 2 H"chiner$ S$stems+ ?ener"! 4"nu"r$ 6022
4u!$ 6026
Ch"#ter 6
Rot"tin% H"chiner$+ ?ener"! 4"nu"r$ 6022
4u!$ 6022
Ch"#ter >
Rot"tin% H"chiner$+ Drivers 4"nu"r$ 600: 4"nu"r$ 602>
Ch"#ter 7
Rot"tin% H"chiner$+ /o,er Tr"nsmission 4u!$ 602>
Ch"#ter ;
Rot"tin% H"chiner$+ Driven Units 4u!$ 602>
Ch"#ter F /i#in% S$stems 4"nu"r$ 6022
4u!$ 6022
Ch"#ter <
/ressure Vesse!s 4"nu"r$ 6026 4u!$ 602>
Ch"#ter =
E!ectric"! Inst"!!"tions 4u!$ 602> 4"nu"r$ 6027
Ch"#ter :
Contro! "nd Honitorin% S$stems 4u!$ 6022
Ch"#ter 20 Fire S"fet$ 4"nu"r$ 600F 4u!$ 6022
Ch"#ter 22 S"fet$ of N"vi%"tion 4"nu"r$ 6022
4u!$ 6022
Ch"#ter 26 R"dio Communic"tions 4"nu"r$ 6002 4u!$ 6022
Ch"#ter 2>
Contro! "nd Honitorin% of /ro#u!sion+ Direction"! Contro!+
St"bi!is"tion "nd Au3i!i"r$ S$stems
4"nu"r$ 600: 4u!$ 6022
Ch"#ter 27
Steerin% ?e"r 4"nu"r$ 6022
4u!$ 6022
Ch"#ter 2 /"ssen%er Cr"ft 4u!$ 6026
Ch"#ter 6 C"r Ferr$ 4u!$ 6026
Ch"#ter > C"r%o 4"nu"r$ 600: 4u!$ 6022
Ch"#ter 7 Cre, Eo"ts 4"nu"r$ 6027
Ch"#ter ; 5"chts 4u!$ 6026
Ch"#ter F /"tro! Eo"ts 4u!$ 6026
'ules for High "peed, (ight )raft and Naval "urface )raft, *uly #+,-
.t.+ )h., "ec.# )urrent rule chapters 2 .age 9
Ch"#ter < N"v"! L"ndin% Cr"ft 4u!$ 6007 4u!$ 6022
Ch"#ter = C"rri"%e of D"n%erous ?oods 4"nu"r$ 6006 4u!$ 6022
Ch"#ter : Sm"!! Service Cr"fts 4u!$ 602>
Ch"#ter 27
N"v"! "nd N"v"! Su##ort Vesse!s 4"nu"r$ 602>
Ch"#ter 2 Hisce!!"neous Not"tions 4"nu"r$ 600: 4u!$ 6022
Ch"#ter > /eriodic"!!$ Un"ttended H"chiner$ S#"ce 4u!$ 6022
Ch"#ter = N"utic"! S"fet$ 4u!$ 6007 4u!$ 6022
Ch"#ter : E3tended Lifetime 4u!$ 6000 4u!$ 6022
Ch"#ter 20 Nuc!e"r+ Eio!o%ic"! "nd Chemic"! /rotection 4"nu"r$ 6022
4u!$ 6022
Ch"#ter 22
1u!! Honitorin% S$stems 4"nu"r$ 6022
4u!$ 6022
Ch"#ter 26 Noise "nd Vibr"tions 4"nu"r$ 6022
4u!$ 6022
Ch"#ter 2>
?"s Fue!!ed Shi# Inst"!!"tions 4"nu"r$ 6027
Ch"#ter 2<
S"fet$ of N"vi%"tion for N"v"! Vesse!s 4"nu"r$ 600; 4u!$ 6022
Ch"#ter 2= Comb"t Surviv"bi!it$ 4"nu"r$ 600: 4u!$ 6022
Ch"#ter 6>
Fue! Ce!! Inst"!!"tions 4u!$ 600= 4u!$ 602>
Ch"#ter 6<
Rec$c!in% 4"nu"r$ 6027
Ch"#ter 6=
Tent"tive Ru!es for E"tter$ /o,er 4"nu"r$ 6026
Ch"#ter 6:
E!ectric"! Shore Connections 4u!$ 6027
Ch"#ter >0 Service on Iindf"rms "nd other Offshore Inst"!!"tions 4u!$ 602>
Ch"#ter >6
Tent"tive Ru!es for Lo, F!"sh#oint Li.uid Fue!!ed Shi#
4u!$ 602>
Ch"#ter 2 Surve$ Re.uirements 4u!$ 602>
Ch"#ter 6 Retro"ctive Re.uirements 4"nu"r$ 600: 4u!$ 6022
2( Ch"#ters th"t "re common to the Ru!es for C!"ssific"tion of Shi#s "nd the Ru!es for C!"ssific"tion of 1i%h S#eed+ Li%ht Cr"ft "nd
N"v"! Surf"ce Cr"ft)
6( Ru!e ch"#ters th"t ,ere %iven " ne, d"te due to discontinuit$ of @Amendments "nd CorrectionsA '#revious Sec)>( in 4"nu"r$
6022+ but the ch"#ters m"$ "!so h"ve "ddition"! "mendments+ "s described under @H"in ch"n%esA in e"ch individu"! ch"#ter)
!a8le ( Current rule chapter# =C*ntinued>
%urrent Rule %hapters
%urrent &dition
i.e. editorial
corrections and
clarifications only
'ules for High "peed, (ight )raft and Naval "urface )raft, *uly #+,-
.t.+ )h., "ec.4 "ystematic index 2 .age ,+
SEC!.ON 5 S<S!E"A!.C .NDE?
A- .ntr*ducti*n
A ('' General
('( This m"ster inde3 h"s been #re#"red for the com#!ete Ru!es for C!"ssific"tion of 1i%h S#eed+ Li%ht Cr"ft
"nd N"v"! Surf"ce Cr"ft in the form of " s$stem"tic inde3) The s$stem"tic inde3 %ives reference to sections "nd
subsections ,ithin e"ch #"rt*ch"#ter)
7AR! ' CHA7!ER (
#er .nf*r0ati*n, Current Rule Chapter# and .nde6
Sec- ( General
A) Introduction
E) The ru!es
C) Service documents other th"n Ru!es for Shi#s "nd 1SLC*NSC
D) Other DNV ru!es
Sec- & Current rule chapter#
Sec- 5 S%#te0atic inde6
A) Introduction
7AR! ' CHA7!ER &
.ntr*ducti*n t* Cla##ificati*n
Sec- ( Rule 7rea08le
A) Introduction
E) The C!"ssific"tion S$stem
C) Remuner"tion
D) C!"ssific"tion Su##ort
Sec- & !%pe# *f High Speed and Light Craft
A) 1u!! Confi%ur"tions
E) Structur"! H"teri"!s
C) /ro#u!sion S$stems
7AR! ' CHA7!ER 5
7lan Appr*val D*cu0entati*n !%pe# Definiti*n#
Sec- ( D*cu0entati*n Re@uire0ent#
A) Sco#e "nd #ur#ose
E) Or%"nis"tion of the document"tion re.uirements
C) T$#e "##roved #roducts
D) Or%"nis"tion of the document"tion t$#es
E) ?ener"! re.uirements for "!! document"tion
F) Termino!o%$
?) Mu"!ific"tions
Sec- & D*cu0entati*n !%pe#
Disci#!ine E D St"bi!it$+ ,"terti%ht "nd ,e"therti%ht inte%rit$
Disci#!ine C D Hech"nic"!
Disci#!ine E D E!ectric"!
Disci#!ine ? D S"fet$
Disci#!ine 1 D 1u!! "nd structure
Disci#!ine I D Instrument"tion
Disci#!ine H D H"teri"!s
Disci#!ine N D N"vi%"tion
Disci#!ine / D /rocess
Disci#!ine M D Mu"!it$ m"n"%ement
Disci#!ine S D /i#in%
Disci#!ine T D Te!ecommunic"tions
Disci#!ine I D ?eotechnic"! en%ineerin%
Hu!tidisci#!ine N
'ules for High "peed, (ight )raft and Naval "urface )raft, *uly #+,-
.t.+ )h., "ec.4 "ystematic index 2 .age ,,
7AR! ' CHA7!ER )
"eth*d# and 7r*cedure#
Sec- ( Criteria f*r Operati*nal and Safet% 7erf*r0ance
A) ?ener"!
Sec- & 7r*cedure f*r Failure "*de and Effect Anal%#e#
A) ?ener"!
Sec- 5 #e *f 7r*8a8ilit% C*ncept
A) ?ener"!
Sec- ) Structure#
A) ?ener"!
Sec- + .n#pecti*n and "aintenance Re@uire0ent#
A) ?ener"!
7AR! ' CHA7!ER +
.ntr*ducti*n t* the Rule# f*r Naval Surface Craft
Sec- ( General
A) The C!"ssific"tion S$stem
E) Intern"tion"! H"ritime Conventions 9 St"tutor$ Re.uirements
C) Introduction to the Ru!es for N"v"! Surf"ce Cr"ft
D) Limit"tions of the Ru!es
E) S"fet$ Obectives for N"v"! Surf"ce Cr"ft
F) S$stem"tic of C!"ssific"tion for N"v"! Surf"ce Cr"ft
?) Comb"t Lo"ds 9 N"v"! Surf"ce Cr"ft
1) O#er"tion"! Ch"r"cteristics
I) E3#ected Lifetime for Cr"ft "nd S$stems
Sec- & Safet% 7rinciple#
A) S"fet$ Obectives for N"v"! Surf"ce Cr"ft
7AR! ' CHA7!ER 9
."O High Speed Craft C*de
Sec- ( 7rinciple# *f Applicati*n *f the HSC C*de
A) ?ener"!
E) A##!ic"tion
C) IHO Re%u!"tions
Sec- & Cr*## Reference# t* the Rule# and HSC C*de
A) ?ener"!
Sec- 5 Flag Ad0ini#trati*n Re@uire0ent#
A) ?ener"!
7AR! ( CHA7!ER (
General Regulati*n#
Sec- ( Cla##ificati*n principle#
A) Definitions
E) The c!"ssific"tion conce#t
Sec- & Sc*pe *f rule# and cla## n*tati*n#
A) Sco#e of ru!es
E) C!"ss not"tions
Sec- 5 Cla##ificati*n pr*cedure
A) Assi%nment of c!"ss
E) Retention of c!"ss
C) V"!idit$ "nd issue of the c!"ssific"tion certific"te
D) Sus#ension "nd ,ithdr","! of c!"ss
E) A##e"!s
Sec- ) Legal pr*vi#i*n#
A) Li"bi!it$ "nd urisdiction
App- A Chart *f A*ne# and #ea#*nal area#
A) ?ener"!
'ules for High "peed, (ight )raft and Naval "urface )raft, *uly #+,-
.t.+ )h., "ec.4 "ystematic index 2 .age ,#
7AR! ( CHA7!ER &
Safet% O8Bective# and E@uivalent Re@uire0ent#
Sec- ( .ntr*ducti*n
A) Ru!e E"sis
Sec- & Free8*ard and Sta8ilit%
A) ?ener"!
Sec- 5 Structural Strength
A) ?ener"!
E) E.uiv"!ent Structur"! Stren%th
Sec- ) S%#te0 Arrange0ent
A) ?ener"!
Sec- + "achiner% .n#tallati*n#
A) ?ener"!
Sec- 9 Electric 7*Cer Suppl%
A) ?ener"!
Sec- 2 Navigati*nal Safet%
A) ?ener"!
Sec- 4 Fire Safet%
A) ?ener"!
Sec- D Safet% f*r 7er#*n# On8*ard
A) ?ener"!
7AR! & CHA7!ER (
General Re@uire0ent# f*r "aterial#
Sec- ( "anufacture, #urve% and certificati*n
A) ?ener"!
E) Testin% "nd ins#ection
C) Identific"tion "nd certific"tion
Sec- & !e#ting pr*cedure#
A) ?ener"!
E) Test methods
7AR! & CHA7!ER &
"etallic "aterial#
Sec- ( R*lled #teel f*r #tructural applicati*n
A) ?ener"! re.uirements
E) Norm"! stren%th stee!
C) 1i%h stren%th stee!
D) E3tr" hi%h stren%th stee!
E) /!"tes ,ith throu%h thic&ness #ro#erties
F) Eritt!e cr"c& "rrest stee!s
?) Corrosion resist"nt stee!s for c"r%o oi! t"n&s
Sec- & R*lled #teel f*r 8*iler#, pre##ure ve##el# and #pecial applicati*n#
A) ?ener"!
E) Stee! for boi!ers "nd #ressure vesse!s
C) Stee! for !o, tem#er"ture service
D) St"in!ess stee!
Sec- 5 Clad #teel plate#
A) ?ener"!
E) E"se m"teri"!
C) C!"ddin% met"!
D) Testin%
E) Re#"ir "nd reection
F) Identific"tion of m"teri"!s
Sec- ) Steel pipe#
A) ?ener"! re.uirements
E) /ressure #i#es
C) St"in!ess stee! #i#es
D) /i#es for !o,9tem#er"ture service
'ules for High "peed, (ight )raft and Naval "urface )raft, *uly #+,-
.t.+ )h., "ec.4 "ystematic index 2 .age ,4
E) Eoi!er "nd su#erhe"ter tubes
F) /i#in% fittin%s
Sec- + Steel f*rging#
A) ?ener"! re.uirements
E) For%in%s for hu!! structures "nd e.ui#ment
C) For%in%s for sh"ftin% "nd m"chiner$
D) For%in%s for cr"n&sh"fts
E) For%in%s for %e"rin%
F) For%in%s for boi!ers+ #ressure vesse!s "nd #i#in% s$stems
?) Ferritic stee! for%in%s for !o, tem#er"ture service
1) St"in!ess stee! for%in%s
Sec- 9 /ar# f*r chain ca8le#
A) ?ener"!
E) Testin%
C) Ins#ection+ to!er"nces "nd re#"ir
D) Identific"tion "nd certific"tion
Sec- 2 Steel ca#ting#
A) ?ener"! re.uirements
E) C"stin%s for hu!! structures "nd e.ui#ment
C) C"stin%s for m"chiner$
D) C"stin%s for #ro#e!!ers
E) C"stin%s for boi!ers+ #ressure vesse!s "nd #i#in% s$stems
F) Ferritic stee! c"stin%s for !o, tem#er"ture service
?) St"in!ess stee! c"stin%s
Sec- 4 .r*n ca#ting#
A) ?ener"!
E) Nodu!"r c"st iron
C) ?re$ c"st iron
Sec- D Alu0iniu0 all*%#
A) Irou%ht "!uminium "!!o$s
Sec- (' C*pper all*% ca#ting#
A) ?ener"! re.uirements
E) C"stin%s for v"!ves+ fittin%s "nd %ener"! "##!ic"tion
C) C"stin%s for #ro#e!!ers
Sec- (( N*n:ferr*u# tu8e#
A) Co##er "nd co##er "!!o$ tubes
E) Tit"nium "nd tit"nium "!!o$ tubes
7AR! & CHA7!ER 5
Fa8ricati*n and !e#ting *f Ship#
Sec- ( General re@uire0ent#
A) ?ener"!
E) Document"tion re.uirements
Sec- & Re@uire0ent# f*r 8uilder# *f #hip#
A) ?ener"!
E) Surve$ "rr"n%ement
C) Ior&m"nshi# "nd su#ervision
Sec- 5 ;ualificati*n *f Celder#
A) ?ener"!
E) Mu"!ific"tion testin% "nd certific"tion of ,e!ders
Sec- ) Welding c*n#u0a8le#
A) ?ener"!
Sec- + Welding pr*cedure#
A) ?ener"!
E) Ie!din% #rocedure s#ecific"tion
C) Ie!din% #rocedure .u"!ific"tion test "ssemb!$ "nd s"m#!in% of test #ieces
D) Non Destructive testin% of test "ssemb!ies
E) Destructive testin% "cce#t"nce criteri"
F) V"!idit$ of "##roved ,e!din% #rocedures
?) Addition"! re.uirements I/MT for !i.uefied %"s s$stems
1) Addition"! re.uirements I/MT for Ferritic9Austenitic St"in!ess Stee! 'Du#!e3(
I) Addition"! re.uirements I/MT for Austenitic St"in!ess Stee!
'ules for High "peed, (ight )raft and Naval "urface )raft, *uly #+,-
.t.+ )h., "ec.4 "ystematic index 2 .age ,-
4) Ie!din% #rocedures .u"!ific"tion for "!uminium
K) Ie!din% #rocedure .u"!ific"tion+ co##er "!!o$s
L) Testin%
Sec- 9 Fa8ricati*n and t*lerance#
A) ?ener"!
E) H"teri"! identific"tion
C) A##rov"! of sho# #rimers
D) Ie!din% environment
E) Cuttin%+ formin%+ "ssemb!$ "nd ,e!din%
F) Re#"irs
?) Ins#ection+ surve$ "nd to!er"nces
Sec- 2 N*n de#tructive te#ting *f Celd#
A) ?ener"!
E) NDT #rocedures
C) /ersonne! .u"!ific"tions
D) E3tent of NDT
E) Acce#t"nce criteri" for NDT
Sec- 4 Structural and tightne## te#ting
A) ?ener"!
E) Testin%
Sec- D G*al:8a#ed #hip c*n#tructi*n #tandard# f*r 8ulE carrier# and *il tanEer#
A) ?ener"!
E) E3"min"tion "nd test #!"n for ne,bui!din% "ctivities
C) Desi%n tr"ns#"renc$
D) Shi# construction fi!e
E) Determin"tion of number of surve$or's(
7AR! & CHA7!ER )
C*0p*#ite "aterial#
Sec- ( !%pe Appr*val and Certificati*n 7r*cedure#
A) ?ener"!
E) T$#e A##rov"!
C) /roduct Certific"tion
D) Definitions
Sec- & "aterial#
A) ?!"ssfibre Reinforcement
E) Ar"mid Reinforcement
C) /o!$ester "nd Vin$!ester /roducts
D) S"nd,ich Core H"teri"!s
E) S"nd,ich Adhesives
F) Adhesives
7AR! 5 CHA7!ER (
De#ign 7rinciple#, De#ign L*ad#
Sec- ( De#ign 7rinciple#
A) Document"tion
E) Subdivision "nd Arr"n%ement
C) Sc"nt!in%s
D) Definitions
Sec- & De#ign L*ad#
A) ?ener"!
E) Acce!er"tions
C) /ressures "nd Forces
Sec- 5 Hull Girder L*ad#
A) Lon%itudin"! Eendin%+ She"rin% "nd A3i"! Lo"ds
E) T,in 1u!! Lo"ds
7AR! 5 CHA7!ER &
Hull Structural De#ign, Steel
Sec- ( Structural 7rinciple#
A) ?ener"!
E) Eottom Structures
'ules for High "peed, (ight )raft and Naval "urface )raft, *uly #+,-
.t.+ )h., "ec.4 "ystematic index 2 .age ,5
C) Side Structure
D) Dec& Structure
E) F!"t Cross Structure
F) Eu!&he"d Structures
?) Su#erstructures "nd Dec&houses
1) Structur"! Desi%n in ?ener"!
I) Some Common Loc"! Desi%n Ru!es
4) Su##ort of E.ui#ment "nd Outfittin% Det"i!s
K) Structur"! As#ects not Covered b$ the Ru!es
Sec- & "aterial# and "aterial 7r*tecti*n
A) ?ener"!
E) 1u!! Structur"! Stee!
C) A!tern"tive Structur"! H"teri"!s
D) Corrosion /rotection
E) Dec& Com#osition
Sec- 5 "anufacturing, .n#pecti*n, !e#ting
A) ?ener"!
E) Ins#ection
C) E3tent of E3"min"tion
D) Acce#t"nce Criteri" for NDT
E) Testin%
Sec- ) Hull Girder Strength
A) ?ener"!
E) Vertic"! Eendin% Stren%th
C) She"r Stren%th
D) C"ses to be Investi%"ted
E) Tr"nsverse Stren%th of T,in 1u!! Cr"ft
Sec- + Steel 7lating and Stiffener#
A) ?ener"!
E) /!"tin%
C) Stiffeners
Sec- 9 Steel We8fra0e# and Girder S%#te0#
A) ?ener"!
E) Ieb Fr"mes "nd ?irders
Sec- 2 Steel 7illar# and 7illar /ulEhead#
A) ?ener"!
E) /i!!"rs
C) Su##ortin% Eu!&he"ds
Sec- 4 Welding and Weld C*nnecti*n#
A) ?ener"!
E) T$#es of Ie!ded 4oints
C) Lo"d E"sed Ie!d Sc"nt!in%s
D) Hinimum Ie!d Sc"nt!in%s
Sec- D Direct Strength Calculati*n#
A) ?ener"!
E) /!"tin%
C) Stiffeners
D) ?irders
Sec- (' /ucEling C*ntr*l
A) ?ener"!
E) Lon%itudin"! Euc&!in% Lo"d
C) Tr"nsverse Euc&!in% Lo"d
D) /!"tin%
E) Stiffeners in Direction of Com#ression
F) Stiffeners /er#endicu!"r to Direction of Com#ression
?) E!"stic Euc&!in% of Stiffened /"ne!s
1) ?irders
7AR! 5 CHA7!ER 5
Hull Structural De#ign, Alu0iniu0 All*%
Sec- ( Structural 7rinciple#
A) ?ener"!
E) Eottom Structures
C) Side Structure
'ules for High "peed, (ight )raft and Naval "urface )raft, *uly #+,-
.t.+ )h., "ec.4 "ystematic index 2 .age ,6
D) Dec& Structure
E) F!"t Cross Structure
F) Eu!&he"d Structures
?) Su#erstructures "nd Dec&houses
1) Structur"! Desi%n in ?ener"!
I) Some Common Loc"! Desi%n Ru!es
4) Su##ort of E.ui#ment "nd Outfittin% Det"i!s
K) Structur"! As#ects not Covered b$ Ru!es
Sec- & "aterial# and "aterial 7r*tecti*n
A) ?ener"!
E) Structur"! A!uminium A!!o$
C) Corrosion /rotection
D) Other H"teri"!s
Sec- 5 "anufacturing
A) ?ener"!
E) Ins#ection
C) E3tent of E3"min"tion
D) Acce#t"nce Criteri" for NDT
E) Testin%
Sec- ) Hull Girder Strength
A) ?ener"!
E) Vertic"! Eendin% Stren%th
C) She"r Stren%th
D) C"ses to be Investi%"ted
E) Tr"nsverse Stren%th of T,in 1u!! Cr"ft
Sec- + 7lating and Stiffener#
A) ?ener"!
E) /!"tin%
C) Stiffeners
Sec- 9 We8 Fra0e# and Girder S%#te0#
A) ?ener"!
E) Ieb Fr"mes "nd ?irders
Sec- 2 7illar# and 7illar /ulEhead#
A) ?ener"!
E) /i!!"rs
C) Su##ortin% Eu!&he"ds
Sec- 4 Weld C*nnecti*n#
A) ?ener"!
E) T$#es of Ie!ded 4oints
C) SiJe of Connections
Sec- D Direct Strength Calculati*n#
A) ?ener"!
E) /!"tin%
C) Stiffeners
D) ?irders
Sec- (' /ucEling C*ntr*l
A) ?ener"!
E) Lon%itudin"! Euc&!in% Lo"d
C) Tr"nsverse Euc&!in% Lo"d
D) /!"tin%
E) Stiffeners in Direction of Com#ression
F) Stiffeners /er#endicu!"r to Direction of Com#ression
?) E!"stic Euc&!in% of Stiffened /"ne!s
1) ?irders
7AR! 5 CHA7!ER )
Hull Structural De#ign, Fi8re C*0p*#ite and SandCich C*n#tructi*n#
Sec- ( Structural 7rinciple#
A) Definitions
E) Document"tion
C) Structur"! C"!cu!"tions
D) Eottom Structures
E) Side Structures
F) Dec& Structure
'ules for High "peed, (ight )raft and Naval "urface )raft, *uly #+,-
.t.+ )h., "ec.4 "ystematic index 2 .age ,7
?) Eu!&he"d Structures
1) Su#erstructures "nd Dec&houses
Sec- & "anufacturing
A) ?ener"! Re.uirements
E) Stor"%e of R", H"teri"!s
C) /roduction /rocedures "nd Ior&m"nshi#
D) Mu"!it$ Assur"nce "nd Mu"!it$ Contro!
Sec- 5 "aterial#
A) ?ener"!
E) A##!ic"tion of H"teri"!s
C) H"teri"! /ro#erties "nd Mu"!ific"tion Testin%
Sec- ) Hull Girder Strength
A) ?ener"!
E) Vertic"! Eendin% Stren%th
C) She"r Stren%th
D) C"ses to be investi%"ted
E) Tr"nsverse Stren%th of T,in 1u!! Cr"ft
Sec- + SandCich 7anel#
A) ?ener"!
E) Eendin%
Sec- 9 Stiffened Single SEin C*n#tructi*n
A) ?ener"!
E) L"ter"!!$ Lo"ded Sin%!e S&in L"min"tes
Sec- 2 Stiffener#, We8 Fra0e# and Girder#
A) ?ener"!
E) Eendin% "nd She"r
C) Com#!e3 ?irder S$stems
Sec- 4 /*nded $*int#
A) ?ener"!
E) Desi%n
C) Mu"!ific"tion
Sec- D /*lted C*nnecti*n#
A) ?ener"!
E) In9#!"ne Lo"ds 'She"r Connections(
C) Out9of9#!"ne Lo"ds
D) Inserts "nd Att"chments
Sec- (' /ucEling
A) ?ener"!
E) Sin%!e S&in /"ne!s
C) S"nd,ich /"ne!s
D) Ee"ms+ ?irders "nd Strin%ers
E) Stiffened /!"te Fie!d
F) Co!umns
7AR! 5 CHA7!ER +
E@uip0ent, Steering and Appendage#
Sec- ( Hull Appendage#
A) ?ener"!
E) H"teri"!s "nd Ior&m"nshi#
C) Arr"n%ement of A##end"%es
D) Desi%n Lo"ds "nd Su##ortin% Structure
E) Rudders
F) Rudder /osts
?) Sh"ft Er"c&ets
1) Foi!s
I) I"terets
Sec- & Steering Arrange0ent
A) ?ener"!
Sec- 5 Anch*ring and "**ring E@uip0ent
A) ?ener"!
E) Structur"! Arr"n%ement for Anchorin% E.ui#ment
C) E.ui#ment S#ecific"tion
'ules for High "peed, (ight )raft and Naval "urface )raft, *uly #+,-
.t.+ )h., "ec.4 "ystematic index 2 .age ,8
D) Anchors
E) Anchor Ch"in C"b!es
F) Iind!"ss "nd Ch"in Sto##ers
?) Iire Ro#es
7AR! 5 CHA7!ER 9
Sta8ilit% and Watertight .ntegrit%, Cl*#ing Appliance#
Sec- ( General Re@uire0ent#
A) ?ener"!
E) Re.uirements
C) Hethods Re!"ted to the Int"ct St"bi!it$ Investi%"tion of 1$drofoi! Eo"ts
D) Ice Accretion A##!ic"b!e to "!! T$#es of Cr"ft
E) Access O#enin%s
F) Air Int"&es "nd Venti!"tion O#enin%s
?) Iindo,s
7AR! 5 CHA7!ER 2
Acc*00*dati*n and E#cape "ea#ure#
Sec- ( General Re@uire0ent#
A) A##!ic"tion
E) Sco#e of Ior&
C) Submission of Document"tion
Sec- & Re@uire0ent# f*r .##uance *f HSC Safet% Certificate#
A) ?ener"!
App- A .nterpretati*n#
A) ?ener"!
7AR! 5 CHA7!ER 4
Life:#aving Appliance# and Arrange0ent#
Sec- ( General Re@uire0ent#
A) A##!ic"tion
E) Sco#e of Ior&
C) Submission of Document"tion
Sec- & Re@uire0ent# f*r .##uance *f HSC Safet% Certificate#
A) ?ener"!
7AR! 5 CHA7!ER D
Direct Calculati*n "eth*d#
Sec- ( 7r*cedure# and Applicati*n
A) ?ener"!
E) Document"tion
C) Leve!s of Direct C"!cu!"tions
D) I"ter 4ets ,ith Ad"cent Structure
Sec- & Wave L*ad# and "*ti*n#
A) ?ener"!
E) St"tic Lo"ds
C) I"ve Lo"ds "nd Hotions An"!$ses
Sec- 5 Gl*8al Strength Anal%#i#
A) ?ener"!
E) Finite E!ement An"!$sis
Sec- ) L*cal Structure "*del#
A) Loc"! Finite E!ement Hode!s
Sec- + lti0ate Strength Anal%#i#
A) Acce#t"nce Criteri"
Sec- 9 Fatigue Anal%#i#
A) ?ener"!
E) Lo"ds "nd Desi%n Criteri"
'ules for High "peed, (ight )raft and Naval "urface )raft, *uly #+,-
.t.+ )h., "ec.4 "ystematic index 2 .age ,9
7AR! ) CHA7!ER (
"achiner% S%#te0#, General
Sec- ( General Re@uire0ent#
A) C!"ssific"tion
E) Definitions
Sec- & "aterial#
A) ?ener"!
Sec- 5 De#ign 7rinciple#
A) Arr"n%ement
E) Construction "nd Function
C) Re!i"bi!it$ "nd Av"i!"bi!it$
D) /ersonne! /rotection
7AR! ) CHA7!ER &
R*tating "achiner%, General
Sec- ( .ntr*ducti*n
A) ?ener"!
Sec- & Certificati*n 7rinciple#
A) ?ener"!
E) The Certific"tion /rocess
C) A!tern"tive Surve$ Arr"n%ements
Sec- 5 De#ign and D*cu0entati*n
A) ?ener"!
E) S#eci"! H"teri"!s "nd /rocesses
Sec- ) Electric 7*Cer Generati*n
A) ?ener"!
7AR! ) CHA7!ER 5
R*tating "achiner%, Driver#
Sec- ( Die#el Engine#
A) ?ener"!
E) Desi%n
C) Testin% "nd Ins#ection
D) Ior&sho# Testin%
E) Contro! "nd Honitorin%
F) Arr"n%ement
?) Vibr"tion
1) Inst"!!"tion Ins#ections
I) Shi#bo"rd Testin%
Sec- & Ga# !ur8ine#
A) ?ener"!
E) Desi%n
C) Ins#ection "nd Testin%
D) Ior&sho# Testin%
E) Contro! "nd Honitorin%
F) Arr"n%ement
?) S$stem Vibr"tion
1) Inst"!!"tion Ins#ections
I) Shi#bo"rd Testin%
Sec- 5 Stea0 !ur8ine#
A) ?ener"!
E) Desi%n
C) Ins#ection "nd Testin%
D) Ior&sho# Testin%
E) Contro! "nd Honitorin%
F) Arr"n%ement
?) Vibr"tions
1) Inst"!!"tion Ins#ections
I) Shi#bo"rd Testin%
'ules for High "peed, (ight )raft and Naval "urface )raft, *uly #+,-
.t.+ )h., "ec.4 "ystematic index 2 .age #+
7AR! ) CHA7!ER )
R*tating "achiner%, 7*Cer !ran#0i##i*n
Sec- ( Shafting
A) ?ener"!
E) Desi%n
C) Ins#ection "nd Testin%
D) Ior&sho# Testin%
E) Contro! "nd Honitorin%
F) Arr"n%ement
?) Vibr"tion
1) Inst"!!"tion Ins#ection
I) Shi#bo"rd Testin%
Sec- & Gear !ran#0i##i*n#
A) ?ener"!
E) Desi%n
C) Ins#ection "nd Testin%
D) Ior&sho# Testin%
E) Contro! "nd Honitorin%
F) Arr"n%ement
?) Vibr"tion
1) Inst"!!"tion Ins#ection
I) Shi#bo"rd Testin%
Sec- 5 Clutche#
A) ?ener"!
E) Desi%n
C) Ins#ection "nd Testin%
D) Ior&sho# Testin%
E) Contro!+ A!"rm "nd S"fet$ Functions "nd Indic"tion
F) Arr"n%ement
?) Vibr"tion
1) Inst"!!"tion Ins#ection
I) Shi#bo"rd Testin%
Sec- ) /ending C*0pliant C*upling#
A) ?ener"!
E) Desi%n
C) Ins#ection "nd Testin%
D) Ior&sho# Testin%
E) Contro!+ A!"rm+ S"fet$ Functions "nd Indic"tion
F) Arr"n%ement
?) Vibr"tion
1) Inst"!!"tion Ins#ection
I) Shi#bo"rd Testin%
Sec- + !*r#i*nall% Ela#tic C*upling#
A) ?ener"!
E) Desi%n
C) Ins#ection "nd Testin%
D) Ior&sho# Testin%
E) Contro!+ A!"rm+ S"fet$ Functions "nd Indic"tion
F) Arr"n%ement
?) Vibr"tion
1) Inst"!!"tion Ins#ection
I) Shi#bo"rd Testin%
7AR! ) CHA7!ER +
R*tating "achiner%, Driven nit#
Sec- ( 7r*peller#
A) ?ener"!
E) Desi%n
C) Ins#ection "nd Testin%
D) Ior&sho# Testin%
E) Contro! "nd Honitorin%
F) Arr"n%ement
?) Vibr"tion
1) Inst"!!"tion Ins#ection
I) Shi#bo"rd Testin%
'ules for High "peed, (ight )raft and Naval "urface )raft, *uly #+,-
.t.+ )h., "ec.4 "ystematic index 2 .age #,
Sec- & Water $et#
A) ?ener"!
E) Desi%n
C) Ins#ection "nd Testin%
D) Ior&sho# Testin%
E) Contro!+ A!"rm+ S"fet$ Functions "nd Indic"tions
F) Arr"n%ement
?) Vibr"tion
1) Inst"!!"tion Surve$
I) Shi#bo"rd Testin%
Sec- 5 7*dded and Geared !hru#ter#
A) ?ener"!
E) Desi%n
C) Ins#ection "nd Testin%
D) Ior&sho# Testin%
E) Contro!+ A!"rm+ S"fet$ Functions "nd Indic"tion
F) Arr"n%ement
?) Vibr"tion
1) Inst"!!"tion Ins#ection
I) Shi#bo"rd testin%
Sec- ) C*0pre##*r#
A) ?ener"!
E) Desi%n
C) Ins#ection "nd Testin%
D) Ior&sho# Testin%
E) Contro! "nd Honitorin%
F) Arr"n%ement Onbo"rd
?) Vibr"tion
1) Inst"!!"tion Ins#ection
7AR! ) CHA7!ER 9
7iping S%#te0#
Sec- ( General Re@uire0ent#
A) C!"ssific"tion
E) Definitions
C) Document"tion
D) Si%nbo"rds
Sec- & "aterial#
A) /i#in% S$stems
Sec- 5 De#ign 7rinciple#
A) Arr"n%ement
Sec- ) Craft 7iping S%#te0#
A) Ei!%e /um#in%+ Dr"in"%e+ Air+ Soundin% "nd Fi!!in% /i#es
Sec- + "achiner% 7iping S%#te0# and 3entilati*n
A) ?ener"!
E) Other S$stems
Sec- 9 7ipe#, 7u0p#, 3alve#, Fle6i8le H*#e# and Detacha8le 7ipe C*nnecti*n#
A) /i#es
E) /um#s
C) V"!ves
D) F!e3ib!e 1oses
E) Det"ch"b!e /i#e Connections
Sec- 2 "anufacture, W*rE0an#hip, .n#pecti*n and !e#ting
A) 4oinin% of /!"stic /i#es
E) Ie!din% "nd Er"Jin%
C) 1$drost"tic Tests of /i#in%
D) Function"! Testin%
E) Non9Destructive Testin%
7AR! ) CHA7!ER 2
7re##ure 3e##el#
Sec- ( General Re@uire0ent#
A) C!"ssific"tion
'ules for High "peed, (ight )raft and Naval "urface )raft, *uly #+,-
.t.+ )h., "ec.4 "ystematic index 2 .age ##
E) Definitions
C) Document"tion
D) Accumu!"tors for 1$dr"u!ic S$stems
E) C$!inders for Fire E3tin%uishin% S$stem
F) Si%nbo"rds
Sec- & "aterial#
A) H"teri"! Re.uirements
Sec- 5 Arrange0ent
A) Eoi!ers "nd /ressure Vesse!s
E) Therm"!9oi! Inst"!!"tions
C) E3h"ust ?"s Eoi!er or Economisers
Sec- ) General De#ign Re@uire0ent#
A) ?ener"!
E) Desi%n Criteri"
C) Sc"nt!in%s of She!!s "nd F!"t "nd Dished Ends
D) O#enin%s "nd Com#ens"tions
E) Covers for Ins#ection O#enin%s "nd H"nho!es
F) 1e"t E3ch"n%er Tubes
Sec- + 7articular De#ign Re@uire0ent# f*r /*iler#
A) She!!s "nd 1e"ders of C$!indric"! Sections
E) 1e"ders of Rect"n%u!"r or Irre%u!"r Sections
C) Dished Ends
D) F!"t /!"tes Su##orted b$ St"$s
E) Furn"ces "nd Firebo3es of C$!indric"! Form+ U#t"&es+ Cross9tubes "nd O%ee Rin%s
F) St"$s
?) Tubes
1) Access "nd Ins#ection O#enin%s
Sec- 9 "*unting# and Fitting#
A) ?ener"!
E) S"fet$ V"!ves
C) Sto# V"!ves "nd Chec& V"!ves
D) E!o,9do,n V"!ves "nd Test V"!ves for Eoi!er I"ter
E) ?"u%es
Sec- 2 .n#tru0entati*n and Aut*0ati*n
A) ?ener"!
E) Eoi!ers
C) E3h"ust ?"s Eoi!ers or Economisers
D) I"ter 1e"ters
E) Therm"!9oi! 1e"ters
Sec- 4 "anufacture, W*rE0an#hip and !e#ting
A) H"nuf"cture
E) Ior&m"nshi#
C) 1e"t Tre"tment
D) Testin%
E) H"r&in%
App- A !%pe# and "ini0u0 Di0en#i*n# *f the .n#pecti*n Opening# in /*iler# and 7re##ure 3e##el#
A) Definitions "nd Dimensions
7AR! ) CHA7!ER 4
Electrical .n#tallati*n#
Sec- ( Service De#cripti*n
A) A##!ic"tion
E) Verific"tion Scheme
Sec- & S%#te0 De#ign
A) ?ener"!
E) H"in E!ectric /o,er Su##!$ S$stem
C) Emer%enc$ /o,er Su##!$ S$stem
D) E"tter$ S$stems
E) St"rtin% Arr"n%ement for En%ines ,ith E!ectric St"rter
F) E!ectric /o,er Distribution
?) /rotection
1) Contro! of E!ectric E.ui#ment
I) Vesse! Arr"n%ement
4) C"b!e Se!ection
'ules for High "peed, (ight )raft and Naval "urface )raft, *uly #+,-
.t.+ )h., "ec.4 "ystematic index 2 .age #4
Sec- 5 E@uip0ent in General
A) ?ener"! Re.uirements
E) Environment"! Re.uirements
C) E.ui#ment R"tin%s
D) Hech"nic"! "nd E!ectric"! /ro#erties
E) H"r&in% "nd Si%nbo"rds
F) Insu!"tion
?) Ins#ection "nd testin%
Sec- ) SCitchgear and C*ntr*l gear A##e08lie#
A) Construction
E) /o,er Circuits
C) Contro! "nd /rotection Circuits
D) Ins#ection "nd Testin%
Sec- + R*tating "achine#
A) ?ener"!
E) Addition"! Re.uirements for ?ener"tors
C) Ins#ection "nd Testin%
Sec- 9 7*Cer !ran#f*r0er#
A) ?ener"!
E) Ins#ection "nd Testin%
Sec- 2 Se0i:c*nduct*r C*nverter#
A) ?ener"! Re.uirements
E) Ins#ection "nd Testin%
Sec- 4 "i#cellane*u# E@uip0ent
A) ?ener"!
Sec- D Ca8le#
A) A##!ic"tion
E) ?ener"! C"b!e Construction
C) Lo, Vo!t"%e /o,er C"b!es
D) 1i%h Vo!t"%e C"b!es
E) Contro! "nd Instrument"tion C"b!es
F) D"t" Communic"tion C"b!es
?) F!e3ib!e e!ectric"! c"b!es
1) Ins#ection "nd Testin%
Sec- (' .n#tallati*n
A) ?ener"! Re.uirements
E) E.ui#ment
C) C"b!es
D) Ins#ection "nd Testin%
Sec- (( HaAard*u# Area# .n#tallati*n#
A) ?ener"!
E) Document"tion
C) E.ui#ment Se!ection
D) Inst"!!"tion Re.uirements
Sec- (& Electric 7r*pul#i*n
A) ?ener"!
E) Verific"tion
Sec- (5 Definiti*n#
A) Definitions
App- A Li#t *f Alar0# and "*nit*ring 7ara0eter#
A) ?ener"!
7AR! ) CHA7!ER D
C*ntr*l and "*nit*ring S%#te0#
Sec- ( General Re@uire0ent#
A) C!"ssific"tion
E) Definitions
C) Document"tion
D) Tests
Sec- & De#ign 7rinciple#
A) S$stem Confi%ur"tion
'ules for High "peed, (ight )raft and Naval "urface )raft, *uly #+,-
.t.+ )h., "ec.4 "ystematic index 2 .age #-
E) Res#onse to F"i!ures
Sec- 5 S%#te0 De#ign
A) S$stem E!ements
E) ?ener"! Re.uirements
Sec- ) Additi*nal Re@uire0ent# f*r C*0puter /a#ed S%#te0#
A) ?ener"! Re.uirements
E) S$stem Soft,"re
C) Contro! S$stem Net,or&s "nd D"t" Communic"tion Lin&s
Sec- + C*0p*nent De#ign and .n#tallati*n
A) ?ener"!
E) Environment"! Conditions+ Instrument"tion
C) E!ectric"! "nd E!ectronic E.ui#ment
Sec- 9 #er .nterface
A) ?ener"!
E) Ior&st"tion Desi%n "nd Arr"n%ement
C) User In#ut Device "nd Dis#!"$ Unit Desi%n
D) Screen E"sed S$stems
7AR! ) CHA7!ER ('
Fire Safet%
Sec- ( General Re@uire0ent#
A) A##!ic"tion
E) Sco#e of ,or&
C) Submission of Document"tion
Sec- & Fire Safet% "ea#ure# f*r .##uance *f HSC Safet% Certificate#
A) ?ener"!
App- A .nterpretati*n# and Clarificati*n# t* the HSC C*de Ch-2
A) ?ener"!
E) 1SC Code <)6 Definitions
C) 1SC Code <)> C!"ssific"tion of s#"ce use
D) 1SC Code <)7 Structur"! fire #rotection
E) 1SC Code <); Fue! "nd other f!"mm"b!e f!uid t"n&s "nd s$stems
F) 1SC Code <)F Venti!"tion
?) 1SC Code <)< Fire Detection "nd e3tin%uishin% s$stem
1) 1SC Code <)= /rotection of s#eci"! c"te%or$ s#"ces "nd ro9ro s#"ces
I) 1SC Code <): Hisce!!"neous
4) 1SC Code <)20 Fire9fi%hters outfit
K) 1SC Code <)22 Arr"n%ement '#"ssen%er cr"ft(
L) 1SC Code <)26 Venti!"tion '#"ssen%er cr"ft(
H) 1SC Code <)2> Fi3ed S#rin&!er S$stem '#"ssen%er cr"ft(
N) 1SC Code <)27 Contro! st"tions 'c"r%o cr"ft(
O) 1SC Code <)2; C"r%o s#"ces 'c"r%o cr"ft(
/) 1SC Code <)2F Fi3ed s#rin&!er s$stem 'c"r%o cr"ft(
M) 1SC Code <)2< ?ener"! 'D"n%erous ?oods(
App- / Fi6ed Ga# Fire:e6tingui#hing S%#te0#
A) ?ener"!
E) 1SC Code <)<)> Fi3ed fire e3tin%uishin% s$stem
7AR! ) CHA7!ER ((
Safet% *f Navigati*n
Sec- ( General Re@uire0ent#
A) ?ener"!
E) Definitions
C) Document"tion
D) Instruction H"nu"!s
E) Test "nd Tri"!s
Sec- & Navigati*nal E@uip0ent
A) E.ui#ment Re.uirements
Sec- 5 Operating C*0part0ent La%*ut
A) O#er"tin% Com#"rtment Desi%n "nd L"$out
'ules for High "peed, (ight )raft and Naval "urface )raft, *uly #+,-
.t.+ )h., "ec.4 "ystematic index 2 .age #5
Sec- ) Handling, C*ntr*lla8ilit% and 7erf*r0ance
A) 1"nd!in%+ Contro!!"bi!it$ "nd /erform"nce
7AR! ) CHA7!ER (&
Radi* C*00unicati*n#
Sec- ( General Re@uire0ent#
A) ?ener"!
E) Definitions
C) Mu"!ific"tions
D) R"dio Records
Sec- & Radi* E@uip0ent
A) Function"! Re.uirements
E) R"dio Inst"!!"tions
C) R"dio E.ui#ment
7AR! ) CHA7!ER (5
C*ntr*l and "*nit*ring *f 7r*pul#i*n, Directi*nal C*ntr*l, Sta8ili#ati*n and Au6iliar% S%#te0#
Sec- ( General Re@uire0ent#
A) ?ener"!
E) Definitions
C) Document"tion
D) Tests
Sec- & S%#te0 Arrange0ent#
A) S$stem Desi%n
E) S"fet$ S$stem
C) Autom"tic Contro!
D) Fire Detection "nd Fire A!"rm S$stem
E) Remote Contro!
F) A!"rm S$stem
?) I"terti%ht Doors "nd 1"tches
Sec- 5 Directi*nal C*ntr*l S%#te0#
A) S$stem Desi%n
Sec- ) Sta8ili#ati*n S%#te0#
A) S$stem Desi%n
7AR! ) CHA7!ER ()
Steering Gear
Sec- ( Steering Gear
A) ?ener"!
E) Desi%n
C) Ins#ection "nd Testin%
D) Ior&sho# Testin%
E) /o,er Su##!$+ Contro! "nd Honitorin%
F) Arr"n%ement for Inst"!!"tion Onbo"rd
?) 'Intention"!!$ !eft b!"n&(
1) Inst"!!"tion
I) Shi#bo"rd Testin%
App- A Additi*nal Re@uire0ent# f*r N*n:Duplicated Rudder Actuat*r#
A) ?ener"!
E) Desi%n
C) Ins#ection "nd Testin%
7AR! + CHA7!ER (
7a##enger Craft
Sec- ( General Re@uire0ent#
A) C!"ssific"tion
E) Document"tion
Sec- & 7a##enger Acc*00*dati*n
A) /"ssen%er "nd Cre, Accommod"tion
E) Se"t Construction
C) E"%%"%e+ Store "nd C"r%o Com#"rtments
D) Dec&+ F!oors "nd R"i!in%s
'ules for High "peed, (ight )raft and Naval "urface )raft, *uly #+,-
.t.+ )h., "ec.4 "ystematic index 2 .age #6
Sec- 5 .ntact and Da0age Sta8ilit%
A) Document"tion
E) Re.uirements
Sec- ) Fire Safet% : 7a##enger Craft
A) A##!ic"tion
Sec- + Electrical .n#tallati*n#
A) Re.uirements
Sec- 9 "achiner% and S%#te0#
A) Re.uirements to H"chiner$
E) Ei!%e /um# "nd Dr"in"%e S$stems
Sec- 2 C*ntr*l and "*nit*ring
A) ?ener"! Re.uirements
E) S$stem Desi%n
7AR! + CHA7!ER &
Car Ferr%
Sec- ( General Regulati*n#
A) C!"ssific"tion
E) A##!ic"tion
C) S"fet$ for /ersons Onbo"rd
D) Service Restrictions
E) Document"tion
Sec- & Arrange0ent
A) 1u!! Arr"n%ement
E) Eo, Arr"n%ement
Sec- 5 Structure#, E@uip0ent
A) Ihee! Lo"din%s "nd C"r Dec& Structure
E) St"bi!it$
C) Ei!%e Arr"n%ement or Dr"in"%e
D) Eo, Door Structure
E) E3tern"! Vehic!e R"m#s
Sec- ) Fire Safet% : Car Ferrie#
A) A##!ic"tion
Sec- + C*ntr*l and "*nit*ring
A) ?ener"! Re.uirements
E) S$stem Desi%n
7AR! + CHA7!ER 5
Sec- ( General Regulati*n#
A) C!"ssific"tion
E) Document"tion
Sec- & Arrange0ent
A) C"r%o Com#"rtments
E) Side "nd Stern Doors
C) Eo, Doors
D) Indic"tion "nd Survei!!"nce
E) C"r%o 1"tches
F) E3tern"! Vehic!e R"m#s
Sec- 5 Structure#, E@uip0ent
A) ?ener"!
E) Re.uirements for St"bi!it$
Sec- ) "achiner% and S%#te0
A) Arr"n%ements in C"r%o S#"ces
E) Fire S"fet$ 9 C"r%o Cr"ft
C) Re.uirements for H"chiner$
D) E!ectric"! Inst"!!"tions
Sec- + C*ntainer Carrier#
A) ?ener"!
E) Testin% "nd H"r&in% of L"shin% "nd Securin% E.ui#ment
'ules for High "peed, (ight )raft and Naval "urface )raft, *uly #+,-
.t.+ )h., "ec.4 "ystematic index 2 .age #7
C) Arr"n%ements for Sto,in% "nd L"shin% of Cont"iners
D) Desi%n Lo"ds
E) Stren%th An"!$sis
F) A!!o,"b!e Forces "nd Stresses
?) Si%nbo"rds
Sec- 9 C*ntr*l and "*nit*ring
A) ?ener"! Re.uirements
E) S$stem Desi%n
7AR! + CHA7!ER )
CreC /*at#
Sec- ( General regulati*n#
A) C!"ssific"tion
E) /eriodic"! surve$s
C) Document"tion
Sec- & Cla## re@uire0ent#
A) Structures "nd e.ui#ment
E) Anchorin% "nd moorin% e.ui#ment
C) St"bi!it$+ ,"ter9 "nd ,e"therti%ht inte%rit$
D) Arr"n%ement
E) H"chiner$
F) /i#in% s$stems
?) E!ectric"! s$stems
1) C"r%o h"nd!in% s$stems
Sec- 5 Safet% re@uire0ent#
A) ?ener"!
E) D"m"%ed st"bi!it$
C) Fire s"fet$
D) Lifes"vin% "##!i"nces
7AR! + CHA7!ER +
Sec- ( General Regulati*n#
A) C!"ssific"tion
E) Document"tion
Sec- & Arrange0ent
A) ?ener"!
E) Furniture
C) E"%%"%e "nd Store Com#"rtments
D) Dec&s
Sec- 5 Structure# and E@uip0ent
A) ?ener"!
E) Subdivision "nd Arr"n%ement
C) 1u!! Structur"! Desi%n
D) O#enin%s "nd C!osin% A##!i"nces
E) St"bi!it$
F) Anchorin% "nd Hoorin% E.ui#ment
Sec- ) "achiner% and S%#te0#
A) ?ener"!
E) /i#in% S$stems
C) /ro#u!sion "nd Au3i!i"r$ H"chiner$
D) E!ectric"! S$stems
Sec- + Fire Safet%
A) ?ener"!
E) Structur"! Fire /rotection+ H"teri"!s "nd Arr"n%ements
C) Venti!"tion
D) Fire Detection "nd TV Honitorin% S$stem
E) Fire E3tin%uishin% S$stem
F) Fire H"in "nd /ort"b!e E3tin%uishers
?) S#rin&!er S$stem
1) Firefi%terOs Outfit "nd EEEDs
Sec- 9 Special Regulati*n#
A) Life9s"vin% A##!i"nces
'ules for High "peed, (ight )raft and Naval "urface )raft, *uly #+,-
.t.+ )h., "ec.4 "ystematic index 2 .age #8
7AR! + CHA7!ER 9
7atr*l /*at#
Sec- ( General Regulati*n#
A) C!"ssific"tion
E) Document"tion
Sec- & Arrange0ent
A) I"terti%ht Inte%rit$ "nd Euo$"nc$
E) Accommod"tion
C) Dec& Arr"n%ement
D) O#enin%s "nd C!osin% A##!i"nces
Sec- 5 Structure# and E@uip0ent
A) Sc"nt!in%s
E) E.ui#ment
Sec- ) "achiner% and S%#te0#
A) H"chiner$ "nd 1u!! /i#in%
E) /ro#u!sion "nd Au3i!i"r$ H"chiner$
C) E!ectric"! s$stems
Sec- + Fire Safet%
A) ?ener"!
E) Structur"! fire #rotection "nd "rr"n%ements
C) Venti!"tion
D) Fire detection
E) E3tin%uishin% s$stems
F) Fire #um#s "nd fire m"in
?) /ort"b!e e3tin%uishers
1) Hisce!!"neous
Sec- 9 Special Re@uire0ent#
A) Lifes"vin% A##!i"nces
E) R"diocommunic"tion
7AR! + CHA7!ER 2
Naval Landing Craft
Sec- ( General Regulati*n#
A) C!"ssific"tion
E) Devi"tions from the Ru!es
Sec- & Arrange0ent#
A) Arr"n%ements
Sec- 5 Open Sea Operati*n#
A) Desi%n Lo"ds
E) Structur"! Stren%th
C) St"bi!it$+ I"terti%ht "nd Ie"therti%ht Inte%rit$
D) /i#in% S$stems
E) Fire S"fet$
F) S"fe Ev"cu"tion
Sec- ) /eaching Operati*n#
A) S#eci"! Consider"tions for Ee"chin% O#er"tions
E) Structur"! Stren%th
C) /i#in% S$stems
D) H"chiner$
Sec- + L7D Operati*n#
A) S#eci"! Consider"tions for L/D O#er"tions
7AR! + CHA7!ER 4
Carriage *f Danger*u# G**d#
Sec- ( Fire Safet%
A) Re.uirements for cr"ft "nd c"r%o s#"ces intended for the c"rri"%e of d"n%erous %oods P
'ules for High "peed, (ight )raft and Naval "urface )raft, *uly #+,-
.t.+ )h., "ec.4 "ystematic index 2 .age #9
7AR! + CHA7!ER D
S0all Service Craft#
Sec- ( General
A) Introduction
E) /rocedur"! Re.uirements
Sec- & Cla## Re@uire0ent#
A) Structure "nd E.ui#ment
E) Anchorin% "nd Hoorin% E.ui#ment
C) St"bi!it$+ I"ter9 "nd Ie"therti%ht Inte%rit$
D) Arr"n%ement
E) H"chiner$
F) /i#in% S$stems
?) E!ectric"! S$stems
1) Contro! "nd Honitorin% S$stems
Sec- 5 Safet% Re@uire0ent#
A) ?ener"!
E) D"m"%ed St"bi!it$
C) Fire S"fet$
D) Life S"vin% A##!i"nces
E) S"fet$ of N"vi%"tion
F) R"diocommunic"tions
?) Hisce!!"neous
App- A D*cu0entati*n Re@uire0ent#
A) Document"tion
7AR! + CHA7!ER ()
Naval and Naval Supp*rt 3e##el#
Sec- ( General Regulati*n#
A) Introduction
E) E3"min"tion /rinci#!es
C) Definitions
D) C!"ssific"tion of Ne,bui!din%s
E) Devi"tions from the Ru!es
Sec- & Arrange0ent#
A) Dec& Arr"n%ements
E) I"terti%ht Com#"rtments
C) Nones
D) Accommod"tion 'for 1S+ LC "nd NSC(
E) Stores 'for 1S+ LC "nd NSC(
Sec- 5 De#ign L*ad#
A) ?ener"! Re.uirements
E) 1u!! ?irder Lo"ds 'for 1S+ LC "nd NSC(
C) Loc"! Lo"ds 'for 1S+ LC "nd NSC(
D) O#er"tion"! Lo"ds
E) Accident"! Lo"ds
Sec- ) Structural Strength
A) ?ener"! Re.uirements
E) Structur"! Arr"n%ement
C) Loc"! Stren%th
D) ?!ob"! Stren%th
E) Ie!d Connections
F) Euc&!in% 'for 1S+ LC "nd NSC(
?) Direct Stren%th C"!cu!"tions
Sec- + Sta8ilit%, Watertight and Weathertight .ntegrit%
A) ?ener"!
E) Freebo"rd+ E3tern"! I"terti%ht Inte%rit$ 'for 1S+ LC "nd NSC(
C) Int"ct St"bi!it$ Re.uirements
D) Intern"! I"terti%ht Inte%rit$
Sec- 9 7iping S%#te0#
A) ?ener"!
E) Desi%n /rinci#!es
C) /i#es+ /um#s+ V"!ves+ F!e3ib!e 1oses "nd Det"ch"b!e /i#e Connections
D) H"nuf"cture+ Ior&m"nshi#+ Ins#ection "nd Testin%
E) H"r&in%
'ules for High "peed, (ight )raft and Naval "urface )raft, *uly #+,-
.t.+ )h., "ec.4 "ystematic index 2 .age 4+
F) H"chiner$ /i#in% S$stems
?) Vesse! /i#in% S$stem
Sec- 2 "achiner%, 7r*pul#i*n and 7*#iti*ning
A) ?ener"! Re.uirements
E) O#er"tion"! Conditions
C) Arr"n%ement "nd S$stem Desi%n
D) Com#onent S#ecific Re.uirements
Sec- 4 Electric 7*Cer Generati*n and !ran#fer
A) ?ener"! Re.uirements
E) Desi%n /rinci#!es
C) S$stem Desi%n
D) S,itch%e"r "nd Contro! ?e"r Assemb!ies
E) Rot"tin% H"chiner$
F) Hisce!!"neous E.ui#ment
?) Inst"!!"tion "nd Testin%
1) E!ectric /ro#u!sion
Sec- D C*ntr*l and "*nit*ring
A) ?ener"! Re.uirements
E) Document"tion
C) S$stem Desi%n
D) Com#onent Desi%n "nd Inst"!!"tion
E) A!"rm S$stem
F) D"m"%e Contro! S$stem
?) Honitorin% "nd contro!
1) Contro! S$stems
Sec- (' Fire Safet%
A) ?ener"!
E) Ru!e References "nd Definitions
C) Document"tion
D) Structure
E) Fire Contro! Nones
F) Fire Inte%rit$ of Eu!&he"ds "nd Dec&s
?) He"ns of Esc"#e
1) Venti!"tion S$stems
I) H"teri"! Re.uirements
4) Fire Detection S$stem
K) Fi3ed Fire9e3tin%uishin% S$stem
L) Fire9e3tin%uishin% E.ui#ment
H) Fire /um#s "nd Fire H"in
N) Firefi%hterOs Outfit
O) Other S#"ces
/) 1e!ico#ter F"ci!ities
M) Fire Contro! /!"ns
Sec- (( Fire Safet% Re@uire0ent# f*r FR7 Naval 3e##el#
A) ?ener"! Re.uirements
E) Structur"! Fire /rotection+ H"teri"!s "nd Arr"n%ements
C) Venti!"tion
D) Fire Detection S$stem
E) Fire E3tin%uishin% S$stems "nd 1"J"rdous s#"ces
F) Fire /um#s+ Fire H"in "nd /ort"b!e E3tin%uishers
?) S#rin&!er S$stem
1) Firefi%hterOs outfit
I) Addition"! Fire /rotection 'o#tion"!(
Sec- (& Safe Evacuati*n *f 7er#*nnel
A) ?ener"!
E) Communic"tions
C) /erson"! Life9s"vin% A##!i"nces
D) Huster List+ Emer%enc$ Instructions "nd H"nu"!s
E) O#er"tin% Instructions
F) Surviv"! Cr"ft Sto,"%e
?) Surviv"! Cr"ft "nd Rescue Eo"t Emb"r&"tion "nd Recover$ Arr"n%ements
1) Line9thro,in% A##!i"nce
I) O#er"tion"! Re"diness+ H"inten"nce "nd Ins#ections
4) Surviv"! Cr"ft "nd Rescue Eo"ts
K) Addition"! Re.uirements for E.ui#ment
Sec- (5 Radiati*n HaAard#
A) ?ener"!
'ules for High "peed, (ight )raft and Naval "urface )raft, *uly #+,-
.t.+ )h., "ec.4 "ystematic index 2 .age 4,
E) Definitions
C) Document"tion
D) Desi%n /rinci#!es
E) Inst"!!"tion
F) Testin%
Sec- () Electr*0agnetic C*0pati8ilit%
A) ?ener"!
E) Definitions
C) Document"tion
D) Desi%n /rinci#!es
E) Inst"!!"tion
F) Testin%
Sec- (+ St*rage R**0# f*r E6pl*#ive#
A) ?ener"!
E) E"sic Re.uirements
C) Arr"n%ements
D) Structure
E) Fire S"fet$
F) R"di"tion 1"J"rds
?) Si%nbo"rds
7AR! 9 CHA7!ER (
"i#cellane*u# N*tati*n#
Sec- ( General Re@uire0ent#
A) C!"ssific"tion
E) Definitions
C) Document"tion
Sec- & Helic*pter .n#tallati*n#
A) ?ener"!
E) Desi%n Lo"ds "nd Lo"d Combin"tions
C) Structur"! Stren%th
D) Hisce!!"neous
E) Re.uirements for Vesse! S"fet$ 'HELDK-S(
F) Re.uirements for 1e!ico#ter S"fet$ 'HELDK-SH(
?) Re.uirements for 1e!ico#ter Refue!!in% "nd 1"n%"r F"ci!ities 'HELDK-SHF(
1) (CAA-N)
I) Certific"tion "nd Testin%
7AR! 9 CHA7!ER 5
7eri*dicall% nattended "achiner% Space
Sec- ( General Re@uire0ent#
A) C!"ssific"tion
E) Document"tion
C) /eriodic"! test
Sec- & S%#te0 Arrange0ent
A) ?ener"!
E) Fire Detection "nd A!"rm S$stem
C) Remote Contro!
Sec- 5 Special Re@uire0ent#
A) Fire S"fet$
Sec- ) Surve%
A) ?ener"!
7AR! 9 CHA7!ER 4
Nautical Safet%
Sec- ( General Re@uire0ent#
A) C!"ssific"tion
E) Definitions
C) Document"tion
D) Instruction H"nu"!s
E) Tests "nd Tri"!s
'ules for High "peed, (ight )raft and Naval "urface )raft, *uly #+,-
.t.+ )h., "ec.4 "ystematic index 2 .age 4#
Sec- & Navigati*nal E@uip0ent
A) E.ui#ment Re.uirements
E) /o,er Su##!$
C) A!"rm S$stem
D) A##rov"! of E.ui#ment
Sec- 5 Operating C*0part0ent La%*ut
A) O#er"tin% Com#"rtment Desi%n "nd L"$out
Sec- ) /ridge E@uip0ent !e#t#
A) ?ener"!
E) On9bo"rd Testin% of Erid%e E.ui#ment
Sec- + C*0part0ent Envir*n0ent
A) Erid%e Ior&in% Environment
Sec- 9 Operati*nal 7r*cedure#
A) C!"ssific"tion
7AR! 9 CHA7!ER D
E6tended Lifeti0e
Sec- ( General Re@uire0ent#
A) C!"ssific"tion
E) Document"tion
Sec- & L*ad# and Structural Strength
A) Lo"ds
E) Acce#t"nce Criteri"
7AR! 9 CHA7!ER ('
Nuclear /i*l*gical and Che0ical 7r*tecti*n
Sec- ( General Re@uire0ent#
A) The Ru!es
E) Definitions
C) Leve!s of NEC #rotection
D) C!"ssific"tion
E) Document"tion
F) Surve$
Sec- & Arrange0ent
A) ?ener"!
Sec- 5 N/C Shelter and Citadel Re@uire0ent#
A) NEC She!ter "nd Cit"de! Re.uirements
E) Other
Sec- ) !e#ting
A) Testin%
7AR! 9 CHA7!ER ((
Hull "*nit*ring S%#te0#
Sec- ( General Re@uire0ent#
A) C!"ssific"tion
E) Definitions
C) Document"tion
Sec- & C*0p*nent Re@uire0ent#
A) Com#onent Re.uirements
E) Sensors
C) Si%n"! Conditionin% Units
Sec- 5 S%#te0 De#ign
A) S$stem Re.uirements
E) /rim"r$ E!ements
C) D"t" /rocessin%
D) User Interf"ces
E) D"t" Stor"%e
F) E3tent of Honitorin%
'ules for High "peed, (ight )raft and Naval "urface )raft, *uly #+,-
.t.+ )h., "ec.4 "ystematic index 2 .age 44
Sec- ) .n#tallati*n and !e#ting
A) ?ener"!
E) A##rov"! "nd Testin% /rocedure
7AR! 9 CHA7!ER (&
N*i#e and 3i8rati*n#
Sec- ( N*i#e and 3i8rati*n
A) ?ener"!
E) Noise
C) Structur"! Vibr"tion
D) H"chiner$ Vibr"tion
7AR! 9 CHA7!ER (5
Ga# Fuelled Ship .n#tallati*n#
Sec- ( General re@uire0ent#
A) C!"ssific"tion
E) Definitions
C) Document"tion
D) Certific"tion
E) Onbo"rd document"tion
F) Si%nbo"rds
Sec- & "aterial#
A) ?ener"!
Sec- 5 Arrange0ent and #%#te0 de#ign
A) Loc"tion "nd se#"r"tion of s#"ces+ "rr"n%ement of entr"nces "nd other o#enin%s
E) Arr"n%ement of "ir !oc&s
C) ?ener"! %"s #i#in% desi%n
D) E3h"ust s$stem
E) S$stem confi%ur"tion
F) ?"s su##!$ s$stem "rr"n%ement
?) ?"s su##!$ s$stem in m"chiner$ s#"ces
1) ?"s fue! stor"%e t"n&s
I) Fuel bunkering system
4) Venti!"tion s$stems
K) Nitro%en inst"!!"tions
Sec- ) Fire #afet%
A) ?ener"!
E) Fire protection
C) Fire extinction
D) Fire detection and alarm systems
Sec- + Electrical #%#te0#
A) ?ener"!
E) Are" c!"ssific"tion
C) Ins#ection "nd testin%
D) H"inten"nce
Sec- 9 C*ntr*l, 0*nit*ring and #afet% #%#te0#
A) ?ener"!
E) ?"s contro! s$stem
C) ?"s s"fet$ s$stem
D) Venti!"tion contro!+ monitorin% "nd s"fet$
E) ?"s en%ine monitorin%
Sec- 2 C*0pre##*r# and ga# engine#
A) ?"s com#ressors
E) ?"s en%ine desi%n
Sec- 4 "anufacture, C*rE0an#hip and te#ting
A) Gas tanks
E) ?"s #i#in% s$stems
C) Onbo"rd testin%
'ules for High "peed, (ight )raft and Naval "urface )raft, *uly #+,-
.t.+ )h., "ec.4 "ystematic index 2 .age 4-
7AR! 9 CHA7!ER (2
Safet% *f Navigati*n f*r Naval 3e##el#
Sec- ( General Re@uire0ent#
A) C!"ssific"tion
Sec- & De#ign *f W*rEplace
A) ?ener"!
E) Erid%e "nd Ior&st"tion Arr"n%ement
C) Erid%e Confi%ur"tion
D) Re.uirements S#ecific for SOLAS Vesse!s
E) Re.uirements S#ecific for 1SC Code Vesse!s
Sec- 5 /ridge W*rEing Envir*n0ent
A) Re.uirements for Erid%e Ior&in% Environment
Sec- ) Carriage Re@uire0ent# f*r Navigati*nal S%#te0# and E@uip0ent
A) ?ener"!
E) C"rri"%e Re.uirements
7AR! 9 CHA7!ER (4
C*08at Surviva8ilit%
Sec- ( General Re@uire0ent#
A) C!"ssific"tion
E) Document"tion
Sec- & Hull Da0age Strength
A) ?ener"!
E) Document"tion
C) D"m"%e stren%th
Sec- 5 S%#te0 Redundanc%
A) ?ener"!
E) Document"tion
C) S$stem Re.uirements
D) Surve$s
7AR! 9 CHA7!ER &5
Fuel Cell .n#tallati*n#
Sec- ( General Re@uire0ent#
A) C!"ssific"tion
E) Definitions
C) Document"tion
D) Certific"tion
E) O#er"tion "nd H"inten"nce H"nu"!s
Sec- & De#ign 7rinciple# f*r FC-POWER N*tati*n
A) Desi%n /rinci#!es
Sec- 5 "aterial#
A) ?ener"!
E) S#eci"! Re.uirements for Different Fue!s
Sec- ) Arrange0ent and S%#te0 De#ign
A) Loc"tion "nd Se#"r"tion of S#"ces
E) Arr"n%ement of Entr"nces "nd Other O#enin%s
C) ?ener"! /i#e Desi%n
D) S$stem Confi%ur"tion
E) FC fue! Su##!$ S$stem In Fue! Ce!! S#"ces
F) FC Fue! Stor"%e
?) FC Fue! T"n& Desi%n
1) Fue! Eun&erin% S$stem "nd Distribution S$stem outside H"chiner$ S#"ces
I) Venti!"tion S$stem
Sec- + Fire Safet%
A) ?ener"!
E) Fire /rotection
C) Fire E3tinction
D) Fire Detection "nd A!"rm S$stems
'ules for High "peed, (ight )raft and Naval "urface )raft, *uly #+,-
.t.+ )h., "ec.4 "ystematic index 2 .age 45
Sec- 9 Electrical S%#te0#
A) ?ener"!
E) Are" C!"ssific"tion
C) Ins#ection "nd Testin% of E!ectric"! E.ui#ment in 1"J"rdous Are"
D) H"inten"nce of E!ectric"! E.ui#ment in 1"J"rdous Are"
Sec- 2 C*ntr*l, "*nit*ring and Safet% S%#te0#
A) ?ener"!
E) Honitorin%
C) ?"s Detection
D) S"fet$ Functions of ?"s Su##!$ S$stems
Sec- 4 C*0pre##*r#
A) FC Fue! Com#ressors
Sec- D "anufacture, W*rE0an#hip and !e#ting
A) Li.uefied ?"s T"n&
E) FC Fue! /i#in% S$stems
C) Onbo"rd Testin% of FC /!"nt
7AR! 9 CHA7!ER &2
Sec- ( General re@uire0ent#
A) Introduction
E) References
C) ?ener"! re.uirements
Sec- & Cla## n*tati*n RECYCLABLE
A) Introduction
E) Re.uirements
7AR! 9 CHA7!ER &4
!entative Rule# f*r /atter% 7*Cer
Sec- ( General
A) Introduction
E) Termino!o%$ "nd definitions
C) /rocedur"! Re.uirements
Sec- & De#ign 7rinciple# f*r Battery Power N*tati*n
A) Desi%n /rinci#!es
Sec- 5 Arrange0ent and S%#te0 De#ign
A) Desi%n of E"tter$ S#"ces
Sec- ) /atterie#
A) ?ener"!
E) Lithium E"tteries
C) Le"d Acid "nd NiCd E"tteries
D) Other E"tter$ Techno!o%ies
E) Inst"!!"tion
F) Ins#ection "nd Testin%
Sec- + Fire Safet%
A) ?ener"!
Sec- 9 Electrical S%#te0#
A) ?ener"!
E) /o,er Converters
Sec- 2 C*ntr*l, "*nit*ring and Safet% S%#te0#
A) ?ener"!
E) Contro! "nd Honitorin%
C) A!"rm
D) S"fet$
Sec- 4 .n#tallati*n
A) Ins#ection "nd Testin%
'ules for High "peed, (ight )raft and Naval "urface )raft, *uly #+,-
.t.+ )h., "ec.4 "ystematic index 2 .age 46
7AR! 9 CHA7!ER &D
Electrical Sh*re C*nnecti*n#
Sec- ( General
A) Introduction
E) /rocedur"! Re.uirements
Sec- & !echnical re@uire0ent#
A) ?ener"!
E) S,itch%e"r "nd inter!oc&s
C) Emer%enc$ disconnection
D) Contro! "nd monitorin%
E) Inst"!!"tion
F) Surve$ "nd Testin%
7AR! 9 CHA7!ER 5'
Service *n Windfar0# and *ther Off#h*re .n#tallati*n#
Sec- ( General
A) Introduction
Sec- & 7er#*nnel !ran#fer S%#te0#
A) Re.uirements for Cr"ft Stren%th "nd S"fet$
E) C"r%o "nd Fue! Oi! Tr"nsfer S$stems
C) Noise "nd Vibr"tion
App- A D*cu0entati*n Re@uire0ent#
A) Document"tion
7AR! 9 CHA7!ER 5&
!entative Rule# f*r L*C Fla#hp*int Li@uid Fuelled Ship .n#tallati*n#
Sec- ( General
A) Introduction
E) References
C) /rocedur"! Re.uirements
Sec- & "aterial#
A) ?ener"!
Sec- 5 Arrange0ent and De#ign
A) ?ener"!
E) Fue! Stor"%e
C) Fue! Tr"nsfer "nd Su##!$
D) Access
E) Venti!"tion
F) Fue! Eun&erin%
?) Nitro%en Inst"!!"tions
Sec- ) Fire Safet%
A) ?ener"!
E) Cont"inment of Fire
C) Fire Fi%htin%
Sec- + Electrical S%#te0#
A) ?ener"!
E) Are" C!"ssific"tion
C) Ins#ection "nd testin%
D) H"inten"nce
Sec- 9 C*ntr*l, "*nit*ring and Safet% S%#te0#
A) ?ener"!
E) Contro! S$stem
C) S"fet$ S$stem
D) En%ine Honitorin%
Sec- 2 Engine# and 7u0p#
A) /um#s
E) En%ines
Sec- 4 "anufacture, W*rE0an#hip and !e#ting
A) ?ener"!
E) Fue! T"n&s
'ules for High "peed, (ight )raft and Naval "urface )raft, *uly #+,-
.t.+ )h., "ec.4 "ystematic index 2 .age 47
C) /i#in% S$stem
D) Onbo"rd Testin%
Sec- D Operati*nal .n#tructi*n#
A) ?ener"!
Sec- (' 7er#*nnel 7r*tecti*n
A) ?ener"!
Sec- (( Ship !%pe C*n#iderati*n#
A) Chemic"! T"n&ers
E) /"ssen%er vesse!s
C) Offshore su##!$ vesse!s
7AR! 2 CHA7!ER (
Surve% Re@uire0ent#
Sec- ( General Re@uire0ent#
A) ?ener"!
E) 1u!! "nd E.ui#ment
C) H"chiner$ "nd S$stems
Sec- & Annual Surve%# E6tent "ain Cla##
A) ?ener"! Re.uirements
E) 1u!! "nd E.ui#ment
C) H"chiner$ "nd S$stems
Sec- 5 .nter0ediate Surve%# E6tent "ain Cla##
A) ?ener"! Re.uirements
E) 1u!! "nd E.ui#ment
C) H"chiner$ "nd S$stems
Sec- ) ReneCal Surve%# E6tent "ain Cla##
A) ?ener"! Re.uirements
E) 1u!! "nd E.ui#ment
C) H"chiner$ "nd S$stems
D) T"b!e of surve$ methods for m"chiner$
Sec- + "i#cellane*u# "ain Cla## Surve%#
A) Eottom Surve$s
E) /ro#e!!er Sh"ft Surve$
C) /ro#e!!er Connection Surve$
D) Surve$ of ?e"red Thrusters for H"in /ro#u!sion "nd DYNPOS
E) Surve$ of /odded Thrusters for H"in /ro#u!sion "nd DYNPOS
F) I"ter 4et Surve$
?) Eoi!er Surve$
Sec- 9 Opti*nal Cla## N*tati*n Surve%#
A) ?ener"!
E) N"utic"! S"fet$
Sec- 2 Alternative Surve% Arrange0ent#
A) ?ener"!
E) 1u!! Surve$ Arr"n%ements
C) H"chiner$ Surve$ Arr"n%ements
Sec- 4 Surve%# 7erf*r0ed 8% Appr*ved C*0panie#
A) Surve$s b$ A##roved Com#"nies or Service Su##!iers
7AR! 2 CHA7!ER &
Retr*active Re@uire0ent#
Sec- ( Retr*active Rule Re@uire0ent#
A) S"fet$ of N"vi%"tion
'ules for High "peed, (ight )raft and Naval "urface )raft, *uly #+,-
.t.+ )h., )H/N01" 2 HI"3:'I) 2 .age 48
Note th"t historic ch"n%es o!der th"n the editions sho,n be!o, h"ve not been inc!uded) O!der historic ch"n%es
'if "n$( m"$ be retrieved throu%h htt#C**,,,)dnv)com)
$anuar% &'() editi*n
"ain change# $anuar% &'(), entering int* f*rce ( $ul% &'()
, Sec-& Current rule chapter#
B T"b!e 2 @Current ru!e ch"#tersA h"s been u#d"ted ,ith the correct revision d"tes)
$ul% &'(5 editi*n
A0end0ent# Septe08er &'(5
, Sec-& Current Rule Chapter#
B T"b!e 2 @Current ru!e ch"#tersA h"s been u#d"ted to ref!ect "mendments to the 4u!$ 602> edition)
"ain change#
, Sec-& Current Rule Chapter#
B T"b!e 2 @Current ru!e ch"#tersA h"s been u#d"ted ,ith the correct revision d"tes)
$anuar% &'(5 editi*n
"ain change#
, Sec-& Current Rule Chapter#
B T"b!e 2 @Current ru!e ch"#tersA h"s been u#d"ted ,ith the correct revision d"tes)

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