This document provides guidance on defining a project scope and establishing a work breakdown structure (WBS) for a project. It outlines several key steps:
1. Defining the project scope through a checklist of objectives, deliverables, milestones, requirements, limits and exclusions.
2. Establishing project priorities such as time-constrained/scope-accept/cost-enhance.
3. Creating a WBS with multiple levels of detail to break the project into deliverables, sub-deliverables, and work packages assigned to responsibility centers.
The document uses a case study of organizing a soccer tournament to demonstrate how to develop a draft WBS. It provides examples and exercises for students to practice scope definition
This document provides guidance on defining a project scope and establishing a work breakdown structure (WBS) for a project. It outlines several key steps:
1. Defining the project scope through a checklist of objectives, deliverables, milestones, requirements, limits and exclusions.
2. Establishing project priorities such as time-constrained/scope-accept/cost-enhance.
3. Creating a WBS with multiple levels of detail to break the project into deliverables, sub-deliverables, and work packages assigned to responsibility centers.
The document uses a case study of organizing a soccer tournament to demonstrate how to develop a draft WBS. It provides examples and exercises for students to practice scope definition
This document provides guidance on defining a project scope and establishing a work breakdown structure (WBS) for a project. It outlines several key steps:
1. Defining the project scope through a checklist of objectives, deliverables, milestones, requirements, limits and exclusions.
2. Establishing project priorities such as time-constrained/scope-accept/cost-enhance.
3. Creating a WBS with multiple levels of detail to break the project into deliverables, sub-deliverables, and work packages assigned to responsibility centers.
The document uses a case study of organizing a soccer tournament to demonstrate how to develop a draft WBS. It provides examples and exercises for students to practice scope definition
This document provides guidance on defining a project scope and establishing a work breakdown structure (WBS) for a project. It outlines several key steps:
1. Defining the project scope through a checklist of objectives, deliverables, milestones, requirements, limits and exclusions.
2. Establishing project priorities such as time-constrained/scope-accept/cost-enhance.
3. Creating a WBS with multiple levels of detail to break the project into deliverables, sub-deliverables, and work packages assigned to responsibility centers.
The document uses a case study of organizing a soccer tournament to demonstrate how to develop a draft WBS. It provides examples and exercises for students to practice scope definition
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Chapter 4
Chapter Outline 1. Step one: Defining the project scope A. Employing a project scope checklist 1. Project objective 2. Deliverables 3. ilestones !. "echnical re#$irements %. &imits an' e(cl$sions ). *evie+ +ith c$stomer 2. Step t+o: Establishing project priorities 3. Step three: ,reating the +ork break'o+n str$ct$re A. ajor gro$pings fo$n' in a -.S .. -.S 'evelopment !. Step fo$r: /ntegrating the -.S +ith the organi0ation %. Step five: ,o'ing the -.S for the information system ). Project roll$p 1. Process break'o+n str$ct$re 2. *esponsibility matrices 3. S$mmary 14. 5ey terms 11. *evie+ #$estions 12. E(ercises 13. ,ase: anchester 6nite' Soccer ,l$b !71 Chapter Objectives "o recogni0e the importance of a complete scope statement acceptable to yo$r c$stomer as a con'ition for project s$ccess "o layo$t g$i'elines for creating a -.S for a project "o 'emonstrate the importance of -.S to the management of projects an' ho+ it serves as a 'atabase for planning an' control "o 'emonstrate ho+ the 8.S establishes acco$ntability to organi0ational $nits "o apply a -.S to a case or s$ggeste' project Review uesti!ns "# $hat %uesti!ns &!es a pr!ject !bjective answer' $hat w!ul& be an e(a)ple !* a +!!& pr!ject !bjective' "he project objectives ans+sers +hat9 +hen9 an' ho+ m$ch. "o replace the -illiamette bri'ge by A$g$st 3 r' at a cost not to e(cee' :1.% million. ,# $hat is the &i**erence between a pr!ject li)it an& a pr!ject e(clusi!n' A limit is a constraint on the project9 i.e. +ork on the bri'ge can only occ$r bet+een 11:44pm an' ):44am or c$stomer s$pport is limite' to 24 ho$rs of in7ho$se training. An e(cl$sion spells o$t in a'vance potential 'eliverables that are not incl$'e' in the project9 i.e. appliances not provi'e' on a ne+ home constr$ction project or on7site training not provi'e' on a soft+are installation project. -# $hat &!es it )ean i* the pri!rities !* a pr!ject inclu&e. Ti)e / C!nstrain0 1c!pe23ccept0 an& C!st /Enhance' "he project m$st be complete' on a specific 'ate9 the scope can be scale' back in or'er to meet cost an' time objectives9 an' +hen possible seek opport$nities to re'$ce costs. 4# $hat 4in&s !* in*!r)ati!n are inclu&e& in a c!st acc!unt' ,ost acco$nts incl$'e one or more +ork packages linke' to a 'eliverable an' an organi0ing $nit. 5# $hat 4in&s !* in*!r)ati!n are inclu&e& in a w!r4 pac4a+e' -ork packages incl$'e the follo+ing types of information: a. +ork to accomplish a segment of the project b. time to accomplish the +ork package c. time7phase' b$'get for the +ork package an' total cost to complete the +ork package '. reso$rces nee'e' to complete the +ork package !72 e. single person responsible for accomplishment of the +ork package f. monitoring points for meas$ring progress '$ring implementation of the +ork package g. any specifications critical to the +ork package 6# $hat is a ti)e2phase& bu&+et in a w!r4 pac4a+e' A time7phase' b$'get for a +ork package is one that sets $p cost ;b$'get< for each time perio' over the '$ration of the +ork package. A time7phase' b$'get for a +ork package is nee'e' for primarily t+o p$rposes. A time7phasing +ork package b$'get is especially important in +ork packages over one7+eek '$ration. =irst9 acco$nting an' finance 'epartments nee' b$'gets in this form to pre'ict cash inflo+s an' o$t flo+s. Secon'9 placing the b$'get in a time7phase' format allo+s the project manager to comp$te variances from sche'$le as the project is implemente'. 7# $hat is a 8pr!ject r!llup9 an& h!w &!es the pr!ject )ana+er use this in*!r)ati!n' "he term >roll$p? refers to the process of aggregating information at 'ifferent levels of the -.S or 8.S. /t is $se' to 'etermine total costs of 'eliverables as +ell as reso$rces. :# $hen w!ul& it be appr!priate t! create a resp!nsibilit; )atri( rather than a *ull2bl!wn $<1' 8n smaller projects +here verbal9 face7to7face comm$nication is possible9 a responsibility matri( sho$l' be a'e#$ate. Sometimes a responsibility matri( is $se' for a segment of a project or one in +hich a team +ishes to stress responsibility. E(ercises "# =!u are in char+e !* !r+ani>in+ a &inner2&ance c!ncert *!r a l!cal charit;# =!u have reserve& a hall that will seat -? c!uples an& have hire& a ja>> c!)b!# a@ Devel!p a sc!pe state)ent *!r this pr!ject that c!ntains e(a)ples !* all the ele)ents# 3ssu)e that the event will !ccur in 4 wee4s an& pr!vi&e ;!ur best +uess esti)ate !* the &ates *!r )ilest!nes# "his e(ercise is not inten'e' to pro'$ce a comprehensive scope statement b$t to test st$'ents@ ability to correctly i'entify the right kin' of information for each element. !73 Sample Scope Statement Pr!ject Objective. 8rgani0e a 'inner 'ance for 34 co$ples by arch (( at a cost not greater than yy to raise money for a local charity. Deliverables. )4 catere' 'inners Aa00 combo *ente' hall "ickets Ailest!nes. *ent hall by ( Sell 34 tickets by y Arrange caterer by 0 Technical Re%uire)ents. Ball has s$fficient space for tables an' 'ance floor ,onvenient parking available Ball has infrastr$ct$re to s$pport catere' 'inner an' ja00 combo eals incl$'e vegetarian option Bi)its an& E(clusi!ns. ,aterer responsible for preparing9 serving9 an' clean7$p "icket price set to generate at least :%4profit per co$ple Aa00 combo responsible for so$n' system Event transpire bet+een 1:44 C 12:44am Cust!)er Review. ,harity official b@ $hat w!ul& the pri!rities li4el; be *!r this pr!ject' 8nce the 'ate is selecte' the project is time7constraine'9 scope7accept9 an' cost7 enhance. ,# In s)all +r!ups i&enti*; real li*e e(a)ples !* a pr!ject that w!ul& *it each !* the *!ll!win+ pri!rit; scenari!s. a# Ti)e2c!nstraine&0 1c!pe2enhance&0 C!st2accept A +ealthy +e''ing or De+ EearFs Eve party Political campaign !7! b# Ti)e2accept0 sc!pe2c!nstraine&0 c!st2accept A ne+ line of b$lletproof clothing. P$blic constr$ction of a bri'ge c# Ti)e2c!nstraine&0 sc!pe2accept0 c!st2enchance& ,$re for A/Ds =$el efficient engine &onger lasting battery for laptop comp$ters -# Devel!p a $<1 *!r a pr!ject in which ;!u are +!in+ t! buil& a bic;cle# Tr; t! i&enti*; all !* the )aj!r c!)p!nents an& pr!vi&e three levels !* &etail# .elo+ is a st$'ent@s e(ample 4# =!u are the *ather !r )!ther !* a *a)il; !* *!ur C4i&s a+es "- an& "5@ plannin+ a wee4en& ca)pin+ trip# Devel!p a resp!nsibilit; )atri( *!r the w!r4 that nee&s t! be &!ne pri!r t! startin+ ;!ur trip# "his e(ercise is $s$ally easily 'one by st$'ents. "he e(ercise is fre#$ently $se' as a home+ork assignment. .e prepare' for many 'ifferent approaches to a camping trip. As in e(ercise 2 above9 be s$re the st$'ent selects activities that have clear start an' en' points. Partial responsibility matri(: !7% Tas4 Date Father A!the r 1! n Dau+hter *esearch sites R 1 1 Deci'e on site 1 R 1 1 *eserve site R Shopping list 1 R 1 1 P$rchase s$pplies R 1 Pack camping e#$ipment 1 R Pack fishing gear 1 R =ill car +ith gas R Get cash R 5# Devel!p a $<1 )atri( *!r a l!cal sta+e pla;# <e sure t! i&enti*; the &eliverables an& !r+ani>ati!nal units Cpe!ple@ resp!nsible# H!w w!ul& ;!u c!&e ;!ur s;ste)' Give an e(a)ple !* the w!r4 pac4a+es in !ne !* ;!ur c!st acc!unts# Devel!p a c!rresp!n&in+ O<1 which i&enti*ies wh! is resp!nsible *!r what# "he stage play is a goo' team or small gro$p e(ercise. Developing a -.S for a local stage play is a project to +hich most gro$ps can easily relate. any forms of -.S str$ct$re +ill be presente'. -e $s$ally give the teams a blank -.SH8.S transparency ;an' pens< so each team can present their break'o+n to the class. "he e(ercise $s$ally points o$t the 'iffic$lty of 'efining >'eliverables.? =or most p$rposes a >milestone? can typically be $se' as a 'eliverable. .e caref$l that 'eliverables 'o not present organi0ation 'epartments9 e.g.9 engineering9 'esign. 6# Dse an e(a)ple !* a pr!ject with which ;!u are *a)iliar with !r are intereste& in# I&enti*; the &eliverables an& !r+ani>ati!nal units Cpe!ple@ resp!nsible# H!w w!ul& ;!u c!&e ;!ur s;ste)' Give an e(a)ple !* the w!r4 pac4a+es in !ne !* ;!ur c!st acc!unts# "his e(ercise reinforces the i'ea of the -.SH8.S matri( as a metho' for organi0ing a 'atabase for planning an' control. ,heck st$'ent str$ct$re to ens$re 'eliverables are something any project team member co$l' clearly i'entifyI an'9 if possible9 the 'eliverable sho$l' be something yo$ can easily see or to$ch. Case Aanchester Dnite& 1!ccer Club "his case is 'esigne' to ill$strate the importance of creating a -ork .reak'o+n Str$ct$re ;-.S< for a project an' to provi'e st$'ents +ith an opport$nity to practice creating s$ch a break'o+n. ost st$'ents have little 'iffic$lty i'entifying the major 'eliverables associate' +ith hosting a soccer to$rnament. !7) "his case can either be $se' as a take7home assignment or as an in7class e(ercise. /f the latter9 +e recommen' that yo$ have st$'ents 'evelop a preliminary -.S on their o+n an' then compare their +ork +ith one or t+o other st$'ents in class. "he instr$ctor then facilitates the constr$ction of a -.S on the blackboar' by $sing the s$ggestions offere' by the st$'ents. "# Devel!p a &ra*t !* the w!r4 brea4&!wn structure *!r the t!urna)ent that c!ntains at least three levels !* &etail# $hat are the )aj!r &eliverables ass!ciate& with h!stin+ an event such as a s!ccer t!urna)ent' St$'ents constr$ct a -.S $sing the hierarchical bo( format or the co'ing scheme ;1 Soccer "o$rnament9 1.1 =iel'9 1.1.1 Goals<. St$'ents sho$l' be remin'e' to foc$s on 'eliverables an' to break each 'eliverable into s$bcomponents as they procee' to the ne(t level of the -.S. 8ne common mistake is to i'entify gro$ps of people ;gro$n's cre+9 to$rnament committee< an' not +hat they accomplish ;'eliverables<. A secon' iss$e is level of 'etail or ho+ many levels the -.S hasthat goes no farther than 3 or ! levels9 +hile the s$bcommittee responsible for fiel's may break their 'eliverable even f$rther. ,# H!w w!ul& &evel!pin+ a $<1 alleviate s!)e !* the pr!ble)s that !ccurre& &urin+ the *irst )eetin+ an& help Nic!lette !r+ani>e an& plan the pr!ject' St$'ents are #$ick to point o$t that the -.S +o$l' provi'e str$ct$re to the 'isc$ssion. /nstea' of the free7for7all that occ$rre'9 the -.S +o$l' provi'e an agen'a for 'isc$ssing 'ifferent elements of the project. "he -.S +o$l' also be $sef$l for assigning s$bcommittees responsible for each major 'eliverable. -# $here can Nic!lette *in& a&&iti!nal in*!r)ati!n t! help her &evel!p a $<1 *!r the t!urna)ent' .eca$se other soccer cl$bs have s$ccessf$lly hoste' yo$th to$rnaments9 she sho$l' contact nearby cl$bs an' re#$est planning information 'evelope' over the years. ,l$bs that ann$ally hol' s$mmer to$rnaments are likely to have comprehensive checklists that +o$l' be a rich so$rce of information in 'eveloping anchester@s to$rnament plan. 4# H!w c!ul& Nic!lette an& her tas4 *!rce use the $<1 t! +enerate c!st esti)ates *!r the t!urna)ent' $h; w!ul& this be use*ul in*!r)ati!n' .y breaking 'o+n the major 'eliverables associate' +ith a soccer to$rnament into more 'etaile' s$bcomponents9 the planners are $nlikely to ignore cost items as +ell as have s$fficient information to form$late cost estimates. -ith the e(ception of the referees9 the to$rnament +ill rely on vol$nteer labor. "herefore9 the task force sho$l' be able to i'entify specific cost items ;printing broch$res9 trophies9 fiel' rental9 e#$ipment rental9 etc<. !71 "ab$lating cost estimates +o$l' provi'e a basis for 'oing a breakeven analysis an' help the task force make important 'ecisions s$ch as entry fee an' i'eal si0e of the to$rnament ;n$mber of teams an' games< as +ell as make specific 'ecisions regar'ing items s$ch as me'als vers$s trophies an' color vers$s black an' +hite broch$res. !72
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