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Course 06

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6.00 Introduction to Computer Science and Programming Prereq: None U (Fall, Spring) 3-7-2 REST Introduction to computer science and programming for students with little or no programming experience. Students learn how to program and how to use computational techniques to solve problems. Topics include algorithms, data analysis, simulation techniques, and use of software libraries. Assignments are done using the Python programming language. J. V. Guttag 6.01 Introduction to EECS I Prereq: None. Coreq: Physics II (GIR) U (Fall, Spring) 2-4-6 1/2 Institute LAB An integrated introduction to electrical engineering and computer science, taught using substantial laboratory experiments with mobile robots. Key issues in the design of engineered artifacts operating in the natural world: measuring and modeling system behaviors; assessing errors in sensors and effectors; specifying tasks; designing solutions based on analytical and computational models; planning, executing, and evaluating experimental tests of performance; refining models and designs. Issues addressed in the context of computer programs, control systems, probabilistic inference problems, circuits and transducers, which all play important roles in achieving robust operation of a large variety of engineered systems. 6 Engineering Design Points. D. M. Freeman, L. P. Kaelbling, T. Lozano-Perez 6.02 Introduction to EECS II Prereq: 6.01; 18.03 or 18.06 U (Fall, Spring) 4-4-4 1/2 Institute LAB Credit cannot also be received for 6.S02 20132014 Explores communication signals, systems and networks. Substantial laboratory experiments illustrate the role of abstraction and modularity in engineering design. Students gain practical experience in building reliable systems using

imperfect components; selecting appropriate design metrics; choosing effective representations for information; and evaluating tradeoffs in complex systems. Topics include physical characterization and modeling of transmission systems in the time and frequency domains; analog and digital signaling; coding; detecting and correcting errors; relating information transmission rate to signal power, bandwidth and noise; and engineering of packet-switched networks. 6 Engineering Design Points. H. Balakrishnan, J. K. White 6.S02 Special Subject: Introduction to EECS II from a Medical Technology Perspective Prereq: Calculus II (GIR), Physics II (GIR) U (Spring) 4-4-4 1/2 Institute LAB Credit cannot also be received for 6.02 Experimental version of 6.02 that provides a medical technology context for learning fundamental concepts in information extraction and representation. Explores biomedical signals generated from electrocardiograms, glucose detectors, and magnetic resonance images. Topics include physical characterization and modeling of systems in the time and frequency domains; analog and digital signals and noise; basic machine learning including decision trees, clustering, and classification; and introductory machine vision. Licensed through Spring 2014 by the Committee on Curricula as an acceptable alternative to 6.02. 6 Engineering Design Points. C. M. Stultz, E. Adalsteinson 6.07J Projects in Microscale Engineering for the Life Sciences (Same subject as HST.410J) Prereq: None U (Spring) 2-4-3 See description under subject HST.410J. D. Freeman, M. Gray, A. Aranyosi 6.002 Circuits and Electronics Prereq: 18.03; Physics II (GIR) or 6.01 U (Fall, Spring) 4-1-7 REST Fundamentals of the lumped circuit abstraction. Resistive elements and networks, independent and dependent sources, switches and MOS

devices, digital abstraction, amplifiers, and energy storage elements. Dynamics of first- and second-order networks; design in the time and frequency domains; analog and digital circuits and applications. Design exercises. Occasional laboratory. 4 Engineering Design Points. A. Agarwal, J. del Alamo, J. H. Lang, D. J. Perreault 6.003 Signals and Systems Prereq: 6.02 U (Fall, Spring) 5-0-7 Presents the fundamentals of signal and system analysis. Topics include discrete-time and continuous-time signals, Fourier series and transforms, Laplace and Z transforms, and analysis of linear, time-invariant systems. Applications drawn broadly from engineering and physics, including audio and image processing, communications, and automatic control. 4 Engineering Design Points. D. M. Freeman, Q. Hu, J. S. Lim 6.004 Computation Structures Prereq: Physics II (GIR) U (Fall, Spring) 4-0-8 Introduces architecture of digital systems, emphasizing structural principles common to a wide range of technologies. Multilevel implementation strategies; definition of new primitives (e.g., gates, instructions, procedures, and processes) and their mechanization using lower-level elements. Analysis of potential concurrency; precedence constraints and performance measures; pipelined and multidimensional systems. Instruction set design issues; architectural support for contemporary software structures. 4 Engineering Design Points. S. A. Ward, C. J. Terman 6.005 Elements of Software Construction Prereq: 6.01; Coreq: 6.042 U (Fall, Spring) 5-0-7 REST Introduces fundamental principles and techniques of software development, i.e., how to write software that is safe from bugs, easy to understand, and ready for change. Topics include specifications and invariants; testing, test-case generation, and coverage; state machines; s u b j e c t s 5 .T H G t o 6 . 0 0 5



abstract data types and representation independence; design patterns for object-oriented programming; concurrent programming, including message passing and shared concurrency, and defending against races and deadlock; and functional programming with immutable data and higher-order functions. Includes weekly programming exercises and two substantial group projects. 12 Engineering Design Points. D. N. Jackson, R. C. Miller 6.006 Introduction to Algorithms Prereq: 6.01, 6.042 U (Fall, Spring) 4-0-8 Introduction to mathematical modeling of computational problems, as well as common algorithms, algorithmic paradigms, and data structures used to solve these problems. Emphasizes the relationship between algorithms and programming, and introduces basic performance measures and analysis techniques for these problems. R. L. Rivest, S. Devadas 6.007 Electromagnetic Energy: From Motors to Lasers Prereq: Physics II (GIR) or 6.01; 18.03 U (Fall, Spring) 5-1-6 Discusses applications of electromagnetic and equivalent quantum mechanical principles to classical and modern devices. Covers energy conversion and power flow in both macroscopic and quantum-scale electrical and electromechanical systems, including electric motors and generators, electric circuit elements, quantum tunneling structures and instruments. Studies photons as waves and particles and their interaction with matter in optoelectronic devices, including solar cells, displays, and lasers. V. Bulovic, R. J. Ram 6.011 Introduction to Communication, Control, and Signal Processing Prereq: 6.003; 6.041 or 18.440 U (Spring) 4-0-8 Covers signals, systems and inference in communication, control and signal processing. Topics include input-output and state-space models of linear systems driven by deterministic and random signals; time- and transform-domain representations in discrete and continuous time; and group delay. State feedback and observers. Probabilistic models; stochastic processes, correlation functions, power spectra, spectral factorization. Least-mean square error estimation;


Wiener filtering. Hypothesis testing; detection; matched filters. A. V. Oppenheim, G. C. Verghese 6.012 Microelectronic Devices and Circuits Prereq: 6.002 U (Fall, Spring) 4-0-8 Microelectronic device modeling, and basic microelectronic circuit analysis and design. Physical electronics of semiconductor junction and MOS devices. Relating terminal behavior to internal physical processes, developing circuit models, and understanding the uses and limitations of different models. Use of incremental and large-signal techniques to analyze and design transistor circuits, with examples chosen from digital circuits, linear amplifiers, and other integrated circuits. Design project. 4 Engineering Design Points. A. I. Akinwande, D. A. Antoniadis, C. G. Fonstad, Jr., C. G. Sodini 6.013 Electromagnetics and Applications Prereq: 6.003 or 6.007 U (Fall, Spring) 4-0-8 Credit cannot also be received for 6.630 Explores electromagnetic phenomena in modern applications, including wireless and optical communications, circuits, computer interconnects and peripherals, microwave communications and radar, antennas, sensors, micro-electromechanical systems, and power generation and transmission. Fundamentals include quasistatic and dynamic solutions to Maxwells equations; waves, radiation, and diffraction; coupling to media and structures; guided waves; resonance; acoustic analogs; and forces, power, and energy. L. Daniel, M. R. Watts 6.021J Cellular Biophysics and Neurophysiology (Same subject as 2.791J, 20.370J) (Subject meets with 2.794J, 6.521J, 20.470J, HST.541J) Prereq: Physics II (GIR); 18.03; 2.005, 6.002, 6.003, 6.071, 10.301, 20.110, 20.111, or permission of instructor U (Fall) 5-2-5 Integrated overview of the biophysics of cells from prokaryotes to neurons, with a focus on mass transport and electrical signal generation across cell membrane. First half of course focuses on mass transport through membranes: diffusion, osmosis, chemically mediated, and active transport. Second half focuses on electrical properties of cells: ion transport to action potentials in electrically excitable cells. Electrical

properties interpreted via kinetic and molecular properties of single voltage-gated ion channels. Laboratory and computer exercises illustrate the concepts. Provides instruction in written and oral communication. Students taking graduate version complete different assignments. Preference to juniors and seniors. 4 Engineering Design Points. D. M. Freeman, J. Han, J. Voldman, M. F. Yanik 6.022J Quantitative Systems Physiology (Same subject as 2.792J, 20.371J, HST.542J) (Subject meets with 2.796J, 6.522J, 20.471J) Prereq: Physics II (GIR), 18.03, or permission of instructor U (Spring) 4-2-6 Application of the principles of energy and mass flow to major human organ systems. Mechanisms of regulation and homeostasis. Anatomical, physiological and pathophysiological features of the cardiovascular, respiratory and renal systems. Systems, features and devices that are most illuminated by the methods of physical sciences. Laboratory work includes some animal studies. Students taking graduate version complete additional assignments. 2 Engineering Design Points. R. G. Mark, C. M. Stultz 6.023J Fields, Forces and Flows in Biological Systems (Same subject as 2.793J, 20.330J) Prereq: Physics II (GIR); 2.005, 6.021, 20.320, or permission of instructor U (Spring) 4-0-8 See description under subject 20.330J. J. Han, S. Manalis 6.024J Molecular, Cellular, and Tissue Biomechanics (Same subject as 2.797J, 3.053J, 20.310J) Prereq: 2.370 or 2.772J; 18.03 or 3.016; Biology (GIR) U (Spring) 4-0-8 See description under subject 20.310J. R. D. Kamm, A. J. Grodzinsky, K. Van Vliet






6.025J Medical Device Design (New) (Same subject as 2.750J) (Subject meets with 2.75J, 6.525J) Prereq: 2.72, 6.071, 6.115, or permission of instructor U (Fall) 4-0-8 See description under subject 2.750J. A. H. Slocum, C. G. Sodini 6.033 Computer System Engineering Prereq: 6.004, 6.02 U (Spring) 5-1-6 Topics on the engineering of computer software and hardware systems: techniques for controlling complexity; strong modularity using client-server design, operating systems; performance, networks; naming; security and privacy; fault-tolerant systems, atomicity and coordination of concurrent activities, and recovery; impact of computer systems on society. Case studies of working systems and readings from the current literature provide comparisons and contrasts. Two design projects. Students engage in extensive written communication exercises. Enrollment may be limited. 4 Engineering Design Points. M. F. Kaashoek, H. Balakrishnan 6.034 Artificial Intelligence Prereq: 6.01 U (Fall) 5-3-4 Introduces representations, techniques, and architectures used to build applied systems and to account for intelligence from a computational point of view. Applications of rule chaining, heuristic search, constraint propagation, constrained search, inheritance, and other problemsolving paradigms. Applications of identification trees, neural nets, genetic algorithms, and other learning paradigms. Speculations on the contributions of human vision and language systems to human intelligence. 4 Engineering Design Points. P. H. Winston 6.035 Computer Language Engineering Prereq: 6.004 and 6.005 U (Spring) 4-4-4 Analyzes issues associated with the implementation of higher-level programming languages. Fundamental concepts, functions, and structures of compilers. The interaction of theory and practice. Using tools in building software. Includes

a multi-person project on compiler design and implementation. 8 Engineering Design Points. S. P. Amarasinghe 6.036 Introduction to Machine Learning (New) Prereq: 6.01 U (Spring) 4-0-8 Introduces principles, algorithms, and applications of machine learning from the point of view of modeling and prediction; formulation of learning problems; representation, over-fitting, generalization; clustering, classification, probabilistic modeling; and methods such as support vector machines, hidden Markov models, and Bayesian networks. R. Barzilay, T. Jaakkola, L. P. Kaelbling 6.041 Probabilistic Systems Analysis (Subject meets with 6.431) Prereq: Calculus II (GIR) U (Fall, Spring) 4-0-8 REST Credit cannot also be received for 18.440 An introduction to probability theory, and the modeling and analysis of probabilistic systems. Probabilistic models, conditional probability. Discrete and continuous random variables. Expectation and conditional expectation. Limit Theorems. Bernoulli and Poisson processes. Markov chains. Bayesian estimation and hypothesis testing. Elements of statistical inference. Meets with graduate subject 6.431, but assignments differ. D. P. Bertsekas, J. N. Tsitsiklis 6.042J Mathematics for Computer Science (Same subject as 18.062J) Prereq: Calculus I (GIR) U (Fall, Spring) 5-0-7 REST Elementary discrete mathematics for computer science and engineering. Emphasis on mathematical definitions and proofs as well as on applicable methods. Topics: formal logic notation, proof methods; induction, well-ordering; sets, relations; elementary graph theory; integer congruences; asymptotic notation and growth of functions; permutations and combinations, counting principles; discrete probability. Further selected topics such as: recursive definition and structural induction; state machines and invariants; recurrences; generating functions. A. R. Meyer, T. Leighton

6.045J Automata, Computability, and Complexity (Same subject as 18.400J) Prereq: 6.042 U (Spring) 4-0-8 Provides an introduction to some of the central ideas of theoretical computer science, including circuits, finite automata, Turing machines and computability, efficient algorithms and reducibility, the P versus NP problem, NP-completeness, the power of randomness, cryptography, computational learning theory, and quantum computing. Examines the classes of problems that can and cannot be solved in various computational models. S. Aaronson 6.046J Design and Analysis of Algorithms (Same subject as 18.410J) Prereq: 6.006 U (Fall, Spring) 4-0-8 Techniques for the design and analysis of efficient algorithms, emphasizing methods useful in practice. Topics include sorting; search trees, heaps, and hashing; divide-and-conquer; dynamic programming; greedy algorithms; amortized analysis; graph algorithms; and shortest paths. Advanced topics may include network flow; computational geometry; number-theoretic algorithms; polynomial and matrix calculations; caching; and parallel computing. C. E. Leiserson, M. Goemans 6.047 Computational Biology: Genomes, Networks, Evolution (Subject meets with 6.878J, HST.507J) Prereq: 6.006, 6.041, Biology (GIR); or permission of instructor U (Fall) 3-0-9 Covers the algorithmic and machine learning foundations of computational biology, combining theory with practice. Principles of algorithm design, influential problems and techniques, and analysis of large-scale biological datasets. Topics include (a) genomes: sequence analysis, gene finding, RNA folding, genome alignment and assembly, database search; (b) networks: gene expression analysis, regulatory motifs, biological network analysis; (c) evolution: comparative genomics, phylogenetics, genome duplication, genome rearrangements, evolutionary theory. These are coupled with fundamental algorithmic techniques including: dynamic programming, hashing, Gibbs sampling, expectation maximization, hidden Markov models, sto-




subjects 6.006 to 6.047


chastic context-free grammars, graph clustering, dimensionality reduction, Bayesian networks. M. Kellis 6.049J Evolutionary Biology: Concepts, Models and Computation (Same subject as 7.33J) Prereq: 7.03; 6.00, 6.01, or permission of instructor U (Spring) 3-0-9 See description under subject 7.33J. R. Berwick, D. Bartel 6.050J Information, Entropy, and Computation (Same subject as 2.110J) Prereq: Physics I (GIR) U (Spring) 4-0-5 Explores the ultimate limits to communication and computation, with an emphasis on the physical nature of information and information processing. Topics include information and computation, digital signals, codes, and compression. Biological representations of information. Logic circuits, computer architectures, and algorithmic information. Noise, probability, and error correction. The concept of entropy applied to channel capacity and to the second law of thermodynamics. Reversible and irreversible operations and the physics of computation. Quantum computation. P. Penfield, Jr., S. Lloyd 6.061 Introduction to Electric Power Systems (Subject meets with 6.690) Prereq: 6.002, 6.013 Acad Year 20132014: Not offered Acad Year 20142015: U (Spring) 3-0-9 Electric circuit theory with application to power handling electric circuits. Modeling and behavior of electromechanical devices, including magnetic circuits, motors, and generators. Operational fundamentals of synchronous, induction and DC machinery. Interconnection of generators and motors with electric power transmission and distribution circuits. Power generation, including alternative and sustainable sources. Students taking graduate version complete additional assignments. 6 Engineering Design Points. J. L. Kirtley, Jr.

6.S0626.S064 Special Subject in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Prereq: None U (Fall, IAP, Spring) Units arranged Can be repeated for credit Basic undergraduate subjects not offered in the regular curriculum. Consult Department 6.070J Electronics Project Laboratory (Same subject as EC.120J) Prereq: None U (Fall, Spring) 2-2-2 Intuition-based introduction to electronics, electronic components and test equipment such as oscilloscopes, meters (voltage, resistance inductance, capacitance, etc.), and signal generators. Emphasizes individual instruction and development of skills, such as soldering, assembly, and troubleshooting. Students design, build, and keep a small electronics project, such as a simple robot, to put their new knowledge into practice. Intended for students with little or no previous background in electronics. Enrollment may be limited. J. Bales 6.071J Electronics, Signals, and Measurement (Same subject as 22.071J) Prereq: 18.03 U (Spring) 3-3-6 REST Provides the knowledge necessary for reading schematics and designing, building, analyzing, and testing fundamental analog and digital circuits. Students construct interactive examples and explore the practical uses of electronics in engineering and experimental science, including signals and measurement fundamentals. Uses state-of-the-art hardware and software for data acquisition, analysis, and control. Suitable for students with little or no previous background in electronics. A. White 6.072J Introduction to Digital Electronics (Same subject as EC.110J) Prereq: None U (Fall, IAP, Spring) 0-3-3 [P/D/F] See description under subject EC.110J. J. Bales

6.073J Creating Video Games (Same subject as CMS.611J) Prereq: CMS.608 or 6.01 U (Fall) 3-3-6 HASS-A (HASS-E) See description under subject CMS.611J. P. Tan, S. Verrilli, O. Macindoe, P. Kaelbling 6.S0766.S084 Special Subject in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Prereq: Permission of instructor U (Fall, IAP, Spring) Units arranged Can be repeated for credit Covers subject matter not offered in the regular curriculum. Consult department to learn of offerings for a particular term. D. M. Freeman 6.S0856.S099 Special Subject in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Prereq: Permission of instructor U (Fall, IAP, Spring) Units arranged [P/D/F] Can be repeated for credit Covers subject matter not offered in the regular curriculum. Consult department to learn of offerings for a particular term. D. M. Freeman






6.100 Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Project Prereq: None U (Fall, Spring, Summer) Units arranged Can be repeated for credit Individual experimental work related to electrical engineering and computer science. Student must make arrangements with a project supervisor and file a proposal endorsed by the supervisor. Departmental approval required. Written report to be submitted upon completion of work. D. M. Freeman 6.101 Introductory Analog Electronics Laboratory Prereq: 6.002 or 6.071 Acad Year 20132014: Not offered Acad Year 20142015: U (Fall) 2-9-1 Institute LAB Introductory experimental laboratory explores the design, construction, and debugging of analog electronic circuits. Lectures and six



laboratory projects investigate the performance characteristics of diodes, transistors, JFETs, and op-amps, including the construction of a small audio amplifier and preamplifier. Seven weeks are devoted to the design and implementation, and written and oral presentation of a project in an environment similar to that of engineering design teams in industry. Provides opportunity to simulate real-world problems and solutions that involve trade offs and the use of engineering judgment. Engineers from local analog engineering companies come to campus to help students with their design projects. 12 Engineering Design Points. B. M. Roscoe 6.102 Introductory RF Design Laboratory Prereq: 6.002 or 6.071 Acad Year 20132014: Not offered Acad Year 20142015: U (Spring) 2-9-1 Institute LAB Introductory experimental laboratory focuses on the fundamentals of radio frequency design through the study of radio receiver circuits from 1920 to 1960. Five labs using JFETs (arranged to behave like triodes and pentodes) investigate the behavior of series and parallel tuned circuits, bandwidth control, RF amplifiers, local oscillators, mixers, IF amplifiers, AM and FM detectors, audio stages, and RF measurements. Lecture topics include regenerative receivers and detectors; tuned RF, neutrodyne, superheterodyne and FM receivers; the All-American 5 AC-DC AM receiver; and common vacuum tube triode and pentode topologies. Five weeks of the term are devoted to the restoration and circuit analysis of an antique FM-only radio or tuner and an AM-only radio or tuner, both supplied by the instructor. 12 Engineering Design Points. B. M. Roscoe 6.111 Introductory Digital Systems Laboratory Prereq: 6.002, 6.071, or 16.004 U (Fall) 3-7-2 Institute LAB Lectures and labs on digital logic, flip flops, PALs, FPGAs, counters, timing, synchronization, and finite-state machines prepare students for the design and implementation of a final project of their choice: games, music, digital filters, wireless communications, video, or graphics. Extensive use of Verilog for describing and implementating digital logic designs. Students engage in extensive written and oral communication exercises. 12 Engineering Design Points. A. P. Chandrakasan, G. P. Hom

6.115 Microcomputer Project Laboratory Prereq: 6.002, 6.003, 6.004, or 6.007 U (Spring) 3-6-3 Institute LAB Introduces the analysis and design of embedded systems. Microcontrollers provide adaptation, flexibility, and real-time control. Emphasis placed on the construction of complete systems, including a five-axis robot arm, a fluorescent lamp ballast, a tomographic imaging station (e.g. a CAT scan), and a simple calculator. Introduces a wide range of basic tools, including software and development tools, peripheral components such as A/D converters, communication schemes, signal processing techniques, closed-loop digital feedback control, interface and power electronics, and modeling of electromechanical systems. Includes a sequence of assigned projects, followed by a final project of the students choice, emphasizing creativity and uniqueness. Final project may be expanded to satisfy a 6.UAP project. Provides instruction in written and oral communication. 12 Engineering Design Points. S. B. Leeb 6.123J Bioinstrumentation Project Lab (Same subject as 20.345J) Prereq: Biology (GIR), and 2.004 or 6.003; or 20.309; or permission of instructor U (Spring) 2-7-3 See description under subject 20.345J. E. Boyden, S. F. Nagle, S. Wasserman, M. F. Yanik 6.131 Power Electronics Laboratory Prereq: 6.002, 6.003, or 6.007 U (Fall) 3-6-3 Institute LAB Introduces the design and construction of power electronic circuits and motor drives. Laboratory exercises include the construction of drive circuitry for an electric go-cart, flash strobes, computer power supplies, three-phase inverters for AC motors, and resonant drives for lamp ballasts and induction heating. Basic electric machines introduced include DC, induction, and permanent magnet motors, with drive considerations. Final project may be expanded to serve as a 6.UAP project, with instructor permission. Provides instruction in written and oral communication. 12 Engineering Design Points. S. B. Leeb

6.141J Robotics: Science and Systems I (Same subject as 16.405J) Prereq: Permission of instructor U (Spring) 2-6-4 Institute LAB Presents concepts, principles, and algorithms for sensing and computation related to the physical world. Topics include motion planning, geometric reasoning, kinematics and dynamics, state estimation, tracking, map building, manipulation, human-robot interaction, fault diagnosis, and embedded system development. Students specify and design a small-scale yet complex robot capable of real-time interaction with the natural world. Students may continue content in 6.142. Prior knowledge of one or more of the following areas would be useful: control (2.004, 6.302, or 16.30); software (1.00, 6.005, or 16.35); electronics (6.002, 6.070, 6.111, or 6.115); mechanical engineering (2.007); or independent experience such as MasLAB, 6.270, or a relevant UROP. Students engage in extensive written and oral communication exercises. Enrollment limited. 12 Engineering Design Points. N. Roy, D. Rus, S. Teller 6.142J Robotics: Science and Systems II (Same subject as 16.406J) Prereq: 6.141 or permission of instructor Acad Year 20132014: Not offered Acad Year 20142015: U (Fall) 2-6-4 Implementation and operation of the embedded system designed in 6.141. Addresses open research issues such as sustained autonomy, situational awareness, and human interaction. Students carry out experiments to assess their design and deliver a final written report. Prior knowledge of one or more of the following areas would be useful: control (2.004, 6.302, or 16.30), software (1.00, 6.005, or 16.35), electronics (6.002, 6.070, 6.111, or 6.115), mechanical engineering (2.007), independent experience (MasLAB, 6.270, or a UROP). 12 Engineering Design Points. D. Rus, S. Teller, N. Roy 6.152J Micro/Nano Processing Technology (Same subject as 3.155J) Prereq: Permission of instructor U (Fall, Spring) 3-4-5 Introduces the theory and technology of micro/ nano fabrication. Lectures and laboratory sessions on basic processing techniques such as vacuum processes, lithography, diffusion, oxidation, and pattern transfer. Students fabricate MOS capacitors, nanomechanical cantilevers, subjects 6.049J to 6.152J





and microfluidic mixers. Emphasis on the interrelationships between material properties and processing, device structure, and the electrical, mechanical, optical, chemical or biological behavior of devices. Provides background for thesis work in micro/nano fabrication. Students engage in extensive written and oral communication exercises. 6 Engineering Design Points. A. Agarwal, L. A. Kolodziejski, M. A. Schmidt 6.161 Modern Optics Project Laboratory (Subject meets with 6.637) Prereq: 6.003 U (Fall) 3-5-4 Institute LAB Lectures, laboratory exercises and projects on optical signal generation, transmission, detection, storage, processing and display. Topics include polarization properties of light; reflection and refraction; coherence and interference; Fraunhofer and Fresnel diffraction; holography; Fourier optics; coherent and incoherent imaging and signal processing systems; optical properties of materials; lasers and LEDs; electro-optic and acousto-optic light modulators; photorefractive and liquid-crystal light modulation; display technologies; optical waveguides and fiber-optic communication systems; photodetectors. Students may use this subject to find an advanced undergraduate project. Students engage in extensive oral and written communcation exercises. Recommended prerequisites: 6.007 or 8.03. 12 Engineering Design Points. C. Warde 6.163 Strobe Project Laboratory Prereq: Physics II (GIR) or permission of instructor U (Fall, Spring) 2-8-2 Institute LAB Application of electronic flash sources to measurement and photography. First half covers fundamentals of photography and electronic flashes, including experiments on application of electronic flash to photography, stroboscopy, motion analysis, and high-speed videography. Students write five extensive lab reports. In the second half, students work in small groups to select, design, and execute independent projects in measurement or photography that apply learned techniques. Project planning and execution skills are discussed and developed over the term. Students engage in extensive written and oral communication exercises. Enrollment limited. 12 Engineering Design Points. J. K. Vandiver, J. W. Bales


6.169 Theory and Application of Circuits and Electronics Prereq: None. Coreq: 6.002 U (Fall, Spring) 1-1-1 Building on the framework of 6.002, provides a deeper understanding of the theory and applications of circuits and electronics. A. Agarwal, J. del Alamo, J. H. Lang, D. J. Perreault 6.170 Software Studio Prereq: 6.005, 6.006 U (Fall) 4-0-8 Covers design and implementation of software systems, using web applications as the platform. Emphasizes the role of conceptual design in achieving clarity, simplicity, and modularity. Students complete open-ended individual assignments and a major team project. Enrollment may be limited. 12 Engineering Design Points. D. N. Jackson 6.172 Performance Engineering of Software Systems Prereq: 6.004, 6.005, 6.006 U (Fall) 3-12-3 Project-based introduction to building efficient, high-performance and scalable software systems. Topics include performance analysis, algorithmic techniques for high performance, instruction-level optimizations, vectorization, cache and memory hierarchy optimization, and parallel programming. 12 Engineering Design Points. S. Amarasinghe, C. E. Leiserson 6.182 Psychoacoustics Project Laboratory Prereq: None U (Spring) 3-6-3 Institute LAB Introduces the methods used to measure human auditory abilities. Discusses auditory function, principles of psychoacoustic measurement, models for psychoacoustic performance, and experimental techniques. Project topics: absolute and differential auditory sensitivity, operating characteristics of human observers, span of auditory judgment, adaptive measurement procedures, and scaling sensory magnitudes. Knowledge of probability helpful. Students engage in extensive written and oral communication exercises. 12 Engineering Design Points. L. D. Braida

6.S1836.S192 Special Laboratory Subject in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Prereq: Permission of instructor U (Fall, IAP, Spring) Units arranged [P/D/F] Can be repeated for credit Laboratory subject that covers content not offered in the regular curriculum. Consult department to learn of offerings for a particular term. D. M. Freeman 6.S1936.S198 Special Laboratory Subject in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Prereq: Permission of instructor U (Fall, IAP, Spring) Units arranged Can be repeated for credit Laboratory subject that covers content not offered in the regular curriculum. Consult department to learn of offerings for a particular term. D. M. Freeman




6.UAP Undergraduate Advanced Project Prereq: 6.UAT U (Fall, Spring, Summer) 0-6-0 Can be repeated for credit Research project for those students completing the SB degree, to be arranged by the student and an appropriate MIT faculty member. Students who register for this subject must consult the department undergraduate office. Students engage in extensive written communications exercises. D. M. Freeman 6.UAR Seminar in Undergraduate Advanced Research Prereq: 6.UR, 6.UAT U (Fall, Spring) 2-0-4 Can be repeated for credit for a maximum of 12 units. Involves choosing and developing a research topic, surveying previous work and publications, research topics in EECS, industry best practices, design for robustness, technical presentation, authorship and collaboration, and ethics. Registered students must submit an approved proposal for an Advanced Research Project before Add Date. Instruction and practice in oral and written communication provided. Forms and instructions are available in the EECS Undergraduate Office. A. P. Chandrakasan, D. M. Freeman



6.UAT Preparation for Undergraduate Advanced Project Prereq: None U (Fall, Spring) 3-0-3 Instruction in aspects of effective technical oral presentations through exposure to different workplace communication skills. As preparation for the advanced undergraduate project (UAP), or the seminar in undergraduate advanced research (UAR). Students develop research topics, identify a research supervisor, and prepare a short research proposal for an oral presentation. T. L. Eng 6.URS Undergraduate Research in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Prereq: Permission of instructor U (Fall, IAP, Spring, Summer) Units arranged [P/D/F] Can be repeated for credit Year-long individual research project arranged with appropriate faculty member or approved supervisor. Forms and instructions for the proposal and final report are available in the EECS Undergraduate Office. D. M. Freeman

state information. Certainty equivalent, open loop-feedback control, rollout, aggregation, and other suboptimal control methods. Infinite horizon problems: discounted, stochastic shortest path, average cost, and semi-Markov models. Value and policy iteration. Approximate/neurodynamic programming. Simulation based methods. Discussion of current research on the solution of large-scale problems. D. P. Bertsekas 6.241J Dynamic Systems and Control (Same subject as 16.338J) Prereq: 6.003, 18.06 G (Spring) 4-0-8 H-LEVEL Grad Credit Linear, discrete- and continuous-time, multiinput-output systems in control, related areas. Least squares and matrix perturbation problems. State-space models, modes, stability, controllability, observability, transfer function matrices, poles and zeros, and minimality. Internal stability of interconnected systems, feedback compensators, state feedback, optimal regulation, observers, and observer-based compensators. Measures of control performance, robustness issues using singular values of transfer functions. Introductory ideas on nonlinear systems. Recommended prerequisite: 6.302. M. A. Dahleh, A. Megretski, E. Frazzoli 6.242 Advanced Linear Control Systems Prereq: 18.06, 6.241 Acad Year 20132014: Not offered Acad Year 20142015: G (Fall) 3-0-9 H-LEVEL Grad Credit Introduction to uncertain multivariable control systems, plus modeling assumptions and objectives. Stability of linear time invariant systems, coprime factorization, parametrization of all stabilizing compensators. Design using H2, H L1 -optimization. Stability and performance robustness in the presence of structured uncertainty. M. A. Dahleh, A. Megretski 6.243 Dynamics of Nonlinear Systems Prereq: 6.241; Coreq: 18.100 Acad Year 20132014: Not offered Acad Year 20142015: G (Fall) 3-0-9 H-LEVEL Grad Credit Introduction to nonlinear deterministic dynamical systems. Nonlinear ordinary differential equations. Planar autonomous systems. Fundamental theory: Picard iteration, contraction mapping theorem, and Bellman-Gronwall lemma. Stability of equilibria by Lyapunovs first and second methods. Feedback linearization. Application to nonlinear circuits and control systems. J. L. Wyatt, Jr., A. Megretski, M. Dahleh

6.245 Multivariable Control Systems Prereq: 6.241 or 16.31 Acad Year 20132014: Not offered Acad Year 20142015: G (Fall) 3-0-9 H-LEVEL Grad Credit Computer-aided design methodologies for synthesis of multivariable feedback control systems. Performance and robustness trade-offs. Model-based compensators; Q-parameterization; ill-posed optimization problems; dynamic augmentation; linear-quadratic optimization of controllers; H-infinity controller design; Mu-synthesis; model and compensator simplification; nonlinear effects. Computer-aided (MATLAB) design homework using models of physical processes. 6 Engineering Design Points. A. Megretski 6.246, 6.247 Advanced Topics in Control Prereq: Permission of instructor G (Fall, Spring) 3-0-9 H-LEVEL Grad Credit Can be repeated for credit Advanced study of topics in control. Specific focus varies from year to year. Consult Department 6.248, 6.249 Advanced Topics in Numerical Methods Prereq: Permission of instructor G (Fall, Spring) 3-0-9 H-LEVEL Grad Credit Can be repeated for credit Advanced study of topics in numerical methods. Specific focus varies from year to year. Consult Department 6.251J Introduction to Mathematical Programming (Same subject as 15.081J) Prereq: 18.06 G (Fall) 4-0-8 H-LEVEL Grad Credit Introduction to linear optimization and its extensions emphasizing both methodology and the underlying mathematical structures and geometrical ideas. Covers classical theory of linear programming as well as some recent advances in the field. Topics: simplex method; duality theory; sensitivity analysis; network flow problems; decomposition; integer programming; interior point algorithms for linear programming; and introduction to combinatorial optimization and NP-completeness. J. N. Tsitsiklis, A. Schulz



Systems Science and Control Engineering
6.207J Networks (Same subject as 14.15J) Prereq: 6.041 or 14.30 U (Spring) 4-0-8 HASS-S (HASS-E) See description under subject 14.15J. Consult D. Acemoglu, M. Dahleh 6.231 Dynamic Programming and Stochastic Control Prereq: 6.041 or 18.313; 18.100 Acad Year 20132014: Not offered Acad Year 20142015: G (Fall) 3-0-9 H-LEVEL Grad Credit Sequential decision-making via dynamic programming. Unified approach to optimal control of stochastic dynamic systems and Markovian decision problems. Applications in linearquadratic control, inventory control, resource allocation, scheduling, and planning. Optimal decision making under perfect and imperfect



subjects 6.161 to 6.251J


6.252J Nonlinear Programming (Same subject as 15.084J) Prereq: 18.06, 18.100 G (Spring) 4-0-8 H-LEVEL Grad Credit A unified analytical and computational approach to nonlinear optimization problems. Unconstrained optimization methods include gradient, conjugate direction, Newton, and quasi-Newton methods. Constrained optimization methods include feasible directions, projection, interior point, and Lagrange multiplier methods. Convex analysis, Lagrangian relaxation, nondifferentiable optimization, and applications in integer programming. Comprehensive treatment of optimality conditions, Lagrange multiplier theory, and duality theory. Applications drawn from control, communications, power systems, and resource allocation problems. R. M. Freund, D. P. Bertsekas, G. Perakis 6.253 Convex Analysis and Optimization Prereq: 18.06, 18.100 Acad Year 20132014: G (Spring) Acad Year 20142015: Not offered 3-0-9 H-LEVEL Grad Credit Core analytical issues of continuous optimization, duality, and saddle point theory, and development using a handful of unifying principles that can be easily visualized and readily understood. Discusses in detail the mathematical theory of convex sets and functions which are the basis for an intuitive, highly visual, geometrical approach to the subject. Convex optimization algorithms focus on large-scale problems, drawn from several types of applications, such as resource allocation and machine learning. Includes batch and incremental subgradient, cutting plane, proximal, and bundle methods. D. P. Bertsekas 6.254 Game Theory with Engineering Applications Prereq: 6.041 G (Fall) 4-0-8 H-LEVEL Grad Credit Introduction to fundamentals of game theory and mechanism design with motivations for each topic drawn from engineering applications (including distributed control of wireline/wireless communication networks, transportation networks, pricing). Emphasis on the foundations of the theory, mathematical tools, as well as modeling and the equilibrium notion in different environments. Topics include normal form games, supermodular games, dynamic games, repeated games, games with incomplete/imper-

fect information, mechanism design, cooperative game theory, and network games. A. Ozdaglar 6.255J Optimization Methods (Same subject as 15.093J) Prereq: 18.06 G (Fall) 4-0-8 H-LEVEL Grad Credit See description under subject 15.093J. D. Bertsimas, P. Parrilo 6.256 Algebraic Techniques and Semidefinite Optimization Prereq: 6.251 or 6.255 Acad Year 20132014: G (Spring) Acad Year 20142015: Not offered 3-0-9 H-LEVEL Grad Credit Theory and computational techniques for optimization problems involving polynomial equations and inequalities with particular, emphasis on the connections with semidefinite optimization. Develops algebraic and numerical approaches of general applicability, with a view towards methods that simultaneously incorporate both elements, stressing convexity-based ideas, complexity results, and efficient implementations. Examples from several engineering areas, in particular systems and control applications. Topics include semidefinite programming, resultants/discriminants, hyperbolic polynomials, Groebner bases, quantifier elimination, and sum of squares. P. Parrilo 6.260, 6.261 Advanced Topics in Communications Prereq: Permission of instructor G (Fall, Spring) 3-0-9 H-LEVEL Grad Credit Can be repeated for credit Advanced study of topics in communications. Specific focus varies from year to year. Consult Department 6.262 Discrete Stochastic Processes Prereq: 6.041, 6.431 or 18.313 G (Spring) 3-0-9 H-LEVEL Grad Credit Review of probability and laws of large numbers; Poisson counting process and renewal processes; Markov chains (including Markov decision theory), branching processes, birthdeath processes, and semi-Markov processes; continuous-time Markov chains and reversibility; random walks, martingales, and large devia-

tions; applications from queueing, communication, control, and operations research. R. G. Gallager, J. L. Wyatt 6.263J Data-Communication Networks (Same subject as 16.37J) Prereq: 6.041 or 18.313 Acad Year 20132014: Not offered Acad Year 20142015: G (Fall) 3-0-9 H-LEVEL Grad Credit Provides an introduction to data networks with an analytic perspective, using telephone networks, wireless networks, optical networks, the Internet and data centers as primary applications. Presents basic tools for modeling and performance analysis accompanied by elementary, meaningful simulations. Develops insights for large networks by means of simple approximations. Draws upon concepts from queueing theory and optimization. E. Modiano, D. Shah 6.264J Queues: Theory and Applications (Same subject as 15.072J) Prereq: 6.262 Acad Year 20132014: G (Spring) Acad Year 20142015: Not offered 3-0-9 H-LEVEL Grad Credit See description under subject 15.072J. D. Bertsimas, D. Gamarnik, J. N. Tsitsiklis 6.265J Advanced Stochastic Processes (Same subject as 15.070J) Prereq: 6.431, 15.085J, or 18.100 G (Fall) 3-0-9 H-LEVEL Grad Credit See description under subject 15.070J. D. Gamarnik, D. Shah 6.266 Network Algorithms Prereq: 6.436 or 6.262 Acad Year 20132014: Not offered Acad Year 20142015: G (Fall) 4-0-8 H-LEVEL Grad Credit Modern theory of networks from the algorithmic perspective with emphasis on the foundations in terms of modeling, performance analysis, and design. Topics include algorithmic questions arising in the context of scheduling, routing and congestion control in a communication network; information processing and data fusion in peer-to-peer, sensor and social networks; and efficient data storage/retrieval in a distributed storage network. D. Shah







6.267 Heterogeneous Networks: Architecture, Transport, Proctocols, and Management Prereq: 6.041 or 6.042 Acad Year 20132014: G (Fall) Acad Year 20142015: Not offered 3-0-9 H-LEVEL Grad Credit Introduction to modern heterogeneous networks and the provision of heterogeneous services. Architectural principles, analysis, algorithmic techniques, performance analysis, and existing designs are developed and applied to understand current problems in network design and architecture. Begins with basic principles of networking. Emphasizes development of mathematical and algorithmic tools; applies them to understanding network layer design from the performance and scalability viewpoint. Concludes with network management and control, including the architecture and performance analysis of interconnected heterogeneous networks. Provides background and insight to understand current network literature and to perform research on networks with the aid of network design projects. 4 Engineering Design Points. V. W. S. Chan, R. G. Gallager 6.268 Network Science and Models Prereq: 6.041, 18.06 Acad Year 20132014: Not offered Acad Year 20142015: G (Spring) 3-0-9 H-LEVEL Grad Credit Introduces the main mathematical models used to describe large networks and dynamical processes that evolve on networks. Static models of random graphs, preferential attachment, and other graph evolution models. Epidemic propagation, opinion dynamics, and social learning. Applications drawn from social, economic, natural, and infrastructure networks, as well as networked decision systems such as sensor networks. J. N. Tsitsiklis, P. Jaillet 6.281J Logistical and Transportation Planning Methods (Same subject as 1.203J, 15.073J, 16.76J, ESD.216J) Prereq: 6.041 G (Fall) 3-0-9 H-LEVEL Grad Credit See description under subject 1.203J. R. C. Larson, A. R. Odoni, A. I. Barnett

6.291 Seminar in Systems, Communications, and Control Research Prereq: Permission of instructor G (Fall, Spring) Units arranged H-LEVEL Grad Credit Can be repeated for credit Advanced topics in systems, communications, control, optimization, and signal processing. Topics selected according to student and instructor interest. See instructor for specific topics to be offered in a particular term. S. K. Mitter

and power amplifiers. One of each students designs is presented to the class, and one may be built and evaluated. Associated laboratory emphasizing the use of modern analog building blocks. Enrollment limited. 12 Engineering Design Points. J. K. Roberge 6.332, 6.333 Advanced Topics in Circuits Prereq: Permission of instructor G (Fall, Spring) 3-0-9 H-LEVEL Grad Credit Can be repeated for credit Advanced study of topics in circuits. Specific focus varies from year to year. Consult Department 6.334 Power Electronics Prereq: 6.012 G (Spring) 3-0-9 H-LEVEL Grad Credit The application of electronics to energy conversion and control. Modeling, analysis, and control techniques. Design of power circuits including inverters, rectifiers, and dc-dc converters. Analysis and design of magnetic components and filters. Characteristics of power semiconductor devices. Numerous application examples, such as motion control systems, power supplies, and radio-frequency power amplifiers. 6 Engineering Design Points. D. J. Perreault 6.335J Fast Methods for Partial Differential and Integral Equations (Same subject as 18.336J) Prereq: 6.336, 16.920, 18.085, 18.335, or permission of instructor G (Spring) 3-0-9 H-LEVEL Grad Credit See description under subject 18.336J. L. Demanet 6.336J Introduction to Numerical Simulation (Same subject as 2.096J, 16.910J) Prereq: 18.03 or 18.06 G (Fall) 3-0-9 H-LEVEL Grad Credit Introduction to computational techniques for the simulation of a large variety of engineering and engineered systems. Applications drawn from aerospace, mechanical, electrical, and chemical engineering, biology, and materials science. Topics: mathematical formulations; network problems; sparse direct and iterative matrix solution techniques; Newton methods for nonlinear problems; discretization methods for ordinary, time-periodic and partial differential


Electronics, Computers, and Systems

6.301 Solid-State Circuits Prereq: 6.012, 6.003 G (Fall) 4-2-6 Analysis and design of transistor circuits, based directly on the semiconductor physics and transistor circuit models developed in 6.012. Highfrequency and low-frequency design calculations and simulation of multistage transistor circuits. Trans-linear circuits. The charge-control model. Introduction to operational-amplifier design and application. Some previous laboratory experience assumed. 4 Engineering Design Points. J. K. Roberge, H. S. Lee 6.302 Feedback Systems Prereq: 6.003, 2.003, or 16.004 G (Spring) 4-2-6 Introduction to design of feedback systems. Properties and advantages of feedback systems. Time-domain and frequency-domain performance measures. Stability and degree of stability. Nyquist criterion. Frequency-domain design. Root locus method. Compensation techniques. Application to a wide variety of physical systems. Some previous laboratory experience with electronic systems is assumed (6.002, 6.071, or 16.04). 4 Engineering Design Points. J. K. Roberge 6.331 Advanced Circuit Techniques Prereq: 6.301, 6.302; permission of instructor Acad Year 20132014: G (Fall) Acad Year 20142015: Not offered 4-2-6 H-LEVEL Grad Credit Following a brief classroom discussion of relevant principles, each student completes the paper design of several advanced circuits such as multiplexers, sample-and-holds, gain-controlled amplifiers, analog multipliers, digital-to-analog or analog-to-digital converters,



subjects 6.252J to 6.336J


equations; fast methods for partial differential equations and integral equations, techniques for model order reduction of dynamical systems and approaches for molecular dynamics. L. Daniel, J. K. White 6.337J Introduction to Numerical Methods (Same subject as 18.335J) Prereq: 18.03 or 18.034; 18.06, 18.700, or 18.701 G (Fall) 3-0-9 H-LEVEL Grad Credit See description under subject 18.335J. S. G. Johnson 6.338J Parallel Computing (Same subject as 18.337J) Prereq: 18.06, 18.700, or 18.701 G (Fall) 3-0-9 H-LEVEL Grad Credit See description under subject 18.337J. A. Edelman 6.339J Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations (Same subject as 2.097J, 16.920J) Prereq: 18.03 or 18.06 G (Fall) 3-0-9 H-LEVEL Grad Credit See description under subject 16.920J. Q. Wang, J. K. White 6.341 Discrete-Time Signal Processing Prereq: 6.011 G (Fall) 4-0-8 H-LEVEL Grad Credit Representation, analysis, and design of discrete time signals and systems. Decimation, interpolation, and sampling rate conversion. Noise shaping. Flowgraph structures for DT systems. Lattice filters. Time- and frequency-domain design techniques for IIR and FIR filters. Parametric signal modeling, linear prediction, and the relation to lattice filters. Discrete Fourier transform (DFT). Computation of the DFT including FFT algorithms. Short-time Fourier analysis and relation to filter banks. Multirate techniques. Perfect reconstruction filter banks and their relation to wavelets. Hilbert transforms and cepstral analysis. A. V. Oppenheim 6.344 Digital Image Processing Prereq: 6.003, 6.041 G (Spring) 3-0-9 H-LEVEL Grad Credit Digital images as two-dimensional signals. Digital signal processing theories used for digital im-


age processing, including one-dimensional and two-dimensional convolution, Fourier transform, discrete Fourier transform, and discrete cosine transform. Image processing basics. Image enhancement. Image restoration. Image coding and compression. Video processing including video coding and compression. Additional topics including digital high-definition television systems. J. S. Lim 6.345J Automatic Speech Recognition (Same subject as HST.728J) Prereq: 6.003, 6.041, or permission of instructor Acad Year 20132014: Not offered Acad Year 20142015: G (Spring) 3-1-8 H-LEVEL Grad Credit Introduces the rapidly developing fields of automatic speech recognition and spoken language processing. Topics include acoustic theory of speech production and perception, acousticphonetics, signal representation, acoustic and language modeling, search, hidden Markov modeling, robustness, adaptation, discriminative and alternative approaches. Lectures interspersed with theory and applications. Assignments include problems, laboratory exercises, and a term project. 4 Engineering Design Points. V. W. Zue, J. R. Glass 6.347, 6.348 Advanced Topics in Signals and Systems Prereq: Permission of instructor G (Fall, Spring) 3-0-9 H-LEVEL Grad Credit Can be repeated for credit Advanced study of topics in signals and systems. Specific focus varies from year to year. Consult Department 6.374 Analysis and Design of Digital Integrated Circuits Prereq: 6.012, 6.004 G (Fall) 3-3-6 H-LEVEL Grad Credit Device and circuit level optimization of digital building blocks. MOS device models including Deep Sub-Micron effects. Circuit design styles for logic, arithmetic, and sequential blocks. Estimation and minimization of energy consumption. Interconnect models and parasitics, device sizing and logical effort, timing issues (clock skew and jitter), and active clock distribution techniques. Memory architectures, circuits (sense amplifiers), and devices. Testing of integrated circuits. Extensive custom and standard cell layout and simulation in design projects and software labs. 4 Engineering Design Points. A. P. Chandrakasan

6.375 Complex Digital Systems Design Prereq: 6.004 G (Spring) 5-5-2 H-LEVEL Grad Credit Introduction to the design and implementation of large-scale digital systems using hardware description languages and high-level synthesis tools in conjunction with standard commercial electronic design automation (EDA) tools. Emphasizes modular and robust designs, reusable modules, correctness by construction, architectural exploration, meeting area and timing constraints, and developing functional fieldprogrammable gate array (FPGA) prototypes. Extensive use of CAD tools in weekly labs serve as preparation for a multi-person design project on multi-million gate FPGAs. Enrollment may be limited. 12 Engineering Design Points. Arvind 6.376 Bioelectronics Prereq: 6.301 Acad Year 20132014: Not offered Acad Year 20142015: G (Fall) 4-0-8 H-LEVEL Grad Credit Comprehensive introduction to analog microelectronic design with an emphasis on ultra-lowpower electronics, biomedical electronics, and bio-inspired electronics. Device physics of the MOS transistor, including subthreshold operation and scaling to nanometer processes. Ultralow-noise, RF, sensor, actuator, and feedback circuits. System examples vary from year to year and include implantable and noninvasive biomedical systems, circuits inspired by neurobiology or cell biology, micromechanical systems (MEMS), and biological sensing and actuating systems. Class project involves a complete design of a VLSI chip, including layout, verification, design-rule checking, and SPICE simulation. 8 Engineering Design Points. R. Sarpeshkar




Probabilistic Systems and Communication

6.431 Applied Probability (Subject meets with 6.041) Prereq: Calculus II (GIR) G (Fall, Spring) 4-0-8 Credit cannot also be received for 18.440 Meets with undergraduate subject 6.041. Requires the completion of additional advanced home problems. D. P. Bertsekas, J. N. Tsitsiklis



6.434J Statistics for Engineers and Scientists (Same subject as 16.391J) Prereq: Calculus II (GIR), 18.06, 6.431, or permission of instructor Acad Year 20132014: G (Fall) Acad Year 20142015: Not offered 3-0-9 H-LEVEL Grad Credit Provides a rigorous introduction to fundamentals of statistics motivated by engineering applications and emphasizing the informed use of modern statistical software. Topics include sufficient statistics, exponential families, estimation, hypothesis testing, measures of performance, and notion of optimality. M. Win, J. N. Tsitsiklis 6.435 System Identification Prereq: 6.241, 6.432 Acad Year 20132014: G (Spring) Acad Year 20142015: Not offered 3-0-9 H-LEVEL Grad Credit Mathematical models of systems from observations of their behavior. Time series, state-space, and input-output models. Model structures, parametrization, and identifiability. Nonparametric methods. Prediction error methods for parameter estimation, convergence, consistency, andasymptotic distribution. Relations to maximum likelihood estimation. Recursive estimation; relation to Kalman filters; structure determination; order estimation; Akaike criterion; and bounded but unknown noise models. Robustness and practical issues. M. A. Dahleh 6.436J Fundamentals of Probability (Same subject as 15.085J) Prereq: Calculus II (GIR) G (Fall) 4-0-8 H-LEVEL Grad Credit Introduction to probability theory. Probability spaces and measures. Discrete and continuous random variables. Conditioning and independence. Multivariate normal distribution. Abstract integration, expectation, and related convergence results. Moment generating and characteristic functions. Bernoulli and Poisson process. Finite-state Markov chains. Convergence notions and their relations. Limit theorems. Familiarity with elementary notions in probability and real analysis is desirable. J. N. Tsitsiklis, D. Gamarnik

6.437 Inference and Information Prereq: 6.041 or 6.436 G (Spring) 4-0-8 H-LEVEL Grad Credit Introduction to principles of Bayesian and nonBayesian statistical inference. Hypothesis testing and parameter estimation, sufficient statistics; exponential families. EM agorithm. Log-loss inference criterion, entropy and model capacity. Kullback-Leibler distance and information geometry. Asymptotic analysis and large deviations theory. Model order estimation; nonparametric statistics. Computational issues and approximation techniques; Monte Carlo methods. Selected special topics such as universal prediction and compression. P. Golland, G. W. Wornell 6.438 Algorithms for Inference Prereq: 6.041 or 6.436; 18.06 G (Fall) 4-0-8 H-LEVEL Grad Credit Introduction to statistical inference with probabilistic graphical models. Covers directed and undirected graphical models, factor graphs, and Gaussian models; hidden Markov models, linear dynamical systems.; sum-product and junction tree algorithms; forward-backward algorithm, Kalman filtering and smoothing; and min-sum algorithm and Viterbi algorithm. Presents variational methods, mean-field theory, and loopy belief propagation; and particle methods and filtering. Includes building graphical models from data; parameter estimation, Baum-Welch algorithm; structure learning; and selected special topics. P. Golland, G. W. Wornell, D. Shah 6.440 Essential Coding Theory Prereq: 6.006, 6.045 Acad Year 20132014: Not offered Acad Year 20142015: G (Fall) 3-0-9 H-LEVEL Grad Credit Introduces the theory of error-correcting codes. Focuses on the essential results in the area, taught from first principles. Special focus on results of asymptotic or algorithmic significance. Principal topics include construction and existence results for error-correcting codes; limitations on the combinatorial performance of error-correcting codes; decoding algorithms; and applications to other areas of mathematics and computer science. M. Sudan, D. Moshkovitz

6.441 Information Theory Prereq: 6.041 G (Spring) 3-0-9 H-LEVEL Grad Credit Mathematical definitions of information measures, convexity, continuity, and variational properties. Lossless source coding; variablelength and block compression; Slepian-Wolf theorem; ergodic sources and ShannonMcMillan theorem. Hypothesis testing, large deviations and I-projection. Fundamental limits of block coding for noisy channels: capacity, dispersion, finite blocklength bounds. Coding with feedback. Joint source-channel problem. Rate-distortion theory, vector quantizers. Advanced topics include Gelfand-Pinsker problem, multiple access channels, broadcast channels (depending on available time). M. Medard, Y. Polyanskiy, L. Zheng 6.442 Optical Networks Prereq: 6.041, 6.042 G (Spring) 3-0-9 H-LEVEL Grad Credit Introduces the fundamental and practical aspects of optical network technology, architecture, design and analysis tools and techniques. The treatment of optical networks are from the architecture and system design points of view. Optical hardware technologies are introduced and characterized as fundamental network building blocks on which optical transmission systems and network architectures are based. Beyond the Physical Layer, the higher network layers (Media Access Control, Network and Transport Layers) are treated together as integral parts of network design. Performance metrics, analysis and optimization techniques are developed to help guide the creation of high performance complex optical networks. V. W. S. Chan 6.443J Quantum Information Science (Same subject as 8.371J, 18.436J) Prereq: 18.435 G (Spring) 3-0-9 H-LEVEL Grad Credit See description under subject 18.436J. P. W. Shor 6.450 Principles of Digital Communication Prereq: 6.011 G (Fall) 3-0-9 H-LEVEL Grad Credit Communication sources and channels; data compression; entropy and the AEP; Lempel-Ziv universal coding; scalar and vector quantization; L2 waveforms; signal space and its representa-




subjects 6.337J to 6.450


tion by sampling and other expansions; aliasing; the Nyquist criterion; PAM and QAM modulation; Gaussian noise and random processes; detection and optimal receivers; fading channels and wireless communication; introduction to communication system design. M. Medard, L. Zheng 6.452 Principles of Wireless Communication Prereq: 6.450 Acad Year 20132014: Not offered Acad Year 20142015: G (Fall) 3-0-9 H-LEVEL Grad Credit Introduction to design, analysis, and fundamental limits of wireless transmission systems. Wireless channel and system models; fading and diversity; resource management and power control; multiple-antenna and MIMO systems; space-time codes and decoding algorithms; multiple-access techniques and multiuser detection; broadcast codes and precoding; cellular and ad-hoc network topologies; OFDM and ultrawideband systems; architectural issues. G. W. Wornell, L. Zheng 6.453 Quantum Optical Communication Prereq: 6.011, 18.06 Acad Year 20132014: Not offered Acad Year 20142015: G (Fall) 3-0-9 H-LEVEL Grad Credit Quantum optics: Dirac notation quantum mechanics; harmonic oscillator quantization; number states, coherent states, and squeezed states; radiation field quantization and quantum field propagation; P-representation and classical fields. Linear loss and linear amplification: commutator preservation and the Uncertainty Principle; beam splitters; phase-insensitive and phase-sensitive amplifiers. Quantum photodetection: direct detection, heterodyne detection, and homodyne detection. Second-order nonlinear optics: phasematched interactions; optical parametric amplifiers; generation of squeezed states, photon-twin beams, non-classical fourth-order interference, and polarization entanglement. Quantum systems theory: optimum binary detection; quantum precision measurements; quantum cryptography; and quantum teleportation. J. H. Shapiro 6.454 Graduate Seminar in Area I Prereq: Permission of instructor Acad Year 20132014: Not offered Acad Year 20142015: G (Fall) 2-0-4 H-LEVEL Grad Credit Can be repeated for credit Student-run advanced graduate seminar with focus on topics in communications, control, signal processing, optimization. Participants

give presentations outside of their own research to expose colleagues to topics not covered in the usual curriculum. Recent topics have included compressed sensing, MDL principle, communication complexity, linear programming decoding, biology in EECS, distributed hypothesis testing, algorithms for random satisfaction problems, and cryptogaphy. Open to advanced students from all areas of EECS. Limited to 12. L. Zheng, D. Shah 6.456 Array Processing Prereq: 6.341; 2.687, or 6.011 and 18.06 Acad Year 20132014: G (Fall) Acad Year 20142015: Not offered 3-2-7 H-LEVEL Grad Credit Adaptive and non-adaptive processing of signals received at arrays of sensors. Deterministic beamforming, space-time random processes, optimal and adaptive algorithms, and the sensitivity of algorithm performance to modeling errors and limited data. Methods of improving the robustness of algorithms to modeling errors and limited data are derived. Advanced topics include an introduction to matched field processing and physics-based methods of estimating signal statistics. Homework exercises providing the opportunity to implement and analyze the performance of algorithms in processing data supplied during the course. J. Preisig

6.503 Foundations of Algorithms and Computational Techniques in Systems Biology (Subject meets with 6.581J, 20.482J) Prereq: 6.021, 6.034, 6.046, 6.336, 18.417, or permission of instructor Acad Year 20132014: Not offered Acad Year 20142015: U (Spring) 3-0-9 Illustrates computational approaches to solving problems in systems biology. Uses a series of case studies to demonstrate how an effective match between the statement of a biological problem and the selection of an appropriate algorithm or computational technique can lead to fundamental advances. Covers several discrete and numerical algorithms used in simulation, feature extraction, and optimization for molecular, network, and systems models in biology. Students taking graduate version complete additional assignments. B. Tidor, J. K. White 6.521J Cellular Biophysics (Same subject as 2.794J, 20.470J, HST.541J) (Subject meets with 2.791J, 6.021J, 20.370J) Prereq: Physics II (GIR); 18.03; 2.005, 6.002, 6.003, 6.071, 10.301, 20.110, or permission of instructor G (Fall) 5-2-5 H-LEVEL Grad Credit Meets with undergraduate subject 6.021J. Requires the completion of more advanced home problems and/or an additional project. D. M. Freeman, J. Han 6.522J Quantitative Physiology: Organ Transport Systems (Same subject as 2.796J, 20.471J) (Subject meets with 2.792J, 6.022J, 20.371J, HST.542J) Prereq: 2.006 or 6.013; 6.021 G (Spring) 4-2-6 H-LEVEL Grad Credit Application of the principles of energy and mass flow to major human organ systems. Mechanisms of regulation and homeostasis. Anatomical, physiological and pathophysiological features of the cardiovascular, respiratory and renal systems. Systems, features and devices that are most illuminated by the methods of physical sciences. Laboratory work includes some animal studies. Students taking graduate version complete additional assignments. R. G. Mark, C. M. Stultz





Bioelectrical Engineering
6.502J Introduction to Molecular Simulations (Same subject as HST.457J) (Subject meets with 6.582J, HST.557J) Prereq: Physics II (GIR); 18.03 or 18.06; 6.041 or 6.042; or permission of instructor Acad Year 20132014: Not offered Acad Year 20142015: U (Fall) 3-0-9 Introduction to the basic concepts underlying dynamical simulations of proteins and nucleic acids. Basic definitions of components that form biological systems used to develop physical models that describe the dynamics of biomolecules. Topics include classical statistical thermodynamics for calculation of macroscopic observables, normal-mode analyses of protein dynamics, and thermodynamic perturbation theory. Emphasizes actual techniques and algorithms used for such calculations. Prior knowledge of biochemistry is not required. Students taking the graduate version complete an additional project. C. M. Stultz



6.524J Molecular, Cellular, and Tissue Biomechanics (Same subject as 2.798J, 3.971J, 10.537J, 20.410J) Prereq: Biology (GIR); 2.002, 2.006, 6.013, 10.301, or 10.302 G (Fall) 3-0-9 H-LEVEL Grad Credit See description under subject 20.410J. R. D. Kamm 6.525J Medical Device Design (New) (Same subject as 2.75J) (Subject meets with 2.750J, 6.025J) Prereq: 2.72, 6.071, 6.115, or permission of instructor G (Fall) 4-0-8 H-LEVEL Grad Credit See description under subject 2.75J. A. H. Slocum, C. G. Sodini 6.541J Speech Communication (Same subject as 24.968J, HST.710J) Prereq: Permission of instructor G (Spring) 3-1-8 H-LEVEL Grad Credit Survey of human speech communication with special emphasis on the sound patterns of natural languages. Acoustic theory of speech production; physiologic and acoustic descriptions of phonetic features, prosody, speech perception, speech respiration, and speech motor control. Applications to recognition and generation of speech by machine and to speech disorders. Recommended prerequisite: mathematical background equivalent to 6.003. L. D. Braida, S. S. Ghosh, R. E. Hillman, S. Shattuck-Hufnagel 6.542J Laboratory on the Physiology, Acoustics, and Perception of Speech (Same subject as 24.966J, HST.712J) Prereq: Permission of instructor Acad Year 20132014: G (Fall) Acad Year 20142015: Not offered 2-2-8 H-LEVEL Grad Credit Experimental investigations of speech processes. Topics: measurement of articulatory movements; measurements of pressures and airflows in speech production; computer-aided waveform analysis and spectral analysis of speech; synthesis of speech; perception and discrimination of speechlike sounds; speech prosody; models for speech recognition; speech development; and other topics. Recommended prerequisites: 6.002 or 18.03. 4 Engineering Design Points. L. D. Braida, S. Shattuck-Hufnagel

6.544, 6.545 Advanced Topics in BioEECS Prereq: Permission of instructor G (Fall, Spring) 3-0-9 H-LEVEL Grad Credit Can be repeated for credit Advanced study of topics in BioEECS. Specific focus varies from year to year. Consult department for details. Consult Department 6.551J Acoustics of Speech and Hearing (Same subject as HST.714J) Prereq: 8.03, 6.003; or permission of instructor G (Fall) 4-1-7 H-LEVEL Grad Credit Provides background for understanding how the acoustics and mechanics of the speech production and auditory systems define what sounds we are capable of producing and what sounds we can sense. Particular focus on the acoustic cues used in determining the direction of a sound source; the mechanisms involved in speech production; the mechanisms used by the auditory system to transduce and analyze sounds; and sound perception (absolute detection, discrimination, masking, and auditory frequency selectivity). 4 Engineering Design Points. L. D. Braida, S. S. Ghosh, J. J. Rosowski, C. Shera 6.552J Signal Processing by the Auditory System: Perception (Same subject as HST.716J) Prereq: 6.003; 6.041 or 6.431; or permission of instructor Acad Year 20132014: Not offered Acad Year 20142015: G (Fall) 3-0-9 H-LEVEL Grad Credit Studies information processing performance of the human auditory system in relation to current physiological knowledge. Examines mathematical models for the quantification of auditorybased behavior and the relation between behavior and peripheral physiology, reflecting the tono-topic organization and stochastic responses of the auditory system. Mathematical models of psychophysical relations, incorporating quantitative knowledge of physiological transformations by the peripheral auditory system. L. D. Braida 6.555J Biomedical Signal and Image Processing (Same subject as 16.456J, HST.582J) Prereq: 6.003, 2.004, 16.004, or 18.085 G (Spring) 3-6-3 H-LEVEL Grad Credit See description under subject HST.582J. J. Greenberg, E. Adalsteinsson, W. Wells

6.556J Data Acquisition and Image Reconstruction in MRI (Same subject as HST.580J) Prereq: 6.011 Acad Year 20132014: G (Fall) Acad Year 20142015: Not offered 3-0-9 H-LEVEL Grad Credit Applies analysis of signals and noise in linear systems, sampling, and Fourier properties to magnetic resonance (MR) imaging acquisition and reconstruction. Provides adequate foundation for MR physics to enable study of RF excitation design, efficient Fourier sampling, parallel encoding, reconstruction of non-uniformly sampled data, and the impact of hardware imperfections on reconstruction performance. Surveys active areas of MR research. Assignments include MATLAB-based work with real data. Includes visit to a scan site for human MR studies. E. Adalsteinsson 6.561J Fields, Forces, and Flows in Biological Systems (Same subject as 2.795J, 10.539J, 20.430J, HST.544J) Prereq: 6.013, 2.005, 10.302, or permission of instructor G (Fall) 3-0-9 H-LEVEL Grad Credit See description under subject 20.430J. A. J. Grodzinsky, M. Bathe 6.580J Principles of Synthetic Biology (Same subject as 20.305J) (Subject meets with 6.589J, 20.405J) Prereq: None U (Fall) 3-0-9 See description under subject 20.305J. R. Weiss 6.581J Foundations of Algorithms and Computational Techniques in Systems Biology (Same subject as 20.482J) (Subject meets with 6.503) Prereq: 6.021, 6.034, 6.046, 6.336, 7.91, 18.417, or permission of instructor Acad Year 20132014: Not offered Acad Year 20142015: G (Spring) 3-0-9 H-LEVEL Grad Credit Illustrates computational approaches to solving problems in systems biology. Uses a series of case studies to demonstrate how an effective match between the statement of a biological problem and the selection of an appropriate algorithm or computational technique can lead to fundamental advances. Covers several discrete and numerical algorithms used in simulation,




subjects 6.452 to 6.581J


feature extraction, and optimization for molecular, network, and systems models in biology. Students taking graduate version complete additional assignments. B. Tidor, J. K. White 6.582J Molecular Simulations (Same subject as HST.557J) (Subject meets with 6.502J, HST.457J) Prereq: Physics II (GIR); 18.03 or 18.06; 6.041 or 6.042; or permission of instructor Acad Year 20132014: Not offered Acad Year 20142015: G (Fall) 3-0-9 H-LEVEL Grad Credit Introduction to the basic concepts underlying dynamical simulations of proteins and nucleic acids. Basic definitions of components that form biological systems used to develop physical models that describe the dynamics of biomolecules. Topics include classical statistical thermodynamics for calculation of macroscopic observables, normal-mode analyses of protein dynamics, and thermodynamic perturbation theory. Emphasizes actual techniques and algorithms used for such calculations. Prior knowledge of biochemistry is not required. Students taking the graduate version complete an additional project. C. M. Stultz 6.589J Principles of Synthetic Biology (Same subject as 20.405J) (Subject meets with 6.580J, 20.305J) Prereq: None G (Fall) 3-0-9 See description under subject 20.405J. R. Weiss

6.630 Electromagnetics Prereq: 6.003 or 6.007 Acad Year 20132014: Not offered Acad Year 20142015: G (Fall) 4-0-8 H-LEVEL Grad Credit Credit cannot also be received for 6.013 Explores electromagnetic phenomena in modern applications, including wireless and optical communications, circuits, computer interconnects and peripherals, microwave communications and radar, antennas, sensors, micro-electromechanical systems, and power generation and transmission. Fundamentals include quasistatic and dynamic solutions to Maxwells equations; waves, radiation, and diffraction; coupling to media and structures; guided and unguided waves; modal expansions; resonance; acoustic analogs; and forces, power, and energy. L. Daniel, M. R. Watts 6.631 Optics and Photonics Prereq: 6.013 or 8.07 G (Fall) 3-0-9 H-LEVEL Grad Credit Introduction to fundamental concepts and techniques of optics, photonics, and fiber optics. Review of Maxwells equations, light propagation, and reflection from dielectrics mirrors and filters. Interferometers, filters, and optical imaging systems. Fresnel and Fraunhoffer diffraction theory. Propagation of Gaussian beams and laser resonator design. Optical waveguides and optical fibers. Optical waveguide and photonic devices. J. G. Fujimoto 6.632 Electromagnetic Wave Theory Prereq: 6.013, 6.630, or 8.07 G (Spring) 3-0-9 H-LEVEL Grad Credit Solutions to Maxwell equations and physical interpretation. Topics include waves in media, equivalence principle, duality and complementarity, Huygens principle, Fresnel and Fraunhofer diffraction, radiation and dyadic Greens functions, scattering, metamaterials, and plasmonics, mode theory, dielectric waveguides, and resonators. Examples deal with limiting cases of electromagnetic theory, multi-port elements, filters and antennas. Discusses current topics in microwave and photonic devices. M. R. Watts

6.634J Nonlinear Optics (Same subject as 8.431J) Prereq: 6.013 or 8.07 G (Spring) 3-0-9 H-LEVEL Grad Credit Techniques of nonlinear optics with emphasis on fundamentals for research and engineering in optics, photonics, and spectroscopy. Electro optic modulators, harmonic generation, and frequency conversion devices. Nonlinear effects in optical fibers including self-phase modulation, nonlinear wave propagation, and solitons. Interaction of light with matter, laser operation, density matrix techniques, nonlinear spectroscopies, and femtosecond optics. J. G. Fujimoto 6.637 Optical Signals, Devices, and Systems (Subject meets with 6.161) Prereq: 6.003 G (Fall) 3-0-9 H-LEVEL Grad Credit Principles of operation and applications of devices and systems for optical signal generation, transmission, detection, storage, processing and display. Topics include review of the basic properties of electromagnetic waves; coherence and interference; diffraction and holography; Fourier optics; coherent and incoherent imaging and signal processing systems; optical properties of materials; lasers and LEDs; electro-optic and acousto-optic light modulators; photorefractive and liquid-crystal light modulation; spatial light modulators and displays; optical waveguides and fiber-optic communication systems; photodetectors; 2-D and 3-D optical storage technologies; adaptive optical systems; role of optics in next-generation computers. Student research paper on a specific contemporary topic required. Recommended prerequisites: 6.007 or 8.03. C. Warde 6.638 Ultrafast Optics Prereq: 6.602, 6.621, 6.630, or 6.631 Acad Year 20132014: Not offered Acad Year 20142015: G (Fall) 3-0-9 H-LEVEL Grad Credit Detailed exposition of the principles involved in ultrashort pulse generation, propagation, and characterization. Linear and nonlinear pulse shaping processes are discussed. Optical solitons, pulse compression. Laser principles: Single- and multimode-laser dynamics, Q-switching and mode-locking: active and passive model-locking mechanisms. Noise in mode-locked lasers and its limitations imposed on measurements. Laser amplifiers. Optical parametric amplifiers and oscillators. Applications in

E L E C T R I C A L 20132014




6.608J Introduction to Particle Accelerators (Same subject as 8.277J) Prereq: 6.013 or 8.07 Acad Year 20132014: U (Fall) Acad Year 20142015: Not offered 3-0-9 See description under subject 8.277J. W. Barletta


research and industry, such as various pumpprobe techniques, optical imaging, frequency metrology, High Harmonic Generation, Attosecond pulse generation. F. X. Kaertner 6.641 Electromagnetic Fields, Forces, and Motion Prereq: 6.013 G (Fall) 4-0-8 H-LEVEL Grad Credit Electric and magnetic quasistatic forms of Maxwells equations applied to dielectric, conduction, and magnetization boundary value problems. Electromagnetic forces, force densities, and stress tensors, including magnetization and polarization. Thermodynamics of electromagnetic fields, equations of motion, and energy conservation. Applications to synchronous, induction, and commutator machines; sensors and transducers; microelectromechanical systems; propagation and stability of electromechanical waves; and charge transport phenomena. M. Zahn, J. H. Lang 6.642 Continuum Electromechanics Prereq: 6.641 or permission of instructor Acad Year 20132014: Not offered Acad Year 20142015: G (Spring) 4-0-8 H-LEVEL Grad Credit Laws, approximations, and relations of continuum mechanics. Mechanical and electromechanical transfer relations. Statics and dynamics of electromechanical systems having a static equilibrium. Electromechanical flows. Field coupling with thermal and molecular diffusion. Electrokinetics. Streaming interactions. Application to materials processing, magnetohydrodynamic and electrohydrodynamic pumps and generators, ferrohydrodynamics, physiochemical systems, heat transfer, continuum feedback control, electron beam devices, and plasma dynamics. M. Zahn 6.644, 6.645 Advanced Topics in Applied Physics Prereq: Permission of instructor G (Fall, Spring) 3-0-9 H-LEVEL Grad Credit Can be repeated for credit Advanced study of topics in applied physics. Specific focus varies from year to year. Consult department for details. Consult Department

6.651J Introduction to Plasma Physics I (Same subject as 8.613J, 22.611J) Prereq: 6.013, 8.07, or 22.105; 18.04 or Coreq: 18.075 G (Fall) 3-0-9 H-LEVEL Grad Credit See description under subject 22.611J. Staff 6.652J Introduction to Plasma Physics II (Same subject as 8.614J, 22.612J) Prereq: 6.651J, 8.613J, or 22.611J G (Spring) 3-0-9 H-LEVEL Grad Credit See description under subject 8.614J. Staff 6.673 Introduction to Numerical Simulation in Electrical Engineering Prereq: 6.012 or 6.013 Acad Year 20132014: G (Spring) Acad Year 20142015: Not offered 3-0-9 H-LEVEL Grad Credit Selection of a simulation model and physical approximations. Solution of nonlinear coupled PDEs in 1-D through finite difference and finite element methods, Newtons method, and variants. Finite difference and finite element methods in 2-D and sparse matrix methods emphasizing conjugate gradient algorithms. Semiconductor devices used as primary examples; additional examples drawn from E&M modeling, nonlinear pulse propagation, and laser physics. P. L. Hagelstein 6.685 Electric Machines Prereq: 6.061 or 6.690; or permission of instructor Acad Year 20132014: G (Fall) Acad Year 20142015: Not offered 3-0-9 H-LEVEL Grad Credit Treatment of electromechanical transducers, rotating and linear electric machines. Lumpedparameter electromechanics. Power flow using Poyntings theorem, force estimation using the Maxwell stress tensor and Principle of virtual work. Development of analytical techniques for predicting device characteristics: energy conversion density, efficiency; and of system interaction characteristics: regulation, stability, controllability, and response. Use of electric machines in drive systems. Problems taken from current research. J. L. Kirtley, Jr.

6.690 Introduction to Electric Power Systems (Subject meets with 6.061) Prereq: 6.002, 6.013 Acad Year 20132014: Not offered Acad Year 20142015: G (Spring) 3-0-9 H-LEVEL Grad Credit Electric circuit theory with application to power handling electric circuits. Modeling and behavior of electromechanical devices, including magnetic circuits, motors, and generators. Operational fundamentals of synchronous, induction and DC machinery. Interconnection of generators and motors with electric power transmission and distribution circuits. Power generation, including alternative and sustainable sources. Students taking graduate version complete additional assignments. J. L. Kirtley, Jr. 6.691 Seminar in Electric Power Systems Prereq: 6.061 or 6.690; or permission of instructor Acad Year 20132014: G (Spring) Acad Year 20142015: Not offered 3-0-9 H-LEVEL Grad Credit Planning and operation of modern electric power systems. Content varies with current interests of instructor and class; emphasis on engineering aspects, but economic issues may be examined. Core topics include overview of power system structure and operation; representation of components, including transmission lines, transformers, generating plants, loads; power flow analysis, dynamics and control of multimachine systems, steady-state and transient stability, system protection; economic dispatch; mobil and isolated power systems; computation and simulation. J. L. Kirtley, Jr. 6.695J Engineering, Economics and Regulation of the Electric Power Sector (Same subject as 15.032J, ESD.162J) Prereq: Permission of instructor G (Spring) 3-2-7 H-LEVEL Grad Credit See description under subject ESD.162J. I. Perez-Arriaga, R. Schmalensee




subjects 6.582J to 6.695J


Solid-State Materials and Devices

6.701 Introduction to Nanoelectronics (Subject meets with 6.719) Prereq: 6.003 Acad Year 20132014: Not offered Acad Year 20142015: U (Fall) 4-0-8 Transistors at the nanoscale. Quantization, wavefunctions, and Schrodingers equation. Introduction to electronic properties of molecules, carbon nanotubes, and crystals. Energy band formation and the origin of metals, insulators and semiconductors. Ballistic transport, Ohms law, ballistic versus traditional MOSFETs, fundamental limits to computation. M. A. Baldo 6.717J Design and Fabrication of Microelectromechanical Systems (Same subject as 2.374J) (Subject meets with 2.372J, 6.777J) Prereq: 6.003 or 2.003, Physics II (GIR); or permission of instructor U (Spring) 3-0-9 Provides an introduction to microsystem design. Covers material properties, microfabrication technologies, structural behavior, sensing methods, electromechanical actuation, thermal actuation and control, multi-domain modeling, noise, and microsystem packaging. Applies microsystem modeling, and manufacturing principles to the design and analysis a variety of microscale sensors and actuators (e.g., optical MEMS, bioMEMS, and inertial sensors). Emphasizes modeling and simulation in the design process. Students taking the graduate version complete additional assignments. 4 Engineering Design Points. D. Weinstein 6.719 Nanoelectronics (Subject meets with 6.701) Prereq: 6.003 Acad Year 20132014: Not offered Acad Year 20142015: G (Fall) 4-0-8 H-LEVEL Grad Credit Meets with undergraduate subject 6.701, but requires the completion of additional/different homework assignments and or projects. See description under subject 6.701. M. A. Baldo

6.720J Integrated Microelectronic Devices (Same subject as 3.43J) Prereq: 6.012 or 3.42 G (Fall) 4-0-8 H-LEVEL Grad Credit The physics of microelectronic semiconductor devices for silicon integrated circuit applications. Topics: semiconductor fundamentals, p-n junction, metal-oxide semiconductor structure, metal-semiconductor junction, MOS field-effect transistor, and bipolar junction transistor. Emphasis on physical understanding of device operation through energy band diagrams and short-channel MOSFET device design. Issues in modern device scaling outlined. Includes device characterization projects and device design project. 2 Engineering Design Points. J. A. del Alamo, H. L. Tuller 6.728 Applied Quantum and Statistical Physics Prereq: 6.003, 18.06 G (Fall) 4-0-8 H-LEVEL Grad Credit Elementary quantum mechanics and statistical physics. Introduces applied quantum physics. Emphasizes experimental basis for quantum mechanics. Applies Schrodingers equation to the free particle, tunneling, the harmonic oscillator, and hydrogen atom. Variational methods. Elementary statistical physics; Fermi-Dirac, BoseEinstein, and Boltzmann distribution functions. Simple models for metals, semiconductors, and devices such as electron microscopes, scanning tunneling microscope, thermonic emitters, atomic force microscope, and more. P. L. Hagelstein, T. P. Orlando, K. K. Berggren 6.730 Physics for Solid-State Applications Prereq: 6.013, 6.728 G (Spring) 5-0-7 H-LEVEL Grad Credit Classical and quantum models of electrons and lattice vibrations in solids, emphasizing physical models for elastic properties, electronic transport, and heat capacity. Crystal lattices, electronic energy band structures, phonon dispersion relatons, effective mass theorem, semiclassical equations of motion, electron scattering and semiconductor optical properties. Band structure and transport properties of selected semiconductors. Connection of quantum theory of solids with quasi-Fermi levels and Boltzmann transport used in device modeling. T. P. Orlando, R. Ram, Q. Hu

6.731 Semiconductor Optoelectronics: Theory and Design Prereq: 6.728, 6.012 Acad Year 20132014: Not offered Acad Year 20142015: G (Fall) 3-0-9 H-LEVEL Grad Credit Focuses on the physics of the interaction of photons with semiconductor materials. Uses the band theory of solids to calculate the absorption and gain of semiconductor media; and uses rate equation formalism to develop the concepts of laser threshold, population inversion, and modulation response. Presents theory and design for photodetectors, solar cells, modulators, amplifiers, and lasers. Introduces noise models for semiconductor devices, and applications of optoelectronic devices to fiber optic communications. R. J. Ram 6.732 Physics of Solids Prereq: 6.730 or 8.231 G (Fall) 4-0-8 H-LEVEL Grad Credit Continuation of 6.730 emphasizing applications-related physical issues in solids. Topics: electronic structure and energy band diagrams of semiconductors, metals, and insulators; Fermi surfaces; dynamics of electrons; classical diffusive transport phenomena such as electrical and thermal conduction and thermoelectric phenomena; quantum transport in tunneling and ballistic devices; optical properties of metals, semiconductors, and insulators; photon-lattice interactions; optical devices based on interband and intersubband transitions; magnetic properties of solids; exchange energy and magnetic ordering; magneto-oscillatory phenomena; quantum Hall effect; superconducting phenomena and simple models. Q. Hu 6.735, 6.736 Advanced Topics in Materials, Devices, and Nanotechnology Prereq: Permission of instructor G (Fall, Spring) 3-0-9 H-LEVEL Grad Credit Can be repeated for credit Advanced study of topics in materials, devices, and nanotechnology. Specific focus varies from year to year. Consult Department







6.763 Applied Superconductivity Prereq: 6.728 Acad Year 20132014: G (Fall) Acad Year 20142015: Not offered 3-0-9 H-LEVEL Grad Credit Phenomenological approach to superconductivity, with emphasis on superconducting electronics. Electrodynamics of superconductors, Londons model, and flux quantization. Josephson junctions and superconducting quantum devices and detectors.Quantized circuits for quantum computing. Overview of type-II superconductors, critical magnetic fields, pinning, and microscopic theory of superconductivity. T. P. Orlando 6.772 Compound Semiconductor and Heterostructure Devices Prereq: 6.012 Acad Year 20132014: Not offered Acad Year 20142015: G (Spring) 4-0-8 H-LEVEL Grad Credit Physics, modeling, and application of compound semiconductors (primarily III-Vs and Si-Ge) in high speed electronic, optoelectronic, and photonic devices and ICs. The materials palette; energy band and effective mass concepts; theory and practice of III-V and Si-Ge heterojunctions, quantum structures, and strained layers; metal-semiconductor diodes and field effect transistors (MESFETs); heterojunction field effect transistors (HFETs) and bipolar transistors (HBTs); dielectric waveguides and photonic lattices; LEDs, laser diodes, photodetectors, and other optoelectronic devices; heterogeneous integration with Si. C. G. Fonstad, Jr., T. A. Palacios 6.774 Physics of Microfabrication: Front End Processing Prereq: 6.152 G (Fall) 3-0-9 H-LEVEL Grad Credit Presents advanced physical models and practical aspects of front-end microfabrication processes, such as oxidation, diffusion, ion implantation, chemical vapor deposition, atomic layer deposition, etching, and epitaxy. Covers topics relevant to CMOS, bipolar, and optoelectronic device fabrication, including high k gate dielectrics, gate etching, implant-damage enhanced diffusion, advanced metrology, stress effects on oxidation, non-planar and nanowire device fabrication, SiGe and fabrication of process-induced strained Si. Exposure to CMOS process integration concepts, and impacts of processing on device characteristics. Students use modern process simulation tools. J. L. Hoyt, L. R. Reif

6.775 CMOS Analog and Mixed-Signal Circuit Design Prereq: 6.301 G (Spring) 3-0-9 H-LEVEL Grad Credit A detailed exposition of the principles involved in designing and optimizing analog and mixed-signal circuits in CMOS technologies. Small-signal and large-signal models. Systemic methodology for device sizing and biasing. Basic circuit building blocks. Operational amplifier design. Large signal considerations. Principles of switched capacitor networks including switchedcapacitor and continuous-time integrated filters. Basic and advanced A/D and D/A converters, delta-sigma modulators, RF and other signal processing circuits. Design projects on op amps and subsystems are a required part of the subject. 4 Engineering Design Points. H. S. Lee, C. G. Sodini 6.777J Design and Fabrication of Microelectromechanical Systems (Same subject as 2.372J) (Subject meets with 2.374J, 6.717J) Prereq: 6.003 or 2.003, Physics II (GIR); or permission of instructor G (Spring) 3-0-9 H-LEVEL Grad Credit Provides an introduction to microsystem design. Covers material properties, microfabrication technologies, structural behavior, sensing methods, electromechanical actuation, thermal actuation and control, multi-domain modeling, noise, and microsystem packaging. Applies microsystem modeling, and manufacturing principles to the design and analysis a variety of microscale sensors and actuators (e.g., optical MEMS, bioMEMS, and inertial sensors). Emphasizes modeling and simulation in the design process. Students taking the graduate version complete additional assignments. 4 Engineering Design Points. D. Weinstein 6.780J Control of Manufacturing Processes (Same subject as 2.830J, ESD.63J) Prereq: 2.008, 6.041, 6.152, or 15.064 G (Spring) 3-0-9 H-LEVEL Grad Credit See description under subject 2.830J. D. E. Hardt, D. S. Boning

6.781J Nanostructure Fabrication (Same subject as 2.391J) Prereq: 6.152, 6.161, or 2.710; or permission of instructor G (Spring) 4-0-8 H-LEVEL Grad Credit Describes current techniques used in analyzing and fabricating nanometer-length-scale structures and devices. Covers fundamentals of optical, electron (scanning, transmission, and tunneling), and atomic-force microscopy; optical, electron, ion, and nanoimprint lithography, templated self-assembly, and resist technology. Surveys substrate characterization and preparation, facilities, and metrology requirements for nanolithography. Nanodevice processing methods such as liquid and plasma etching, lift-off, electroplating, and ion-implant are also presented. Some applications in nanoelectronics, nanomaterials, and nanophotonics are discussed. H. I. Smith, G. Barbastathis, K. K. Berggren 6.789 Organic Optoelectronics Prereq: Permission of instructor Acad Year 20132014: Not offered Acad Year 20142015: G (Fall) 4-1-7 H-LEVEL Grad Credit Examines optical and electronic processes in organic molecules and polymers that govern the behavior of practical organic optoelectronic devices. Electronic structure of a single organic molecule is used as a guide to the electronic behavior of organic aggregate structures. Emphasis on use of organic thin films in active organic devices including organic LEDs, solar cells, photodetectors, transistors, chemical sensors, memory cells, electrochromic devices, as well as xerography and organic nonlinear optics. Reaching the ultimate miniaturization limit of molecular electronics and related nanoscale patterning techniques of organic materials are discussed. Laboratory sessions are conducted in a research laboratory environment with the goal of exposing students to material deposition and device testing techniques. V. Bulovic


Computer Science
6.801 Machine Vision (Subject meets with 6.866) Prereq: 6.003 or permission of instructor U (Fall) 3-0-9 Deriving a symbolic description of the environment from an image. Understanding physics of



subjects 6.701 to 6.801


image formation. Image analysis as an inversion problem. Binary image processing and filtering of images as preprocessing steps. Recovering shape, lightness, orientation, and motion. Using constraints to reduce the ambiguity. Photometric stereo and extended Gaussian sphere. Applications to robotics; intelligent interaction of machines with their environment. Students taking the graduate version complete different assignments. B. K. P. Horn 6.802 Computational Systems Biology (Subject meets with 6.874J, HST.506J) Prereq: Biology (GIR); 18.440 or 6.041 U (Fall) 3-0-9 Presents computational approaches and algorithms for contemporary problems in systems biology, with a focus on models of biological systems, including regulatory network discovery and validation. Topics include genotypes, regulatory factor binding and motif discovery, and whole genome RNA expression; regulatory networks (discovery, validation, data integration, protein-protein interactions, signaling, whole genome chromatin immunoprecipitation analysis); and experimental design (model validation, interpretation of interventions). Discusses computational methods, including directed and undirected graphical models, such as Bayesian networks, factor graphs, Dirichlet processes, and topic models. Multidisciplinary team-oriented final research project. Students taking graduate version complete additional assignments. D. K. Gifford, T. S. Jaakkola 6.803 The Human Intelligence Enterprise (Subject meets with 6.833) Prereq: 6.034 or permission of instructor U (Spring) 3-0-9 Analyzes seminal work directed at the development of a computational understanding of human intelligence, such as work on learning, language, vision, event representation, commonsense reasoning, self reflection, story understanding, and analogy. Reviews visionary ideas of Turing, Minsky, and other influential thinkers. Examines the implications of work on brain scanning, developmental psychology, and cognitive psychology. Emphasis on discussion and analysis of original papers. Students taking graduate version complete additional assignments. Enrollment limited. P. H. Winston

6.804J Computational Cognitive Science (Same subject as 9.66J) (Subject meets with 9.660) Prereq: 9.07, 18.05, 6.041, or permission of instructor U (Fall) 3-0-9 See description under subject 9.66J. J. Tenenbaum 6.805 Ethics and the Law on the Electronic Frontier (Subject meets with STS.085, STS.487) Prereq: Permission of instructor U (Fall) 3-0-9 Studies the growth of computer and communications technology and the new legal and ethical challenges that reflect tensions between individual rights and societal needs. Topics: computer crime; intellectual property restrictions on software; encryption, privacy, and national security; academic freedom and free speech. Students meet and question technologists, activists, law enforcement agents, journalists, and legal experts. Extensive use of the web for readings and other materials. Students engage in extensive written and oral communication exercises. STS.085 meets with 6.805 and carries HASS credit. 6.805 may be used as an Engineering Concentration Elective. Enrollment limited. H. Abelson, M. Fischer, D. Weitzner 6.811 Principles and Practice of Assistive Technology (New) Prereq: Permission of instructor U (Fall) 3-4-5 Interdisciplinary project-based subject focuses on the effective practice of assistive and adaptive technology for individuals with disabilities. Lectures cover design methods and problemsolving strategies; institutional review boards; human factors; human-machine interfaces; community perspectives; social and ethical aspects; and assistive technology for motor, cognitive, perceptual, and age-related impairments. Prior knowledge of one or more of the following areas useful: software; electronics; human-computer interaction; cognitive science; mechanical engineering; control; or MIT hobby shop, MIT PSC, or other relevant independent project experience. S. Teller

6.813 User Interface Design and Implementation (Subject meets with 6.831) Prereq: 6.005 or permission of instructor U (Spring) 3-0-9 Examines human-computer interaction in the context of graphical user interfaces. Covers human capabilities, design principles, prototyping techniques, evaluation techniques, and the implementation of graphical user interfaces. Includes short programming assignments and a term-long group project. Students taking the graduate version also have readings from current literature and additional assignments. Enrollment limited. 6 Engineering Design Points. R. C. Miller 6.814 Database Systems (Subject meets with 6.830) Prereq: 6.033; 6.046 or 6.006; or permission of instructor U (Spring) 3-0-9 Topics related to the engineering and design of database systems, including data models; database and schema design; schema normalization and integrity constraints; query processing; query optimization and cost estimation; transactions; recovery; concurrency control; isolation and consistency; distributed, parallel and heterogeneous databases; adaptive databases; trigger systems; pub-sub systems; semi structured data and XML querying. Lecture and readings from original research papers. Term-long project and paper. Students taking graduate version complete different assignments. Enrollment may be limited. 4 Engineering Design Points. S. R. Madden 6.815 Digital and Computational Photography (Subject meets with 6.865) Prereq: Calculus II (GIR), 6.01 U (Fall) 3-0-9 Presents fundamentals and applications of hardware and software techniques used in digital and computational photography, with an emphasis on software methods. Provides sufficient background to implement solutions to photographic challenges and opportunities. Topics include cameras and image formation, image processing and image representations, high-dynamic-range imaging, human visual perception and color, single view 3-D model reconstruction, morphing, data-rich photography, super-resolution, and image-based rendering.







Students taking graduate version complete additional assignments. 6 Engineering Design Points. F. P. Durand, W. T. Freeman 6.820 Foundations of Program Analysis Prereq: 6.035 Acad Year 20132014: G (Fall) Acad Year 20142015: Not offered 3-0-9 H-LEVEL Grad Credit Presents major principles and techniques for program analysis. Includes formal semantics, type systems and type-based program analysis, abstract interpretation and model checking and synthesis. Emphasis on Haskell and Ocaml, but no prior experience in these languages is assumed. Student assignments include implementing of techniques covered in class, including building simple verifiers. A. Solar-Lezama 6.823 Computer System Architecture Prereq: 6.004 G (Spring) 4-0-8 H-LEVEL Grad Credit Introduction to the principles underlying modern computer architecture. Emphasizes the relationship among technology, hardware organization, and programming systems in the evolution of computer architecture. Topics include pipelined, out-of-order, and speculative execution; caches, virtual memory and exception handling, superscalar, very long instruction word (VLIW), vector, and multithreaded processors; on-chip networks, memory models, synchronization, and cache coherence protocols for multiprocessors. 4 Engineering Design Points. Arvind, J. S. Emer 6.824 Distributed Computer Systems Engineering Prereq: 6.033, permission of instructor G (Spring) 3-0-9 H-LEVEL Grad Credit Abstractions and implementation techniques for engineering distributed systems: remote procedure call, threads and locking, client/server, peer-to-peer, consistency, fault tolerance, and security. Readings from current literature. Individual laboratory assignments culminate in the construction of a fault-tolerant and scalable network file system. Programming experience with C/C++ required. Enrollment limited. 6 Engineering Design Points. R. T. Morris, M. F. Kaashoek

6.828 Operating System Engineering Prereq: 6.005, 6.033 Acad Year 20132014: Not offered Acad Year 20142015: G (Fall) 3-6-3 H-LEVEL Grad Credit Fundamental design and implementation issues in the engineering of operating systems. Lectures based on the study of a symmetric multiprocessor version of UNIX version 6 and research papers. Topics include virtual memory; file system; threads; context switches; kernels; interrupts; system calls; interprocess communication; coordination, and interaction between software and hardware. Individual laboratory assignments accumulate in the construction of a minimal operating system (for an x86-based personal computer) that implements the basic operating system abstractions and a shell. Knowledge of programming in the C language is a prerequisite. 6 Engineering Design Points. M. F. Kaashoek 6.829 Computer Networks Prereq: 6.033 or permission of instructor Acad Year 20132014: Not offered Acad Year 20142015: G (Fall) 4-0-8 H-LEVEL Grad Credit Topics on the engineering and analysis of network protocols and architecture, including architectural principles for designing heterogeneous networks; transport protocols; internet routing foundations and practice; router design; congestion control and network resource management; wireless networks; network security; naming; overlay and peer-to-peer networks. Readings from original research papers and Internet RFCs. Term-long project and paper. Enrollment may be limited. 4 Engineering Design Points. H. Balakrishnan 6.830 Database Systems (Subject meets with 6.814) Prereq: 6.033; 6.046 or 6.006; or permission of instructor G (Spring) 3-0-9 H-LEVEL Grad Credit Topics related to the engineering and design of database systems, including data models; database and schema design; schema normalization and integrity constraints; query processing; query optimization and cost estimation; transactions; recovery; concurrency control; isolation and consistency; distributed, parallel and heterogeneous databases; adaptive databases; trigger systems; pub-sub systems; semi structured data and XML querying. Lecture and readings from original research papers. Term-long project and paper. Students taking graduate version

complete different assignments. Enrollment may be limited. 4 Engineering Design Points. S. R. Madden 6.831 User Interface Design and Implementation (Subject meets with 6.813) Prereq: 6.005 or permission of instructor G (Spring) 3-0-9 H-LEVEL Grad Credit Examines human-computer interaction in the context of graphical user interfaces. Covers human capabilities, design principles, prototyping techniques, evaluation techniques, and the implementation of graphical user interfaces. Includes short programming assignments and a term-long group project. Students taking the graduate version also have readings from current literature and additional assignments. Enrollment limited. 6 Engineering Design Points. R. C. Miller 6.832 Underactuated Robotics Prereq: 6.141, 2.12, 2.165, or permission of instructor Acad Year 20132014: Not offered Acad Year 20142015: G (Fall) 3-0-9 H-LEVEL Grad Credit Covers nonlinear dynamics and control of underactuated mechanical systems, with an emphasis on computational methods. Topics include nonlinear dynamics of passive robots (walkers, swimmers, flyers), motion planning, robust and optimal control, reinforcement learning/ approximate optimal control, and the influence of mechanical design on control. Includes examples from biology and applications to legged locomotion, compliant manipulation, underwater robots, and flying machines. R. Tedrake 6.833 The Human Intelligence Enterprise (Subject meets with 6.803) Prereq: 6.034 G (Spring) 3-0-9 H-LEVEL Grad Credit Analyzes seminal work directed at the development of a computational understanding of human intelligence, such as work on learning, language, vision, event representation, commonsense reasoning, self reflection, story understanding, and analogy. Reviews visionary ideas of Turing, Minsky, and other influential thinkers. Examines the implications of work on brain scanning, developmental psychology, and cognitive psychology. Emphasis on discussion and analysis of original papers. Requires the




subjects 6.802 to 6.833


completion of additional exercises and a substantial term project. Enrollment limited. P. H. Winston 6.834J Cognitive Robotics (Same subject as 16.412J) Prereq: 6.041, 6.042, or 16.09; 16.410, 16.413, 6.034, or 6.825 Acad Year 20132014: Not offered Acad Year 20142015: G (Spring) 3-0-9 H-LEVEL Grad Credit See description under subject 16.412J. B. C. Williams 6.835 Intelligent Multimodal User Interfaces Prereq: 6.034, 6.005, or permission of instructor Acad Year 20132014: Not offered Acad Year 20142015: G (Spring) 3-0-9 H-LEVEL Grad Credit Implementation and evaluation of intelligent multi-modal user interfaces, taught from a combination of hands-on exercises and papers from the original literature. Topics include basic technologies for handling speech, vision, penbased interaction, and other modalities, as well as various techniques for combining modalities. Substantial readings and a term project, where students build an interface to illustrate one or more themes of the course. 8 Engineering Design Points. R. Davis 6.837 Computer Graphics Prereq: Calculus II (GIR), 6.005; or permission of instructor U (Fall) 3-0-9 Introduction to computer graphics algorithms, software and hardware. Topics include ray tracing, the graphics pipeline, transformations, texture mapping, shadows, sampling, global illumination, splines, animation and color. 6 Engineering Design Points. F. P. Durand, W. Matusik 6.838 Advanced Topics in Computer Graphics Prereq: 6.837 Acad Year 20132014: Not offered Acad Year 20142015: G (Fall) 3-0-9 H-LEVEL Grad Credit Can be repeated for credit In-depth study of an active research topic in computer graphics. Topics change each term. Readings from the literature, student presentations, short assignments, and a programming project. F. P. Durand

6.839 Advanced Computer Graphics Prereq: 18.06, 6.005, 6.837, or permission of instructor G (Spring) 3-0-9 H-LEVEL Grad Credit A graduate level course investigates computational problems in rendering, animation, and geometric modeling. The course draws on advanced techniques from computational geometry, applied mathematics, statistics, scientific computing and other. Substantial programming experience required. F. P. Durand 6.840J Theory of Computation (Same subject as 18.404J) Prereq: 18.310 or 18.062J G (Fall) 4-0-8 H-LEVEL Grad Credit (H except 18) See description under subject 18.404J. M. Sipser 6.841J Advanced Complexity Theory (Same subject as 18.405J) Prereq: 18.404 Acad Year 20132014: Not offered Acad Year 20142015: G (Fall) 3-0-9 H-LEVEL Grad Credit See description under subject 18.405J. D. Moshkovitz 6.842 Randomness and Computation Prereq: 6.046, 6.840 G (Spring) 3-0-9 H-LEVEL Grad Credit The power and sources of randomness in computation. Connections and applications to computational complexity, computational learning theory, cryptography and combinatorics. Topics include: probabilistic proofs, uniform generation and approximate counting, Fourier analysis of Boolean functions, computational learning theory, expander graphs, pseudorandom generators, derandomization. R. Rubinfeld 6.845 Quantum Complexity Theory Prereq: 6.045, 6.840, 18.435 Acad Year 20132014: Not offered Acad Year 20142015: G (Fall) 3-0-9 H-LEVEL Grad Credit Introduction to quantum computational complexity theory, the study of the fundamental capabilities and limitations of quantum computers. Topics include complexity classes, lower bounds, communication complexity, proofs and advice, and interactive proof systems in the

quantum world; classical simulation of quantum circuits. The objective is to bring students to the research frontier. S. Aaronson 6.846 Parallel Computing Prereq: 6.004 or permission of instructor G (Spring) 3-0-9 H-LEVEL Grad Credit Introduction to parallel and multicore computer architecture and programming. Topics include the design and implementation of multicore processors; networking, video, continuum, particle and graph applications for multicores; communication and synchronization algorithms and mechanisms; locality in parallel computations; computational models, including shared memory, streams, message passing, and data parallel; multicore mechanisms for synchronization, cache coherence, and multithreading. Performance evaluation of multicores; compilation and runtime systems for parallel computing. Substantial project required. 4 Engineering Design Points. A. Agarwal 6.849 Geometric Folding Algorithms: Linkages, Origami, Polyhedra Prereq: 6.046 or permission of instructor Acad Year 20132014: Not offered Acad Year 20142015: G (Fall) 3-0-9 H-LEVEL Grad Credit Covers discrete geometry and algorithms underlying the reconfiguration of foldable structures, with applications to robotics, manufacturing, and biology. Linkages made from one-dimensional rods connected by hinges: constructing polynomial curves, characterizing rigidity, characterizing unfoldable versus locked, protein folding. Folding two-dimensional paper (origami): characterizing flat foldability, algorithmic origami design, one-cut magic trick. Unfolding and folding three-dimensional polyhedra: edge unfolding, vertex unfolding, gluings, Alexandrovs Theorem, hinged dissections. E. D. Demaine 6.850 Geometric Computing Prereq: 6.046 G (Spring) 3-0-9 H-LEVEL Grad Credit Introduction to the design and analysis of algorithms for geometric problems, in low- and highdimensional spaces. Algorithms: convex hulls, polygon triangulation, Delaunay triangulation, motion planning, pattern matching. Geometric data structures: point location, Voronoi diagrams, Binary Space Partitions. Geometric problems in higher dimensions: linear programming,







closest pair problems. High-dimensional nearest neighbor search and low-distortion embeddings between metric spaces. Geometric algorithms for massive data sets: external memory and streaming algorithms. Geometric optimization. P. Indyk 6.851 Advanced Data Structures Prereq: 6.046 Acad Year 20132014: G (Spring) Acad Year 20142015: Not offered 3-0-9 H-LEVEL Grad Credit More advanced and powerful data structures for answering several queries on the same data. Such structures are crucial in particular for designing efficient algorithms. Dictionaries; hashing; search trees. Self-adjusting data structures; linear search; splay trees; dynamic optimality. Integer data structures; word RAM. Predecessor problem; van Emde Boas priority queues; y-fast trees; fusion trees. Lower bounds; cell-probe model; round elimination. Dynamic graphs; link-cut trees; dynamic connectivity. Strings; text indexing; suffix arrays; suffix trees. Static data structures; compact arrays; rank and select. Succinct data structures; tree encodings; implicit data structures. External-memory and cacheoblivious data structures; B-trees; buffer trees; tree layout; ordered-file maintenance. Temporal data structures; persistence; retroactivity. E. D. Demaine 6.852J Distributed Algorithms (Same subject as 18.437J) Prereq: 6.046 Acad Year 20132014: G (Fall) Acad Year 20142015: Not offered 3-0-9 H-LEVEL Grad Credit Design and analysis of concurrent algorithms, emphasizing those suitable for use in distributed networks. Process synchronization, allocation of computational resources, distributed consensus, distributed graph algorithms, election of a leader in a network, distributed termination, deadlock detection, concurrency control, communication, and clock synchronization. Special consideration given to issues of efficiency and fault tolerance. Formal models and proof methods for distributed computation. N. A. Lynch 6.853 Topics in Algorithmic Game Theory Prereq: 6.006 or 6.046 Acad Year 20132014: Not offered Acad Year 20142015: G (Fall) 3-0-9 H-LEVEL Grad Credit Presents research topics at the interface of computer science and game theory, with an emphasis on algorithms and computational complexity.

Explores the types of game-theoretic tools that are applicable to computer systems, the loss in system performance due to the conflicts of interest of users and administrators, and the design of systems whose performance is robust with respect to conflicts of interest inside the system. Algorithmic focus is on algorithms for equilibria, the complexity of equilibria and fixed points, algorithmic tools in mechanism design, learning in games, and the price of anarchy. K. Daskalakis 6.854J Advanced Algorithms (Same subject as 18.415J) Prereq: 6.041, 6.042, or 18.440; 6.046 G (Fall) 5-0-7 H-LEVEL Grad Credit First-year graduate subject in algorithms. Emphasizes fundamental algorithms and advanced methods of algorithmic design, analysis, and implementation. Surveys a variety of computational models and the algorithms for them. Data structures, network flows, linear programming, computational geometry, approximation algorithms, online algorithms, parallel algorithms, external memory, streaming algorithms. D. R. Karger 6.856J Randomized Algorithms (Same subject as 18.416J) Prereq: 6.854J, 6.041 or 6.042J Acad Year 20132014: Not offered Acad Year 20142015: G (Spring) 5-0-7 H-LEVEL Grad Credit Studies how randomization can be used to make algorithms simpler and more efficient via random sampling, random selection of witnesses, symmetry breaking, and Markov chains. Models of randomized computation. Data structures: hash tables, and skip lists. Graph algorithms: minimum spanning trees, shortest paths, and minimum cuts. Geometric algorithms: convex hulls, linear programming in fixed or arbitrary dimension. Approximate counting; parallel algorithms; online algorithms; derandomization techniques; and tools for probabilistic analysis of algorithms. D. R. Karger 6.857 Network and Computer Security Prereq: 6.033, 6.042J G (Spring) 3-0-9 H-LEVEL Grad Credit Emphasis on applied cryptography and may include: basic notion of systems security, crypotographic hash functions, symmetric crypotography (one-time pad, stream ciphers, block ciphers), cryptanalysis, secret-sharing, authentication codes, public-key cryptography (encryp-

tion, digital signatures), public-key attacks, web browser security, biometrics, electronic cash, viruses, electronic voting, Assignments include a group final project. Topics may vary year to year. R. L. Rivest 6.858 Computer Systems Security Prereq: 6.033, 6.005 G (Fall) 3-6-3 H-LEVEL Grad Credit Design and implementation of secure computer systems. Lectures cover attacks that compromise security as well as techniques for achieving security, based on recent research papers. Topics include operating system security, privilege separation, capabilities, language-based security, cryptographic network protocols, trusted hardware, and security in web applications and mobile phones. Labs involve implementing and compromising a web application that sandboxes arbitrary code, and a group final project. 4 Engineering Design Points. N. B. Zeldovich 6.859J Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization (Same subject as 15.083J) Prereq: 15.081J or permission of instructor Acad Year 20132014: G (Fall) Acad Year 20142015: Not offered 4-0-8 H-LEVEL Grad Credit See description under subject 15.083J. D. J. Bertsimas, A. S. Schulz 6.863J Natural Language and the Computer Representation of Knowledge (Same subject as 9.611J) Prereq: 6.034 Acad Year 20132014: Not offered Acad Year 20142015: G (Fall) 3-3-6 H-LEVEL Grad Credit Relationship between computer representation of knowledge and the structure of natural language. Emphasizes development of the analytical skills necessary to judge the computational implications of grammatical formalisms, and uses concrete examples to illustrate particular computational issues. Efficient parsing algorithms for context-free grammars; augmented transition network grammars. Question answering systems. Extensive laboratory work on building natural language processing systems. 8 Engineering Design Points. R. C. Berwick




subjects 6.834J to 6.863J


6.864 Advanced Natural Language Processing Prereq: 6.046J or permission of instructor G (Fall) 3-0-9 H-LEVEL Grad Credit Graduate introduction to natural language processing, the study of human language from a computational perspective. Syntactic, semantic and discourse processing models. Emphasis on machine learning or corpus-based methods and algorithms. Use of these methods and models in applications including syntactic parsing, information extraction, statistical machine translation, dialogue systems, and summarization. R. A. Barzilay, M. J. Collins 6.865 Advanced Computational Photography (Subject meets with 6.815) Prereq: Calculus II (GIR), 6.01 G (Fall) 3-0-9 H-LEVEL Grad Credit Presents fundamentals and applications of hardware and software techniques used in digital and computational photography, with an emphasis on software methods. Provides sufficient background to implement solutions to photographic challenges and opportunities. Topics include cameras and image formation, image processing and image representations, high-dynamic-range imaging, human visual perception and color, single view 3-D model reconstruction, morphing, data-rich photography, super-resolution, and image-based rendering. Students taking graduate version complete additional assignments. F. P. Durand, W. T. Freeman 6.866 Machine Vision (Subject meets with 6.801) Prereq: 6.003 or permission of instructor G (Fall) 3-0-9 H-LEVEL Grad Credit Intensive introduction to the process of generating a symbolic description of the environment from an image. Students expected to attend the 6.801 lectures as well as occasional seminar meetings on special topics. Material presented in 6.801 is supplemented by reading from the literature. Students required to prepare a paper analyzing research in a selected area. B. K. P. Horn 6.867 Machine Learning Prereq: 6.034, 18.06, 6.041 or 18.05 G (Fall) 3-0-9 H-LEVEL Grad Credit Principles, techniques, and algorithms in machine learning from the point of view of statistical inference; representation, generaliza-

tion, and model selection; and methods such as linear/additive models, active learning, boosting, support vector machines, hidden Markov models, and Bayesian networks. T. Jaakkola, L. P. Kaelbling 6.868J The Society of Mind (Same subject as MAS.731J) Prereq: Must have read The Society of Mind and The Emotion Machine; permission of instructor G (Spring) 2-0-10 H-LEVEL Grad Credit Introduction to a theory that tries to explain how minds are made from collections of simpler processes. Treats such aspects of thinking as vision, language, learning, reasoning, memory, consciousness, ideals, emotions, and personality. Incorporates ideas from psychology, artificial intelligence, and computer science to resolve theoretical issues such as wholes vs. parts, structural vs. functional descriptions, declarative vs. procedural representations, symbolic vs. connectionist models, and logical vs. commonsense theories of learning. Enrollment limited. M. Minsky 6.869 Advances in Computer Vision Prereq: 6.041 or 6.042; 18.06 G (Fall) 3-0-9 H-LEVEL Grad Credit Advanced topics in computer vision with a focus on the use of machine learning techniques and applications in graphics and human-computer interface. Topics include image representations, texture models, structure-from-motion algorithms, Bayesian techniques, object and scene recognition, tracking, shape modeling, and image databases. Applications may include face recognition, multimodal interaction, interactive systems, cinematic special effects, and photorealistic rendering. Covers topics complementary to 6.801/6.866; these subjects may be taken in sequence. W. T. Freeman, A. Torralba 6.870 Advanced Topics in Computer Vision Prereq: 6.801, 6.869, or permission of instructor G (Fall) 3-0-9 H-LEVEL Grad Credit Can be repeated for credit Seminar exploring advanced research topics in the field of computer vision; focus varies with lecturer. Typically structured around discussion of assigned research papers and presentations by students. Example research areas explored in this seminar include learning in vision, computational imaging techniques, multimodal humancomputer interaction, biomedical imaging,

representation and estimation methods used in modern computer vision. W. T. Freeman, P. Golland, B. K. P. Horn, A. Torralba 6.872J Biomedical Computing (Same subject as HST.950J) Prereq: 6.034 G (Fall) 3-0-9 H-LEVEL Grad Credit Analyzes computational needs of clinical medicine, reviews systems and approaches that have been used to support those needs, and the relationship between clinical data and gene and protein measurements. Topics: the nature of clinical data; architecture and design of healthcare information systems; privacy and security issues; medical expert systems; introduction to bioinformatics. Case studies and guest lectures describe contemporary systems and research projects. Term project using large clinical and genomic data sets integrates classroom topics. 6 Engineering Design Points. P. Szolovits, I. Kohane 6.874J Computational Systems Biology (Same subject as HST.506J) (Subject meets with 6.802) Prereq: Biology (GIR); 18.440 or 6.041 G (Fall) 3-0-9 H-LEVEL Grad Credit Presents computational approaches and algorithms for contemporary problems in systems biology, with a focus on models of biological systems, including regulatory network discovery and validation. Topics include genotypes, regulatory factor binding and motif discovery, and whole genome RNA expression; regulatory networks (discovery, validation, data integration, protein-protein interactions, signaling, whole genome chromatin immunoprecipitation analysis); and experimental design (model validation, interpretation of interventions). Discusses computational methods, including directed and undirected graphical models, such as Bayesian networks, factor graphs, Dirichlet processes, and topic models. Multidisciplinary team-oriented final research project. Students taking graduate version complete additional assignments. D. K. Gifford, T. S. Jaakkola 6.875J Cryptography and Cryptanalysis (Same subject as 18.425J) Prereq: 6.046J G (Spring) 3-0-9 H-LEVEL Grad Credit A rigorous introduction to modern cryptography. Emphasis on the fundamental cryptographic







primitives of public-key encryption, digital signatures, pseudo-random number generation, and basic protocols and their computational complexity requirements. S. Goldwasser, S. Micali 6.876J Advanced Topics in Cryptography (Same subject as 18.426J) Prereq: 6.875 Acad Year 20132014: Not offered Acad Year 20142015: G (Fall) 3-0-9 H-LEVEL Grad Credit Can be repeated for credit Recent results in cryptography, interactive proofs, and cryptographic game theory. Lectures by instructor, invited speakers, and students. S. Goldwasser, S. Micali 6.878J Advanced Computational Biology: Genomes, Networks, Evolution (Same subject as HST.507J) (Subject meets with 6.047) Prereq: 6.006, 6.041, Biology (GIR); or permission of instructor G (Fall) 4-0-8 H-LEVEL Grad Credit See description for 6.047. Additionally examines recent publications in the areas covered, with research-style assignments. A more substantial final project is expected, which can lead to a thesis and publication. M. Kellis 6.8816.884 Advanced Topics in Artificial Intelligence Prereq: Permission of instructor G (Fall, Spring) 3-0-9 H-LEVEL Grad Credit Can be repeated for credit Advanced study of topics in artificial intelligence. Specific focus varies from year to year. Consult department for details. Consult Department 6.8856.888 Advanced Topics in Computer Systems Prereq: Permission of instructor G (Fall, IAP, Spring) 3-0-9 H-LEVEL Grad Credit Can be repeated for credit Advanced study of topics in computer systems. Specific focus varies from year to year. Consult department for details. Consult Department

6.8896.893 Advanced Topics in Theoretical Computer Science Prereq: Permission of instructor G (Fall, Spring) 3-0-9 H-LEVEL Grad Credit Can be repeated for credit Advanced study of topics in theoretical computer science. Specific focus varies from year to year. Consult department for details. Consult Department 6.8946.896 Advanced Topics in Graphics and Human-Computer Interfaces Prereq: Permission of instructor G (Fall, Spring) 3-0-9 H-LEVEL Grad Credit Can be repeated for credit Advanced study of topics in graphics and human-computer interfaces. Specific focus varies from year to year. Consult department for details. Consult Department 6.902J Engineering Innovation and Design (Same subject as 2.723J, ESD.051J) Prereq: None U (Fall, Spring) 4-0-5 See description under subject ESD.051J. B. Kotelly, J. Schindall, W. Seering 6.903J Patents, Copyrights, and the Law of Intellectual Property (Same subject as 15.628J) Prereq: None U (Spring) 3-0-6 See description under subject 15.628J. J. A. Meldman, S. M. Bauer 6.910 Independent Study in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Prereq: Permission of instructor U (Fall, IAP, Spring, Summer) Units arranged Can be repeated for credit Opportunity for independent study at the undergraduate level under regular supervision by a faculty member. Projects require prior approval. D. M. Freeman

6.920 Practical Work Experience Prereq: None U (Fall, IAP, Spring, Summer) 0-1-0 [P/D/F] Can be repeated for credit For Course 6 students participating in curriculum-related off-campus work experiences in electrical engineering or computer science. Before enrolling, students must have an employment offer from a company or organization and must find an EECS supervisor. Upon completion of the work the student must submit a letter from the employer evaluating the work accomplished, a substantive final report from the student, approved by the MIT supervisor. Subject to departmental approval. Consult Department Undergraduate Office for details on procedures and restrictions. D. M. Freeman 6.921 6-A Internship Prereq: None U (Summer) 0-12-0 [P/D/F] Provides academic credit for the first assignment of 6-A undergraduate students at companies affiliated with the departments 6-A internship program. Limited to students participating in the 6-A internship program. M. Zahn 6.922 Advanced 6-A Internship Prereq: 6.921 U (Spring, Summer) 0-12-0 [P/D/F] Provides academic credit for the second assignment of 6-A undergraduate students at companies affiliated with the departments 6-A internship program. Limited to students participating in the 6-A internship program. M. Zahn 6.930 Management in Engineering Engineering School-Wide Elective Subject (Offered under: 2.96, 10.806, 16.653) Prereq: None U (Fall) 3-1-8 See description under subject 2.96. H. S. Marcus, J.-H. Chun




subjects 6.864 to 6.930


6.932J Linked Data Ventures (Same subject as 15.377J) Prereq: 6.005, 6.033, or permission of instructor G (Fall) 3-0-9 H-LEVEL Grad Credit Provides practical experience in the use and development of semantic web technologies. Focuses on gaining practical insight from executives and practitioners who use these technologies in their companies. Working in multidisciplinary teams, students complete a term project to develop a sustainable prototype. Concludes with a professional presentation, judged by a panel of experts, and a technical presentation to faculty. T. Berners-Lee 6.933 Entrepreneurship in Engineering: The Founders Journey Prereq: None G (Fall, Spring) 4-2-6 Immerses students in the experience of an engineer who founds a start-up company. Examines leadership, innovation, and creativity through the lens of an entrepreneur. Suitable for students interested in transforming an idea into a business or other realization for wide-scale societal impact. Covers critical aspects of validating ideas and assessing personal attributes needed to activate and lead a growing organization. Teams explore the basics of new venture creation and fundraising. Emphasizes personal skills and practical experiences. K. Zolot 6.938 Engineering Risk-Benefit Analysis Engineering School-Wide Elective Subject (Offered under: 1.155, 2.963, 10.816, 16.862, 22.82, ESD.72) Prereq: Calculus II (GIR) Acad Year 20132014: Not offered Acad Year 20142015: G (Fall) 3-0-9 H-LEVEL Grad Credit See description under subject ESD.72. G. Apostolakis 6.941 Statistics for Research Projects: Statistical Modeling and Experiment Design (New) Prereq: None G (IAP) 2-2-2 [P/D/F] Practical introduction to data analysis, statistical modeling, and experimental design, intended to provide essential skills for conducting research. Covers basic techniques such as hypothesistesting and regression models for both tradition-


al experiments and newer paradignms such as evaluating simulations. Assignments reinforce techniques through analyzing sample datasets and reading case studies. Students with research projects will be encouraged to share their experiences and project-specific questions. Staff 6.945 Large-scale Symbolic Systems Prereq: 6.001, 6.01, 6.034, or permission of instructor G (Spring) 3-0-9 H-LEVEL Grad Credit Concepts and techniques for the design and implementation of large software systems that can be adapted to uses not anticipated by the designer. Applications include compilers, computer-algebra systems, deductive systems, and some artificial intelligence applications. Means for decoupling goals from strategy. Mechanisms for implementing additive data-directed invocation. Work with partially-specified entities. Manage multiple viewpoints. Topics include combinators, generic operations, pattern matching, pattern-directed invocation, rule systems, backtracking, dependencies, indeterminacy, memoization, constraint propagation, and incremental refinement. Comparable programming experience required. G. J. Sussman 6.946J Classical Mechanics: A Computational Approach (Same subject as 8.351J, 12.620J) (Subject meets with 12.008) Prereq: Physics I (GIR), 18.03, permission of instructor G (Fall) 3-3-6 H-LEVEL Grad Credit See description under subject 12.620J. J. Wisdom, G. J. Sussman 6.951 Graduate 6-A Internship Prereq: 6.921, 6.922, or 6.923 G (Fall, Spring, Summer) 0-12-0 [P/D/F] Provides academic credit for a graduate assignment of graduate 6-A students at companies affiliated with the departments 6-A internship program. Limited to graduate students participating in the 6-A internship program. M. Zahn

6.952 Graduate 6-A Internship Prereq: 6.951 G (Fall, Spring, Summer) 0-12-0 [P/D/F] Provides academic credit for graduate students who require an additional term at the company to complete the graduate assignment of the departments 6-A internship program. This academic credit is for registration purposes only and cannot be used toward fulfilling the requirements of any degree program. Limited to graduate students participating in the 6-A internship program. M. Zahn 6.960 Introductory Research in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Prereq: Permission of instructor G (Fall, Spring, Summer) Units arranged [P/D/F] Can be repeated for credit Enrollment restricted to first-year graduate students in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science who are doing introductory research leading to an SM, EE, ECS, PhD, or ScD thesis. Opportunity to become involved in graduate research, under guidance of a staff member, on a problem of mutual interest to student and supervisor. Individual programs subject to approval of professor in charge. L. A. Kolodziejski 6.961 Introduction to Research in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Prereq: Permission of instructor G (Fall, Spring, Summer) 3-0-0 Seminar on topics related to research leading to an SM, EE, ECS, PhD, or ScD thesis. Limited to first-year regular graduate students in EECS with a fellowship or teaching assistantship. L. A. Kolodziejski 6.962 Independent Study in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Prereq: None G (Fall, IAP, Spring, Summer) Units arranged Can be repeated for credit Opportunity for independent study under regular supervision by a faculty member. Projects require prior approval. L. A. Kolodziejksi






6.980 Teaching Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Prereq: None G (Fall, Spring) Units arranged [P/D/F] Can be repeated for credit For qualified students interested in gaining teaching experience. Classroom, tutorial, or laboratory teaching under the supervision of a faculty member. Enrollment limited by availability of suitable teaching assignments. S. P. Amarasinghe, J. K. White 6.981 Teaching Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Prereq: None G (Fall, Spring) Units arranged [P/D/F] Can be repeated for credit For teaching assistants in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, in cases where teaching assignment is approved for academic credit by the department. S. P. Amarasinghe, J. K. White 6.982J Teaching College-Level Science and Engineering (Same subject as 1.95J, 5.95J, 7.59J, 8.395J, 18.094J) (Subject meets with 2.978) Prereq: None G (Fall) 2-0-2 [P/D/F] See description under subject 5.95J. J. Rankin 6.991 Research in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Prereq: None G (Fall, Spring, Summer) Units arranged [P/D/F] Can be repeated for credit For EECS MEng students who are Research Assistants in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, in cases where the assigned research is approved for academic credit by the department. Hours arranged with research supervisor. D. M. Freeman 6.999 Practical Experience in EECS Prereq: None G (Fall, Spring) Units arranged [P/D/F] 20132014 For Course 6 students in the SM/PhD track who seek practical off-campus research experiences or internships in electrical engineering or computer science. Before enrolling, students must

have a firm employment offer from a company or organization and secure a research supervisor within EECS. Employers required to document the work accomplished. Research proposals subject to departmental approval; consult departmental Graduate Office. L. A. Kolodziejski 6.EPE UPOP Summer Practice Experience Engineering School-Wide Elective Subject (Offered under: 1.EPE, 2.EPE, 3.EPE, 10.EPE, 16.EPE, 22.EPE) Prereq: 2.EPW or permission of instructor U (Fall, Spring) 0-1-0 [P/D/F] Can be repeated for credit See description under subject 2.EPE. S. Luperfoy 6.EPR UPOP Reflective Learning Experience Engineering School-Wide Elective Subject (Offered under: 1.EPR, 2.EPR, 3.EPR, 10.EPR, 16.EPR, 22.EPR) Prereq: 2.EPE or permission of instructor U (Fall) 0-0-3 [P/D/F] See description under subject 2.EPR. S. Luperfoy 6.EPW UPOP IAP Workshop Engineering School-Wide Elective Subject (Offered under: 1.EPW, 2.EPW, 3.EPW, 10.EPW, 16.EPW, 20.EPW, 22.EPW) Prereq: None U (IAP) 3-0-0 [P/D/F] See description under subject 2.EPW. S. Luperfoy 6.S8976.S899 Special Subject in Computer Science Prereq: Permission of instructor G (Fall, Spring) Units arranged H-LEVEL Grad Credit Can be repeated for credit Covers subject matter not offered in the regular curriculum. Consult department to learn of offerings for a particular term. Consult Department

6.S9116.S919 Special Subject in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Prereq: Permission of instructor U (Fall, IAP, Spring) Units arranged [P/D/F] Can be repeated for credit Covers subject matter not offered in the regular curriculum. Consult Department 6.S9636.S967 Special Studies: EECS (6.9636.967) Prereq: None G (Fall, Spring, Summer) Units arranged Can be repeated for credit Opportunity for study of graduate-level topics related to electrical engineering and computer science but not included elsewhere in the curriculum. Registration under this subject normally used for situations involving small study groups. Normal registration is for 12 units. Registration subject to approval of professor in charge. Consult the department for details. L. A. Kolodziejski 6.S9746.S975 Special Subject in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (New) Prereq: None G (Fall, Spring) Units arranged Can be repeated for credit 6.S9766.S979 Special Subject in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Prereq: Permission of instructor G (Fall, Spring) Units arranged H-LEVEL Grad Credit Can be repeated for credit Covers subject matter not offered in the regular curriculum. Consult department to learn of offerings for a particular term. Consult Department 6.THG Graduate Thesis Prereq: Permission of instructor G (Fall, Spring, Summer) Units arranged H-LEVEL Grad Credit Can be repeated for credit Program of research leading to the writing of an SM, EE, ECS, PhD, or ScD thesis; to be arranged by the student and an appropriate MIT faculty member. L. A. Kolodziejski



s u b j e c t s 6 . 9 3 2 J t o 6 .T H G


6.THM Master of Engineering Program Thesis Prereq: 6.UAT G (Fall, Spring, Summer) Units arranged H-LEVEL Grad Credit Can be repeated for credit Program of research leading to the writing of an MEng thesis; to be arranged by the student and an appropriate MIT faculty member. Restricted to MEng students who have been admitted to the MEng program. D. M. Freeman 6.UR Undergraduate Research in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Prereq: None U (Fall, IAP, Spring, Summer) Units arranged [P/D/F] Can be repeated for credit Individual research project arranged with appropriate faculty member or approved supervisor. Forms and instructions for the proposal and final report are available in the EECS Undergraduate Office. D. M. Freeman

Bachelor of Science in Electrical Science and Engineering/Course 6-1 Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science/Course 6-2 Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Engineering/Course 6-3
General Institute Requirements (GIRs) Science Requirement Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences Requirement Restricted Electives in Science and Technology (REST) Requirement [satisfied by the mathematics requirement in the Departmental Program] Laboratory Requirement [satisfied by 6.01 and 6.02 together in the Departmental Program] Total GIR Subjects Required for SB Degree Communication Requirement The program includes a Communication Requirement of 4 subjects: 2 subjects designated as Communication Intensive in Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences (CIH); and 2 subjects designated as Communication Intensive in the Major (CIM). PLUS Departmental Program Subject names below are followed by credit units and by prerequisites, if any (corequisites in italics). Required Subjects 6.01 Introduction to EECS I, 12, 1/2 LAB; Physics II (GIR) 6.02 Introduction to EECS II, 12, 1/2 LAB; 6.01, 18.03* 6.UAT and 6.UAP Undergraduate Advanced Project, 12(1) Restricted Electives 1. Two mathematics subjects (also satisfies REST requirement): (a) Either 18.03 or 18.06 (alternatively 18.700) and (b) Either 6.041 (alternatively 18.440) or 6.042J. Students in Course 6-1 must select 6.041 (or 18.440); students in Course 6-3 must select 6.042J. Units 36 Subjects 6 8 2 1 17






2. One department laboratory: One subject selected from the undergraduate laboratory subjects 6.1006.182 or a departmental list of CS laboratory subjects; students in Course 6-3 must select a CS laboratory subject. Students in Course 6-1 or 6-2 who take both 6.021J and 6.022J may use 6.022J to satisfy the department laboratory requirement. 3. Three/four foundation subjects: (a) Students in Course 6-1 must take three subjects from the EE foundation list: 6.002, 6.003, 6.004, 6.007. (b) Students in Course 6-3 must take the three subjects in the CS foundation list: 6.004, 6.005, 6.006. (c) Students in Course 6-2 must take four subjects from the EECS foundation list (6.0026.007), with two chosen from the EE foundation list and two from the CS foundation list (6.004 may be counted under either EE or CS). 4. Three header subjects: (a) Students in Course 6-1 must take three subjects from the EE header list: 6.011, 6.012, 6.013, 6.021J. (b) Students in Course 6-3 must take the three subjects in the CS header list: 6.033, 6.034, 6.046J. (c) Students in Course 6-2 must take three subjects from the EECS header list (6.011, 6.012, 6.013, 6.021J, 6.033, 6.034, 6.046J), with at least one chosen from the EE header list and at least one from the CS header list. 5. Two subjects from a departmental list of advanced undergraduate subjects. To complete the required Communication-Intensive subjects in the major, students must take one of the following CIM subjects as a restricted elective in categories 2 or 4 above by the end of the third year: 6.021J, 6.033, 6.101, 6.111, 6.115, 6.129, 6.131, 6.141J, 6.152J, 6.161, 6.163, 6.173, 6.182, or 6.805. 6.UAT/6.UAP, or 6.UAT/6.UAR, typically constitutes the second CI-M. Students may also take 6.UAT plus a second CI-M undergraduate laboratory subject (6.101, 6.111, 6.115, 6.131, 6.141J, 6.152J, 6.161, 6.163, 6.182) to fulfill the CI-M component of the Communication Requirement. Departmental Program Units That Also Satisfy the GIRs Unrestricted Electives (36) 48

180192 Total Units Beyond the GIRs Required for SB Degree No subject can be counted both as part of the 17-subject GIRs and as part of the 180192 units required beyond the GIRs. Every subject in the students departmental program will count toward one or the other, but not both. Notes *Alternate prerequisites are listed in the subject descriptions.
(1) See the description of required communication-intensive subjects for information about acceptable substitutions for the 6.UAT/6.UAP sequence.

For an explanation of credit units, or hours, please refer to the online help of the MIT Subject Listing & Schedule, http://student.mit.edu/catalog/index.cgi.




Master of Engineering in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science/Course 6-P

See Notes on Master of Engineering and Bachelors Degree Programs (next page) General Institute Requirements (GIRs) Science Requirement Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences Requirement Restricted Electives in Science and Technology (REST) Requirement [satisfied by the mathematics requirement in the Departmental Program] Laboratory Requirement [satisfied by 6.01 and 6.02 together in the Departmental Program] Total GIR Subjects Required for the SB and MEng Degrees Communication Requirement The program includes a Communication Requirement of 4 subjects: 2 subjects designated as Communication Intensive in Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences (CIH); and 2 subjects designated as Communication Intensive in the Major (CIM). PLUS Departmental Program Subject names below are followed by credit units, and by prerequisites, if any (corequisites in italics). Required Subjects 6.01 Introduction to EECS I, 12, 1/2 LAB; Physics II (GIR) 6.02 Introduction to EECS II, 12, 1/2 LAB; 6.01, 18.03* 6.UAT and 6.UAP Undergraduate Advanced Project, 12 6.ThM MEng Program Thesis, 24** Units 60 Subjects 6 8 2 1 17

Restricted Electives 198210 1. Two mathematics subjects (also satisfies REST requirement): (a) Either 18.03 or 18.06 (alternatively 18.700) and (b) Either 6.041 (alternatively 18.440) or 6.042J or both. Students in Course 6-1 for their bachelors degree must select 6.041 (or 18.440); students in Course 6-3 for their bachelors degree must select 6.042J. 2. One department laboratory: One subject selected from the undergraduate laboratory subjects 6.100-6.182 or a departmental list of CS laboratory subjects; students in Course 6-3 must select a CS laboratory subject. Students in Course 6-1 or 6-2 who take both 6.021J and 6.022J may use 6.022J to satisfy the department laboratory requirement. 3. Three/four foundation subjects: (a) Students in Course 6-1 must take three subjects from the EE foundation list: 6.002, 6.003, 6.004, 6.007. (b) Students in Course 6-3 must take the three subjects in the CS foundation list: 6.004, 6.005, 6.006. (c) Students in Course 6-2 must take four subjects from the EECS foundation list (6.002-6.007), with two chosen from the EE foundation list and two from the CS foundation list (6.004 may be counted under either EE or CS). 4. Three header subjects: (a) Students in Course 6-1 must take three subjects from the EE header list: 6.011, 6.012, 6.013, 6.021J. (b) Students in Course 6-3 must take the three subjects in the CS header list: 6.033, 6.034, 6.046J. (c) Students in Course 6-2 must take three subjects from the EECS header list: 6.011, 6.012, 6.013, 6.021J, 6.033, 6.034, 6.046J, with at least one chosen from the EE header list and at least one from the CS header list. 5. Two subjects from a departmental list of advanced undergraduate subjects. 6. Four H-level graduate subjects totaling at least 42 units, of which at least 36 units must come from subjects taken within the department. 7. Two subjects from a restricted departmental list of mathematics, science, and engineering electives. To complete the required Communication-Intensive subjects in the major, students must take one of the following CIM subjects as a restricted elective in categories 2 or 4 above by the end of the third year: 6.021J, 6.025J, 6.033, 6.101, 6.111, 6.115, 6.129J, 6.131, 6.141J, 6.152J, 6.161, 6.163, 6.182, or 6.805. 6.UAT/ 6.UAP, or 6.UAT/6.UAR, typically constitutes the second CI-M. Students may also take 6.UAT plus a second CI-M undergraduate laboratory subject (6.101, 6.111, 6.115, 6.129J, 6.131, 6.141J, 6.152J, 6.161, 6.163, 6.182) to fulfill the CI-M component of Communication Requirement. Departmental Program Units That Also Satisfy the GIRs Unrestricted Electives (36) 48

Total Units Beyond the GIRs Required for Simultaneous Award of the MEng and SB Degrees 270282 No subject can be counted both as part of the 17-subject GIRs and as part of the 270282 units required beyond the GIRs. Every subject in the students departmental program will count toward one or the other, but not both. Notes *Alternate prerequisites are listed in the subject description. **6-PA Program requires performance of thesis at company location.



s u b j e c t s 6 .T H M t o 6 . U R


Notes on Master of Engineering and Bachelors Degree Programs The Master of Engineering program builds on the bachelors degree program selected by the student (6-1, 6-2, or 6-3), with restricted elective categories 6 and 7 and the MEng thesis (6.ThM). The subjects required under restricted elective category 6 are selected with departmental review and approval to ensure that the combination of these with the two advanced undergraduate subjects under restricted elective category 5 includes at least 36 units in a distinct and appropriate area of graduate concentration. The Master of Engineering in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science is only awarded to students who have received, or are simultaneously receiving, one of the three bachelors degrees. Students who receive the Master of Engineering degree after having obtained one of the three bachelors degrees must fulfill the requirements for Course 6-P as described above. For further details on all EECS programs, visit http://www.eecs.mit.edu/acad.html. For an explanation of credit units, or hours, please refer to the online help in the MIT Subject Listing & Schedule, http://student.mit.edu/catalog/index.cgi.








Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Molecular Biology/Course 6-7

General Institute Requirements (GIRs) Science Requirement Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences Requirement Restricted Electives in Science and Technology (REST) Requirement [can be satisfied by 6.042, 18.03, or 18.06 in the Departmental Program] Laboratory Requirement [can be satisfied by 7.02 in the Departmental Program] Total GIR Subjects Required for SB Degree Subjects 6 8 2 1 17

Communication Requirement The program includes a Communication Requirement of 4 subjects: 2 subjects designated as Communication Intensive in Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences (CI-H); and 2 subjects designated as Communication Intensive in the Major (CI-M). PLUS Departmental Program Subject names below are followed by credit units, and by prerequisites, if any (corequisites in italics). Required Subjects Units 147150

1. Mathematics and Introductory 18.03 Differential Equations, 12, REST; Calculus II (GIR) or 18.06 Linear Algebra, 12, REST; Calculus II (GIR) 6.01 Introduction to EECS I, 12, 1/2 LAB; Physics II (GIR) 6.042J Mathematics for Computer Science, 12, REST; Calculus I (GIR) 2. Chemistry 5.12 Organic Chemistry I, 12, REST; Chemistry (GIR) 5.60 Thermodynamics and Kinetics, 12, REST; Calculus II (GIR), Chemistry (GIR) or 7.10J Physical Chemistry of Biomolecular Systems, 12; Calculus II (GIR), Chemistry (GIR), Physics I (GIR), Physics II (GIR) or 20.110J Thermodynamics of Biomolecular Systems, 12, REST; Calculus II (GIR), Chemistry (GIR) 3. Introductory Laboratory 7.02J Introduction to Experimental Biology and Communication, 18, CI-M, LAB; Biology (GIR) or 20.109 Laboratory Fundamentals in Biological Engineering, 15, LAB, CI-M; Biology (GIR), Chemistry (GIR), 6.00, 18.03, 20.110J 4. Foundational Subjects Three Computer Science subjects: 6.005 Elements of Software Construction, 12; REST; 6.01, 6.042J 6.006 Introduction to Algorithms, 12; 6.01, 6.042J* 6.046J Design and Analysis of Algorithms, 12; 6.006* Three Biological Science subjects: 7.03 Genetics, 12, REST; Biology (GIR) 7.06 Cell Biology, 12; 7.03, 7.05 7.05 General Biochemistry, 12, REST; 5.12* or 5.07J Biological Chemistry I, 12, REST; 5.12 5. Restricted Electives 24 One subject in Computational Biology: 6.047 Computational Biology: Genomes, Networks, Evolution, 12; 6.006, 6.041, Biology (GIR)* 6.503 Foundations of Algorithms and Computational Techniques in Systems Biology, 12; 6.046J* 6.802 Computational Functional Genomics, 12; Biology (GIR), 6.041* 7.36 Foundations of Computational and Systems Biology, 12; Biology (GIR)*

One subject in Biology: 7.20J Human Physiology, 12; 7.05 7.23 Immunology, 12; 7.03* 7.27 Principles of Human Disease, 12; 7.03, 7.05, 7.06 7.28 Molecular Biology, 12; 7.03, 7.05 7.33J Evolutionary Biology: Concepts, Models, and Computation, 12; 7.03, 6.00* 6. Advanced Undergraduate Project 12 6.UAP and 6.UAT Undergraduate Advanced Project, 12; CI-M Departmental Program Units That Also Satisfy the GIRs Unrestricted Electives (36) 48


Total Units Beyond the GIRs Required for SB Degree 195198 No subject can be counted both as part of the 17-subject GIRs and as part of the 198 units required beyond the GIRs. Every subject in the students departmental program will count toward one or the other, but not both. Notes *Alternate prerequisites and corequisites are listed in the subject description. For an explanation of credit units, or hours, please refer to the online help in the MIT Subject Listing & Schedule, http://student.mit.edu/catalog/index.cgi.



Master of Engineering in Computer Science and Molecular Biology/ Course 6-7P

General Institute Requirements (GIRs) Science Requirement Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences Requirement Restricted Electives in Science and Technology (REST) Requirement [can be satisfied by 6.042, 18.03, or 18.06 in the Departmental Program] Laboratory Requirement [can be satisfied by 7.02 in the Departmental Program] Total GIR Subjects Required for SB Degree Subjects 6 8 2 1 17


Communication Requirement The program includes a Communication Requirement of 4 subjects: 2 subjects designated as Communication Intensive in Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences (CI-H); and 2 subjects designated as Communication Intensive in the Major (CI-M). PLUS Departmental Program Subject names below are followed by credit units, and by prerequisites, if any (corequisites in italics). Required Subjects Units




1. Mathematics and Introductory 18.03 Differential Equations, 12, REST; Calculus II (GIR) or 18.06 Linear Algebra, 12, REST; Calculus II (GIR) 6.01 Introduction to EECS I, 12, 1/2 LAB; Physics II (GIR) 6.042J Mathematics for Computer Science, 12, REST; Calculus I (GIR) 2. Chemistry 5.12 Organic Chemistry I, 12, REST; Chemistry (GIR) 5.60 Thermodynamics and Kinetics, 12, REST; Calculus II (GIR), Chemistry (GIR) or 7.10J Physical Chemistry of Biomolecular Systems, 12; Calculus II (GIR), Chemistry (GIR), Physics I (GIR), Physics II (GIR) or 20.110J Thermodynamics of Biomolecular Systems, 12, REST; Calculus II (GIR), Chemistry (GIR) 3. Introductory Laboratory 7.02J Introduction to Experimental Biology and Communication, 18, CI-M, LAB; Biology (GIR) or 20.109 Laboratory Fundamentals in Biological Engineering, 15, LAB, CI-M; Biology (GIR), Chemistry (GIR), 6.00, 18.03, 20.110J 4. Foundational Subjects Three Computer Science subjects: 6.005 Elements of Software Construction, 12; REST; 6.01, 6.042J 6.006 Introduction to Algorithms, 12; 6.01, 6.042J* 6.046J Design and Analysis of Algorithms, 12; 6.006* Three Biological Science subjects: 7.03 Genetics, 12, REST; Biology (GIR) 7.06 Cell Biology, 12; 7.03, 7.05 7.05 General Biochemistry, 12, REST; 5.12* or 5.07J Biological Chemistry I, 12, REST; 5.12


5. Restricted Electives 24 One subject in Computational Biology: 6.047 Computational Biology: Genomes, Networks, Evolution, 12; 6.006, 6.041, Biology (GIR)* 6.503 Foundations of Algorithms and Computational Techniques in Systems Biology, 12; 6.046J* 6.802 Computational Functional Genomics, 12; Biology (GIR), 6.041* 7.36 Foundations of Computational and Systems Biology, 12; Biology (GIR)*

One subject in Biology: 7.20J Human Physiology, 12; 7.05 7.23 Immunology, 12; 7.03* 7.27 Principles of Human Disease, 12; 7.03, 7.05, 7.06 7.28 Molecular Biology, 12; 7.03, 7.05 7.33J Evolutionary Biology: Concepts, Models, and Computation, 12; 7.03, 6.00* 6. Advanced Undergraduate Project 12 6.UAP and 6.UAT Undergraduate Advanced Project, 12; CI-M 7. Four H-level graduate subjects totaling at least 42 units, which includes two concentration subjects (approved by the department) plus a third subject in electrical engineering and computer science and/or biology. 8. Two subjects from a restricted departmental list of math electives.


Departmental Program Units That Also Satisfy the GIRs Unrestricted Electives

(36) 48



Total Units Beyond the GIRs Required for SB Degree


No subject can be counted both as part of the 17-subject GIRs and as part of the 270282 units required beyond the GIRs. Every subject in the students departmental program will count toward one or the other, but not both. Notes

* Alternate prerequisites and corequisites are listed in the subject description. To complete the required Communication-Intensive subjects in the major, students must take 7.02J or 20.109 or 6.UAT/6.UAP by the end of the third year. The second CI-M should be chosen to complete the requirements in categories 3 and 6 above. Notes on Master of Engineering and Bachelors Degree Programs The Master of Engineering program builds on the bachelors degree program (6-7), with restricted elective categories 7 and 8 and the MEng thesis. The Master of Engineering in Computer Science and Molecular Biology is only awarded to students who have received, or are simultaneously receiving, the 6-7 bachelors degree. Students who receive the Master of Engineering degree after having obtained the 6-7 bachelors degrees must fulfill the requirements for Course 6-7P as described above. For an explanation of credit units, or hours, please refer to the online help of the MIT Subject Listing & Schedule, http://student.mit.edu/catalog/index.cgi.



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