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Pitch Topics

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Am I speaking to ___________________ (Name/ Position/ Company)

This is Henry speaking; I am the Project Manager ith Pra!is "#o$a# %esearch
Ho are yo& 'oing to'ay(
The reason )or my ca## is* e are hosting o&r 8
Interactive Technology Worksho on !ay "#-""$ "#%&'
I nee' to make it c#ear to yo& ____________* this ca## is not )or yo& to atten' a
con)erence or an e!hi$ition* I nee' a senior representati+e )rom yo&r ,rm ith the
technica# kno#e'ge in I(rove Oil Recovery an) Enhance) Oil Recovery to
come o+er to Istan*+l$ T+rkey an' ha+e a series o) re#ate' iss&es a''resse' on a
p#at)orm e ca## an Interactive Technology Worksho'
At this gathering* rea# #i)e case st&'ies as e## as Technica# presentation i## $e ta$#e'
hi#e the committee orking ith &s an' the e!perts I am #ooking to get )rom yo&r
,rm i## $e ha+ing $rainstorming sessions to get ne so#&tions to critica# iss&es in
,+st to (ention a -e.$ /o((ittee (e(*ers .orking .ith +s are:
We .ill *e looking at:
Again this is NOT a con)erence )ormat here peop#e speak at yo& $&t an e+ent
)oc&se' aro&n' master c#asses* orkshops an' netorking session hich i## take
p#ace in - 'ays* starting ith key note a''ress each 'ay #e' $y an in'&stry e!pert
The )ee )or this e!c#&si+e e+ent is 0 1$823 an' it inc#&'es.
- )&## 'ays o) interacti+e orkshop / in 'epth master c#asses
0 star $reak)ast #&nch an' 'inner
Access to a## #eis&re acti+ities so yo& get to ha+e a serio&s o) netorking sessions
1oc&mentation Package o) the e+ent (scri$e reports* session notes* orkshop
materia#* photos) an' 2&## 'e#egate contact #ist
2rom hat I ha+e to#' yo& so )ar________* is this something yo& o&#' #ike to $e part
4E44ION %: 4creening an) )esigning o- EOR ro5ects
3 2oc&sing on process optimi4ation )or s&r)ace )aci#ity optimi4ation
3 5ptima# ater injection p&mp 'esign )or ,e#'s ith high press&re '&e to 'ec#ining
3 Injection o) so&r gas in car$onate reser+oirs
3 Ana#y4ing con)ormance contro# )or +ario&s 65% processes inc#&'ing ater7oo'
techno#ogies or C58 65%
3 6ns&ring H96 contro# '&ring 65% processes
3 :n'erstan'ing reser+oir an' s&r)ace monitoring )or e;ecti+e reser+oir management
3 5+er+ie o) the #atest maintenance strategies an' Metho'o#ogies
4E44ION ". 4+rveying case st+)ies to eval+ate *ene6ts an)
challenges o- technological a)vances in IOR7EOR
3 Ana#y4ing a'+ances in micro$ia#* hy$ri' an' other no+e# 65% strategies an' their
potentia# to e#e+ate oi# reco+ery
3 6;ecti+e san' contro# hi#e maintaining pro'&cti+ity o) the oi#
4E44ION &: E8loring gas in5ection rocesses
3 Con+erging C58 65% projects ith CC9 strategies
3 C&r$ing H89 generate' $y air injection processes )or hea+y oi# pro'&ction
3 P&mping $oi#er 7&<gas )or $oosting oi# inp&t
3 Nitrogen in'&ce' 65%
4E44ION 1: Eval+ating roven (etho)s -or s+ccess-+lly
i(roving recovery +n)er varying con)itions +sing .ater *ase)
3 Ascertaining the e;ect o) injection ater chemistry )or +arying con'itions
3 9haring $est practices in =ater A#ternating "as
3 Ana#y4ing #o sa#inity ater 7oo'ing
3 :n'erstan'ing a'+ances in smart ater
4E44ION 3: /he(ical EOR
3 Inno+ati+e s&r)actant $ase' C65%
3 6sta$#ishing criteria to ana#y4e )easi$i#ity an' 'ynamics o) com$ination 7oo'ing
3 A#ka#ine<s&r)actant po#ymer 7oo'ing )or tack#ing har' $rine
3 Tack#ing high temperat&re cha##enge thro&gh incorporating s&#phate s&r)actants
3 9mart s&r)actants/>iscoe#astic s&r)actants )or high sa#inity high temperat&re
4E44ION 9: Ther(al EOR
3 6!p#oring ho to ma!imi4e reco+ery thro&gh steam injection
3 :n'erstan'ing a'+ances in so#ar poere' steam injection
3 P&shing reco+ery $eyon' con+entiona# #imits ith 'onho#e steam generation
3 9team 7oo'ing cha##enge in car$onate reser+oir
3 Hea+y 5i#. 6+a#&ating pro+en metho's )or s&ccess)&##y e!tracting hea+y oi# &n'er
+arying con'itions inc#&'ing the potentia# o) 9A"1
3 2ract&re / con'&ction stim&#ation

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