Bahasa Inggris Kelas X (Pronoun)
Bahasa Inggris Kelas X (Pronoun)
Bahasa Inggris Kelas X (Pronoun)
Here’s the Idea
Personal pronouns
have a variety of
forms to indicate
different persons,
numbers, and
subject object possessive possessive reflexive
pronouns pronouns adjektives pronouns pronoun
person I Me My….. Mine Myself
person You You Your….. Yours Yourself
person (male) He Him His….. His Himself
person (female) She Her Her….. Hers Herself
person (canbething) It It Its….. Itself
person (plural) We Us Our….. Ours Ourselves
person (plural) You You Your….. Yours Yourselves
person (plural) They Them Their….. Theirs Themselves
Possessive Forms:
1. Possessive nouns:
an aposthrophe (‘) and an ‘-s’ used with nouns to show
2. Possessive adjectives:
A possessive adjective is used only with a noun following
my my school is CCHS
your what is your name?
his do you laki his painting?
her her voice is beautiful
its kitty is my cat. Its fur is white
our our house is far from here
3. Possessive Pronouns:
A possessive pronoun is used alone,without a noun following it.
Singular Plural