Fda Regulation: Lab Developed Tests (LDTS) : Ted Snelgrove
Fda Regulation: Lab Developed Tests (LDTS) : Ted Snelgrove
Fda Regulation: Lab Developed Tests (LDTS) : Ted Snelgrove
Ted Snelgrove
Chief Commercial Officer
Crescendo Bioscience
July 20, 2010
LDT Oversight Issues
1. Risk Assessments
• Both absolute & relative risk are important for FDA to consider
when evaluating new tests
• It is important to recognize that test results include analytical
validity set by the laboratory performing the test as well as the
clinical meaning of the analytical result; analytical validity may
not be transferred easily from one lab to another
• Information is a different kind of product with different risks
meriting a specialized rule set
Oversight Issue #2:
Intended Use Claims & Test Interpretation
• FDA needs to evolve along with industry – industry should not be expected
to reconfigure innovative diagnostic solutions to fit traditional FDA
regulatory models