Factors Influencing Conb: Cultural (E) Social (E) Psychological (I)
Factors Influencing Conb: Cultural (E) Social (E) Psychological (I)
Factors Influencing Conb: Cultural (E) Social (E) Psychological (I)
Psychological (I)
2.Absolute Threshold
3.Differential Threshold
4.Subliminal Perception
1. Sensation
6. LG is expensive
Gradual Changes
in Brand Name
Fall Below the
Strategic Applications of JND
• Pricing:
– When raising the price, try to move .............
• Sales promotion:
– Make coupons ___________ than the JND.
• Product:
– Make decreases in size of food product _______ than JND.
– When the word new is used, product change is ______ than JND.
• Packaging:
– To update package styling & logo keep ________ the JND.
– To change image, make styling changes ________ than the JND.
4. Subliminal Perception
This Land Rover ad illustrates the use of the principle of closure, in which
people participate in the ad by mentally filling in the gaps in the
Principle of Grouping
• Proximity
– Seeing 3 pair of lines in A.
• Similarity
– Seeing columns of orange and
red dots in B.
• Continuity
– Seeing lines that connect 1 to
2 and 3 to 4 in C.
• Closure
– Seeing a horse in D.
Figure-ground Principle
Insurance / investments /
helmet / seat belt / anti-virus
* Power
- individual’s desire to control environment
* Affiliation
- need for friendship, acceptance, and belonging
- to be in the company of other people
- products are consumed in groups (team sports, shopping
* Achievement
- need for personal accomplishment
- closely related to egoistic and self-actualization needs
Appeal to
United colours of Benetton
Appeal to
Appeal to
Thank You