Group PPT Islamabad
Group PPT Islamabad
Group PPT Islamabad
• During late July and early August 1959, Dr. Doxiadis visited the site
of the capital-the report "Impressions from the site – The
necessary data" issued.
• February 24th, 1960- ISLAMABAD name was given to city.
Opinions of • A human settlement is a multi-dimensional subject
• even the best plans show only two or three of the elements of a
• metropolis
• then part of a megalopolis
• it is a link in the greatest city that
man has ever seen, which is going
to cover regions and continents
with its branches - the universal
city, or ecumenopolis
Factors for site selection
• Transportation and communications
• Factors of national interest
• Defense
• Economic factors
• Civic factors
• Existing facilities
• Rawalpindi- aid in facilities and initial housing
• Chaklala airport of Rawalpindi-air transportations, the Rawal dam-water supply, the existing
railroad and highway connections-communication needs and housing while construction.
• Contribute in avoiding large investments during the first phase of development of Islamabad.
Center Of Gravity • The basic consideration for anyone studying
the location of a new capital city is that it
should lie in the center of gravity of its total
• Discovered that during this whole analysis,
thinking in terms of an isolated state
• To see it as part of the whole world, exclude
border areas and place much greater
importance on the lines connecting state
with the outside world, in which case we may
well have one center imposed by the sea,
others by land and air-transportation, and
another as the result of all these
Combination of a. Nature alone
b. Nature with networks
c. Nature with shells
d. Nature with networks and shells are combination
of elements.
• concentric circles and assumed that the
settlement would expand like waves in air or water.
But this is not going to happen.
• The only solution to save a growing settlement
Combination of elements, formation of city, from a slow death is a uni-directional growth,
process which leads to a parabolic form, an ideal dynamic
city or dynapolis
• Start with settlement for lower income
Conception of master plan
• The Landscape Pattern and the Highways
• Backbone of the Islamabad Metropolitan Area
Master Plan is formed by two highways
Islamabad Highway
Murree Highway- the alignment dictated by the
natural landscape pattern and the existing man
made obstacles.
• The chief characteristic of the landscape is that it
runs from north-east to south-west along valleys
formed by a series of hills running in the same
• The Murree Highway had to follow this direction
through a valley formed by two hills
Designation of main transport
• the Islamabad highway has been aligned vertically to the Murree Highway between the existing
airport and Shakarparian hills.
• Two more highways, by-passing the existing town of Rawalpindi, have been proposed.
• On the basis of the above ideas, a system of four highways becomes the basic step for the
metropolitan area.
• These axes form a big square, which will define all future transportation systems and all major
functions within the metropolitan area.
Formation of the Metropolitan
• The principal system defines three distinctive areas:
a. The proper area of Islamabad.
b. The area of Rawalpindi, the center of which is the city of
c. The National Park area-retain certain agricultural functions
for several years, sites provided for a national sports center,
the national university, national research institute, etc.
d. The areas of Islamabad proper and Rawalpindi are both open
for expansion towards the south-west, while the National
Park area is rather districted from the surrounding hills and
Soan river to the south-east.
• The cities of Islamabad and Rawalpindi will develop as twin cities
serving each other in complementary ways.
• Islamabad-capital, serve mainly administrative and cultural
• Rawalpindi-regional center serving industrial and commercial
• The master plan for both cities has the flexibility to allow for future
expansions of the center.
• It has been designed on the basis of the ideal city of the future and to
form a dyna-metropolis.
• Each is planned to develop dynamically towards the south-west,
their center cores growing simultaneously and together with their
residential and other functions.
• Road reconstructed for parallel expansion.
• Issue of meteoric development- solved by letting growth in
segments, around a communal axis linked to national administration
• Administration to be stable, surrounding city to be flexible to
Dynamically growing
Dynametropolis- 2 nuclei
• Metropolitan area sub-divided into sectors,
Communities Class V, for 20,000-40,000 people
based on income
• The sub-division resulted from pattern of
principal roads placed 2,200 yards apart in both-
• This pattern forms a modulus in the town and
maintains a unified scale for area.
• It facilitates the road traffic, organization of
the various land-use zones into communities of
the same order.
Road • Highway: 1200 ft- serve high speed motor traffic
• Secondary roads: 600 ft
• The undulating landscape of Islamabad offers the city
a high degree of variety, and in the most economical
• Introducing yet more marked variations would have
deprived the plan of simplicity and been tiresome in
many ways.
House Design • With few exceptions, Islamabad plots vary from 111
sq. yards to about 3,000 sq. yards, depending on
-The Plots income group.
• As a principle, and to improve urban economics, the
frontage dimensions of plots are less than their depth.