Galvanizing: Qa/Qc Department
Galvanizing: Qa/Qc Department
Galvanizing: Qa/Qc Department
A big problem with metallic parts
Fe Fe2O3, Fe3O4
Refined state Natural state
Protection Of Metals From Corrosion
Electroless plating
Hot dipping
Chemical vapor deposition
Ion vapor deposition
Metals As Protective Coatings
By barrier protection
By galvanic protection
Barrier Protection
Zn + O2 (air) ZnO/ZnO2
(thin oxide layer)
Zn + H2O Zn(OH)2
Zn(OH)2 + CO2 ZnCO3
(thin, tenacious and
stable (insoluble in
water) layer
that protects underlying layer)
Zn oxide layer
Galvanic Protection
1. Surface preparation
2. Galvanizing
3. Inspection
Surface Preparation
a. Caustic cleaning
b. Rinsing
c. Pickling
d. Rinsing
e. Fluxing
Caustic Cleaning