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IDOC Basics For SD: August 18th, 2016

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IDOC Basics for SD

August 18th, 2016

-Saadhana Bulusu


Topics No
IDOC – Introduction 4
IDOC creation steps 5
IDOC structure 6
Port 10
Partner Profile 11
Troubleshooting 12


• EDI : Electronic Data Interchange is the electronic exchange of business

documents between the computer systems of business partners, using a
standard format over a communication network.

• ALE: Application Link Enabling (ALE) is a mechanism for the exchange

of business data between loosely-coupled R/3 applications.

Examples of documents sent/received: Order details, delivery, invoice,

inbound order, order acknowledgement etc.


• Intermediary DOCument is SAP format document for storing business

data that needs to be communicated across systems
This can be Inbound/Outbound

• Structure of IDOC:
1. Control Record (Single)
2. Data record(Multiple)
3. Status Record(Multiple)

IDOCs can be viewed in WE02/WE05

IDOC creation steps

1. Create Segments (WE31)

2. Create IDOC(basic type) and extension (WE30)
3. Create Message type (WE81)
4. Assign message type to basic type (WE82)
5. Maintain Partner Profile (WE20)
6. Receiver Port for outbound (WE21)
7. A program or FM to create or process O/B or I/B respectively. These
are technical settings.
8. WE41: Outbound process code
9. WE42: Inbound process code

IDOC structure

Control Record( EDIDC)

• IDOC number
• Direction: 1 is for outbound; 2 is for inbound
• Status: Green(18 and 53), yellow and Red
• IDOC type info, Message type
• Recipient and Sender information
• Date and time of creation and modifcation

Data Record (EDIDD)

• The data record contains multiple segments

• Hierarchy and mandatory segments are defined in IDOC type and
• If the above is not followed during IDOC creation, IDOC will fail with
syntax errors.
• Is a segment has to be repeated and its not item data, it is differentiated
using a qualifier. For example partner information is stored in same
segment(E1EDKA1) with qualifier changing based on partner type.

Status Record (EDIDS)

• Multiple status can be present in a single IDOC

Common status in Inbound: 53, 51, 64

Common status in outbound: 18,03, 02

Port (WE21)

• Port is the location where IDOC has to be copied/sent.

• Commonly it could be a RFC location or file path .

Partner profile (WE20)

• Partner profile defines who can exchange messages and with which Port.
It also specifies the outbound and inbound messages and parameters.

Troubleshooting IDOCs

• BD87: to re-process failed IDOCs

• WE19: creates new i/b or o/b IDOC based on a sample IDOC.


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