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ACT 1948
• This act was passed on 1st sept.1948 and
came into force on 1st July 1924.The act
extends to whole of India
Application of the act
According to section 1(4),the act applies to all
factories using power and employing 20 or more
persons on wages. Sub section(5) extends the list
of factories in which the act applies, as under :-
• Smaller power using factories employing 10 o 19
• Non power using factories employing 20 or more
• Shops
• Hotels and restaurants
• Newspaper establishment
• Cinemas including theatre
ESI Scheme …
• ESI Scheme for India is an integrated
social security scheme tailored to provide
Social Production to workers and their
dependents, in the organised sector, in
contingencies, such as Sickness,
Maternity and Death or Disablement due
to an employment injury or Occupational
The ESI Act 1948 applies to
• Non – seasonal Factories using power in and
Employing ten (10) or More persons
• Non – seasonal and non- power using factories
and establishments employing twenty(20) or
more persons
• Employees of the Factories and Establishments
in receipt of wages not exceeding Rs.7500 /- Per
month are covered under this Act.
Finances …
• The Scheme is primarily funded by contribution
raised from Insured Employees and their employers

• Payable such as
1. Employees’ Contribution – 1.75% of the Wages
2. Employers’ Contribution – 4.75% of the Wages
TOTAL - 6.5 % of the Wages

Employees in receipt of an average daily

wage of Rs.40/- or Less, are exempted
from Payment of their share of contribution
(w.e.f 8.4.00) but are entitled to all social
security benefits under the Scheme.
Contribution & Benefit Period …
• Employees covered under the ESI Act, are required
to pay contribution towards the scheme on a
monthly basis. A contribution period means a six
month time span from 1st April to 30th September
and 1st October to 31st March.
• Cash benefits under the scheme are generally liked
with contributions paid. The benefit period starts
three months after the closure of a contribution
period. The two type of periods are elucidated
Contribution Period Benefit Period
1st April to 30th September 1st January to 30th June
of the following year
1st October to 31st March 1st July to 31st Dec.

• 1. Employers are absolved of their

liabilities of providing medical facilities to
employees and their dependents in kind or
in the form of fixed cash allowance,
reimbursement of actual expenses, lump
sum grant or opting for any other medical
insurance policy of limited scope unless it
is a contractual obligation of the employer

2). Employers are exempted from the

applicability of the : -
(a). Maternity Benefit Act
(b). Workmen's’ Compensation Act
in respect of employee covered under the
ESI Scheme
3). Employers have their disposal, a
productivity , well secured workforce, an
essential ingredient for better productivity
4). Employers are absolved of any
responsibility in times of Physical distress of
workers such as sickness, employment injury
or Physical disablement resulting in loss of
wages, as the responsibility of Paying cash
benefits shits to the corporation in respect of
insured employees

5). Any sum paid by way of contribution under

the ESI Act is deducted in computing
‘income’ under the Income Tax Act
Benefits to Employees …
• ESI Scheme Major Social Security Benefits in
Cash and Kind include …

1. Medical Benefit – for self & Family

2. Sickness Benefit – for self
3. Maternity Benefit - for self
4. Disablement Benefit
a). Temporary Disablement Benefit – for self
b). Permanent Disablement Benefit – for self
5. Dependents’ Benefit – for dependents in case
of death due to employment injury
Benefits to Employees …
• In addition, the Scheme also provides
some other need based benefits to insured
workers. These are:
i). Funeral Expenses – to a person who
performs the last rites of IP
ii). Rehabilitation allowances – for self
iii). Vocational Rehabilitation - for self
iv). Old age Medicare – for self and spouse
v). Medical Bonus – for insured women and
IP’s wife
Medical Benefit …
• Medical Benefit means Medical care of IPs and
their families, wherever covered for medical
• The Standard medical care consists of out-door
treatment, in-patient treatment, all necessary
drugs and dressing, pathological and
radiological specialist consultation and care,
ante-natal and post natal care, emergency
treatment etc.,
• Out-door medical care is provided at the state
Insurance Dispensaries or Mobile Dispensaries
manned by full-time doctors (service’ system) or
at the private clinics of Insurance Medical
Practitioners (Panel System)
Medical Benefit …
• Insured worker and members of his family are eligible for
medical care from the very first day of the worker coming
under ESI Scheme.
• A worker who is covered under the scheme for first time
is eligible for medical care for the period of three months.
If he/she contributes at least for 78 days in a contribution
period the eligibility is there up to the end of the
corresponding benefit period.
• A worker is also eligible for extended sickness benefit
when he/she is suffering from any one of the long term
34 diseases listed in the Act. This is admissible after the
worker has been under ESI these conditions are
satisfied medical benefit is admissible for a maximum
period of 730 days for the IP and his/ her family.
Sickness Benefit …

• Sickness signifies a state of health necessitating

Medical treatment and attendance and
abstention from work on Medical grounds.
Financial support extended by the corporation is
such a contingency is called sickness Benefit

• Sickness Benefit represents periodical

payments made to an Insured Person for the
period of certified sickness after completing 9
Months in insurable employment.
Benefits to Employees …

• To qualify for this benefit, contributions should

have been payable for atleast 78 days in the
relevant contribution period.
• The Maximum duration for availing sickness
Benefit is 91 days in two consecutive benefit
• Standard benefit rate – this rate corresponds to
the average daily wage of an Insured person
during the corresponding contribution period and
is roughly half of the daily wage rate.
Extended Sickness Benefit …

• Extended Sickness Benefit is a Cash

Benefit paid for prolonged illness
(Tuberculosis / Leprosy, Mental and
Malignant diseases) due to any of the 34
Specified diseases

• The IP should have been in continuous

employment for a period of 2 years and
should have contributed for atleast 156
days in 4 preceding contribution periods
Extended Sickness Benefit …

• The daily rate of Extended Sickness

Benefit is 40% more than the standard
Sickness Benefit rate admissible

• After exhausting sickness Benefit Payable

for 91 days the Extended Sickness Benefit
is payable upto further period of 124 / 309
days that can be extended upto 2 years in
special circumstances
Enhanced Sickness Benefit …
• Is Cash Benefit for IP undergoing sterilisation
operation of vasectomy / tuberctomy for family
• The contributory conditions are the dame as for
claiming sickness benefits
• The daily rate of this benefit is double the
standard benefit rate. Say, not less than the
daily wage.
• The benefit rate of this benefit is double the
standard benefit rate. Say, not less than the
daily wage.
• The benefit is available upto 7 days for
vasectomy and upto 14 days for tubectomy
Maternity Benefit…

• Maternity Benefit is cash payable to an Insured

women for the specified period of abstention
from work for confinement or mis-carriage or for
sickness arising out of pregnancy, “confinement”
“premature birth of child or miscarriage”
“confinement” connotes labour after 26 weeks of
pregnancy whether the result issue is alive or

• “Miscarriage” means expulsion of the contents of

a pregnant uterus at any period prior to or during
26th week of pregnancy.
Maternity Benefit…

• Criminal abortion or miscarriage does not,

however, entitle to benefit.
• The contribution condition is the same as
for Sickness Benefit.
• The daily benefit rate is double the
sickness Benefit rate and is thus roughly
equivalent to the full wages. Benefits is
paid for Sundays also.
Maternity Benefit…

• The Benefit is paid as follows (Duration)

a). For Confinement
For a total period 12 Weeks beginning not more
than 6 weeks before the expected date of child
birth, if the insured women dies during
confinement or with in 6 weeks thereafter,
leaving behind the living child, the benefit
continues to be payable for the whole of the
period. But the child also die during that period,
the benefit will be paid upto and including the
day of the death of the child.
Maternity Benefit…

b). For Miscarriage

For the period of 6 weeks following the
date of miscarriage
c). For sickness arising out of pregnancy,
confinement, Premature birth of child or
miscarriage :
For an additional period or upto four weeks.
In all the cases, the benefit is paid only if the
insured women does not work for remuneration
during the period for which benefit is claimed.
There is no waiting period.
Maternity Benefit…

• Medical Bonus
Medical Bonus is lump sum payment
made to an Insured woman or the wife of
an insures person in case she does not
avail medical facility from an ESI hospital
at the time of delivery of a child. This
bonus of Rs. 250/- has been increased to
Rs. 1000/- from 1st April 2003
Disablement Benefit …
a). Temporary disablement benefit :

• In case of temporary disability arising out of an

employment injury or occupational disease.,
• Disablement benefit is admissible to insured
person for the entire period so certified by an
Insurance Medical officer / Practitioner for which
IP does not work for wages.
• The benefit is not subject to any contributory
condition and is payable at a rate which is not
less than 70% of daily average wages.
• However, not payable if the incapacity lasts for
less than 3 days excluding the date of accident.
Permanent disablement benefit …
• In case an employment injury or occupational
disease results in permanent, partial or total loss
of earning capacity,
• Periodical payments are made to the IP for life at
a rate depending on the actual loss of earning
capacity as may be determined and certified by
a duly-constituted Medical Board.
• The rates of Disablement Benefits are
determined in accordance with the provisions of
Rule 57 of ESI (Central) Rules, 1991.
• In order to product erosion in real value of the
periodical payments of Permanent Disablement
benefits, against rise in the cost of living index,
periodical increases are granted, based on
actuarial calculation
Permanent disablement benefit …

• Commutation of periodical payments into

lump sum (one time payment) is
permissible where the permanent
disablement stands assessed as final and
daily rate of benefit does not exceed Rs.
1.50. per day.
• Commutation of Permanent Disablement
Benefit into lump sum payment is also
allowed in case the total commuted value
does not exceed Rs.10000/- (The ceiling is
now being raised to Rs.30000/-).
Dependants’ Benefit …
• Dependents Benefit is a monthly pension payable to the
eligible dependents of an insured person who dies as a
result of an Employment Injury or occupational disease
• Beneficiaries and Duration of benefit
a). Widow / widows during life or until remarriage
b). Legitimate or adopted son until age 18 or if legitimate
son is infirm, till infirmity lasts.
c). Legitimate or adopted unmarried daughter until age
18 or until marriage, whichever is earlier, or if infirm, till
infirmity lasts and she continues to be unmarried.
In the absence of any widow or legitimate child, the
benefit is payable to a parent or grandparent for life, to
any other male dependent until age 18 or to an
unmarried or widowed female dependent until age 18.
Dependants’ Benefit …
• How much …

• The total divisible benefit is equivalent to the temporary

disablement benefit rate (roughly 70% of the wage rate).
The widow / widows share 3/5th of the benefit and the
legitimate or adopted son and daughter 2/5th each of the
benefit. If the total benefit so divided exceeds the full rate,
there is a proportionate reduction in the respective shares
of the beneficiaries.
• The amount of pension paid to the dependents of a
deceased insured person is reviewed vis-à-vis the cost of
living index and increases are granted from time to time to
compensate for erosion in its real value.
Other Benefit …
(i). Funeral Expenses

Funeral Expenses are in the nature of lump

sum payment up to a maximum of Rs.2500/-
made to defray the expenditure on the funeral
of deceased IP. The amount is paid either to
the eldest surviving member of the family or, in
his absence, to the person who actually incurs
the expenditure on the funeral.
Other Benefit …

Rehabilitation Allowance
The corporation, vide its Resolution dated
22.12.1979, resolved to grant rehabilitation
Allowance to the IPs, for each day, on
which they remain admitted in an Artificial
limb centre. On the rates, which generally
confirm to double the Standard Sickness
Benefit rate. The above benefit was
introduced with effect from 1.1.1980

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