Strategic Management: Karakteristik Manajemen Strategi
Strategic Management: Karakteristik Manajemen Strategi
Strategic Management: Karakteristik Manajemen Strategi
Pertemuan ke-1
Karakteristik Manajemen Strategi
Team Teaching Manajemen Strategi
Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis
School Economics and Business Referensi
Telkom University
The history of strategic planning began in the military, The word strategy comes from the Greek
“Strategos” it is combine of Stratos (the army) and ago (to lead)
Strategy is the science of planning and directing large-scale military operation, of maneuvering
force into the most advantageous position prior to actual engagement with the enemy.
Both Business and Military is to gain “Competitive Advantage”, they try to use their own strength
to exploit competitor’s weaknesses.
2. Strategy as a means of Establishing an Organization’s Purpose in terms of its Long Term Objectives.
4. Strategy as a Response to External Opportunity and Threats, and to Internal Strength and Weaknesses as a Means of
Achieving Competitive Advantage.
5. Strategy as a Logical System for Differentiating Managerial Task at Corporate, Business, and Functional Level.
6. Strategy as a Definition of the Economic and Noneconomic Contribution the Firm Intend to Make to its Stakeholders
Without a strategy, an organization is like a ship without a rudder, going around in circle. It is like a
tramp, it has no place to go. (Joel Ross and Michael Kami)
The formulation of strategy can develop competitive advantage only to the extent that the process
can give meaning to workers in the trenches. (David Hurst)
Most of us fear change, Even when our mind say change is normal, our stomachs quiver at the
prospect. But for strategists and manager today, there is no choice but to change. (Robert
Waterman, JR)
Strategic Management can be defined as the art and science of formulating, implementing, and evaluating
cross-functional decision that enable an organization to achieve its objectives.
The term Strategic Management is used synonymously with the term Strategic Planning
Some time Strategic Management is used to refer : strategy formulation, implementation and evaluation.
Strategic planning referring only strategy formulation.
Financial Benefit
Non Financial Benefit
Enhanced Deeper/improved Commitment RESULT
Communication Understanding
a. To achieve objectives All managers and
a. Of others views employees on a
Dialogue b. To implement
b. Of what the firm is doing mission to help the firm
Participation / plann ing and why
strategies succeed
c. To work hard
Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis
School Economics and Business Pitfall of Strategic Planning
• Using strategic planning to gain control over • Top managers not actively supporting the strategic
decision and resources planning
• Doing strategic planning only to satisfy • Failing to use plans as a standard for measuring
accreditation or regulatory requirement perf’
• Too hastily moving from mission development to • Delegating planning to “planner” rather than
strategy formulation involving all manager
• Failing to communicate the plan to employees, • Failing to involve key employees in all phases of
who continue working in the dark planning
• Top manager making many intuitive decision that • Failing to create a collaborative climate supportive
conflict with the formal plan of change
• Viewing planning as unnecessary or unimportant
• Being so formal in planning that flexibility and
creativity are stifled
• Competitive Advantage
• Strategist
• Vision & Mission Statement
• Key Terms in • External Opportunities & Threats
Strategic • Internal Strength & Weaknesses
• Long-term Objective
• Strategies
• Annual Objective
• Policies
2. Pilih pernyataan yang tidak tepat untuk menggambarkan pengertian strategi bisnis:
a. Strategi bisnis merupakan rencana bisnis yang menyeluruh dan terpadu.
b. Strategi bisnis dirancang untuk menjamin tercapainya tujuan perusahaan.
c. Strategi bisnis dikelola dengan asumsi persaingan.
d. Strategi bisnis tidak terkait dengan perubahan lingkungan internal perusahaan.
3. Pilih urutan proses yang tepat dari pengelolaan strategi berkut
a. Formulasi – Implementasi – Evaluasi
b. Analisis – Formulasi – Evaluasi
c. Analisis - Sintesis – Implementasi
d. Implementasi – Formulasi - Evaluasi
4. Pernyataan berikut adalah manfaat dari manajemen strategi, kecuali:
a. Mendorong komitmen seluruh anggota organisasi untuk mencapai tujuan organisasi.
b. Meningkatkan pemahaman karyawan tentang apa yang sedang dilakukan oleh perusahaan.
c. Mengendurkan niat pesaing masuk dalam industri.
d. Meningkatkan komunikasi dua arah antara anggota dan pimpinan organisasinya.
5. Formulasi strategi tidak mencakup:
a. Pengembangan Visi dan Misi
b. Pengembangan dan pemilihan strategi
c. Menetapkan tujuan jangka panjang
d. a, b, dan c semuanya salah
Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis
School Economics and Business Strategic Management Model
Telkom University .
Strategy Formulation
Perform External
Strategy Implementation
Strategy Evaluation
Generate, Implement Measure,
Develop Vision & Establish Long-term Strategies Mkt,
Evaluate, Choose Strategies Mgt’ Evaluate
Mission Statement Objective Fin, R&D, Performance
Strategies Issues
Prod/Op, MIS
Perform Internal
Corporate Strategy
The companywide game plan for
managing a set of business
Business Strategy
• How to strengthen market position and build competitive advantage.
• Actions to build competitive capabilities
Functional-Area Strategies
• Add relevant detail to the how of overall business strategy
• Provide a game plan for managing a particular activity in ways that support the overall business
Top Management
Corporate Strategy
Middle &
Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis
School Economics and Business Corporate Strategy Relationship in Multi Business
Telkom University
Corporate Strategy Management
Middle &
Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis
School Economics and Business
Pembagian Case
Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis
School Economics and Business
Telkom University