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Police Admin Q&A

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7 February 2019
 Administration
 refers to the general managing and organizing
that occurs at the highest level of an
organization. It entails the establishment of the
department’s overall purposes.

 Police Administration
 refers to the study of processes and the
conditions of Law Enforcement as the pillar of
the Criminal Justice System.

 Police Organization
 A structured group of trained personnel dealt
with achieving the following goals and

Organic Act No. 175, creating an insular police

force. Titled "An Act Providing for the
organization and government of an insular
Constabulary and for the inspection of the
municipal police", August 8, 190 1, Capt. Henry T.
Alien, as Chief of Constabulary.

Brig General Rafael Crame, a Filipino, appointed

PC Chief in December 1917.

Philippine Constabulary (PC)
August 8, 1901
was inaugurated as an insular
police force under the
American regime


enacted July 18, 1901.
Capt. Henry T. Allen, as Chief
of Constabulary.
Brig General Rafael Crame, a Filipino,
appointed PC Chief in December 1917.
randolf guiang 7 February 2019


Philippine Constabulary/
August 8, 1975
Integrated National Police
was established as the country’s
national police force.

PD. 765
Established and
constituted the INP with
the PC as the nucleus and
the INP as the local police
randolf guiang force component. 7 February 2019

December 13, 1990

Republic Act 6975: “An Act

Establishing the Philippine
National Police under a
reorganized DILG, and for
other purposes”

January 1, 1991 Philippine National Police (PNP)

Composed of former PC/INP
and selected members of PAF,
PA and PCG
randolf guiang 7 February 2019


Republic Act 8551 - “The

February 17, 1998
PNP Reform and
Reorganization Act of
1998” was enacted.

randolf guiang 7 February 2019


RA 6975 – Dec. 13, 1990, creating the PNP under DILG.


 A consciously coordinated social entity,
with a relatively identifiable boundary, that
functions on a relatively continuous basis to
achieve a common goal or sets of goals.
A. Organization C. Administration
B. Police Organization D. Police Administration
 According to RA 6975, the nature of
the PNP shall be _____.
A. Nucleus of the police organization
B. Attached with the military
C. Civilian in nature
D. The primary police organization of the
 The study of processes and the
conditions of Law Enforcement as the
pillar of the Criminal Justice System is
called _____.
A. Organization C. Administration
B. Police Organization D.Police Administration
 The PNP is considered servants of the
community who depends for the
effectiveness of their functions upon the
express wishes of the people. This is in
adherence with the :
A. Continental Theory C. New Concept
B. Home Rule Theory D. Old Concept
 Continental Theory
 Policemen are considered servants of the
higher authority and people have little or no
share of all their duties, nor any direct
connection with them.
 Old Concept
 The old concept of police service looked upon
the police as merely a repressive machinery.
 New Concept
 The modern concept of police service
considers the police as an organ of crime
 A functional unit within a division.
A. Bureau C. Section
B. Division D. Sector
A primary subdivision of bureau is
called _____.
A. Bureau C. District
B. Division D. Section
 Bureau
 largest organic unit within a large department.
Each bureau comprises of numbers of division.
 Division
 A primary subdivision of bureau.
 Unit
 A functional group within a section.
 An area containing two or more beats,
route or post.
A. District C. Section
B. Sector D. Line Beat
 An area assigned for patrol purposes is
called _____.
A. District C. Beat
B. Sector D. Line Beat
 A patrol beat refers to a:
A. Number of crimes to be solved
B. Number of residence to be protected
C. Location of police headquarters
D. Geographical area to be protected
 Area
 a territorial division of a large city, each
comprised of designated districts.
 District
 a geographical subdivision of city for patrol
purposes usually with its own station.
 Beat
 an area assigned for patrol purposes.
 Route (Line Beat)
 a length of street or streets designated for patrol
 Post
 a fixed point or location to which an officer is
assigned for duty.
 An officer who has the more senior
rank/higher in a group or team.
A. Sworn Officer C. Commanding Officer
B. Superior Officer D. Ranking Officer
 Anofficer who is in command of the
department, a bureau, a division, an
area or a district is called _____.
A. Sworn Officer C. Commanding Officer
B. Superior Officer D. Ranking Officer
 Sworn Officer
 all personnel of the police department who
have taken oath of office and who posses the
power to arrest.

 Superior Officer
 One having supervisory responsibilities either
temporary or permanent over officers of the
lower rank.

 Commanding Officer
 An officer who is in command of the
department, a bureau, a division, an area or a
 An organizational structure where in the
channels of responsibility and authority
extend in a direct line from top to
bottom with in the structure.
A. Line C. Functional
B. Line and Staff D. Line and Functional
 A police organizational structure used by
the PNP at present particularly at the
central office is called _____.
A. Line C. Functional
B. Line and Staff D. Line and Functional
 Functional Organizational Structure
 The functional responsibility of the
commander is limited to a particular activity
over which he has control.
 Line and Staff Organizational Structure
 Channels of responsibility and authority are
left intact since the specialist provides
expertise while the line does the task.
 The principle describing explicitly the
flow of authority refers to;
A. Principle of balance
B. Scalar principle
C. Principle of unity objective
D. Unity of command
 The placing of one and only one superior
in command or in control of every
situation and every employee.
A. Span of Control
B. Unity of Command
C. Delegation of authority
D. Scalar Principle
 The ability of one man to direct,
coordinate and control immediate
subordinates is referred to as;
A. Unity of command
B. Delegation of Authority
C. Chain of command
D. Span of control
 The principle of organization that is
adopted when the organization is too
big and men are scattered in different
areas of the country.
A. Span of Control
B. Unity of Command
C. Delegation of authority
D. Scalar Principle
 Scalar Principle/Hierarchy of Authority
 entails the superior-subordinate relationship
throughout the department, wherein a superior
officer supervises each individual.

 Span of Control
 refers to the number of officers or subordinates
that a superior supervises without regard to the
effectiveness or efficiency of the supervision.

 Delegation of Authority
› the assignment of tasks, duties, and
responsibilities to subordinates
 In this form of authority, personnel do not
give orders but they offer advice.
Frequently, this advice is based on a high
level of expertise but the advice carries
no formal requirement for acceptance.
A. Democracy C. Functional
B. Line D. Staff
 Those who are charged with the
actual fulfillment of the agency’s
mission are ________ personnel.
A. Staff C. Supervision
B. Management D. line
 _________ means controlling the direction
and flow of decisions through unity of
command from top to bottom of
A. Audit C. Coordination
B. Monitoring D. Authority
 The more complex the organization, the
more highly specialized the division of
work, the greater the need for:
A. Clearer delineation of functions
B. Coordinating authority
C. Strict line discipline
D. finer division of supervision
 POII A and POI X report only to one (1)
supervisor. This is the principle of
A. Delegation of Authority
B. Unity of Command
C. Span of Control
D. Chain of Command
 To improve delegation, the following
must be done, EXCEPT:
A. establish objectives and standards
B. count the number of supervisors
C. require complete work
D. define authority and responsibility
 The police organization can be
structured to attain effective, efficient
and economical police service.
Following are the organic units that form
part of the components, EXCEPT:
A. Operational Unit C. Auxiliary Unit
B. Service Unit D. Administrative Unit
 Three Police Functions in Organization
 Primary Function
 Auxiliary or Secondary Function
 Administrative Function

 Three Organic Units

 Operational Unit - Primary Function
 Service Unit - Auxiliary Function
 Administrative Unit - Administrative Function
 The police are the public and the public
are the police. This question was
answered by the father of modern
policing system in person of:
A. William Norman C. King Charles II
B. Henry Fielding D. Robert Peel
 William Norman
 Divided England into 55 military district called

 Henry Fielding
 founded the Bow Street Runners of London.

 King Charles II
 founded the Charlies or The Bellmen of London
(Shiver and Shakes).
 No quality is more indispensable to a
policeman than a perfect command
A. Voice C. Morale
B. Temper D. Moral
 This was organized in 1712 for the
purpose of carrying out the regulations
of the department of State.
A. Carabineros de Seguridad Publica
B. Guardrilleros
C. Guardia Civil
D. Cuerpo de Carabineros Publica
 Guardrilleros
 This was a body of Rural Police organized in
each town and established by Royal Decree of
January 8, 1836.
 Guardia Civil
 This was created by a Royal Decree issued by
the Crown on February 12, 1852, to partially the
Spanish Peninsula Troops of their work in policing
 The beginning of Police Reformation and
A. PD 765 C. RA 6975
B. RA 4864 D. RA 8551
 The administrative control and
operational supervision over the PNP is a
power of;
A. DILG C. Congress
 The operational supervision and control
over the PNP assigned at cities and
municipalities is a power of the:
A. Congress
B. Department of Interior and Local
C. Local Government Executives
D. National Police Commission
 The power to direct, superintend, and
oversee the day-to-day functions of police
investigation of crime, crime prevention
activities, and traffic control in accordance
with the rules and regulations promulgated
by the Commission.
A. Operational supervision and control
B. Administrative supervision and control
C. Deployment
D. Employment
 The utilization of units or elements of the
PNP for purposes of protection of lives and
properties, enforcement of laws,
maintenance of peace and order,
prevention of crimes, or other related
A. Administrative supervision and control
B. Operational supervision and control
C. Employment
D. Deployment
 The orderly and organized physical
movement of elements or units of the PNP
within the province, city or municipality for
purposes of employment.
A. Administrative supervision and control
B. Operational supervision and control
C. Employment
D. Deployment
 The RAB decide appeals in the following
cases, EXCEPT;
B. PNP Regional Directors
C. City/Municipal Mayors
D. Chief of PNP
 The Police Act of 1966 is otherwise known
also as _____.
A. PD 765 C. RA 6975
B. RA 4864 D. RA 8551
 The PNP was created under what law?
A. The Police Act of 1966
B. The PNP Act of 1990
C. The DILG Act of 1990
D. The PNP Act of 1998
 Attrition by non-promotion shall be
incurred by any PNP member who has
not been promoted despite the
existence of a vacancy shall be retired
or separated after a period of
A. 5 years C. 15 years
B. 10 years D. 20 years
 Attrition System for Uniformed Personnel
 Attrition by Attainment of Maximum Tenure in
 Chief - 4 years
 Deputy Chief - 4 years
 Directors of Staff - 4 years
 Regional Directors - 6 years
 Prov/City - 9 years
 Attrition by Relief
 2 years
 Attrition by Demotion in Position or Rank
 18 months
 Attrition by Non-promotion
 10 years
 Attrition by Other Means
a) 2 successive annual rating period – inefficient
b) 3 cumulative annual rating period – inefficient
c) Physical and/or mental incapacitation to perform police
functions and duties
d) Failure to pass the required entrance exam twice and/or
finish the required career courses except for justifiable
 Graduates of the Philippine National
Police Academy (PNPA) are
automatically appointed to the rank of:
A. SPO3 C. Inspector
B. SPO4 D. Lieutenant
 Philippine National Police Academy
cadet is equivalent to a rank of:
A. Inspector C. SPO3
 The PNP field training program shall be
for a period of;
A. 6 months C. 18 months
B. 12 months D. 24 months
 The highest rank in the PNP.
A. Chief of PNP C. Director
B. Chief of Police D. Director General
 The equivalent rank of Colonel in the
PNP rank classification is:
A. Chief Inspector
B. Superintendent
C. Senior Superintendent
D. Chief Superintendent
 A PC Staff Sergeant who joined the PNP
in 1992 has a rank of _____.
 The second in command in the PNP
organization is the:
A. Deputy for Administration
B. Deputy for Operation
C. Chief Directorial Staff
D. None of these
 The officer in the PNP by the name Rey
Reyes has a star on his shoulder. What is
the rank of Rey?
A. Superintendent
B. Senior Superintendent
C. Chief Superintendent
D. None of these
Police Commissioned Officers AFP Commissioned Officers

Director General General

Deputy Director General Lieutenant General
Director Major General
Chief Superintendent Brigadier General
Senior Superintendent Colonel
Superintendent Lieutenant Colonel
Chief Inspector Major
Senior Inspector Captain
Inspector 1st and 2nd Lieutenants
Police Non-Commissioned Officers AFP Non-Commissioned Officers

Senior Police Officer IV Master Sergeant

Senior Police Officer III Technical Sergeant

Senior Police Officer II Staff Sergeant

Senior Police Officer I Sergeant

Police Officer III Corporal

Police Officer II Private First Class

Police Officer I Private

 Highlyqualified police applicants such
as engineers, nurses and graduates of
forensic sciences may enter the police
service as officers through:
A. regular promotion
B. lateral entry
C. commissionship
D. attrition
 The process of choosing from among
candidates from within the organization
or from the outside, the more suitable
person or the current position or for
future position is;
A. Recruitment C. Appraisal
B. Selection D. Training
 He exercises the power to revoke for
cause the licenses issued to the security
A. Chief, PNP
B. Undersecretary for Peace and Order
C. Secretary of DILG
D. Chairman, NAPOLCOM
 Complaints against personnel of the IAS
shall be brought either to the Inspector
General's office or to the;
A. Chief of PNP C. Congress
B. NAPOLCOM D. President
 Republic Act 6975 provides that on the
average nationwide, the manning levels of
the PNP shall be approximately in
accordance with a police-to-population
ratio of:
A. one (1) policeman for every seven hundred
(700) inhabitants
B. one (1) policeman for every one thousand
five hundred (1500) inhabitants
C. one (1) policeman for every five hundred
(500) inhabitants
D. one (1) policeman for every one thousand
(1000) inhabitants
 The decision of dismissal by the PLEB is
final and executory but subject to
appeal to the RAB. The period of appeal
upon receipt of decision by the
respondent is _____.
A. Ten (10) C. thirty (30)
B. Twenty (20) D. forty (40)
 An appeal filed with the Napolcom
Regional Appellate Board shall be
decided within _________ days from
receipt of motion of appeal.
A. twenty (20) C. fifty (50)
B. thirty (30) D. sixty (60)
 Waiver of the age requirement may be
granted provided that the applicant
shall not be;
A. Less than 20 nor over 35
B. Less than 21 nor below 35
C. More than 20 nor over 35
D. More than 21 nor over 35
 Who maybe automatically granted
height waiver, as provided under Section
15 of Republic Act No. 8551?
A. Police retirables requesting for extension of
B. Members of cultural minorities duly certified
by the appropriate government agency
C. Government employees wishing to transfer
to PNP
D. Graduates of Criminology
 Among the following applicants for
appointment to the police service, who
maybe automatically granted height
A. Government employees wishing to transfer
to PNP
B. Members of cultural minorities duly certified
by the appropriate government agency
C. Police retirables requesting for extension of
D. Graduates of criminology
 Mr. Juan delas Alas was born on June 1,
1975. Does he meet the age requirement
for entry to the police service in June
A. No, but he can apply for age waiver.
B. Yes, he is only 24 years old and is within the
age requirement.
C. Yes, he meets the maximum educational
D. No, he has exceed the minimum age
 Mr. Jaime de Rio was born on May 1,
1975. Does he meet the age requirement
for entry to the police service in June
A. No, he has exceed the minimum age
B. Yes, he is only 27 years old and is within the
age requirement
C. No, but he can apply for the age waiver
D. Yes, he meets the maximum educational
 Who among the following meets the age
qualifications for appointment to the
police service?
A. Rey who is 20 years old
B. John who is 22 years old
C. Dennis who is 17 years old
D. Santi who is 35 years old
 The age requirement in the PNP based
on the upgrading qualification for
appointment is _____.
A. 20-30 C. 21-30
B. 20-35 D. 21-35
 General Qualifications for Appointment
 Citizen of the Philippines;
 Person of good moral conduct;
 Passed the psychiatric/psychological, drug and physical test;
 Possess a formal baccalaureate degree;
 Eligible in accordance with the standards set by the
 Not have been dishonorably discharged from military
employment or dismissed from cause from any civilian position
in the government;
 Not have been convicted by final judgment of an offense or
crime involving moral turpitude;
 Male -1.62m and female – 1.57m
 Not more than or less than 5kgs. From the standard weight
corresponding to his or her height, age, and sex;
 Age must not be less than 21 nor more than 30 yrs of age.
› Approved - Aug 12, 2009
› An act extending for five (5) years the
reglementary period for complying with the
minimum Educational Qualification for
appointment to the PNP and adjusting the
promotion system thereof, amending for the
purpose pertinent provisions of RA 6975 and
RA 8551 and for other purposes
 Waivers for Initial Appointments to the PNP
 Age - 20 & 31-35 yrs of age
 Height - belonging to cultural communities
 Weight - more than or less than 5kgs(HAS)
- 6 months
 Education - 72 collegiate unit
- 4 yrs max
 Itis the premier educational institution
for the police, fire and jail personnel:
A. Philippine Military Academy (PMA)
B. Development Academy of the
C. Philippine College of Criminology
D. Philippine Public Safety College (PPSC)
 All the following are members of the People’s
Law Enforcement Board (PLEB), EXCEPT:
A. Three (3) members chosen by the Peace and
Order Council from among the respected
members of the community.
B. Any barangay Captain of the city/municipality
concerned chosen by the association of the
Barangay Captains.
C. Any member of the Sangguniang
D. A bar member chosen by the Integrated Bar of
the Philippines (IBP).
 The National Internal Affairs Service shall
be headed by a civilian with an
equivalent rank of;
A. Inspector General C. Superintendent
B. Chief Superintendent D. Director
 The provincial governor shall choose the
provincial director from a list of ____
eligible recommended by the PNP
Director preferable from the same
province, city or municipality.
A. three (3) C. five (5)
B. four (4) D. six (6)
 Which of the statement is TRUE?
A. In a small police station, the need for a full-
time records officer is justifiable.
B. As the police station increases its size,
routine desk duties and records task
increase to such extent that the desk
officer is not able to hand them alone.
C. Police records are not that important in
police administration.
D. In large departments, the desk officer
devote full-time exclusively to records tasks.
 Who among the following have the
summary disciplinary powers over
errant police members?
A. District Director
B. Chief of Police
C. Provincial Director
D. Chief, PNP
 The PNP shall enforce the law, prevent
and control crimes, maintain peace and
order, and ensure public safety and
internal security with the active support
of the community. This is the PNP:
A. Goal C. Vision
B. Objective D. Mission
 A professional, dynamic and highly
motivated Philippine National Police
working in partnership with a responsive
community towards the attainment of a
safe place to live, work, invest, and do
business in.
 In 2008, there are 200,450 crimes
reported to the Police Station of
Municipality A. If the population of
municipality A is 5 Million, What is the
crime rate?
A. 3509 C. 4010
B. 4250 D. 4009
 In 2008, physical injuries numbered
12,500 out of total crime volume of
60,500. What percent of the total crime
volume is attributed to physical injuries?
A. 18.7% C. 20.7%
B. 25.7% D. 4.8%
 In 2008, murder accounted for 10% of all
index crimes. If the total index crime was
25,000, how many were murder
A. 250 C. 2,500
B. 500 D. 5,000
 Crime Rate = Total Crime Volume X 100,000

Total Crime Volume = no. of crime

reported to the Police Station/HQ
 Longevity Pay
 5 yrs = 10% of Base Pay to 50%

 Retirement (Optional)
 20 yrs = 50% of Base Pay and Longevity Pay
 1 yr = 2.5% to 90% = 36 yrs in active service

 Permanent Physical Disability

 1 yr salary
 80% of last salary as lifetime pension
 5 yrs guaranteed period
(Success is NOT A LUCK,
not a destination, BUT attain
through HARDWORK .)

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