Case 3: Jalea, Moreno, Ramos
Case 3: Jalea, Moreno, Ramos
Case 3: Jalea, Moreno, Ramos
Premorbid status
Patient was independent in all aspects of ADLS as
to self-care (grooming, dressing, bathing, and
eating) and IADLS such as household chores
(washing dishes, cleaning the house, cooking,
washing clothes).
6 months PTIE
Patient suffered from (L) CVA and was admitted to
the ICU due to loss of consciousness. Patient was
discharged after 3 days. No ancillary procedures
were done. Pt was scheduled for a follow-up check
with her physician but pt did not attend this check
4 months PTIE
Patient reported sudden onset of intermittent, diffuse
pain on the anterior aspect of her (R) shoulder (VRS 5/10)
which then pain radiated down to her entire (R) UE. Pt
reported pain on al motions involving the (R) UE. Pt
stated that pain was relieved with rest and pain
medications prescribed by her physician, and aggravated
by heat.
2 weeks PTIE
Patient reported that the pain on her (R) upper extremity
became constant and was increased (VRS 9/10). Patient
experienced pain in all motions involving the (R) UE. Pt
stated that the pain was no unrelieved by rest and
medication, which led to her apprehension in using the
said extremity. Due to this, pt also reports feeling
weakness in her (R) UE. Pt reported intermittent warmth
and swelling, and difficulty in gripping in her (R) hand.
1 Week ago
Patient reported onset of pain (VRS 6/10) on her (L)
UE in addition to her symptoms in the (R) UE. (B)
UE pain are unrelieved by rest and medications,
which limits her activity. Patient experiences
difficulty in performing household chores d/t pain.
Pt also reported difficulty in sleeping d/t pain.
At present
Patient is experiencing constant, diffuse pain on her
(R) UE (VRS 9/10) and (L) UE (VRS 6/10). Patient
experiences difficulty in performing household
chores and BADLs such as self-care d/t pain.
Medication Indication Dosage and Frequency
Ancillary Procedures
• None
• (+) Hypertension (uncontrolled)
• (-) RA/OA
• (-) Trauma/Injury
HPN + +
RA/OA - -
• No Vices (Smoking, alcohol)
• Usually performs household activities such as washing
dishes, cleaning the house, cooking, and washing clothes
• Husband is the breadwinner of the family
• Has 2 sons that is both currently studying in college and
both lives in dormitories
• Cabinets in the house are within shoulder level
• Likes to perform gardening
• Usual diet includes fish, vegetables, and fruits
• Usual sleeping position: supine/(L) side lying
• Has sleep disturbances
• Patient has a driver that helps her go to Clinic
• Not knowledgeable about the condition
• In apparent pain distress
Vital Signs:
PR 60 To follow
All other major joint motions are actively tested and are
WNL and pain free, except active motions in (L) UE which
are WNL but c pain
All other major joint motions are passively tested and are
WNL and pain free.
Difference 9.8 cm
Mental Status:
• Alert, coherent, and cooperative
• Oriented to time, place, and person
• MMSE score: 27/30
Proprioception PT asked the pt to close eyes and determine if the N/A 10/10
fingers or toes are positioned “up” or “down”
Kinesthesia PT asked the pt to close eyes and determine if the N/A 10/10
fingers or toes are “moving up” or “moving down”
Transfers (Supine in bed to long From supine position, pt uses (L) hand on EOB and
sitting to short sitting) lifts trunk upward to position herself in long sitting
position Pt used her (L) hand to position herself in
short sitting on edge of bed. Pt does not use her (R)
hand all throughout the activity d/t pain
Impairment goal
• Pt will report decreased pain in her (R) UE from VRS 9/10 to
VRS 5/10 after 10 tx sessions
• Pt will present with decreased edema on her (R) hand from
9.8cm difference to 4cm difference after 5 tx sessions
Functional goal
• Pt will present with decreased difficulty in ADL
performance as manifested by improvement in DASH score
from 96.6 to 40% after 20 tx sessions