PLEB Creation and Powers
PLEB Creation and Powers
PLEB Creation and Powers
Powers and Duties
Legal Principles
Atty Randy F Babao
The Sangguniang Bayan in every city and municipality
shall create such number of People’s Law and Enforcement
Boards (PLEBs) as may be necessary: Provided, that there shall
be at least one (1) PLEB for every five hundred (500) city or
municipal police personnel and for each of the legislative
districts in a city.
c. (3) Three other members, who can be removed only for cause,
chosen by the city/municipal peace and order council from among
the respected members of the community known for their probity
and integrity , one (1) of whom must be a woman, and another, a
member of the Bar, or in the absence thereof, a college graduate,
or the principal of the central elementary school in the locality
Resolution and Executive Order constituting the PLEB
In the event that the PLEB could not proceed with the
hearing for lack of quorum, the Peace and Order Council, the
Sangguniang Panlungsod/bayan, or the Liga ng mga
Barangay of the city/municipality concerned shall appoint a
temporary member for that specific case only.
Compensation and Benefits
Membership in the PLEB is a civic duty. However,
PLEB members shall be paid per diem and shall be
provided with life insurance coverage as may be
determined by the city or municipal council from city
or municipal funds. The DILG shall provide for the
per diem and insurance coverage of PLEB members
in certain low income municipalities.
1. Citizens’ Complaint
2. Breach of Internal Discipline
3. Summary Dismissal Cases