Introduction To DBMS
Introduction To DBMS
Introduction To DBMS
6. Normalization
* Update anomalies
* Functional dependencies
7. Data Administration
* Transaction Management
* Concurrency Control
8. Data Security
* Threats and countermeasures
D a t a - raw facts/details
It allowsto:
- create databases-
- insert, update and delete data
- sort and query data
- create forms and reports
Why We Need DBMS
T h e r e is an information explosion in today’s society
M o r e Disk Space
Security Risk
Three Levels of Database
Implementation(Concept of Abstraction)
1. Internal Level (Physical Level)
- It describes how data are actually stored on the storage medium.
2. Conceptual Level
- It describes what data are actually stored in database.
3. External Level (View Level)
- It describes the way in which the data are viewed by individual
Data Abstraction
Data Models
M o d e l s generally allow people to conceptualize
A data model is a way of explaining the logical
l a y o u t of the data and the relationship of various
parts to each other and the whole.
Data Models
Hierarchical Model
Data Models
N e t w o r k Model
Data Models
Relational Model
Data Models
T h e Relational Database Model:
Relational database model, where all data are kept in
tables or relations.
M o r e flexible & easy to use.
Al most any item of data can be accessed more quickly
than the other models.
Retrieval time is reduced so that interactive access
becomes more feasible.
T h i s is what is referred to as Relational
Database Management System(RDBMS)
How do I design adatabase?
„ Logicaldesign
™Determine and define fields, tables, keys, and
data integrity
„ Physicalimplementation
™Creating tables, establishing key fields, and
table relationships
„ Application development
™Determine end-user tasks