Operation and Maintenance of Solar PV Systems
Operation and Maintenance of Solar PV Systems
Operation and Maintenance of Solar PV Systems
Figure Single photovoltaic module; the module’s 36 cells can be seen arranged in a 4 x 9 grid
Figure PV array composed of monocrystalline modules
Connecting PV cells to create a module
• PV cells of identical characteristics are wired together
in series to create a module.
• In series, their voltages will add while the current
remains constant, i.e. the current of the module is
equal to the current of one cell.
• Power losses occur when a cell is underperforming. It
may be damaged or more commonly shaded.
• The characteristics of cells are given on the
manufacturer’s data sheet, freely available on the
manufacturer’s website; these are used to design a PV
• Designers should always contact the manufacturer to
make sure the data sheet on their website is current.
Specification sheets
Standard test conditions (STC)
• These are defined as the conditions under
which all modules are tested and
specifications given so that comparison
between different cells and modules is
• These are:
– Cell temperature 25°C
– Irradiance 1000W/m2
– Air mass 1.5
Creating a string of modules
• A string comprises a number of PV modules connected in
• The electrical characteristics of PV modules connected in
series to form a string are the same as PV cells connected in
series to form a module: meaning the output voltage of the
string will be the sum of the output voltages of all the
modules and the output current of the string will be the
lowest output current of any module.
• Modules can also be connected in parallel. In this case the
current output of the modules will add instead of the
• The output voltage is that of a single module.
Figure When three identical modules are connected in series to
form a string their voltages add and the total current is that of
one single module. The power output of the string is calculated
using P = I x V
• Figure When non-identical modules are connected in series the
voltages will still add; however, the current of the string will be the
lowest current of any single module (in this case 4A). The power
output of the string is then calculated using P = I x V
Figure Three identical modules are connected in parallel; the
total current is the sum of each individual current, while the
total voltage is the voltage of a single module. The power is once
again calculated using P = I x V
Figure When non-identical modules are connected in parallel the currents add
while the output voltage is equal to the lowest single module voltage. The power
output of the modules is then calculated using P = I x V
Creating an array
• Array designers will connect PV modules using
a combination of series and parallel to
produce the output current and voltage
suitable to a market
Figure The process of making an array; starting from cells, modules are created, then
connected in series to form strings and finally strings are connected in parallel to make an array
Photovoltaic array performance
• The performance of a PV array is affected by a variety
of factors: the most significant of these temperature,
irradiance and shading .
• Irradiance
• The amount of solar radiation (sunlight) hitting the cell
will largely determine its power output.
• The output of a PV array can be estimated using
performance data provided by the manufacturer on
the data sheet.
• All arrays have a rated peak power output, i.e. an array
can be described as a 1.5kWp array – meaning that PV
is installed to provide a 1.5kW peak of power.
• This output has been determined by the manufacturer
using standard test conditions.
• Using this information and local solar insolation data it
is possible to estimate the output of an array.
• On a clear sunny day a 2kWp PV array
received 6 peak sun hours: the 6 peak sun
hours equate to an energy input of 6000W/m2
per day. Expected output can be determined
as follows:
– peak power output × peak sun hours = expected
– 2kW × 6PSH = 12kWh
Figure The I-V curves for a cell operating at different
irradiance values show the increase
in power output with irradiance
Annual average: 4.84 peak sun hours/day
A 2kWp PV array would produce an average of 2kW X 4.84PSH/day
= 9.68kWh/day.
This results in an average of 9.68Wh/day X 365days/year =