PV Solar System Sizing
PV Solar System Sizing
PV Solar System Sizing
System Sizing
PV Array Utility Grid
PV array size is limited by Size of utility service limits
available space, budget and maximum system output
inverter voltage requirement
Derating Factors
Nameplate Ratings 0.95
Inverter and Transformer 0.95
Module Mismatch 0.98
DC Wiring 0.98
AC Wiring 0.99
Soiling 1.00
Shading 0.85
Sun Tracking 1.00
Age 1.00
Combined Derating Factors 0.73
Temperature Adjustments
Array Power-Temperature Coefficient (%/C) -0.5
Average Array Operating Temperature (C) 45
Estimated System AC Power Output at 1000 W/m2 and Average Operating Temperature (kW) 6.6
Users select location, system size, and array type, orientation and tilt angle.
PVWATTS estimates the solar radiation incident on the PV array and the PV cell
temperature for each hour of the year.
The average DC power for each hour is calculated from the PV system DC rating,
the incident solar radiation, and corrected for PV cell temperature.
The average AC power for each hour is calculated by multiplying the average DC
power by the DC-to-AC derate factor and adjusting for inverter efficiency.
PV Array Battery Utilization
PV array is sized to meet System loads determine the
average daily load under size of battery and PV array
worst conditions
Conduct a critical design analysis to determine the month with the highest
load to solar insolation ratio.
Size battery bank for system voltage and required energy storage
Size PV array to meet average daily load requirements during period with
lowest sunlight and highest load (usually winter).
Cost: $$
Use worksheets to list each load, its average power, daily time of
use and compute energy consumption.
List AC and DC loads separately, and apply inverter efficiency to
determine the DC energy required for AC loads.
The daily DC energy required is used to size the battery and PV array.
The peak AC power demand dictates the size of inverter required.
Use a worksheet to list the average daily loads for each month,
and divide the loads by the available solar insolation for different
array tilt angles.
The critical design month is the month with the highest ratio of
load to solar insolation, and defines the optimal tilt angle that
results in the smallest array possible.
For constant loads, the critical design month is the month with
the greatest average daily load.
Higher DC voltages are used for systems with higher power loads
to reduce the system currents and the size of the conductors and
switchgear required.
Unusable Capacity
Normal operating range
for 12 V battery
11.5 V 14.5 V
Vmp Voc
Voltage (V)
The inverter must also be sized for the maximum array output
during interactive operations.
Backup Primary
AC Loads AC Loads
Bypass circuit
Charge Electric
PV Array Battery Utility
PV Array Controller DC Load
AC Load
Clean Power Estimator: www.cleanpower.com
PVSYST: www.pvsyst.com
OnGrid: www.ongrid.net
PVSol: www.solardesign.co.uk/
PV F-Chart: www.fchart.com
Maui Solar Software: www.mauisolarsoftware.com/
Inverter string sizing and various system sizing and design tools