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Resident Physics Lectures: Digital Subtraction Angiography (DSA)

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Resident Physics Lectures

Digital Subtraction Angiography

Prof. J.K Tonui, PhD

School of Medicine,
Department of Radiology & Imaging
Learning Objectives
 At the end of this lecture, the student is expected to:

 Discuss digital subtraction angiography (DSA) imaging.

 Describe how images are produced of contrast filled vessels in

isolation from other tissues.

 Describe briefly the DSA subtraction algorithm

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 Digital subtraction angiography (DSA)

 Is a radiographic technique used in diagnosis of vascular diseases,

 Hence, is used to obtained images of arteries in various parts of

the body (e.g. in the heart and brain), and

 This procedure is performed both with and without contrast agent

administered to the artery in order to distinguish vessels clearly

from distracting surrounding bone and soft tissues.
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What is Angiography?
 Angiography

 Is usually shortened as “Agio”, which

 Is a Greek word meaning “ blood vessel”, hence

 Angiography is mainly an x-ray technique used specifically for

imaging and diagnosis of blood vessels, but

o Was initially used to diagnose pathology of the vessel such as plague

formation, and
o May be used also for minimal guided invasive surgery of vascular system,

mainly cardiac artery.

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Complementary Techniques
 Complementary techniques to x-ray angiography

 Include MR, CT and/or US diagnostic vascular imaging

techniques, which
 Are non-invasive unlike x-ray angiography which requires

insertion of a catheter into the vessel to inject a contrast

material, and
 Common terminologies used are arteriography for arteries

studies, and venography for veins studies.

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Digital Subtraction Angiography (DSA)
 X-ray angiography

 Is a special type of digital fluoroscopy, where

o Two digital images are obtained, before and after contrast agent is

administered to the pt. (i.e. pre- and post contrast), and

o The two images are subtracted to get images of the vessels alone,

o The image removed is referred as a “mask or unopacified image”.

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 In x-ray DSA

 The first image is obtained before the contrast agent is

administered to vessel of the pt, to produce a pre-contrast or

mask image, which shows the distracting background, and
 The second image is obtained when the contrast agent, usually

iodine is introduced, and

 The two “movie” like images are digitized and subtracted by the

computer of the imaging system.

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 Subtraction process

 Eliminates or cancels out the images

that are present in both frames usually

the bone and soft tissues, and
 Leaves out an outlined of the opacified

vessel, i.e. an image of the contrast

material-filled vessel only, and
 Fig. shows typical x-ray Angio suite.

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 Clinical DSA

 Is a powerful technique for visualizing the blood vessels in human

body, because
 In normal x-ray projection images, blood vessels are hardly visible due

to very low contrast between vessels and surrounding tissues, but

 In DSA, contrast agent injected (iodinated solution) enhances the

contrast or visibility of the vessel.

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 Note that,

 Even with contrast agent injection, there is no contrast between

vessel and surrounding tissues if no further processing is done, and

 May even leads to misdiagnosis because the vessels may appear

like bones, and

 It is for this reason that real-time subtraction of pre- and post-

contrast images is performed.

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 Note that

 Subtraction processes increase image noise, but

 The perception of low-contrast vessels is increased due to

removal of distracting background tissues.


 Has proven useful in identification of vascular abnormalities such as:

o Occlusions, stenosis, ulcerated plagues and aneurysms.

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 In general, DSA is acquisition of digital

fluoroscopic images
 First, before the contrast agent is administered Mask
into the blood in the vessel, and

 Secondly, after the contrast agent is

administered, and subtracti

on Image
 Then, performing real-time subtraction of pre-

and post contrast images as shown in Fig.

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Contrast Agent
 The blood vessels

 Are not normally seen in an x-ray image because of its low tissue

contrast, and
 In angio, a contrast agent solution of high-Z element (iodine usually) is

injected into blood vessel to increase image contrast, and

 Due to high-Z and density, iodine absorbs photons more than

blood and tissue, which

 In turn creates detailed images of the blood vessels in real time.

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Contrast Agent
 Initial contrast media

 Used for intravascular injection were called high-osmolar

contrast media (HOCM), and

 HOCM has osmolarity (a measure of particle concentration in a

solution) of about seven to eight times higher than plasma, but

 The high value of osmolarity caused adverse effects on the

patients such as pain, endothelial damage, thrombosis and increased

pressure in the pulmonary circulation.

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Contrast Agent
 Due to the adverse effects of HOCM

 Low-osmolar contrast media (LOCM) were first used in

1970’s and these helped reduce these side effects, and

 One of the major risks of modern iodine contrast media is

allergic reactions to iodine.

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The DSA Imaging
 The heart of a DSA system

 Is a digital image processing system, which

o Provides timing signals to both x-ray generator and the image

acquisition system or camera, and

o Controls the flow of data from the x-ray source into the image

processor, and
o Fig. in next slide shows block diagram of a typical DSA system.

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Diagram of DSA System

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The DSA System
 The mask or non-contrast image

 Is taken before contrast medium has reached target area, and

 Only normal anatomy is shown and stored on a computer memory, and

 Usually two frames are acquired – one to stabilise exposure factors,

and second is the mask.

 The contrast image

 Is s taken when the vessels are filled with contrast medium, and

 It shows filled vessels superimposed on normal anatomy and is also

stored on the computer memory.

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The DSA System
 Fig. below

 Shows two images being subtracted (post-contrast – pre-constrat), pixel by

pixel, and
 The resulting subtraction image is stored as a third image, which

 Shows the filled vessels only.

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The DSA System
 Recording

 Can continue to provide a series of subtracted images, as shown

in Fig below and may be viewed in real-time.

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The DSA System
 The purpose of the subtraction process used in DSA

 Is to eliminate (or factor out) the bone and soft tissue images, that

 Would otherwise be superimposed on the artery under study,

 Serial images show changes in the contrast appearance over time

(temporal subtraction) and at varying X-ray intensities (energy

subtraction) as shown in figures in previous slide.

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The DSA System
 Most DSA examinations

 Require 25 to 45 minutes to perform provided there are no technical

complications, e.g. difficulties with catheterization, and

 Can be performed on an outpatient basis (low cost).

 Temporal subtraction

 Are time dependent (i.e. serial images are taken at different times) and

o Pre-contrast images are called “mask images”,

o Post-contrast images are called “live images”.

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The DSA System
 In temporal subtraction

 The mask image is subtracted from live image, which

 Gives subtracted Image as shown in Fig. below.

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The DSA Images

Mask image
Live image (original + Mask-Live
contrast media)

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The DSA Images

Mask image Live image Live-Mask

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The DSA Images

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Image Acquisition Process
 A computer is used to control image acquisition, where

 A timing signal is sent to an x-ray generator to initiate x-rays

production, which
 Are in turn incident to the patient, and

 Exiting x-rays are directed thro’ an II tube similar to that used

in fluoroscopy, which
 Convert x-rays to light and magnify to high intensity.

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Image Acquisition Process
 An aperture (collimator)

 Is placed between II and a video camera, in order

 To controls the amount of light delivered to the camera.

 The video camera

 Receives the light image from the II and

 Converts it to an electronic video signal, which

 Is then delivered to the image processor in analog form.

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Image Acquisition Process
 The image processor

 Digitizes and stores the image in its memory, and

 Makes it available in digital form for subtraction with another

image set acquired at a different time or at a different energy, and

 The subtraction is done by a computer algorithm which removes

a “mask” image or images that are present in the two images


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Subtraction Algorithm
 Computer algorithm

 Use temporal (time) subtraction,


 Two images obtained at different

times are subtracted, one with and

the other without contrast agent, as
shown in this Fig.

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Subtraction Algorithm
 Dynamic (moving) images of the patient

 Are acquired at a rate of 1 exposure per second or more:

o 1st without contrast or unopacified, and

o 2nd with contrast or opacified (with contrast agent).

 Subtraction

o The two images obtained before and after contrast agent has been

administered are subtracted to remove the mask (image before

contrast agent is administered).

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 Subtraction

 Of unopacified image (no contrast) is made from the opacified image (with

contrast), and
 Is done in order to isolate signal present only in opacification image, i.e.

 It removes static anatomical structures (mask) that are common to both

opacified and unopacified images, which

 Eliminates background structures or mask, hence

 Making arteries visible in the subtracted image, which

 Were not visible or barely visible before subtraction.

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Image Subtraction
 Two images are acquired:

 First - "mask" image

o which is obtained before contrast media is injected into the patient, and

 Second - "opacification" image,

o Which is obtained when contrast media is administered and allowed to

settle at the artery being imaged.

 And both images can be modeled mathematically by assuming

that pt. has thickness, xt and linear attenuation coefficient of μt.

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Image Subtraction
 Before contrast media is injected into the patient,
 The photon flux delivered to II is given by:

  t xt
I m  I oe
 After injected of contrast agent to opacify the artery, then
 II receives a photon flux given by:
  t xt   I x I 
I I  I oe
 where xI is thickness (where xI << xt) and μI is linear
attenuation coefficient of contrast medium (Iodine).

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Image Subtraction
 Since video signal is directly proportional to x-ray photon
flux, then
 Video signal of the mask is given as
  t xt
I m  I o e
 Video signal with opacification is given by
   t xt   I x I 
I I  I o e
 Where α is the conversion factor which relates the amplitude of
the video signal to the photon flux.

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Image Subtraction
 The two equations in previous slide can be subtracted in

two ways:
1. Linear subtraction

o subtraction of images without logarithmic transformation

2. Logarithmic subtraction

o subtraction of the images after logarithmic transformation (n)

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Linear Subtraction
 In this subtraction,

 Opacification image is subtracted from the mask image directly and

is given as

 t xt   t xt   I xI 
Slin  I m  I I  I o e  I o e
 I o e  t xt
1  e   I xI

 where Slin is the subtraction image.

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Linear Subtraction
 From previous slide,

 If we assume a small iodination signal such that μIxI<< 1, then the

equation in previous slide becomes

 
Slin    I xI I o e  x t t

 Hence, in linear subtraction,

 Thickness of contrast agent, xI is modulated by patient thickness, xt and

 The resulting image retains unwanted patient anatomy still superimposed on

the desired opacified arterial image, hence rarely used.

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Logarithmic Subtraction
 Unlike linear subtraction,

 The logarithmic subtraction does not retain stationary anatomical

structure that may obscure the small signal, because

 The mask and opacification image data are first expressed in

logarithm form as:

InI m  In  InI o  t xt

InI I  In  InI o  t xt   I xI

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Logarithmic Subtraction
 The logarithmic equations are then subtracted as:
Slog  InI m - InI
 In  InI o  t xt  In  InI o  t xt   I xI
 Which gives:

S log   I xI
 Thus, this equation shows that the resulting equation is a
function of the contrast agent (iodine) only, and
 Pt.’s thickness or anatomy on which opacification is superposed
do not affect subtraction image and this method is used in DSA.

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Image Display and Archival Memory
 After processing,

 The digital images are displayed on a computer screen for

examination by the radiologist, or

 Printed on special films for examination and achieving or

 The digital images are stored or archived in computer storage

systems such as hard-disk , CD, etc.

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