Introduction To The Philosophy of The Human Person: Phillip B. Belgica Ilawod National High School Ilawod Camalig, Albay
Introduction To The Philosophy of The Human Person: Phillip B. Belgica Ilawod National High School Ilawod Camalig, Albay
Introduction To The Philosophy of The Human Person: Phillip B. Belgica Ilawod National High School Ilawod Camalig, Albay
Nature of philosophy
The word philosophy was coined from
the Greek “philein’ which means to love
and “ Sophia” which means wisdom.
Pythagoras and Heraclitus, called
themselves philosophers or lovers of
wisdom only. ( because accordingly only
the gods are wise.
Philosophy is technically defined as “ scientia
rerum per causas primas sub lumine rationis
The science of beings in their ultimate
reasons, causes, and principles, acquired by
the aid of human reason alone”
Or the science which by natural light of reason
studies the first causes of highest principles of
all things.
Philosophy is a science:
A principle is that
from which
something proceeds
Philosophy vs. other sciences
Material Formal
object ( object
all things)
The will is distinct from the nature of the subject; for in finite being
nature and operative potency are always really distinct.
The will is distinct from the intellect because they have a distinct
needs to be determined
Yet the will and the intellect are closely related. The will
complements the intellect by making it possible for the subject to act
in accordance with its intellectual apprehension.
The motion of the will depends on the knowledge of the intellect
Object of the will
good apprehended by the intellect
Since knowledge is inborn, virtue likewise is natural endowment, not an artificial convention or
habit of action to be acquired by education.
Virtue may indeed be taught, but this is to be understood not as introducing something foreign to
the mind but rather as merely awakening the seeds of good deeds that perhaps lie dormant in the
mind and heart of mind.
Since virtue is inborn in the mind and self knowledge is the source of all wisdom, then the only way
to acquire virtue is simply to know what is in the mind, in the self.
Virtue then depended on knowledge could be defined as true knowledge of one’s self.
“knowledge is virtue, ignorance is vice’
True knowledge according to Socrates includes with it the application of this knowledge. This
means that knowledge should not be merely theoretical or speculative, it should be practical.
True knowledge is wisdom which in turn means virtue.
EVIL – is the result of ignorance, the opposite of knowledge. A man does evil because he does not
know any better, or that his knowledge is imperfect or inadequate.
Man in his present earthly existence, is only an imperfect copy
of his real original self, the perfect man, in the realm of ideas.
By knowing and constantly recalling his former self and his
perfections and by constant imitation of his ideal exemplar by
the practice of virtue, man can regain his perfection which he
lost during his long earthly exile and his imprisonment in the
body as punishment for sin.
Man’s perfection consists in constant recollection and imitation
of his former perfect self.
Idealism was fathered and fostered by plato, emphasized on
the idea behind the things that we see. The individual things
that we perceive, exist in space-time. These are not real
since they change, pass in and out of existence. It is the idea
behind these changeable, individual and finite things that
alone is real.
The individual men that we know and see are, in this sense
not real since they come and go. They re only the external
manifestations, the reflections and replicas of the unseen
universal, immutable an eternal idea.
Originally, man existed as a pure mind, an ideal man, with all
his pristine genuine perfections as a perfect man in the realm
of ideas.
Man and knowledge
As a perfect state as pure mind, man knew all things by
direct intuition. Man was omniscient, all knowing,
before he came to be born in this world.
With his separation from the paradise of truth and
knowledge and his long exile on earth, he forgot most
of the knowledge he had.
However by constant remembering and doing good, he
can regain his former perfections.