Eia Dam
Eia Dam
Eia Dam
Dams have one of the most important roles in utilizing water resources. They
were constructed long years before gaining present information about
hydrology and hydromechanics. Dam projects, which are useful in meeting the
demand for water in desired times and in regulating stream regimes, have
undertaken an important function in the development of civilization.
Dams have been constructed in order to prevent floods, to supply drinking and
domestic water, to generate energy and for irrigation purposes since the old-
Dams have a great deal of positive and negative effects on the environment
besides their benefits like controlling stream regimes, consequently preventing
floods, obtaining domestic and irrigation water from the stored water and
generating energy.
Dams, which contribute to the national economy from many aspects like
irrigation, drinking water supply, flood control, electricity generation, fishing,
tourism, are also effective in increasing the living and cultural level of the region
that they were constructed. Meanwhile, the new environment created by the
dam also supports the arrival of different species to the area.
• Biological life of the river changes fast both in the reservoir and
in downstream. Forests, agricultural areas may go under water.
• As the water level differentiate periodically, some species begin
to live under water from time to time, in the tide zone. This area
may turn to marshy land or reed-bed depending on the soil
• Water-soil-nutrient relations, which were settled after floods in
the downstream of the dam, change in a long period of time.
• Furthermore, important changes occur in flora, fauna and the
agricultural traditions of people in the region. This effect can
extend over some kilometers.
Effects of Dams on Aquatic Ecosystem:
• Loss of wild lands, wetlands and wildlife habitat.
• Effects of stopping the flow of nutrients downstream
• Reduced biological activity downstream
• Anaerobic decomposition of vegetation and production of greenhouse gasses
• Water-loss due to evaporation
• Changes in water quality due to the lack of dissolved oxygen near the bottom
• Reservoirs. This is toxic to fish and can lead to the death of aquatic life. It is
also corrosive to turbines.
• Accommodation of amphibians, riparian fauna and birds to a new
• Migration of animals to new areas, where new equilibrium may favour some
species over others
• Blocking fish migration
• Introducing of new species of
fish in the reservoirs
• Inappropriate reservoir
operation with large variations
in water levels could
5. Consultation outcomes
6. Compensation measures
9. Decommissioning/Abandonment Plan
3.Fauna Diversity
• The economic condition of the people in the project area is mainly
depended on fisheries sector because most of the people are involved in
fishing and also a high amount of fish has produced from the homestead
• The river in the project area supports the life of important aquatic life
such as Hilsa fish, porpoise etc. as well as the pond is highly important
for local community people because they get fish from the pond.
• A high negative impact will increase in pre-construction stage due to
filling the pond, flood plain, wetland for resettlement site development.
• The aquatic life will be highly affected for improper disposal of dredging
materials and due to disturb the aquatic sanctuary.
• At the time of pile driving activities will affects the fishes, porpoise, and
other aquatic life because high underwater noise will be produced.
• On the other side, in operation and maintenance stage will have no
significant impact on fauna diversity.
4. Waste
• A high volume of dredged materials will be generated during the river
training works and the time of pile driving and if it directs disposal of
river water, as a result, the materials in the river water will influence
the water quality and if direct disposal in Charland area will affect the
soil quality.
• Besides this, in construction yards near the riverside also produce a
high amount of waste which will bring high negative impact on the
• In the operation and maintenance time, it will have a low negative
impact on the environment.
• Most of the people in the project area depend on agriculture
crop production as their primary livelihood activities.
• In preconstruction stage, a high negative impact will be
perceived due to the acquisition of agricultural land for project
• The agriculture dependent livelihood will have no options for
produce food for their home, so it will highly affect the poor
village people.
• Likewise, a high negative impact will be experienced people
due to clearing the sites for starting construction activities. In
operation and maintenance stage will have a medium negative
6. Noise Quality
• The noise level in the project area is generally low.
• But, when the project construction works will be started, a high air and
underwater noise will be generated which significantly affect the
aquatic habitat, wildlife, and nearby communities.
• In pre-construction stage due to the mobilization of construction
equipment, construction materials/vehicles for the development of
resettlement site will generate noise but it has low effect on the
• In contrast, a high negative impact will observe at the time of
construction of bridge substructure especially during pile driving,
which generates high underwater and air noise levels that affect the
aquatic life.
• Similarly, a medium negative impact will be experienced in operation
and maintenance stage.
7. Health, Safety, and Hygiene
• A large number of skilled and unskilled laborers within and outside the
country will be engaged during the construction works, so it will be a
great concern issue of health, safety, and hygiene of workers.
• In pre-construction stage, there are no significant impacts on workers’
health, safety, and hygiene but during the construction stage medium,
negative impacts will be perceived because at the construction yard
due to high labor force the sanitation system will break down.
• Besides this, during construction time, the activities for construction of
substructure and superstructure will hamper the health condition of
workers due to high noise and dust emission.
• In operation and maintenance stage there will no impact on health,
safety, and hygiene
8. Employment and Poverty Reduction
• A huge workforce, both skilled and unskilled will be required for
completion of project construction activities. There is a huge potential for
• In preconstruction stage, a medium negative impact will observe because
the agricultural employee and the shopkeeper temporarily or
permanently lost the employment due to land acquisition.
• But, some affected people will get employment opportunity in the
activities of resettlement site development which have a low positive
• During the construction period will provide employment opportunity for
few labors both skilled and unskilled which will have a medium positive
• In operation and maintenance stage some skilled workers will get an
opportunity for permanently works for maintenance of bridge which will
have the medium positive impact. So it will be clear that there will be a
poverty reduction in one of the poorest regions of the country.
9. Transport and Road Accidents
• Road transport is a key to overall development.
• Large quantities of material transport over the road will produce
significant risks to traffic safety.
• In pre-construction stage during the development works in
resettlement site will generate some transport related problem
as well as accidents but it will have a low negative impact.
• On the other hand, high negative impacts will be created due to
the mobilization of construction equipment and materials from
procuring site.
• At that moment local traffic jam and road accident will be
increased. On the contrary, a high positive impact will be
perceived due to the connectivity of divisional city to Upazilla.
10. Erosion/Scour
• In the project area riverbanks, both of the sides are very unstable and
susceptible to severe bank erosion.
• During the river training works and construction of substructure of
main bridge changes in the erosion and scour.
• Soil erosion during the construction time will affect the nearby
agricultural land and siltation of riverbed.
• In pre-construction time low negative impact will notice due to soil
erosion from the construction of resettlement sites development.
• Likewise, during the construction time, a medium negative impact will
observe in the construction sites. Similarly, a medium negative impact
will be seen at pier location due to scour.
• On the other hand, high positive impact due to the protection of river
banks from further erosion through river training works.
11. Air Quality
• At present air quality in the project area is affected by Ferry service
and the launch Ghat emission.
• In pre-construction stage in order to development of resettlement site,
the construction equipment and materials will mobilize by the
construction vehicles which will have low negative impacts.
• On other hands, development of green areas and other plantation
activities in the resettlement sites will have a positive impact.
• The air quality in the local area will be deteriorated from the emission
of vehicles, construction equipment, and dust generated from rocks or
• Likewise, a medium negative impact will be perceived in operation
and maintenance stage due to a high volume of vehicles operation.
12. Water Quality
• The surface and groundwater bodies are highly crucial in the
project area because most of the people are dependent on it.
• The development of resettlement site in pre-construction stage
will have less pollute the surface and groundwater quality, so at
this stage have a low negative impact.
• In contrast, medium negative impacts on surface water quality
due to dredging activities for bringing barge, construction of the
main bridge, and other structures over water bodies.
• In operation and maintenance stage there will be no negative
impact on surface and groundwater bodies.
13. Gender
• Women in general believed to be a vulnerable group in
Bangladesh and their empowerment is crucial for country’s
• During construction of resettlement sites in pre-construction
stage, a huge number of women workers will hire for
development their livelihood condition which will have medium
positive impacts.
• On the other side, in the construction period will provide short-
term employment of many people which include women, and
hence will have a medium positive impact.
• Medium positive impacts due to the women are easily going
wider markets to sell their products, agriculture produce, and
14. Land Use
• The land-use in the project area is mainly for agriculture or floodplains
but when the project will be completed changes the land-use pattern
due to the filling of floodplains and construction works.
• With the implementation of the project, the rural areas may get
urbanization gradually in the long run and this could introduce
secondary impact which might change the existing land use.
• The low positive impact will notice due to the construction of
Resettlement Sites and plantations in pre-construction stage.
• During the construction time disposal of dredge materials will have a
medium negative impact. However, since aesthetic values will be
considered for the design of bridge and bridge end facilities, there will
a medium positive impact post construction.
• In operation and maintenance stage there will be no impact.
Environmental Management Plan