Exercise 4: Motor Control Systems: ABST-1L Group 2 Dimaculangan, Quintana, Reyes, Santos, Villaos
Exercise 4: Motor Control Systems: ABST-1L Group 2 Dimaculangan, Quintana, Reyes, Santos, Villaos
Exercise 4: Motor Control Systems: ABST-1L Group 2 Dimaculangan, Quintana, Reyes, Santos, Villaos
ABST-1L Group 2
Dimaculangan, Quintana, Reyes,
Santos, Villaos
Spinal Cord
• White matter – outer; contains sensory and
motor tracts for conduction of nerve impulses to
the brain, and towards the effector tissues
• Gray matter – inner; integrative area for cord
Spinal Cord Transverse Section
Spinal Cord
Transmits info to and from the brain
Integrating center for spinal cord reflexes
Maintain homeostasis by two ways:
1. Tract
– where nerve signal travels
Ascending – from spinal cord to the brain
Descending – from brain towards spinal cord
2. Reflex
• Reflex – “fast, involuntary, unplanned
sequence of actions that occurs in response to
a particular stimulus”
• Reflex Arc – pathway of the nerve impulse
which produces reflex
Spinal Cord | Components of a Reflex Arc:
1. Sensory receptor
2. Sensory neuron
3. Integrating center
4. Motor neuron
5. Effector
Types of Reflexes in the Toad
1. Simple coordinated movement
- involves contraction of a few muscles
2. Complex coordinated movement
- contraction of a group of muscles in
sequence to produce a purposeful motion
3. Uncoordinated or Convulsive reflexes
- muscles contract independent of each
other, which may result to opposition.
A. Motor Activity
Table 4.1. Toad preparations used.
Normal Spinal Double-pithed Decerebrate
• Head lifted • Head not lifted • Head not lifted • Head not lifted
• Eyes open and • Eyes not • Eyes not • Body is limp
blinking blinking blinking • Forelimbs and
• Forelimbs and • Forelimbs • Forelimbs limp hindlimbs limp
hind limbs clasped • Hind limbs limp and entire
folded; props • Hind limbs length in
the body up spread out contact with the
Discussion | Posture
• Positive Support Reaction
- pressure on the footpad causes limb to
extend against the pressure applied to foot
- limb stiffens to support body weight
- occurs even in decerebrated toad
• Jumping
- voluntary movement controlled by the
Results and Discussion | Swimming Reflex
Neural Activity Normal Spinal Double Pithed Decerebrate
Swimming reflex 1 sec.; 1 sec.; No movement No movement
Coordinated Weak,
movement uncoordinated
Swimming Reflex
• Interneuronal circuitry in the spinal cord which is shared together with spinal
interneurons for scratching.
Results and Discussion | Righting movements
• Righting Reflex
- when animal is laid on its side/back, it
will make uncoordinated movements to raise
itself to standing position
- occurs even in spinal toad
Results and Discussion |Changes in Equilibrium
• Magnet Reaction
- pressure on one side causes extension in that
direction which keeps the animal from falling to that side
• Cerebellum and Brain Stem
- responsible for the maintenance of equilibrium
Results and Discussion | Response to Pain
• Scratch Reflex
- initiated by itch or tickle sensation
two functions:
Position sense – allows limb to find exact point of irritation
To-and-fro scratching movement – involves reciprocal innervation circuits
that cause oscillation
•“tonus” = tension
gastrocnemius in both
limbs are firm
2. right sciatic nerve cut
• right gastrocnemius
• left gastrocnemius
3. spinal cord destroyed
• gatrocnemius in both
limbs are flaccid
Sciatic Nerve
• a large nerve innervating the gastrocnemius muscle
• Inhibition
– occurs by antagonizing the excitatory process by
decreasing or suppressing its actual occurrence but it does
not necessarily prevent the excitatory process to proceed
or get access to its final destination
Guyton, A.C. and Hall, E.C. (2006). Textbook of
Human Physiology. 12th ed. Pennsylvania:
Elsevier Saunders. pp. 655-664.
Tortora, G. and Derrickson, B. (2012). Principles
of Anatomy and Physiology. 13th ed. USA:
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. pp. 512-520.