Gina Country Focused Activities: GINA Global Strategy For Asthma Management and Prevention
Gina Country Focused Activities: GINA Global Strategy For Asthma Management and Prevention
Gina Country Focused Activities: GINA Global Strategy For Asthma Management and Prevention
Board of Directors
Chair: Søren Pedersen, MD
Eshanth Perera Carlos Robalo Cordeiro Nan San Zhong MD Vibeke Backer MD
Do you use the Dissemination and Implementation tools available on GINA website?
Would you like to become or remain a member of the GINA Assembly ?
If NOT , please suggest someone from your country that might like to take up this role, and provide his/her email address?
© Global Initiative for Asthma
15(1) /69
ARGENTINA Hugo Eduardo Neffen
Please summarize your activities relating to asthma and GINA in 2017 2017:
and your plans for 2018 ? World Asthma Day:
(you may append another document but please no more than a half/page) Activities carried out in different cities of Argentina including free-of-charge spirometries
Pre-meeting course for primary care physicians during the AAAeIC meeting under the auspicies of
GINA and the National Ministry of Health.
Dissemination of GINA guidelines through lectures during regional meetings of allergy and
World Asthma Day: we are planning activities together with the Argentina Association of Allergy
and Clinical Immunology (AAAeIC) and the Argentine Association of Respiratory Medicine
Posgradute Education Course on Asthma during the Argentine Federation of Family and General
Medicine (October)
Conferences about the 25th anniversary of GINA during the annual meetings organized by the
AAAeIC and the AAMR.
As a member of the advisory committee of the National Program for the Control of Chronic
Respiratory Diseases (CRD), I will continue working for the inclusion of GINA guideline
recommendations in all the educational material for primary care physicians and patients
distributed at public health services by the National Ministry of Health
Please describe shortly the barriers to asthma management you face in your country Some of the barriers to asthma management in my country are:
Access to medication; access to health services; and patient underestimation of disease severity; lack
of knowledge of guidelines by primary care physicians, pediatricians and clinicians; and lack of
spirometers to assess patients in public healths services
What are your expectations from the GINA Board? How may it be of assistance to you in your efforts GINA Board members always update us about scientific changes in the GINA guidelines and future
described above? activities and goals during GINA Assemblies. I expect they will continue working in this way.
Do you use the Dissemination and Implementation tools available on GINA website? I use the dissemination and implementation tools available on GINA website.
Would you like to become or remain a member of the GINA Assembly ? I would like to remain a member of the GINA Assembly.
If NOT , please suggest someone from your country that might like to take up this role, and provide
his/her email address?
GINA Assembly Member Name: LOUIS
Name First Name: Renaud
Contact Details
(e-mail, GSM, address)
When did you start activities that support the GINA Objectives ? 2004
How would you describe your work as a GINA leader in your country? Promoting change in the conception of asthma management
Do you and/or does your work in asthma have any association with; National respiratory Society
a. National Allergy society
b. National Respiratory society (Pediatric/Adult)
c. National Primary Care Society
in your country?
If yes, Please describe briefly
Please choose which of these are used in your country: GINA startegy Document
a. Your own National Guideline
b. The GINA Strategy document
c. Both National Guideline and GINA Strategy
Do you and/or does your work about asthma have any relationship or contact with national or Research supported by a fedral grant
regional government in your country ?
If yes please describe briefly
Have you participated in GINA assembly meetings held during ATS and ERS conferences? Yes
If so, which years ?
Are there any barriers to your attending ?
Please summarize your activities relating to asthma and GINA in 2017
and your plans for 2018 ?
(you may append another document but please no more than a half/page)
Please describe shortly the barriers to asthma management you face in your country Difficulty in incorporating the the new strategies to phenotype asthma in care path
What are your expectations from the GINA Board? How may it be of assistance to you in your To better recognise the heterogeneity of airway diseases and to support the theory of treatable trait
efforts described above?
Do you use the Dissemination and Implementation tools available on GINA website? Yes when teaching students
Would you like to become or remain a member of the GINA Assembly ? Yes
If NOT , please suggest someone from your country that might like to take up this role, and
provide his/her email address?
COUNTRY Deanmark
GINA Assembly Member
Name Vibeke Backer
Contact Details
(e-mail, GSM, address) +4551212033
When did you start activities that support the GINA Objectives ? Year 2000
How would you describe your work as a GINA leader in your country? Teaching using the stepwise approch in treatment, disease management and assessment.
Including local guidelines.
Do you and/or does your work in asthma have any association with;
a. National Allergy society a) yes
b. National Respiratory society (Pediatric/Adult) b) yes – local guidelines ect
c. National Primary Care Society c) no
in your country?
If yes, Please describe briefly
Please choose which of these are used in your country:
a. Your own National Guideline a) gudelines and teaching
b. The GINA Strategy document b) I would like to be part of the strategy group
c. Both National Guideline and GINA Strategy
Do you and/or does your work about asthma have any relationship or contact with national or Yes the national respiratory society have access to the goverment.
regional government in your country ? Furthermore, I also work tightly with the patients organizations whom have contact with the
If yes please describe briefly goverment.
Have you participated in GINA assembly meetings held during ATS and ERS conferences? Yes, both ATS and ERS
If so, which years ? Many times
Are there any barriers to your attending ?
Please summarize your activities relating to asthma and GINA in 2017 Continue for workning on the issue of airway inflammation and the treatment strategies when
and your plans for 2018 ? having low level of EOS.
(you may append another document but please no more than a half/page)
Please describe shortly the barriers to asthma management you face in your country One size fits all, versus personalised treatment
What are your expectations from the GINA Board? How may it be of assistance to you in your Be more personlised treatment based that as for to day
efforts described above?
Do you use the Dissemination and Implementation tools available on GINA website? No
Would you like to become or remain a member of the GINA Assembly ? Yes
If NOT , please suggest someone from your country that might like to take up this role, and
provide his/her email address?
Please describe shortly the barriers to asthma management you face in your country - Guidelines are not compulsory in Egypt , that’s why physician education and update is a crucial
challenge in the guidelines implementation process.
- Most controllers are available in Egypt but for many Egyptians price is a significant barrier to
compliance and adherence to treatment in face of our economic problems.
What are your expectations from the GINA Board? How may it be of assistance to you in your efforts I hope the GINA will re-endorse the GINA MED initiative as in the past (Current website removed all
described above? regional initiatives). Recognition of our activities is important to us (a group of volunteer, devoted physicians
representimng 9 Meditteranian countries) and we don’t need any financial support .
Do you use the Dissemination and Implementation tools available on GINA website? Yes.
Would you like to become or remain a member of the GINA Assembly ? Yes I would you like to remain a member of the GINA Assembly .
If NOT , please suggest someone from your country that might like to take up this role, and provide
his/her email address?
GINA Assembly Member Maia Gotua Prof. MD. PhD.
Name General Director of the Center of Allergy&Immunology, Tbilisi, Georgia
Vice President of Georgian Association of Allergology and Clinical Immunology
EAACI, ERS and ATS member.
Coordinator of International Network of Universities for Molecular Allergology and
Immunology of Georgia.
GINA Assembly Member, GOLD National Leader,
ARIA National Coordinator.
Contact Details
(e-mail, GSM, address) +995 599 58 30 17
2/6 Lubliana str. Tbilisi 0159. Georgia.
Center of Allergy&Immunology
When did you start activities that support the GINA Objectives ?
Since 1993
How would you describe your work as a GINA leader in your country? 1. Leadership of the dissemination and implementation of GINA guidlines and GINA
updates in clinical practice of Georgia countrywide (Since 1993 till now).
2. Preparation of the translations of GINA guidelines in Georgian (for medical doctors,
nurses, for pocket usage, recommendations for application of inhalers since 1997-till
3. Leadership of the creation, dissemination and implementation of the National Guidline
for Managing Asthma Exacerbations in Outpatient and Hospital settings (2014).
4. Leadership of the creation, dissemination and implementation of National Guidline and
protocol for Asthma Managemnet for Specilists and Family Physisions (2012).
5. Organization of World Asthma Days countrywide for increasing awarness about
management and prevention of asthma on a level of public health and specialized
allergological care (since 2000 till now).
6. Organizing of free of charge medical consultations of asthmatic patients.
7. Active participation in asthma management and prevention programs for educational
TV, Radio, Facebook social activities for asthmatic patients and health care
8. Leadership of the creation of CME educational projects for medical doctors and medical
Do you and/or does your work in asthma have any association with; Yes, I am a vice-President of Georgian National Association of Allergology and Clinical
a. National Allergy society Immunology and active member of the board of the Georgian Respiratory Society (Pediatric/Adult)
b. National Respiratory society (Pediatric/Adult)
c. National Primary Care Society
in your country?
If yes, Please describe briefly
Contact Details
(e-mail, GSM, address)
When did you start activities that support the GINA Objectives ? At least TWENTY years ago
How would you describe your work as a GINA leader in your country? İnformative
İmplamantation of guideline, and particiption in asthma activities
Do you and/or does your work in asthma have any association with; İn the pediatric society
a. National Allergy society İn the hospital with residency program
b. National Respiratory society (Pediatric/Adult) İn asthma primary care society
c. National Primary Care Society Asthma center(lebanese association )
in your country?
If yes, Please describe briefly
Please choose which of these are used in your country: GINA guide lines,mainly
a. Your own National Guideline a. The GINA Strategy document
b. The GINA Strategy document
c. Both National Guideline and GINA Strategy
Do you and/or does your work about asthma have any relationship or contact with national or No ,
regional government in your country ? İt is mainly included in pediatric society
If yes please describe briefly We are trying to have a GINA group where adult asthmaloogist are included
Have you participated in GINA assembly meetings held during ATS and ERS conferences? Yes in Rome , Viena ,Prague
If so, which years ? Yearly we have meeting in Egypt with the mediterenian group,italy , greece , turky ,eygpt.lebanon
Are there any barriers to your attending ? Not attending your conference lately t oto location
Please summarize your activities relating to asthma and GINA in 2017 Lectuers , asthma day in Cairo , done by dr TARRAF
and your plans for 2018 ? Study on GINA implamantation among pediatrician , asthma day in Cairo
(you may append another document but please no more than a half/page)
Please describe shortly the barriers to asthma management you face in your country Medication
Perciving the disease by the patients
No national campagne
What are your expectations from the GINA Board? How may it be of assistance to you in your efforts The possibilty to attend our meeting and encourgement and promoting our asthma group by dr
described above? Hisham Tarraf , And participating in our yearly conference of asthma day in cairo every year
Do you use the Dissemination and Implementation tools available on GINA website? Yes when available
Would you like to become or remain a member of the GINA Assembly ? Yes for sure
If NOT , please suggest someone from your country that might like to take up this role, and provide I will send the names of my associates with their adresses soon
his/her email address?
COUNTRY Kazakhstan
GINA Assembly Member
Name Damilya Nugmanova
Contact Details
(e-mail, GSM, address) 32/2 Makataev Street, Of. 15
Almaty, 050002, Kazakhstan
When did you start activities that support the GINA Objectives ? Since 1995 when GINA was introduced by my scientific supervisor Prof. Alexander Chuchalin in Moscow
As GINA Kazakhstan NL - from 2015
How would you describe your work as a GINA leader in your country? Disseminate GINA guideline and it’s updates annually in my country with translating, printing pocket
guideline and patients educational tools into Russian and Kazakh
On regular basis provide asthma trainings for practicing physicians (most of them – primary care doctos)
and nurses in all cities of Kazakhstan since 2004
First in Kazakhstan initiated WAD in 2004 in 10 regiond of Kazakhstan and continue to make this event
vissible in our country
Using GINA guideline/report I try to overcome asthma misunderstanding, asthma underdiagnosis in adults
and children, old fashioned and not-evidence-based treatment of asthma (antibiotics, intravenous infusions
of theophylline and corticosteroids, underuse of inhaled corticosteroids, etc.)
Do you and/or does your work in asthma have any association with; In 1999 we established Kazakhstan Association of Family Physicians. The goal of our National Society is to
a. National Allergy society improve primary care quality in Kazakhstan and teach doctors and other health workers to understand,
b. National Respiratory society (Pediatric/Adult) accept, and practice evidence-based medicine. To do this with asthma GINA documents were and are the
c. National Primary Care Society leading reference sourse
in your country? In 2015 we conducted first good quality epidemiological study on COPD, asthma, allergisc rhinitis
If yes, Please describe briefly prevalens in Kazakhstan, Ukrain, and Azzerbaijan.
Our study and GINA reports help us to overcome slowly asthma misunderstanding and stop dangerous
practice. At least National adult and children Asthma treatment protocols are GINA-based
Please choose which of these are used in your country:
a. Your own National Guideline
b. The GINA Strategy document
c. Both National Guideline and GINA Strategy +
Do you and/or does your work about asthma have any relationship or contact with national or I’m a member of Health Quality Assurance Committee of the Ministry of Health. This Committee approves
regional government in your country ? National diagnostic and treatment protocols, as well as approves list of medications (inncluding asthma
If yes please describe briefly medications) to be included into Kazakh National Drug Formulary
Have you participated in GINA assembly meetings held during ATS and ERS conferences? ATS San-Diego, 2014
If so, which years ? ATS DC, 2017
Are there any barriers to your attending ? ERS 2015-2017
As GOLD NL in most ERS meetings since 2003 and ATS 2014, 2017
Please summarize your activities relating to asthma and GINA in 2017 Provided several asthma clinical trainings for PHC doctors in different cities of Kazakhstan
and your plans for 2018 ? Provided several presentations on asthma and GINA reccommendations at national meetings (Family
(you may append another document but please no more than a half/page) Doctors, Cardiologists/ Internissts, and Pulmonologists)
WAD in 2017 was heald as a half-day training for Almaty doctors
In 2018 my KAFP colleagues and I will present new epidemiological data on asthma prevalence and new
GINA report changes at the international Family Doctors meeting in April 25-26, then national
Cardiology/Internal Medicine conference in June, and Pulmonology meeting in October.
In preparation to the WAD 2018 our Association will make 2-week thematic posts at our Facebook page,
Instagram, and Telegram Channel
In May 1st we will provede a teleconference on WAD for 6 cities of Kazakhstan
Please describe shortly the barriers to asthma management you face in your country Asthma underdiagnosis in hospitals and primary care clinics, especially in children.
Government (Ministry of Health and Oblast health Departments) regulate the number of asthma patients,
which can be registered in primary care centers. Asthma medications are centrally purchased by the
government and allocated within regions. Number of asthma patients has to fit to the amount of medications
Overuse of antibiotics, intravenous infusions of dexamethazone, other corticosteroids, and IV theophylline
in the hospitals and outpaatient facilities, by ambulance
Underuse of inhaled corticosteroids and local treatment of asthma
Because of that high level of asthma ambulance calls and hospitalization rate.
What are your expectations from the GINA Board? How may it be of assistance to you in your efforts Kazakhstan Association of Family Physicians (KAFP) members conducted first good quality
described above? epidemiological study on COPD, asthma, and allergic rhinitis prevalence in adults in Kazakhstan.
Two first articles were published:
a. Y. Feshchenko1, L. Iashyna2, D. Nugmanova3, , et al. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease,
Bronchial Asthma and Allergic Rhinitis in the adult population within the Commonwealth of
Independent States: Rationale and design of the CORE study
b. D. Nugmanova, Y. Feshchenko, L. Iashyna et al. The Prevalence, Burden and Risk Factors
associated with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease in Commonwealth of Independent States
countries (Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan): Results of the CORE study.
After asthma data will be published it will be good GINA to recomment to Kazakhstan Ministry of Health
to use this study as a reference for real asthma prevalence and allocate enough budget to cover basic astham
Do you use the Dissemination and Implementation tools available on GINA website? Sometimes
Would you like to become or remain a member of the GINA Assembly ? I can remain as a member of GINA Assembly for while before we will find fluent English speaking
If NOT , please suggest someone from your country that might like to take up this role, and provide respected specialist with good resources available
his/her email address?
GINA Assembly Member Prof Javaid Khan FRCP Edin.
Contact Details
(e-mail, GSM, address) Tel 92 300 2410 670
When did you start activities that support the GINA Objectives ? Almost 25 years ago
How would you describe your work as a GINA leader in your country? I am pulmonologist and carry out regular programs on asthma for doctors as well as for the
public. I also do research related to asthma and COPD
Do you and/or does your work in asthma have any association with; Pakistan Chest Society; I am active member of this professional society which carry our world
a. National Allergy society asthma day activities . it also organizes conferences National as well as International.
b. National Respiratory society (Pediatric/Adult)
c. National Primary Care Society
in your country?
If yes, Please describe briefly
Please choose which of these are used in your country: c. Both National Guideline and GINA Strategy
a. Your own National Guideline
b. The GINA Strategy document
c. Both National Guideline and GINA Strategy
Do you and/or does your work about asthma have any relationship or contact with national or Only as an advocate against smoking and environmental related issues
regional government in your country ?
If yes please describe briefly
Have you participated in GINA assembly meetings held during ATS and ERS conferences? I do attend ERS but not ATS
If so, which years ?
Are there any barriers to your attending ?
Please summarize your activities relating to asthma and GINA in 2017 SEVERAL LECTURES
and your plans for 2018 ? World Astha Day seminar
(you may append another document but please no more than a half/page) İnternatıonal Conference in Islamabad March 23 2018
Please describe shortly the barriers to asthma management you face in your country Cost of inhalers
Social stigma attached to asthma
Doctors training is not up to date
Patients load is too much
What are your expectations from the GINA Board? How may it be of assistance to you in your I think Board is doing its work. Its upto members in individual countries to spread the message.
efforts described above? We need asthma/inhaler usage leaflet in local language.
Do you use the Dissemination and Implementation tools available on GINA website? yes
Would you like to become or remain a member of the GINA Assembly ? Yes
If NOT , please suggest someone from your country that might like to take up this role, and provide I would like to involve young blood
his/her email address? Dr Nousheen Iqbal
Assistant Professor
GINA Assembly Member Vicente PLAZA
Contact Details
(e-mail, GSM, address)
When did you start activities that support the GINA Objectives ? 2005
How would you describe your work as a GINA leader in your country? Coordinator of the Spanish Asthma Guidelines (GEMA), based in part in GINA, which 14 Spnish
soicetes involed in asthma disease
Do you and/or does your work in asthma have any association with; Asthma Group of SEPAR (Spanish Respiratory Society). I am active member and I was past President. I
a. National Allergy society am coordinator of the Research program of this group, and recently of the GEMA-data (data base registry
b. National Respiratory society (Pediatric/Adult) of severe asthma patients with a country scope)
c. National Primary Care Society
in your country?
If yes, Please describe briefly
Please choose which of these are used in your country: C.
a. Your own National Guideline GEMA is the most asthma guideline in Spanish around the world
b. The GINA Strategy document
c. Both National Guideline and GINA Strategy
Do you and/or does your work about asthma have any relationship or contact with national or In part, with regional government
regional government in your country ?
If yes please describe briefly
Have you participated in GINA assembly meetings held during ATS and ERS conferences? In ERS meetings
If so, which years ? No special barriers
Are there any barriers to your attending ?
Please summarize your activities relating to asthma and GINA in 2017 1. Annual updating of our asthma guideline GEMA
and your plans for 2018 ? 2. Doing the annual meeting, “Asthma Meeting Point”: multidisciplinary symposia for and by
(you may append another document but please no more than a half/page) asthma experts
3. Conducting some multicenter asthma studies (f.e. GEMADATA) in our Asthma Group SEPAR.
4. Coordinating several national teaching projects in asthma
5. Editing some books: GEMA inhalers for asthma
6. Celebrating in my hospital the World Asthma Day, in May
Please describe shortly the barriers to asthma management you face in your country Limited implication of nurses of the primare care in asthma education
What are your expectations from the GINA Board? How may it be of assistance to you in your
efforts described above? Remain independent regarding the influence of the pharmaceutical industry
Do you use the Dissemination and Implementation tools available on GINA website? Yes, PPT specially
Would you like to become or remain a member of the GINA Assembly ? Remain, thanks
If NOT , please suggest someone from your country that might like to take up this role, and provide
his/her email address?
GINA Assembly Member I.Kivilcim OGUZULGEN
Contact Details
(e-mail, GSM, address) +90.532.3728049
Gazi University School of Medicine, Department of Pulmonary Diseases
Ankara, Turkey
When did you start activities that support the GINA Objectives ? 2003
How would you describe your work as a GINA leader in your country? I am a member of Turkish Thoracic Society Asthma and Allergy Assembly. As Turkish Thoracic
Society, we periodically update our national asthma guideline according to changes in GINA
report. Furthermore we organize meetings to implement the recommendations. Also every year, we
organize a lot of activities (for physicians, for patients and for press) on World Asthma Day with
the logos on GINA website
Do you and/or does your work in asthma have any association with; We do all the World Asthma Day activities in association with:
a. National Allergy society 1.Turkish Thoracic Society
b. National Respiratory society (Pediatric/Adult) 2.Turkish National Allergy and Clinical Immunology Society
c. National Primary Care Society 3. GARD and Turkish Ministry of Health
In your country? National asthma guideline is prepared by Turkish Thoracic Society
If yes, Please describe briefly
Please choose which of these are used in your country: Both National Guideline and GINA Strategy
a. Your own National Guideline
b. The GINA Strategy document
c. Both National Guideline and GINA Strategy
Do you and/or does your work about asthma have any relationship or contact with national or As Turkish Thoracic Society we are in contact with Turkish Ministry of Health by GARD Project
regional government in your country? of WHO in organizing World Asthma Day activities.
If yes please describe briefly
Have you participated in GINA assembly meetings held during ATS and ERS conferences? I am the new assembly member of GINA. This year I am planning to attend the both meetings
If so, which years? which will be held during ATS and ERS.
Are there any barriers to your attending?
Please summarize your activities relating to asthma and GINA in 2017 On World Asthma Day 2017, we prepared a poster and press release and we shared it from Turkish
And your plans for 2018? Thoracic Society website ( to all our members. In 20 different cities of Turkey
(you may append another document but please no more than a half/page) we had many activities for physicians and patients. Also our members were on local and national
TV channels, giving information about asthma.
There were 76 different “asthma news” on different Turkish news channels which can be reached
Similar activities will be planned for this year
Please describe shortly the barriers to asthma management you face in your country Patient adherence is the most important barrier for asthma management.
The physicians’’ patient burden is so much that they can devote very short time to their patients
and patient education seems to lack, which seems to be the second barrier
What are your expectations from the GINA Board? How may it be of assistance to you in your GINA pocket guide and teaching slide sets can be translated to Turkish.
efforts described above?
© Global Initiative for Asthma
GINA Assembly Member Le Thi Tuyet Lan
Contact Details
(e-mail, GSM, address) +84938594470
224 Nguyen Thai Son St, Ward 4, Go Vap District, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
When did you start activities that support the GINA Objectives? 2000
How would you describe your work as a GINA leader in your country? - Disseminate and implement GINA and GOLD by giving lectures and building up ACOCUs (Asthma-
COPD Outpatient Care Units) throughout Vietnam.
- Celebrate Asthma Day and COPD Day annually
- Update Vietnamese doctors on GINA and GOLD
Do you and/or does your work in asthma have any association with; b. Vietnam Respiratory Society (VNRS)
a. National Allergy society I am vice-president of Vietnam Respiratory Society and chairwoman of Society of Asthma, Allergy and
b. National Respiratory society (Pediatric/Adult) Clinical Immunology in Ho Chi Minh City
c. National Primary Care Society
in your country?
If yes, Please describe briefly
Please choose which of these are used in your country: c. Both National guideline and GINA Strategy
a. Your own National Guideline National guideline was written according to GINA Strategy.
b. The GINA Strategy document
c. Both National Guideline and GINA Strategy
Do you and/or does your work about asthma have any relationship or contact with national or Yes. We help MOH in writing National Guidelines on Asthma and COPD. We also contribute to the
regional government in your country? National Program in Asthma and COPD by helping 47/63 provinces to build up ACOCUs.
If yes please describe briefly
Have you participated in GINA assembly meetings held during ATS and ERS conferences? Yes, I have participated in GINA assembly meetings, almost every years.
If so, which years ? I have attended GINA ang GOLD meeting
Are there any barriers to your attending? It's better if these meeting are in the lunch time, on the 2nd day of ERS and ATS conference and in the
same place of these conferences.
Please summarize your activities relating to asthma and GINA in 2017 - Disseminate and implement GINA and GOLD by giving lectures and building up ACOCUs (Asthma-
and your plans for 2018 ? COPD Outpatient Care Units) throughout Vietnam.
(you may append another document but please no more than a half/page) - Celebrate Asthma Day and COPD Day annually
- Update Vietnamese doctors on GINA and GOLD
Please describe shortly the barriers to asthma management you face in your country Although asthma and COPD are included in National Program against non-communicable diseases from
2015 to 2025, spirometers and asthma-COPD drugs are not available at all province and district hospitals.
There are still some outmoded treatments, including oral corticosteroids, antibiotics or oral bronchodilator
What are your expectations from the GINA Board? How may it be of assistance to you in your It's great if we could know beforehand the changes in GINA and GOLD, being asked for opinion as in the
efforts described above? time of Sue and Claude.
The science committee will explain the reason of changes carefully and also help us in resolving problems
in implementing , if possible.
The slides presented in these GINA and GOLD meetings are very helpful, but we could not get them.
Do you use the Dissemination and Implementation tools available on GINA website? Yes, with modifications.
Would you like to become or remain a member of the GINA Assembly? Yes, I would like to remain a member of the GINA Assembly.
If NOT , please suggest someone from your country that might like to take up this role, and provide © Global Initiative for Asthma
GINA Assembly Member Sy Duong-Quy
Contact Details
(e-mail, GSM, address)
When did you start activities that support the GINA Objectives ? 2014
How would you describe your work as a GINA leader in your country? - Update GINA guidelines to pratical physicians and primary healthcare workers
- Implement of GINA guidelines
- Training and studying in adult and childhood asthma
Do you and/or does your work in asthma have any association with; - Vietnam Respiratory Society (VNRS)
a. National Allergy society
b. National Respiratory society (Pediatric/Adult)
c. National Primary Care Society
in your country?
If yes, Please describe briefly
Please choose which of these are used in your country: - The GINA Strategy document
a. Your own National Guideline - VNRS documents in asthma
b. The GINA Strategy document
c. Both National Guideline and GINA Strategy
Do you and/or does your work about asthma have any relationship or contact with national or - Organizing workshop in asthma
regional government in your country ? - Studying on asthma (prevalence and clinical characteristics)
If yes please describe briefly
Have you participated in GINA assembly meetings held during ATS and ERS conferences? - Yes: 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017
If so, which years ? - No barriers
Are there any barriers to your attending ?
Please summarize your activities relating to asthma and GINA in 2017 In 2017
and your plans for 2018 ? - Update GINA guidelines for local and regional physicians
(you may append another document but please no more than a half/page) - Translate GINA pocket guide to Vietnamese for GINA website
- Studying in childhood asthma: cytokin profile in acute asthma exacerbation, obstructive sleep
apnea in childhood asthma
- Studying in adult asthma: characteristics of ACO
In 2018
- Update GINA 2018 in Internal Medicine Congress (Hue city, April 14th 2018)
- Training in asthma for regional health care system in association with VNRS
- Studying in asthma (adult and children)
- Implement of GINA documents in regional area (Lam Dong province and highland area) in
cooperation with VNRS
Please describe shortly the barriers to asthma management you face in your country - Treatment of refractory asthma (difficult to treat asthma)
What are your expectations from the GINA Board? How may it be of assistance to you in your - N/A
efforts described above?
Do you use the Dissemination and Implementation tools available on GINA website? - Yes
Would you like to become or remain a member of the GINA Assembly ? - Yes
If NOT , please suggest someone from your country that might like to take up this role, and © Global Initiative for Asthma
GINA Ambassador ’s program
Theme to change ?
Dubai 2018