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Audio Lingual Method 2

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Prepared by: group 2
With the outbreak of World
War II armies needed to
become orally proficient in the
languages of their allies and
enemies as quickly as possible.
This teaching technique was
initially called “the Army
Method” and was the first to
be based on linguistic theory
Modern Usage
The Audio-lingual Method is
still in use today, though
normally as a part of individual
lessons rather than as the
foundation of the course.
These types of lessons can be
popular as they are relatively
simple, from the teacher’s
point of view, and the learner
Teaching Method
Audio Lingual Method is
A method of foreign language
teaching which emphasizes
the teaching of listening and
speaking before reading and
writing. It uses dialogues as the
main form
of language presentation and
drills as the main
training techniques. Mother
in ALM, grammar is prioritized over
vocabulary, and accuracy over fluency, giving
learners few opportunities to produce errors
which are seen as potentially “contagious“
Ultimately, the learner will speak

The Audio-lingual Method has also been

called audiolingualism, the aural-oral
approach and — reflecting its military roots
The audio-lingual method became a
popular approach to foreign language
teaching in the mid 20th century and still
plays an important role in many classes. In a
departure from earlier methods based on
reading and writing, audio-lingual
instruction emphasizes spoken language
with correct pronunciation and grammar.
Audio-lingual theory sees language learning
THE Techniques and
Activities used by the
Audio Lingual Method
The audio lingual method has a different
techniques in contrast with the Grammar
Translation Method and the Direct method. It
lays emphasis on mimicry as a main
technique. This is done through memorization
of the dialogues and imitative repetition.
The use of drills and patterns
practice includes the following
• Repetition: Where the students repeats an utterance as
soon as he hears it, without looking at printing
EX::I used to know him/her. – I used to
know him/her.
• Infection: Where one word in a sentence appears in
another form when repeated.
EX: I bought the tickets – I bought the
• Restatement: The student rephrases an utterance and
addresses it to someone else, according to
Ex:: Ask her how old she is – How old are you?
• Completion: The students will complete the phrase
given by the teacher.
Ex:: I have a ……… - I have a cat.
• Transposition: A change in word order is
necessary when a word is added.
EX:: I’m hungry /so/ - So am I
• Expansion: When a word is added it takes a
• Contraction:: A single words stands for a phrase or clause.

EX: Put your hand on the table. – Put your hand

• Transformation:: A sentence is transformed by being
made negative or interrogative or through changes in
tense, mood, voice, aspect, or modality.

EX: He knows my address – He doesn’t know my

• Integration:: Two separate utterances are integrated into
• Rejoinder: Student makes an appropriate rejoinder to a
given pattern.
EX: Thank you. You’re welcome
What is your name? My name is Eric John

• Restoration: Is one of the most common patterns that

can be found in ESL textbooks.
EX:: kids /waiting /School bus Kids are
waiting for school
1. Teaching
Audio-lingual Drills
substitution drills are mechanical
exercises that reinforce structural patterns and
practice vocabulary.
Transformation Drills
Transformation activities require a deeper understanding
of the sentence, because students must produce different
grammatical forms.

3. Taking Activities to the

Communicative Level
Once students have mastered the basic vocabulary and
structures of a dialogue, communicative activities allow for
more natural practice
4. Focus on Practical
The audio-lingual approach, based upon language
structure, naturally treated the sounds of language as
important building blocks for the creation of
utterances, that is, meaningful strings of sounds.

5. Identifying the
sound system
You don’t need to have a comprehensive list of all
the sounds available for speaking the target
language. It will suffice to help your students to
first articulate, then recognize, the most basic
6. Using tongue-twisters to
build articulation and strength
The students will have much more fun working with
complete sentences so try well-known tongue-twisters.

7. Do Structural
Drilling Exercises
The repetitive practice of basic constructs
develops strength and agility for later
improvisational work.
 LEARNING Through
 Learning through
• 1. Provides practice in language patterns:: students will be
able to memorize and use the language directly in real
• 2. Promotes good pronunciation: Through listening, students
will be able to pronounce the word correctly.
• 3.Stresses fluency: students learn pronunciation, intonation
and stress through mimicking what the teacher says or what
they hear.
• Process of learning emphasize on speaking and little
attention is paid to content.
• Ignores the communicative competence in teaching
• Failure to learn results only from the improper
application of the method.
• Audio-Lingual Method is boring; not creative.
• The method is based on mechanical learning and
• the student should • the students should
be able to use the be able to read
target language literature written in
communicatively the target language
Role of the teacher
ALM the student
• the teacher direct and • the teacher is the
control the language authority in the
behavior of the classroom
students • the students do as she
• The students follow the says so they learn what
teachers direction and she knows
respond as accurately
Characteristic of
Teaching/Learning Process
• new vocabulary & structural • student are taught to
patterns are presented translate from one language
through dialogues into another
• the dialogues are learned • students study grammar
through imitation & deductively
repetition • students memorize native
• grammar is induced from the language equivalents for
example given target language vocabulary
• cultural information is words
contextualized in
How the language
alm viewed?
• everyday speech is
emphasized and comprises
•literary language
several different levels, is considered
How is culture
morphological, syntactic

• culture consistsviewed
of • culture is viewed
the everyday
as consisting of
behavior and
lifestyle of the target literature and fine
Area of language emphasized
GTM: vocabulary & grammar
ALM: sound system & grammatical pattern
Language skills emphasized
GTM: reading & writing
ALM: listening, speaking, reading, writing (natural order)

The role of the students native language

GTM: the student's native language is mostly used
ALM: the target language is used in the classroom

How is evaluation accomplished

GTM: written tests in which students are asked to translate
ALM: the answer to this question is not obvious

How teacher respond to students error

GTM: the teacher gives them correct
ALM: students errors are to be avoided if at all possible
From the explanation above, we can get the
conclusion that Audio Lingual Method is the teaching
method which emphasize the speaking and listening
skill. It makes the students can pronoun and listen
well. The Audio Lingual Method can make
circumstance of teaching in the class more life. The
Audio Lingual Method is more effective to make
pronunciation and listening skill. However, this
method does not emphasize grammar in detail.
Furthermore, cognitive approach will elucidate us
more which will be discussed by next group!

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