Testing of Concrete in Structures
Testing of Concrete in Structures
Testing of Concrete in Structures
Primary girder
Inclined crack in the primary girder at the secondary beam location is a structural crack.
Circular marks at U.P.V. test locations
Inclined orientation of the crack suggests that shear may be the underlying cause. Note the circular
marks left on the beam surface at U.P.V. test locations.
Supporting beam Supported beam Design reinforcement in this region to
support a shear = Vu (1 – (hb / D)
Reinforcement for prevention of sliding shear failure when a heavy reaction is applied close
to free end of a beam.
Cracking of R.C.C. slab due to differential settlement of a masonry pier. This is again a structural crack.
Corrosion-induced cracking in a R.C. column. Note the corroded longitudinal reinforcement seen
after removal of grit finish and cover concrete in a column.
Corrosion induced longitudinal cracks in beam soffit.
Spalling of cover concrete due to reinforcement corrosion in slab.
A view of the fire fighting operation in the Bagree market.
One of the elevations of the fire damaged Block-A.
Cracking and spalling of concrete in beams and columns of top floors.
Spalling of cover concrete in slabs due to fire exposure. Note the soot deposit in the slab soffit.
Severe fire induced spalling of cover concrete and exposure of corroded reinforcement. Note that
some bars have fractured due to high strains.
Cracking due to thermal effects. Crack is localised at junction between the parapet masonry and
R.C. Slab.
Shrinkage crack
in perimeter of
aggregate particle
Aggregate particle
Air void
Cube test results are unacceptable: This case requires Type-1 testing
Type-2 testing
Typical distress mapping report.
Type-2 testing
What test methods are available for the Type-1 and the Type-2 testing?
Can be used for
strength estimates
by developing
calibration curves
These number of
individual readings will
give only a single result.
For example, the 12
Schmidt hammer readings
will give ONE rebound
For a valid analysis, at least 40 results are required in the case of Schmidt hammer
and U.P.V. measurements
In-situ concrete variability
fck = fcu – k s’
fck = Concrete grade
fcu = Estimated concrete strength from N.D.T.
k = Confidence level
s’ = Standard deviation
≈ 9 cores
‘P’ waves are analogous to sound waves travelling through air. They have the highest velocity.
Creating ‘P’ waves with a ‘flexible’ spring.
Propagation of ‘S’ waves through a solid. These waves have a lower velocity than ‘P’ waves.
Creating ‘S’ waves with a ‘flexible’ spring.
Surface waves have the lowest velocity. Shear and surface wave velocity is about 55 – 60% of
‘P’ wave velocity.
‘P’ wave velocity is given by:
K varies within a very narrow range. As μ increases from 0.15 to 0.25 (67% increase), K increases
from 1.06 to 1.20 (13% increase)
As per Clause 5.1, minimum path length for
direct transmission involving one unmoulded
surface should be 150 mm.
Transmission direction
Transmission direction
Path length, transit time and pulse velocity in a U.P.V. Test
(to confirm repeatability of measured velocities, a set of 2 readings should be taken at every test
25 – 500 mm
≤ 20 mm 100 mm
Otherwise heterogeneity of
20 mm – 40 mm 150 mm concrete will affect results
Plan view
Corrections to measured pulse velocities
Reinforcement bar parallel to the test surface (surface probing)
Vs ≈ 1.55 (Vc)
Corrections to measured pulse velocities
Edge clearance
= 25 mm
25 0 mm c/c
25 0 mm c/c
Grid markings for U.P.V. Testing. Number of test locations should be at least 30 and preferably 40
Check on uniformity of concrete quality in an element.
Measurement of concrete uniformity
Top of beam
Beam soffit
Pulse velocity contours for a beam made from several concrete batches.
• If calibration chart has been prepared by testing cores, then core diameter shall be at least 100 mm.
• Calibration chart can also be prepared by testing at least 10 sets of 3 cubes each in the laboratory.
Covering the strength range expected at site
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
At least 3 pulse readings shall be taken on each cube and each reading shall be within 5% of the mean.
Example strength vs. U.P.V. relationship for estimation of strength of in-situ concrete
Pulse travelling through sound concrete (least transmission time)
Diffracted path around the edge of a void or crack (maximum transmission time)
Provides information about surface layer of concrete not thicker than about 50 mm
Not to be used for concrete of strength < 10 MPa or less than 7 days old
(N-type rebound hammer)
Moist / wet cubes shall be kept in the lab. atmosphere to dry for 24 h prior to above test.
This test shall NOT be carried out on wet cubes (Crushing strength of a cube
tested wet is likely to be about 10% lower than that of a cube tested dry).
(Seeing this scatter it is unlikely that site compressive strength predictions will be more accurate
than ± 25%)
N-type rebound hammer calibration chart developed in the Concrete Lab. of I.I.T.
Roorkee (Hammer orientation: horizontal).
N-type rebound hammer calibration chart with the help of cylinder tests (Hammer
orientation: horizontal).
Deviation of manufacturer’s calibration curve from that obtained by selected researchers.
ASTM C-805
This distance shall be at least 20 mm
(50 mm as per ASTM C805)
Average = 45
ASTM C-805
Factors influencing test results
• Cement type: Insignificant effect (between O.P.C. and P.P.C.)
• Coarse aggregate:
Moh number = 7
Moh number = 3
Uncarbonated concrete
• Effect of curing and age of concrete: Curing and age of laboratory calibration specimens
should correspond as closely as possible to that of the in-situ concrete. Effect of age is
insignificant for concrete between 7 days and 3 months old.
• Stress-state in the tested element and ambient temperature: For normal working
conditions, both these factors have insignificant influence on test results
Rate of gain of surface hardness of concrete is rapid up to age of 7 days
following which there is practically no gain in surface hardness.
In the case of old concrete, strength calibration has to be done between rebound numbers taken on
the structure and compressive strength of cores taken from the structure.
Effect of age of test specimens on the relationship between rebound number and
compressive strength of test cubes.
Table: Rebound number criterion for concrete quality.
Typical surface hardness testc report
Where serviceability assessment is required: extract cores from points where likely
minimum strength and maximum stress coincide
L ≤ 2 x diameter
• Number of cores: At least 3 cores shall be extracted from each test location.
Rebar locator.
Measurement of cover and rebar spacing in a column using a rebar locator.
Scanned image of column rebars obtained from the cover-meter.
Detection of transverse reinforcement in a column with the help of rebar locator.
Detection of transverse reinforcement in a beam with the help of rebar locator.
Core extraction from inbetween beam transverse reinforcement.
Extraction of core from a column. Note the marked position of column rebars.
Vertical coring.
Core extraction from a beam.
Core extraction from concrete lining of a canal.
Sealing material for holes left behind after coring.
Measure distance of rebar CG to ‘top’
h/ 4 of core and rebar dia.
h/ 4
Capping of a core.
Extracted cores after dressing (and before capping).
Core testing in progress.
Strength of standard cylinder (h / d = 2) = Measured core strength x correction factor
Steel bar (dia. = φr ) cut along with the
Core (dia. = φc )
If rebar correction factor > 1.10, then the core shall be rejected
Equivalent cube comp. strength = Core comp. strength x ‘h/d’ factor x rebar factor x 1.25
Reduction of + O2
carbon content +
addition of alloying Still higher energy state
Steel (Thermodynamically unstable)
3 – 10 μA/cm2 Moderate
Corrosion rate