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Barriers of Communications: by Mrs. Acosta

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Barriers of Communications

By Mrs. Acosta
Physical Barrier

 Relate to disturbance in the immediate

situation which can interfere in the
course of an effective communication.
 Some of them are easy to alter whereas
some only prove to be tough obstacles
in the process of effective
Language Barrier

 Different people assign, different

meanings tone specific messages.
 This is due to the problems with
the meaning, significance and the
sending and the reception of the
meaning and content of the
Emotional Barrier

 the problem of this barrier arises are to

differences in individual competencies
to think and act which would include
physical ailments or handicaps.
 Individual skills in receiving and
transmitting information which would
include poor listening and improper
reading skills.
Cultural Barrier

 Culture is a shared set of values

and attributes of a group.
 The communication barriers are
also seen because of time,
geographic location and the
effects of time upon reception
of the message.
Organizational Barrier

 This type of barriers develops due

to the problems with physical
distance between members with
respect to their functional
specialization of tasks, power,
authority and status relationship,
value held and ownership of
Gender Barrier

 These barriers also develop in

the process of
communication, they are
based upon relationship,
values held, attitudes of the
participants in the process of
7 C’s Effective Communication

 Completeness –  Conciseness –
the message means
must be communicating
complete. what you want
-it should convey to convey in
all the facts least possible
required by the words.
7 C’s Effective Communication
• Consideration –
implies stepping  Concreteness
into the shoes of – implies
others being
- Ensure that the
self-respect of the
particular and
audience is strengthen the
maintained and their confidence.
emotions are not
7 C’s Effective Communication

 Courtesy –  Clearness –
implies the implies the use
message should of simple and
show the sender’s
specific words
expressions as
and express
well as should
respect the ideas.
7 C’s Effective Communication

 Correctness – - correct message

implies that there has greater impact
are no on the audience for
grammatical errors reader.
in communication.
- the message is
exact, correct, well-
The End
of the
Intercultural Communication

 is the sending
and receiving
of messages
and cultures.
Six Stages of Intercultural
 Stage 1: DENIAL
- The individual
does not
recognize cultural
Six Stages of Intercultural
 Stage 2: DEFENSE
- The individual starts to
recognize cultural
differences and is
intimidated by them,
resulting in either a
superior view on own
culture or an unjustified
high regard for the new
Six Stages of Intercultural
 Stage 3:Minimization
- Although individuals
see cultural differences,
they bank more on the
universality of ideas
rather than on cultural
Six Stages of Intercultural
 Stage 4:Acceptance.
- The individual
begins to appreciate
important cultural
differences in
behaviors and
eventually in values.
Six Stages of Intercultural

 Stage 5:Adaptation
- The individual is
very open to world
views when
accepting new
Six Stages of Intercultural
 Stage 6:Integration
- Individuals start to go
beyond their own cultures
and see themselves and
their actions based on
multifarious cultural
Characteristics of Competent
Intercultural Communicators
 Self-awareness  Adaptability
means being is the ability
aware of your to adapt your
own communicati
communication on to the
behaviors. environment
you're in.
Characteristics of Competent
Intercultural Communicators
 Empathy – means  Cognitive
that you complexity - is
communicate with the idea that
another person
while putting
yourself in that communication
person's shoes, so behavior can
to speak. have multiple
Characteristics of Competent
Intercultural Communicators
 Ethics - means to
communicate in ways
that are morally
The End of the
Expository Essay

Writer’s primary
purpose is to convey
or explain
Personal Essay

Expresses a writer’s
thoughts, feelings, or
opinions on a subject
Descriptive Essay

Writer tries to recreate a

person, place, or event
mostly through language
that appeals to the senses.
Narrative Essay

Writer’s purpose is to
relate a series of
events, usually in
chronological order.
Theme of an essay.
1. In narrative nonfiction
(like biographies)
2. In no narrative fiction
(like essays)
Objective versus Subjective Writing

1. Objective
2. Subjective
Strategies for Nonfiction
 1. Preview
 2. Figure out the organization
 3. Separate FACT and OPINION
 4. Question????
 5. Predict
 6. Build
 7. Evaluate
1. Preview

 Skim selection to get an idea of what it’s

about by looking at title, pictures
diagrams, subtitles, and terms you see
in boldface
2. Figure out the Organization

 Chronological order or how the work is

3. Separate Fact and Opinion

 FACTS- statements  OPINION-

that can be proven statements that
cannot be proven
4. Question

 Why did things happen the way they

did? Do you share the writer’s opinion?
5. Predict

 What will happen next? What will the

author say about an issue?
6. Build

 Add new information to what you

already know, and see if your ideas or
opinions change.
7. Evaluate

 Form opinions about people, events,

and ideas. Decide whether or not you
like the way a piece is written.

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