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Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) / Internet Protocol (Ip)

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TCP is a standard that defines how to establish and maintain a

network conservation via which application program can
exchange data.

TCP works with internet protocol (IP) , which defines how

computer send packets of data to each other.
• The four abstraction layers are the link layer (lowest layer), the Internet layer, the transport
layer and the application layer (top layer).

They work in the following fashion:

• The Link Layer is the physical network equipment used to interconnect nodes and servers.
• The Internet Layer connects hosts to one another across networks.
• The Transport Layer resolves all host-to-host communication.
• The Application Layer is utilized to ensure communication between applications on a

• TCP/IP uses the client /server model of communication in which a user or

machine (a client) is provided a service (like sending a webpage) by another
computer (a server) in the network.

• Collectively, the TCP/IP suite of protocols is classified as stateless, which

means each client request is considered new because it is unrelated to
previous requests. Being stateless frees up network paths so they can be used
• The transport layer itself, however, is stateful. It transmits a single message,
and its connection remains in place until all the packets in a message have
been received and reassembled at the destination.
• TCP/IP is nonproprietary and, as a result, is not controlled by any single
company. Therefore, the internet protocol suite can be modified easily.
• It is compatible with all operating systems, so it can communicate with any
other system. The internet protocol suite is also compatible with all types of
computer hardware and networks.
• TCP/IP is highly scalable and, as a routable protocol, can determine the
most efficient path through the network . The TCP/IP model differs slightly
from the seven-layer Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) networking model
designed after it, which defines how applications can communicate over
a network.

 Responsible for sending and receiving TCP/IP packets on the network

medium(physical/data link)
 Applicable LAN technologies : -Ethernet, Token Ring, FDDI
 Applicable WAN technologies : -x.25(old) ,Frame Relay, ATM etc.
 The transport layer is responsible for error-free, end-to-end delivery of data from the
source host to the destination host. It corresponds to the transport layer of the OSI
 The functions of the transport layer are:
 -It facilitates the communicating hosts to carry on a conversation.
 -It provides an interface for the users to the underlying network.
 -It can provide for a reliable connection. It can also carry out error checking, flow
control, and verification.
 The application layer is the highest abstraction layer of the TCP/IP model that
provides the interfaces and protocols needed by the users. It combines the
functionalities of the session layer, the presentation layer and the application layer of
the OSI model.
 This layer uses a number of protocols like HTTP, FTP,SMTP,DNS,TELNET,SNMP.
 Group of protocols worked together
to send data across a network.
 Named after the two major protocols
in the suite
 TCP- Transport Control Protocol
 IP- Internet Protocol
 and uses a 4 layer networking
 Contains a large number of
protocols that are able to carry many
different network functions.
 IP routing is the process of sending packets from a host on one network to another host on a
different remote network. This process is usually done by routers. Routers examine the
destination IP address of a packet , determine the next-hop address, and forward the packet.
Routers use routing tables to determine a next hop address to which the packet should be
 Consider the following example of IP routing:
Internet Protocol being a layer-3 protocol (OSI) takes data Segments from layer-4 (Transport) and divides it into
packets. IP packet encapsulates data unit received from above layer and add to its own header information.
The encapsulated data is referred to as IP Payload. IP header contains all the necessary information to deliver the
packet at the other end.
Version − Version no. of Internet Protocol used (e.g. IPv4).

IHL − Internet Header Length; Length of entire IP header.

DSCP − Differentiated Services Code Point; this is Type of Service.

ECN − Explicit Congestion Notification; It carries information about the congestion seen in the route.

Total Length − Length of entire IP Packet (including IP header and IP Payload).

Identification − If IP packet is fragmented during the transmission, all the fragments contain same identification number.

Flags − As required by the network resources, if IP Packet is too large to handle, these ‘flags’ tells if they can be fragmented or not. In this 3-bit flag, the MSB
is always set to ‘0’.

Fragment Offset − This offset tells the exact position of the fragment in the original IP Packet.

Time to Live − To avoid looping in the network, every packet is sent with some TTL value set, which tells the network how many routers (hops) this packet can
cross. At each hop, its value is decremented by one and when the value reaches zero, the packet is discarded.

Protocol − Tells the Network layer at the destination host, to which Protocol this packet belongs to, i.e. the next level Protocol. For example protocol number
of ICMP is 1, TCP is 6 and UDP is 17.

Header Checksum − This field is used to keep checksum value of entire header which is then used to check if the packet is received error-free.

Source Address − 32-bit address of the Sender (or source) of the packet.

Destination Address − 32-bit address of the Receiver (or destination) of the packet.

Options − This is optional field, which is used if the value of IHL is greater than 5. These options may contain values for options such as Security, Record
Route, Time Stamp, etc.
The TCP three-way handshake in Transmission Control Protocol (also called the TCP-
handshake; three message handshake and/or SYN-SYN-ACK) is the method used by TCP set up
a TCP/IP connection over an Internet Protocol based network.

Host A sends a TCP SYNchronize packet to Host B
Host B receives A's SYN TCP Three Way Handshake
Host B sends a SYNchronize-ACKnowledgement (SYN,SYN-ACK,ACK)
Host A receives B's SYN-ACK
Host A sends ACKnowledge
Host B receives ACK.
TCP socket connection is ESTABLISHED.

TCP provides reliable communication with something called Positive Acknowledgement with Re-
transmission(PAR). The Protocol Data Unit(PDU) of the transport layer is called segment
Step 1 (SYN) : In the first step, client wants to establish a connection with server, so it sends a
segment with SYN(Synchronize Sequence Number) which informs server that client is likely to start
communication and with what sequence number it starts segments with
Step 2 (SYN + ACK): Server responds to the client request with SYN-ACK signal bits set.
Acknowledgement(ACK) signifies the response of segment it received and SYN signifies with what
sequence number it is likely to start the segments with
Step 3 (ACK) : In the final part client acknowledges the response of server and they both establish a
reliable connection with which they will start the actual data transfer

IP address is an address having information about how to reach a specific host, especially outside the LAN.
An IP address is a 32 bit unique address having an address space of 232.
Generally, there are two notations in which IP address is written, dotted decimal notation and hexadecimal
Dotted Decimal Notation:

Hexadecimal Notation:
The 32 bit IP address is divided into five sub-classes. These are:
Class A
Class B
Class C
Class D
Class E

Each of these classes has a valid range of IP addresses. Classes D and E

are reserved for multicast and experimental purposes respectively. The
order of bits in the first octet determine the classes of IP address.
IPv4 address is divided into two parts:
Network ID
Host ID
CLASS A: IP address belonging to class A are assigned to the networks that
contain a large number of hosts.
The network ID is 8 bits long.
The host ID is 24 bits long.

IP addresses belonging to class A ranges from 1.x.x.x – 126.x.x.x

CLASS B: IP address belonging to class B are assigned to the networks that

ranges from medium-sized to large-sized networks.
The network ID is 16 bits long.
The host ID is 16 bits long.

IP addresses belonging to class B ranges from 128.0.x.x – 191.255.x.x.

CLASS C: IP address belonging to class C are assigned to small-sized networks.

The network ID is 24 bits long.
The host ID is 8 bits long.

IP addresses belonging to class C ranges from 192.0.0.x – 223.255.255.x.

CLASS D: IP address belonging to class D are reserved for multi-casting.
The higher order bits of the first octet of IP addresses belonging to class D are
always set to 1110.
The remaining bits are for the address that interested hosts recognize.

IP addresses belonging to class D ranges from –

CLASS E: IP addresses belonging to class E are reserved for experimental and

research purposes.
The higher order bits of first octet of class E are always set to 1111.

IP addresses of class E ranges from –

Rules for assigning Network ID:
The network ID cannot start with 127 because 127 belongs to class A address and is reserved for internal
loop-back functions.
All bits of network ID set to 1 are reserved for use as an IP broadcast address and therefore, cannot be used.
All bits of network ID set to 0 are used to denote a specific host on the local network and are not routed and
therefore, aren’t used.
Range of special IP addresses: – : Link local addresses – : Loop-back addresses – : used to communicate within the current network.

A few technologies are:
• Internet- a global computer network providing a variety of information and communication facilities
• VoIP- Voice over Internet Protocol - the set of rules that makes it possible to use the Internet for
telephone or videophone communication.
• Wireless mobile technology- the technology used for cellular communication.
• Internet broadcasting- simultaneous transmission of the same message to multiple recipients.
• Multihoming- the practice of connecting a host or a computer network to more than one network.
This can be done in order to increase reliability or performance.

SANDHYA A (17132021)
HARSHITHA B(17133004)
PYLA KOMALI(17133005)

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