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Unit V

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Unit V: Internet Protocols

Facilitator: Frank
Course code: CS 8137
Email: frankibrahim25@gmail.com
 The Transmission Control Protocol/Internet
Protocol (TCP/IP) suite was designed and
implemented by the Department of Defense
(DoD) to ensure and preserve data integrity as
well as maintain communications in the event of
catastrophic war.
 The DoD model is basically a condensed version
of the OSI model that comprises four instead of
seven layers:
 Process/Application layer
 Host-to-Host layer or Transport layer
 Internet layer
 Network Access layer or Link layer
 Figure below offers a comparison of the DoD
model and the OSI reference model.

 Process/Application layer: The Process/Application

layer defines protocols for node-to-node
application communication and controls user-
interface specifications.
 These processes integrate the various activities and
duties spanning the focus of the OSI’s corresponding top
three layers (Application, Presentation, and Session).
 TheHost-to-Host layer or Transport layer: defining
protocols for setting up the level of transmission
service for applications.
 It tackles issues like creating reliable end-to-end
communication and ensuring the error-free
delivery of data.
 It handles packet sequencing and maintains data
 TheInternet layer corresponds to the OSI’s
Network layer, designating the protocols relating
to the logical transmission of packets over the
entire network.
 It takes care of the addressing of hosts by giving them
an IP (Internet Protocol) address and handles the
routing of packets among multiple networks.
 Network Access layer or Link layer implements the
data exchange between the host and the
 The Network Access layer oversees hardware
addressing and defines protocols for the physical
transmission of data.

The TCP/IP protocol suite

The Process/Application Layer Protocols
 Telnet: It allows a user on a remote client
machine, called the Telnet client, to access the
resources of another machine, the Telnet server.
 Telnet achieves this by pulling a fast one on the Telnet
server and making the client machine appear as
though it were a terminal directly attached to the
local network.
 Secure Shell (SSH): SSH protocol sets up a
secure session and is employed for doing things
like logging into systems, running programs on
remote systems, and moving files from one
system to another.
 And it does all of this while maintaining an encrypted
connection. The client must send the data encrypted!
 File Transfer Protocol (FTP): FTP actually lets us
transfer files, and it can accomplish this between any
two machines using it.
 But FTP isn’t just a protocol; it’s also a program. Operating
as a protocol, FTP is used by applications. As a program, it’s
employed by users to perform file tasks by hand.
 FTP also allows for access to both directories and files and
can accomplish certain types of directory operations, such
as relocating into different ones.
 Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure
(HTTPS): It uses Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)
and it became the de facto standard for
securing web communication.
 HTTPS arms you with a whole bunch of security
tools for keeping transactions between a web
browser and a server secure.
 Network Time Protocol (NTP): used to
synchronize the clocks on our computers to
one standard time source (typically, an atomic
 NTP works by synchronizing devices to ensure
that all computers on a given network agree on
the time.
 Domain Name Service (DNS): DNS resolves
hostnames specifically, Internet names.
 DNS allows you to use a domain name to specify an
IP address.
 Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)
assigns IP addresses to hosts.
 It allows for easier administration and works well in
small to very large network environments.
 Many types of hardware can be used as a DHCP
server, including a Cisco router.
 Simple Network Management Protocol
(SNMP): collects and manipulates this valuable
network information.
 It gathers data by polling the devices on the network
from a management station at fixed or random
intervals, requiring them to disclose certain
Automatic Private IP Addressing (APIPA)
 Okay, so what happens if you have a few hosts
connected together with a switch or hub and you
don’t have a DHCP server?
 You can add IP information by hand, known as static
IP addressing, but later Windows operating systems
provide a feature called Automatic Private IP
Addressing (APIPA).
 With APIPA, clients can automatically self-configure
an IP address and subnet mask basic IP information
that hosts use to communicate when a DHCP
server isn’t available.
 The IP address range for APIPA is
through The client also configures
itself with a default Class B subnet mask of
The Host-to-Host Layer Protocols
 Transmission Control Protocol (TCP): takes
large blocks of information from an application
and breaks them into segments.
 It numbers and sequences each segment so that the
destination’s TCP protocol can put the segments back into
the order the application intended.
 After these segments are sent, TCP waits for an
acknowledgment of the receiving end’s TCP virtual circuit
session, retransmitting those that aren’t acknowledged.
 TCP is a full-duplex, connection-oriented, reliable, and
accurate protocol and error checking.
 TCP is connection-oriented because before a transmitting
host starts to send segments down the model, the sender’s
TCP protocol contacts the destination’s TCP protocol to
establish a connection.
 User Datagram Protocol (UDP): is basically the
scaled-down economy model of TCP, which is why
UDP is sometimes referred to as a thin protocol.
 UDP does not sequence the segments and does not care
about the order in which the segments arrive at the
 UDP just sends the segments off and forgets about them.
 UDP is a connectionless protocol because it doesn’t
create a virtual circuit, nor does it contact the destination
before delivering information to it.

Port numbers for TCP and UDP

 TCP and UDP must use port numbers to
communicate with the upper layers because these
are what keep track of different conversations
crossing the network simultaneously.
Key protocols that use TCP and UDP
Telnet 23 SNMP 161
HTTP 80 DNS 53
FTP 20, 21 BooTPS/DHCP 67
DNS 53 NTP 123
SSH 22
POP3 110
IMAP4 143

The Internet Layer Protocols

 Inthe DoD model, there are two main reasons
for the Internet layer’s existence: routing and
providing a single network interface to the upper
 Here’sa list of the important protocols at the
Internet layer Internet Protocol (IP), Internet
Control Message Protocol (ICMP), Address
Resolution Protocol (ARP)
Internet Protocol (IP)
 The Internet Protocol (IP) is a network-layer (Layer 3)
protocol that contains addressing information and some
control information that enables packets to be routed.
 Uses routing tables prepared by routing protocols, e.g.,
Open Shortest Path First (OSPF), Routing Information
Protocol (RIP)
 IP looks at each packet’s address. Then, using a routing
table, it decides where a packet is to be sent next,
choosing the best path to send it upon.
 IP has two primary responsibilities: providing
connectionless, best-effort delivery of datagrams
through an internetwork; and providing fragmentation
and reassembly of datagrams to support data links with
different maximum-transmission unit (MTU) sizes.
Binary to Decimal and Hexadecimal Conversion
 Binary numbering: The digits used are limited to
either a 1 (one) or a 0 (zero), with each digit being
called one bit (short for binary digit).
 Typically, you count either 4 or 8 bits together, with
these being referred to as a nibble or a byte,
 Decimal numbering: the typical decimal format
being the base 10 number scheme that we’ve all
used since kindergarten.
 Example for our nibble values would be 1010,
which means that the 8 bit and the 2 bit are turned
on, which equals a decimal value of 10.
 If we have a nibble binary value of 0110, then our
decimal value would be 6, because the 4 and 2 bits
are turned on.
 Hexadecimal addressing is completely different
than binary or decimal, it’s converted by reading
nibbles, not bytes.
 By using a nibble, we can convert these bits to hex
pretty simply.
 First, understand that the hexadecimal addressing
scheme uses only the numbers 0 through 9 and
the letters A, B, C, D, E, and F are used to represent
10, 11, 12, 13, 14, and 15, respectively.
 Sometimes Cisco likes to put 0x in front of
characters so you know that they are a hex value.
 To convert from binary to hex, just take the byte
and break it into nibbles.
 Example 01010101. First, break it into nibbles 0101
and 0101
IP Addressing
 An IP address is a numeric identifier assigned to
each machine on an IP network.
 An IP address is a software address, not a hardware
address the latter is hard-coded on a Network
Interface Card (NIC) and used for finding hosts on
a local network.
 IP addressing was designed to allow hosts on one
network to communicate with a host on a different
network regardless of the type of LANs the hosts
are participating in.
IP Terminology
 Bit: A bit is one digit, either a 1 or a 0.
 Byte: A byte is 7 or 8 bits, depending on
whether parity is used. For the rest of this unit,
always assume a byte is 8 bits.
 Octet: An octet, made up of 8 bits, is just an
ordinary 8-bit binary number. In this unit, the
terms byte and octet are completely
 Network address: This is the designation used
in routing to send packets to a remote network
for example,,, and
 Broadcast address: The address used by
applications and hosts to send information to all
nodes on a network is called the broadcast
 Examples of layer 3 broadcasts include
, which is any network, all nodes
, which is all subnets and hosts on
, which broadcasts to all subnets
and hosts on network
The Hierarchical IP Addressing Scheme
 An IP address consists of 32 bits of information.
These bits are divided into four sections, referred to
as octets or bytes, with each containing 1 byte (8
 You can depict an IP address using one of three
 Dotted-decimal, as in
 Binary, as in
 Hexadecimal, as in AC.10.1E.38
Note: Hexadecimal isn’t used as often as dotted-
decimal or binary, but you still might find an IP address
stored in hexadecimal in some programs.
Network Addressing
 The network address (which can also be called the
network number) uniquely identifies each network.
 Every machine on the same network shares that
network address as part of its IP address.
 For example, in the IP address, 172.16 is
the network address.
 The node address is assigned to, and uniquely
identifies, each machine on a network.
 This part of the address must be unique because it
identifies a particular machine.
 This number can also be referred to as a host
 In the sample IP address, the 30.56
specifies the node address.
Address schemes
 The designers of the Internet decided to create
classes of networks based on network size.
 For the small number of networks possessing a
very large number of nodes, they created the
rank Class A network.
 At the other extreme is the Class C network,
which is reserved for the numerous networks
with a small number of nodes.
 The class distinction for networks between very
large and very small is predictably called the Class
B network.
Network Address Range: Class A
 In a Class A network address the first bit of the
first byte must always be off, or 0.
 This means a Class A address must be between
0 and 127 in the first byte, inclusive.
 Consider the following network address:
 If we turn the other 7 bits all off and then turn
them all on, we’ll find the Class A range of
network addresses:
00000000 = 0
01111111 = 127
Note: 0 and 127 are not valid in a Class A network
because they’re reserved addresses.
Network Address Range: Class B
 In a Class B network, the RFCs state that the
first bit of the first byte must always be
turned on but the second bit must always be
turned off.
 If you turn the other 6 bits all off and then all
on, you will find the range for a Class B
10000000 = 128
10111111 = 191
Network Address Range: Class C
 For Class C networks, the RFCs define the
first 2 bits of the first octet as always turned
on, but the third bit can never be on.
 Following the same process as the previous
classes, convert from binary to decimal to
find the range. Here’s the range for a Class C
11000000 = 192
11011111 = 223
So, if you see an IP address that starts at 192 and
goes to 223, you’ll know it is a Class C
IP address.
Network Address Ranges: Classes D and E
 The addresses between 224 to 255 are reserved
for Class D and E networks.
 Class D (224–239) is used for multicast addresses
and Class E (240–255) for scientific purposes.

Network Addresses: Special Purpose

 Some IP addresses are reserved for special
purposes, so network administrators can’t ever
assign these addresses to nodes.
 Network address of all 0s: Interpreted to mean “this
network or segment.”
 Network address of all 1s: Interpreted to mean “all
 Network Reserved for loopback tests.
Designates the local node and allows that node to send a
test packet to itself without generating network traffic.
Class A Addresses
 In a Class A network address, the first byte is assigned
to the network address and the three remaining bytes
are used for the node addresses.
 The Class A format is as follows:

Class A Valid Host IDs

 The valid hosts are the numbers in between the
network address and the broadcast address:
 Here’s an example of how to figure out the valid host
IDs in a Class A network address:
 All host bits off is the network address:
 All host bits on is the broadcast address:
Notice that 0s and 255s can be valid host IDs.
Class B Addresses
 In a Class B network address, the first 2 bytes are
assigned to the network address and the remaining 2
bytes are used for node addresses.
 The format is as follows:
 For example, in the IP address, the network
address is 172.16 and the node address is 30.56.

Class B Valid Host IDs

 Here’s an example of how to find the valid hosts in a
Class B network:
 All host bits turned off is the network address:
 All host bits turned on is the broadcast address:
 The valid hosts would be the numbers in between the
network address and the broadcast address:
Class C Addresses
 The first 3 bytes of a Class C network address
are dedicated to the network portion of the
address, with only 1 measly byte remaining for
the node address.
 Here’s the format:
 Using the example IP address,
the network address is 192.168.100 and the
node address is 102.
Class C Valid Host IDs
 Here’s an example of how to find a valid
host ID in a Class C network:
 All host bits turned off is the network ID:
 All host bits turned on is the broadcast address:
 The valid hosts would be the numbers in
between the network address and the
broadcast address: through
Private IP Addresses
 These addresses can be used on a private network,
but they’re not routable through the Internet.
 This is designed for the purpose of creating a
measure of well-needed security, but it also
conveniently saves valuable IP address space.
 By using private IP addresses, ISPs, corporations,
and home users only need a relatively tiny group of
bona fide IP addresses to connect their networks
to the Internet.
 To accomplish this task, the ISP and the
corporation the end user, no matter who they are
need to use something called Network Address
Translation (NAT), which basically takes a private IP
address and converts it for use on the Internet.
Reserved IP address space
 Class A through
 Class B through
 Class C through

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