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A New Initiative To Encourage Service Sector and Hygiene Related Livelihood - An Initiative of Mehsana

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A new initiative to encourage service

sector and Hygiene related livelihood

– An initiative of Mehsana

SRLM: Gujarat
Key Features of Best Practice (2-3 slides)
2 Broad details and nature of best practice identified (name, location, when started, type of
activity etc.,)
 Name of Practice: ‘Swacchhta Mission Mangalam Service Group’
 Location: General Hospital Mehsana and 36 Various Govt. Offices of Mehsana District
 Date of commencement of the initiative: 1st April, 2014
 Type of the activities: Health, Hygiene and Women Empowerment
 Reasons for identification of practice as best practice :
 To generate employment for widow, divorced, helpless and economically backward women
 To provide well trained staff to hospitals and government departments
 After getting regular income candidates become economically strong and improvement in their social
status and prestige in society
 Good knowledge and health related information at Government hospitals and offices helps/build the
capacity of patients and villagers.
 Improvement in self confidence of beneficiaries.
 Improve working conditions and health by regular servicing, cleaning and supplying sanitation facilities
 Better control over tools and materials as well as inventory of supplies.
 Good housekeeping practices reduce stress and improve morale.
 Better housekeeping helps in preventing injuries and improving good work place atmosphere.
 Key components/elements of the best practice

3  Hospital wards cleanliness

 Complete Health Improvement and care of Patient at Civil Hospital from entry to exit.
 Seggregation and disposal of biodegradable and non-biodegradable medical wastes.
 Cleanliness of all the areas and vicinity of Government Buildings including toilets,
compounds etc..
 Extent and scale of adoption of the best practice
 As a part of cleanliness drive, contractor appointed female workers with male workers in
General Hospital Mehsana.
 Initially 8 members of different 8 SHGs. appointed for a period of three months. After the
successful work done by them, SHG female workers increases gradually.
 District co-ordination committee meeting was held on 21.12.2013 under the
chairmanship of Hon. District Collector rolled out this model and the committee decided
to give the responsibility of cleanliness to SHG women.
 Later 103 women started working in different 36 Govt. Offices .
 Geography in which implemented (coverage households/SHGs/VOs/clusters/blocks/districts)
 Intended benefits and beneficiaries
1. SHGs members and families
2. Government Offices
3. Hospital service/Paramedical staff/ others government staff
4. Patients
 Problems/felt needs addressed by the best practice
 People had the tendency to pollute the surrounding by spiting and making garbage in
public places.
 This used to nullify the cleaning campaign carried over by SHG members. As a solution
to this, 1 member from the SHG was given the responsibility to supervise the cleanliness
drive in the hospital.
 The regular supervision and strict monitoring has given fantastic results and changed
the hygienic conditions in the Hospital.
 SHG members were imparted training in the field of Housekeeping and general
Hospital Management through training partner RSETI, Mehsana.
 SHG members were asked to work in different functionaries and in different
 The rotation of job function was done for better exposure of all the Hospital functions.
Emergence of Best Practice (3-4 slides)
5 Emergence of idea/concept:
 Project was started on pilot basis as per the need of Civil Hospital, Mehsana which was duly
proposed by Civil Surgeon.
 The thought of one visionary Civil Surgeon was implemented in the hospital and got
successfully implemented.
Main activities undertaken/implementation arrangements made:
1. Preliminary meeting with Civil Surgeon
2. Approval of Jilla Rogi Kalyan Samiti on proposal
3. Joint Interview of SHGs member by Civil Hospital and DRDA, Mehsana
4. 3 Months approval for pilot project with support and contribution of 8
SHGs members.
5. Successful implementation of pilot project
6. District Coordination Committee meeting approval for the
implementation of this activity/drive in all government buildings.
7. Formation of ‘Swacchhta Mission Mangalam Service Group’
Present Photographs/Diagrams/analytics where necessary
Emergence of Best Practice (3-4 slides)
6 Stakeholders involved in the best practice
1.Government Offices
2.Hospital service/Paramedical staff/ others
government staff
Technology used / Technical dimensions (Not applicable)
Constraints encountered and overcame: Already mentioned
on slide No.___ (Problems/felt needs addressed by the best practice)
 Scaling-up process undertaken (if applicable)
 Size/magnitude of best practice: Mehsana District and 10
Present Photographs/Diagrams/analytics where necessary
Resources Employed (1-2 slides)
Project funds used:
 Jilla Rogi Kalyaan Samiti Fund at Civil Hospital and Administrative Fund of Government
Units/Buildings for office manitenance.
Community and other funds mobilized and used:
 Rs. 200/- was mobiled from each SHGs members as membership fees for three years.
Human resources engaged including community professional resources:
 One Community Resource Person (CRP) is appointed at Civil Hospital for supportive supervision
and monitoring and also to process the clerical and administrative work.
 Salary of CRP is borne by Civil Hospital.
Capacity building/training provided
 RSETI has provided six days practical training on housekeeping to all the SHGs members.
 Infrastructure created / required (Not Applicable)

Present Photographs/Diagrams/analytics where necessary

Emerging Results/Outcomes of Best Practice
8 (2-3 slides)
Expected beneficiaries:
 Widow, Divorcee, unorganized labors, deprived families (Single headed female earning member),
Individual/household benefits from the practice:
 103 individuals SHGs members and their families.
Who benefited and how from the practice? (Provide evidence, if any):
 SHGs members have become self-reliant and come Out of debt due to their livelihood source thru
‘Swacchhta Mission Mangalam Service Group’ most of them utilises their earnings to educate their
Benefits to the community institutions/villages, if any:
1. SHGs members got encouragement for livelihood activities.
2. Risk taking ability of SHGs members have improved hence, they got inspiration to invest in
livelihood activities.
Assessment of benefits conducted if any (present evidence):
1. National Quality assurance Council, Delhi
2. Commissioner Health, Govt. of Gujarat
3. Ministry of rural development, Govt. of Gujarat.
Sustainability/Adaptability Features of
Best Practice (2 slides)
Can the ‘best practice’ sustain itself after the Mission support? If so, what are the sustainability features?
 Mutual understanding and trust between service provider and service receiver.
 Strengthening of service group on periodical basis.
 Usage of technology like CCTV Camera, bio-metric machine for attendance record of service staff, availability of
cleanliness equipment's or aids.
 Community awareness for cleanliness maintenance and sustainability at wards,offices,toilets, wash basins, drinking water
What is the scope or opportunity for scaling-up the ‘best practice’ in other blocks / districts / states?
 A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) have been signed in between GLPC (SRLM) and Health
Department of GoG for 9 various activities undertaken by SHGs members.
What are the pre-conditions necessary for scaling-up the ‘best practice’? (social capital, financial capital, human resources,
technology etc., required)
 Need of CRPs for effective supervision and human resource management.
 SRLM requires finance only for capacity building of SHGs.
What are the economy and efficiency dimensions, if any?
 Housing facility
 Livelihood income generation activities
 Education promotion among rural families
 Health and Nutrition improvement at SHGs families.
 Personal and accidental insurance of SHGs members
Key Learning for Other SRLMs (2-3 slides)
What has worked and why?
 People had the tendency to pollute the surrounding by spiting and making garbage in public places.
 This used to nullify the cleaning campaign carried over by SHG members. As a solution to this, 1 member from the SHG was given
the responsibility to supervise the cleanliness drive in the hospital.
 The regular supervision and strict monitoring has given fantastic results and changed the hygienic conditions in the Hospital.
What has not worked and why?
 Registration of service group is not processed due to lack of clarity and lack of staff.
What were the challenges faced?
 SHG members had an experience of cleaning and managing their own households. But cleaning the Hospitals and Govt. offices
were another case.
 Especially, It was difficult because Hospitals and Govt. offices requires different type of cleaning skills, equipments and time
management. The training and counseling helped SHG members a lot regarding the same.
 Another major challenge was public and bureaucratic dealing . As we know, these members hails from complete rural
background and hardly know anything about public dealing.
 Initially, there was a behavioral problem and public dealing issues but constant monitoring by district authorities and helpful
attitude of Hospital management.
How did you overcome the challenges and problems? (Already mentioned/discussed above)
Who has benefited and how?
 103 SHGs members and families. All received the employment as per minimum wage provision act the candidate gets 288 Rs.
/day (I.e 7200-8600 Rs. / month).
 Rs. 1.75 Cr. are given in the form of wages to 103 members of SHGs
Why is it a best practice?
 No additional fund is required to implement the practice only Government support is
11 needed.
Which key features of the practice may be adopted by other SRLMs?
1.Selection of trainees
2.Pre-Orientation Meeting with SHGs members before Initiating the practice.
Which features need to be customized?
Strengthening of service group on periodical basis.
What are the Do’s and Don’ts?
Do’s Don’ts?

Selection of vulnerable families Avoid the pre judgmental Attitude for

vulnerable Member that they will not work

Supervision of Housekeeping Activity by SHG Selection of Non SHG CRP


Pre- Orienation Meeting With SHG members Direct Implementation Of practice.

12 Suggestions
 Mission should be sustainable thru mutual cooperation, understanding and
trust among SHGs members.
 Strengthening of service group is essence for sustainability hence, a proper
guideline is needed or required from NRLM.
 Availability of Separate staff for livelihood vertical (As prescribed in
guideline) should not be unfilled.
 Financial guidance or advice related to PF, GST and other government
financial rules should be oriented periodically to SRLMs.

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