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DLD Lecture 3

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“Digital Logic Design”

Lecture # 3
Pulse Definitions
Actual pulses are not ideal but are described by the rise time
(tr), fall time(tf), amplitude, pulse width and other

Causes of overshooting, undershooting, ringing and droop

Pulse Definitions
What is an periodic and non-periodic pulse waveforms?
Periodic Pulse Waveforms

Periodic pulse waveforms are composed of pulses that

repeats in a fixed interval called the period. The frequency is
the rate it repeats and is measured in hertz.
1 1
f  T
T f
The clock is a basic timing signal that is an example of a
periodic wave.
Another important characteristic of digital waveform is Duty
Cycle, it is the ratio of pulse width (tw) to the period (T).
Pulse Definitions

In addition to frequency and period, repetitive pulse waveforms

are described by the amplitude (A), pulse width (tW) and duty

Amplitude (A)

Period, T
Periodic Pulse Waveforms
Digital wavefoms

• The Clock: all waveforms are synchronized with a basic

timing waveform called clock. The clock is a periodic
waveform in which each interval between pulses (the
period) equals the time for one bit.
Timing Diagrams

• A timing diagram is used to show the relationship between

two or more digital waveforms


• A diagram like this can be observed

directly on a logic analyzer.
Serial and Parallel Data

Data can be transmitted by either serial transfer or parallel


1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0
t0 t1 t2 t3 t 4 t 5 t6 t7
Computer Modem

Computer Printer

t0 t1
Basic Logic Functions

• Who used and created these symbols?

True only if all input

conditions are true.

True only if one or more

input conditions are true.

Indicates the opposite

Basic System Functions

• And, or, and not elements can be combined to form

various logic functions. A few examples are:
A> B
 The comparison function Two
binary A= B Outputs
A< B


 Basic arithmetic functions A

Σ Sum
numbers Carry out
Carry in Cin
Basic System Functions

9 Encoder
6 Binary code
5 for 9 used for
The encoding function 4
storage and/or
7 8 9 1
4 5 6 0
1 2 3
0 . +/–
Calculator keypad

The decoding function Decoder

Binary input

7-segment display
Basic System Functions

The data selection function

Data storage functions
Usage: to retain binary data for a period of time
•Example of storage devices:
–Flip-flops, registers, semiconductor memories, magnetic disks,
magnetic tape, and optical disks (CDs)
•Flip-flops –a bistable logic circuit that can store only one bit at a
time, either 1 or 0
–a combination of several flip-flops forms registers, 8-bit register
is constructed from eight flip-flops
–Shift registers are registers used to shift the bits from one
position to another within the register or out of the register to
another circuit
•Semiconductor memories –used for storing large numbers of bits.
E.g.: ROM (permanently or semi permanently stored), RAM
(temporarily stored)
•Magnetic memories –used for mass storage of binary data. E.g.:
floppy disk Difference b/w SRAM & DRAM?
Data storage functions

One type of storage function is the shift register, that moves

and stores data each time it is clocked
Fixed-Function Integrated Circuits
Complexity classification in Fixed-Function ICs

• Pins Numbering–Pin 1 always marked by an identifier like small

dot, a notch, or beveled edge

• Complexity Classification for Fixed-Function Ics

– SSI (Small-scale integration) –10 gates
– MSI (Medium-scale integration) –10—100 gates
– LSI (Large-scale integration) –100—10,000 gates
– VLSI (Very large-scale integration) –10,000—100,000 gates
– ULSI (Ultra large-scale integration) -->100,000 gates
•Integrated Circuits Technology–You will come across MOSFETs,
CMOS, TTL etc. in this topic
Different Number Systems
Different Number Systems

Base Name Usage

2 Binary Digital computing

3 Ternary Integer base

4 Quaternary Data transmission

5 Quinary Languages; common count grouping e.g. tally marks

6 Senary Proto-Uralic language

8 Octal compact notation for binary numbers

10 Decimal Most widely used by modern civilizations

Different Number Systems

11 Undecimal duodecimal and those who were content with decimal

gross counting; hours and months timekeeping; years of
12 Duodecimal
Chinese zodiac foot and inch

13 Tridecimal Conway base 13 function

Programming for the HP/B calculator and image

14 Tetradecimal
processing applications

15 Telephony routing over IP

16 Hexadecimal Base16 encoding; compact notation for binary data

20 Vigesimal Santali and Ainu languages

Different Number Systems

• There are many more numeral systems

• Standard positional numeral systems
• Non-standard positional numeral systems
• Bijective numeration
• Signed-digit representation
• Negative bases
• Complex bases
• Non-integer bases
• Non-positional notation
• And Many more ……
Different Number System

There are four systems of arithmetic which are often

used in digital electronics.

• Decimal Number System

• Binary Number System
• Octal Number System
• Hexa Decimal System
Why Use Different One?

• The conventional numbering system uses ten

digits: 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8, and 9.
• The binary numbering system uses just two
digits: 0 and 1.
• Computers work only on two states
 On
 Off
• Basic memory elements hold only two states
 Zero / One
• A binary digit – bit !
Common Number System

Used by
System Base Symbols humans?
Decimal 10 0, 1, … 9 Yes
Binary 2 0, 1 No
Octal 8 0, 1, … 7 No
Hexa- 16 0, 1, … 9, No
decimal A, B, … F
Four Types of Number Systems

Use LCM or Division


Decimal Binary

Multiplication, Addition with

Base Power
Decimal Number System

• Ten unique numbers 0,1..9

• Combination of digits
• Positional Number System
• 275 = 2 x 102 + 7 x 101 + 5 x 100
– Base or Radix 10
– Weight 1, 10, 100, 1000 ….
Representing Fractions

• Fractions can be represented in decimal

number system in a manner of natural number
• = 382.91
= 3 x 102 + 8 x 101 + 2 x 100 + 9 x 10-1+ 1 x
= 300 + 80 + 2 + 0.9 + 0.01
= (382.91)10

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