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Group 1: Alcantara, John Kimvel T. de Asis, Antonette C. Jaiddin, Ameer Sultan P

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Group 1

Alcantara, John Kimvel T.

De Asis, Antonette C.
Jaiddin, Ameer Sultan P.
Asian Institute of Maritime Studies Pasay City



A Thesis proposal to
The Faculty of Customs Administration Department
Asian Institute of Maritime Studies

In Partial Fulfillment
Of the requirements for the program
Bachelor of Science in Customs Administration


Alcantara, John Kimvel T.

Jaiddin, Ameer Sultan P.
De Asis, Antonette C.

The Customs Administration curriculum provides students with the theoretical education and initial trainings o

n the practical application of the tariff and customs laws, policies and guidelines that are being implemented by the differen

t government agencies that are involved in the import and export industries. Readiness of BSCA graduating students was ba

sed on how the school makes their students ready for actual work; the process of making the graduating students ready for

actual work is thru improving their academic performance and skill on the tariff and customs laws.

Some students are having difficulties in terms of law provisions and computation for the reason that not easily

understood for some students.

Asian Institute of Maritime Studies is one of the most popular maritime school in Metro Manila that offers Cust

oms Administration program and it is rank 4 out of 12 schools in Metro Manila and has a passing rate of 54% in CBLE.
This study determines the weak and strong point if AIMS CA graduating students in customs related o

perations. The results will be used for the improvements of how AIMS management and CA department prepare th

e students in actual work place which is related on their field.

Background of the Study

The general objective of this study is to determine the readiness of the CA graduating students of Asian Institute of

Maritime Studies for Academic Year 2018 – 2019 in customs related operations.

Customs Brokers are the ones who are responsible for advising shippers about importation and exportation of goo

ds into the country. These agents are frequently used by those looking to ship goods overseas commercially or rec

eive international goods from other countries. If the students are not yet ready for this procedures or it would be ex

tremely difficult for them to perform their duty as a customs broker.

Statement of the problem
The general goal of this study is to determine the readiness of CA graduating students of
Asian Institute of Maritime Studies School Year 2018 – 2019 in customs related operatio
Specifically, it seeks answer to the following questions:
1.Profile of the student;
2.Different procedures they had learned from their OJT;
2.1. Electronic lodgement;
2.2. Tariff computation;
2.3. Import/export clearances;
2.4. Warehousing entry documentation;
2.5. Customs Laws and its implementing rule and regulation;
3.General Average in some various subjects;
3.1. Cust413;
3.2. Tariff415;
4.Are you familiar to the different Customs Laws and Regulations?
5.Do the seminars conducted to our school may help you in preparing for career?
Theoretical Framework
Dr. Conley’s (2014) College and Career Readiness model incorporates over a decade of research on
what it takes to succeed in college and career. This research includes:
1)the development of a proficiency-based college admissions system developed for the Oregon University System
2) a national study on college readiness standards sponsored by the Association of American Universities,
3) multiple analyses of entry-level college courses sponsored by the College Board and others,
4) College and career readiness standards developed under the sponsorship of the Texas Higher Education Coord
inating Board and subsequent studies of their validity relative to college and careers,
5) a study of career preparation programs sponsored by the National Assessment Governing Board
6) And two major studies sponsored by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation on the alignment of the Common Cor
e State Standards to college and career readiness.

(Kolb, David A. 1984) learning theory sets out four distinct learning styles (or preferences), which are b
ased on a four-stage learning cycle. In this respect Kolb's model is particularly elegant, since it offers both a way t
o understand individual people's different learning styles, and also an explanation of a cycle of experiential learnin
g that applies to us all.
Kolb includes this “cycle of learning” as a central principle his experiential learning theory, typically expressed as f
our-stage cycle of learning, in which “immediate or concrete experiences” provide a basis for “observations and ref
lections”. These “observations and reflections” are assimilated and distilled into “abstract concepts” producing new
implications for action which can be 'actively tested' in turn creating new experiences. Kolb posits this process repr
esents a learning cycle or spiral where the learner “touches all the bases”, i.e., a cycle of experiencing, reflecting, t
hinking, and acting. Immediate or concrete experiences lead to observations and reflections.
Input Conceptual Framework
1.Profile of the student;

2. Different procedures t
hey had learned from th
eir OJT;
2.1 Electronic 2.2.l
odgement; Process
2.3. Tariff comput Self-Made Questionnaire
2.4. Import/export
clearances; Survey
2.5. Warehousing Readiness in Custom
entry documentati
on; Tabulate s Related Operation
2.6. Customs Law s
s and its impleme
nting rule and reg
3. General Average in se
lected subjects;
4. Are you familiar to the
different Customs Laws
Figure 1.1 Research Paradigm
Figure 1.1 Illustrates the flow of the study on how the researcher will conduct the study, o
n the first part is the input where the profile, different procedures they learned in OJT, their averag
e in selected subject, and the different customs laws and regulation they are familiar, next is the pro
cess the researchers made a self-made questionnaire and then surveyed the tabulated results, lastl
y is the output was the readiness in customs related operations.
Significance of the study

This study aims to further improve the readiness of AIMS BSCA graduating students in customs related operations. Res

earchers find it beneficial to the following:

BSCA Students, the BSCA students can use the results of this study as their guide in preparing in customs related operations once th

ey graduated.

SBM CA Department, the CA department will benefit from this study because the results could be used to improve or enhance the wa

y of preparing the graduating students in actual work place.

CA Professors, The results of this study can serve as basis for the professors of CA in determining the readiness of the graduating st

udents in the actual work place. It can also serve as basis in determining what they had learned on their OJT.

Government, the results of this study also serve as indicators for the government to properly asses and evaluate the performance of t

he schools base on the preparedness of the students on different customs procedures.

Future Researchers, They can use the results of this study to develop topics in order to provide more ideas about readiness i

n customs related operations.

Company, having a skilful and professional customs brokers is advantage to logistics, freight forwarder, and brokerage firms.

An additional knowledge of BSCA graduating students on how they can prepare themselves on diff

erent customs operations can make them more professional and skilful customs brokers in the futur

Scope and Limitation of the Study

This study determines the capability of the AIMS 2019 graduating students of Customs Administration and gives th

em more information about being prepared on their career. The researcher must focus on the AIMS Customs Admi

nistration graduating students.

Definition of Terms
Asian Institute of Maritime Studies (AIMS) – It is a merchant marine college in Pasay City, Philippines that provi
des highly technical learning of maritime and maritime-related education. It is one of the top performing maritime s
chools in the Philippines.
Bachelor of Science in Customs Administration (BSCA). is a four-year college degree course for individuals w
ho wish to pursue a career in custom brokerage or in the field of transportation and supply chain management. Th
e program is designed to produce customs brokers, freight forwarders, logistics managers, export-import manager
s and government customs officers and employees.
Customs Brokers may be employed by or affiliated with freight forwarders, independent businesses, or shipping l
ines, importers, exporters, trade authorities, and customs brokerage firms.
Freight Forwarders - also known as a non-vessel operating common carrier (NVOCC), is a person or company t
hat organizes shipments for individuals or corporations to get goods from the manufacturer or producer to a marke
t, customer or final point of distribution.
NVOOCC - is a person or company that organizes shipments for individuals or corporations to get goods from the
manufacturer or producer to a market, customer or final point of distribution.
Chapter 2
Review of Related Literature
This chapter presents the review of related literature and legal bases, related literatures and related studies tha
t provides additional source of information for the study.
Related Legal Bases
In accordance with the pertinent provisions of RA 7722, otherwise known as the Higher Education Act of 1994”,
and pursuant to Commission en Banc (CEB) Resolution No. 849-2017 dated November 7, 2017, the following “Revised Guide
lines for Students Internship Program in the Philippines (SIPP) for all Programs”, amending CHED Memorandum Order (CMO
) No. 23, s. 2009, “Guidelines for Students Internship Program in the Philippines (SIPP) for all Programs with Practicum Subje
ct” are hereby adopted for the information, guidance and compliance of all concerned.
Article 1 section 1 of CHED memorandum order no. 104 s. 2017, the internship program is meant to provide students with an opportu
nity to complement their formal learning with practical knowledge, skills and desirable attitudes and to gain hands on experience in re
cognized Host Training establishment.
According to section 6 of CHED Memorandum Order (CMO) no. 11 s. 2005.The graduates of BSCA program should be able to:
a. Give advice or act as a consultant in matters relating to tariff and customs laws, rules and regulations, and other laws and regulatio
ns affecting or in connection with activities of importation and exportations.
b. Prepare customs requisites documents for import and export.
c. Prepare declaration of customs duties and taxes.
d. Prepare and process import and export entries and documents required under the Tariff and Customs Code of the Philippines (TC
CP)for filling with the Bureau of Customs and other government agencies.
e. Represent importers and exporters before any government agency or private entity inn cases relating to valuation and classificatio
n of import and export articles.
f. Render professional services in matter relating to Customs and Tariff Laws, procedures and practices.
g. Teach or conduct research.
Foreign related literature

According to Terri Williams (2017) during college, GPA is a standard measure of success. But while grades are obviousl

y important to some companies, an applicant's GPA is not the most important factor when it comes to getting a job after graduation.

When comparing various job candidates, hiring managers always look beyond a student's transcript.

When employers do hire from college, the evidence suggests that academic skills are not their primary concern," says

Peter Cappelli, a Wharton professor and the author of a new paper on job skills. "Work experience is the crucial attribute that employ

ers want even for students who have yet to work full-time."

According to the study of NACE (2017) concerns about whether college graduates are being adequately prepared for th

e world of work has become endemic among politicians, pundits, and higher education professionals. Indeed, career readiness, whet

her in community colleges or four-year universities, has become perhaps the defining issue for conversations about the future of high

er education not just in the United States but around the world.

The skills gap is caused by higher education sector that inadequately prepares in the fields that employers need, resulti

ng in a gap between work force demands and workers’ skills.

Local Related Literature

The Services customs broker profession in the Philippines involves

consisting of consultation preparation of customs requisite document for imports and exports, The current trend on institutional accou

ntability signifies that the quality and improved performances of HEIs are most of the times insisted and not just expected Commis

sion on Higher Education (CHED) in the

Philippines, responsive to these changes and to its

Commitment to world trade requirements, has reengineered

the customs administration program curriculum that shapes

part of the reform measures to accelerate export growth and

economic development through trade facilitating.

Chapter 3


Research design

The descriptive research method is used in gathering the needed information for this study. This method enables the researchers to i

nterpret the theoretical meaning of the findings and hypothesis development for further studies. Specifically the researchers utilized a

questionnaire type of descriptive research method which enables the researchers to gather information from the respondents without

the respondents having any difficulties in answering the questions required for the researchers to have information regarding the read

iness of AIMS BSCA graduating students in customs related operation.

Locale of the study

The study will be conducted at Asian Institute of Maritime Studies, located at Roxas Blvd. corner Arnaiz Avenue, Pasay

City, 1302 Metro Manila. This will comprises with the students of BSCA enrolled in S.Y. 2015 up to present.
Research subjects

The respondents of the study will randomly selected from students enrolled in Asian Institute of Maritime Studies, Pasay City batch 2

015 up to present, who is graduating this semester. They will be given a self-made questionnaire by the researcher.
Research Instruments

As a research tool for the study, SAQ or self-made administered surveys will be conducted. These surveys are needed

in order to know further about readiness of AIMS customs administration graduating students in customs related operations. The que

stionnaire will contain the following: Profile of the students, different procedure they learned from their OJT, their average in some sub

jects, and their familiarization in customs rules and regulation .

Research Instruments

As a research tool for the study, SAQ or self-made administered surveys will be conducted. These surveys are needed

in order to know further about readiness of AIMS customs administration graduating students in customs related operations. The que

stionnaire will contain the following: Profile of the students, different procedure they learned from their OJT, their average in some sub

jects, and their familiarization in customs rules and regulation .

Data Gathering Procedure

Self-made questionnaire will be conducted in order to collect data and information to serve as firm basis for the whole research study.

The survey questionnaire will be distributed randomly to the respondents who are enrolled or graduated in Asian Institute of Maritime

Studies from A.Y 2018-up to present. After compiling the data gathered from the questionnaire, it will be recorded and compile for furt

her evaluation.

Every data from the respondents will become the basis or references of the research study for: Readiness of AIMS BS

CA graduating students in customs related operation.

•Data processing

• After the survey is accomplished, all the data gathered will undergo data compilation in which it is converted into a desir

ed statistical form of data analysis. The final evaluation of this research will be analysed and interpreted based on all the gathered dat

a from random respondents.

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