Codes: Group 4 Wice Marsella Muhammad Rafiq Tanjung Vika Nur Rohma
Codes: Group 4 Wice Marsella Muhammad Rafiq Tanjung Vika Nur Rohma
Codes: Group 4 Wice Marsella Muhammad Rafiq Tanjung Vika Nur Rohma
Group 4
Wice Marsella
Muhammad Rafiq Tanjung
Vika Nur Rohma
A diglossic situation exists in a society when it has 2 distinct codes which show
clear functional separation ; that is one code is employed in one set of
circumstance and then/ in an entirely different set.
e.g : Arabic, Swiss, Geman, Haitian (French and Creole), and Greek
High variety (H) formal, delivering sermons, formal lecture, political speeches,
writing poetry, fine literature
• In multilingual country like Singapore, Singapore has four official language :
1. English
2. Mandarin variety of Chinese
3. Tamil
4. Malay
In study of code-switching within Chinese. English bilingual families in
Tyneside, England, Li (1995) and Li and Milroy (1995) show how effective a
switch from the unmarked variety. In this case, Chinese to the marked variety,
in this case english can be when a mother asks her 12 year old son in English
rather than chinese, why he has not finisher his homewok
Accomodation is one way of explaining how individuals and groups may be seen to
relate to each others
One individual can try to induce another to judge him or her more favorably by
reducing differences between the 2
1. Converenge behaviour
2. Divergence behaviour
Giles and Coupland explain speech accomodation as a multiply organized and
contextually complex set of alternatives, regularly available to communicators in
face-to-face talk.