Tanya - 2537 Pankaj Gupta
Sagar - 2507
Harshit -2626
A pop-up ad is displayed in a new web browser window that opens above a website visitor's
initial browser window. A pop-under ad opens a new browser window under a website visitor's
initial browser window. Pop-under ads and similar technologies are now advised against by
online authorities such as Google, who state that they "do not condone this practice"
Floating ad
A floating ad, or overlay ad, is a type of rich media advertisement that appears superimposed over the
requested website's content. Floating ads may disappear or become less obtrusive after a pre-set time
Expanding ad
An expanding ad is a rich media frame ad that changes dimensions upon a predefined condition, such
as a preset amount of time a visitor spends on a webpage, the user's click on the ad, or the user's
mouse movement over the ad. Expanding ads allow advertisers to fit more information into a restricted
ad space.
Trick banners
A trick banner is a banner ad where the ad copy imitates some screen element users commonly
encounter, such as an operating system message or popular application message, to induce ad
clicks.[37] Trick banners typically do not mention the advertiser in the initial ad, and thus they are a form
of bait-and-switch.[38][39] Trick banners commonly attract a higher-than-average click-through rate, but
tricked users may resent the advertiser for deceiving them.
• Online advertisers can collect data on their ads' effectiveness, such as the size of the
potential audience or actual audience response, how a visitor reached their
advertisement, whether the advertisement resulted in a sale, and whether an ad actually
MEASURABILITY loaded within a visitor's view
• Advertisers have a wide variety of ways of presenting their promotional messages, including
the ability to convey images, video, audio, and links. Unlike many offline ads, online ads also
FORMATTING can be interactive.
• Once ad design is complete, online ads can be deployed immediately. The delivery
of online ads does not need to be linked to the publisher's publication schedule.
Furthermore, online advertisers can modify or replace ad copy more rapidly than
SPEED their offline counterparts.
• Online advertising can reach nearly every global market, and online advertising
influences offline sales.
• Publishers can offer advertisers the ability to reach customizable and narrow market
segments for targeted advertising. Online advertising may use geo-targeting to
display relevant advertisements to the user's geography. Advertisers can customize
TARGETTING each individual ad to a particular user based on the user's previous preferences
Fraud on the
• According to a US • Eye-tracking studies • There are numerous
Senate investigation, have shown that ways that advertisers
the current state of Internet users often can be
online advertising ignore web page overcharged for
endangers the zones likely to their advertising
security and privacy contain display ads
of users (sometimes called
"banner blindness"),
and this problem is
worse online than in
offline media
PRIVACY CONCERNS Trustworthiness of advertisers SPAM
• The collection of user • Scammers can take • The Internet's low cost of
information by publishers advantage of consumers' disseminating advertising
and advertisers has raised difficulties verifying an online contributes to spam,
consumer concerns about persona's especially by large-
their privacy.[31][64] Sixty identity,[102]:1 leading to scale spammers. Numerous
percent of Internet users artifices like phishing (where efforts have been
would use Do Not Track scam emails look identical undertaken to combat
technology to block all to those from a well-known spam, ranging from
collection of information if brand owner)[103] and blacklists to regulatorily-
given an confidence schemes like required labeling to content
opportunity.[96][97] Over half the Nigerian "419" scam filters, but most of those
of all Google and Facebook efforts have adverse
users are concerned about collateral effects, such as
their privacy when using mistaken filtering.
Google and Facebook,
according to Gallup.