Welcome To Earth Science!
Welcome To Earth Science!
Welcome To Earth Science!
BIG Idea: Earth Scientists
use specific methods to
investigate Earth and beyond.
I. What is Earth Science?
the study of the Earth and the
universe around it…
Big Bang Model of the Universe
- Redshifting
- How much the frequency of light from a far away objet has moved toward
the red end of the spectrum
-the slightly irregular areas of gas cloud gravitationally attracted nearby
matter and became denser
-dense gas clouds collapsed and eventually gained enough mass to ignite and
produce light
-Huge clouds of gas could be the birthplace for dozens of stars
-the group of stars became the galaxies
- In 1924, Edwin Hubble found that stars are not uniformly distributed in space.
Instead, they gather together, forming clusters called galaxies. By determining
the velocities of the galaxies based on the amount of light they emit, he found
out that nearby galaxies were moving away. The distance between distant
galaxies was increasing with time. If it was expanding, they must have been
closer together in the past, and may even come from a single point in the
2. Presence of cosmic microwaves
- In 1960, Arno Penzias and
Robert Wilson, discovered a
background radio emission
coming from every direction in
the sky. This radiation was
speculated as the remnant
energy left over from the
formation of the universe. This
energy probably dates back to
recombination era, when atom
were just beginning to form.
The discovery of CMB placed
an end to the steady state
theory of the universe.
3. Abundance of Light Elements
closed open
String are free to vibrate at different modes
It was at this point that there came great hope in the string theory to
finally unify all known forces and particles into a single “theory of
Suggests that one or both ends of the strings are attached to a
sheet on brane,