Amplitude Modulation Reception
Amplitude Modulation Reception
Amplitude Modulation Reception
AM Receiver
• Antenna
• Antenna coupling network
• Receiver input filter, preselector
• And one/more RF amplifiers
Mixer/Converter Section
IF Section
• Includes several cascaded amplifiers and bandpass filters
• Functions are amplification and selectivity
AM Detector
Audio Section
• Selectivity
• Is a measure of the ability of the receiver to accept a given band of
frequencies and reject all others
• Defined as the bandwidth of the receiver at some predetermined attenuation
factor (commonly -60dB) to the bandwidth at the -3dB (half-power points)
• Determine the shape factor and the percent selectivity for the gain-
versus-frequency plot shown in figure
Bandwidth improvement
• BI = B(RF) / B(IF)
• NF(improvement) = 10 log BI
• Is the minimum RF signal level that can be received and still produce a
usable demodulated signal.
• Is a parameter that is associated with the frequencies that fall within the
passband of a filter and is generally defined as the ratio of the power
transferred to a load with a filter in the circuit to the power transferred to
the load without a filter.
Noise temperature and equivalent noise
• Noise can be expressed in degrees as well as watts and volts
• T = N/KB
• Where
• T = environmental temperature
• N = noise power in watts
• K=Boltzmann constant (1.38x10^-23 J/K
• B=bandwidth in Hz
Equivalent noise temperature, Te