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Hypothesis Testing

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Hypothesis Testing

Characteristics of Hypothesis
• Clear and precise
• Capable of being tested
• State relationship between variables
• Limited in scope and specific
• Easily understandable
• Consistent with most known facts
• Amenable to testing within reasonable
• Must explain the facts
Steps for Hypothesis Testing
Fig. 15.3 Formulate H0 and H1

Select Appropriate Test

Choose Level of Significance

Calculate Test Statistic TSCAL

Determine Prob Determine Critical

Assoc with Test Stat Value of Test Stat
Determine if TSCR
Compare with Level falls into (Non)
of Significance,  Rejection Region

Reject/Do not Reject H0

Draw Marketing Research Conclusion

Step 1: Formulate the Hypothesis

• A null hypothesis is a statement of the status

quo, one of no difference or no effect. If the null
hypothesis is not rejected, no changes will be
• An alternative hypothesis is one in which some
difference or effect is expected.
• The null hypothesis refers to a specified value of
the population parameter (e.g.,m, s, p ), not a
sample statistic (e.g., X ).
Step 1: Formulate the Hypothesis

• A null hypothesis may be rejected, but it can

never be accepted based on a single test.
• In marketing research, the null hypothesis is
formulated in such a way that its rejection
leads to the acceptance of the desired
• A new Internet Shopping Service will be
introduced if more than 40% people use it:
H0: p  0.40
H1: p > 0.40
Step 1: Formulate the Hypothesis

• In eg on previous slide, the null hyp is a

one-tailed test, because the alternative
hypothesis is expressed directionally.
• If not, then a two-tailed test would be
required as foll:

H 0: p = 0.4 0
H1: p  0.40
Step 2: Select an Appropriate Test
• The test statistic measures how close the sample
has come to the null hypothesis.
• The test statistic often follows a well-known
distribution (eg, normal, t, or chi-square).
• In our example, the z statistic, which follows the
standard normal distribution, would be appropriate.

Where σp is standard deviation
Step 3: Choose Level of Significance
Type I Error
• Occurs if the null hypothesis is rejected when it is in fact true.
• The probability of type I error ( α ) is also called the level of

Type II Error
• Occurs if the null hypothesis is not rejected when it is in fact
• The probability of type II error is denoted by β .
• Unlike α, which is specified by the researcher, the magnitude
of β depends on the actual value of the population
parameter (proportion).

It is necessary to balance the two types of errors.

Step 3: Choose Level of Significance
Power of a Test
• The power of a test is the probability
(1 - β) of rejecting the null hypothesis
when it is false and should be rejected.
• Although β is unknown, it is related to
α. An extremely low value of α (e.g.,
= 0.001) will result in intolerably high β
Probability of z with a One-
Fig. 15.5
Tailed Test

Shaded Area
= 0.9699

Unshaded Area
= 0.0301

0 zCAL = 1.88
Step 4: Collect Data and Calculate
Test Statistic
• The required data are collected and the value
of the test statistic computed.
• In our example, 30 people were surveyed and
17 shopped on the internet. The value of the
sample proportion is
p= 17/30 = 0.567.
• The value of sp is:

sp =0.089
Step 4: Collect Data and Calculate
Test Statistic
The test statistic z can be calculated as follows:

pˆ - p
s p

= 0.567-0.40

= 1.88
Step 5: Determine Probability Value/
Critical Value
• Using standard normal tables), the area to the right of zCAL
is .0301 (zCAL =1.88)
• The shaded area between 0 and 1.88 is 0.4699. Therefore,
the area to the right of 1.88 is 0.5 - 0.4699 = 0.0301.
• Thus, the p-value is .0301

• Alternatively, the critical value of z, called zα, which will give

an area to the right side of the critical value of α=0.05, is
between 1.64 and 1.65. Thus zα =1.645.

• Note, in determining the critical value of the test statistic,

the area to the right of the critical value is either α or α/2. It
is α for a one-tail test and α/2 for a two-tail test.
Steps 6 & 7: Compare Prob and
Make the Decision
• If the prob associated with the calculated value
of the test statistic ( zCAL) is less than the level of
significance (α), the null hypothesis is rejected.
• In our case, the p-value is 0.0301.This is less
than the level of significance of α =0.05. Hence,
the null hypothesis is rejected.
• Alternatively, if the calculated value of the test
statistic is greater than the critical value of the
test statistic ( zα), the null hypothesis is rejected.
Steps 6 & 7: Compare Prob and
Make the Decision
• The calculated value of the test statistic zCAL= 1.88
lies in the rejection region, beyond the value of
zα=1.645. Again, the same conclusion to reject the
null hypothesis is reached.
• Note that the two ways of testing the null hypothesis
are equivalent but mathematically opposite in the
direction of comparison.
• Writing Test-Statistic as TS:
If the probability of TSCAL < significance level ( α )
then reject H0 but if TSCAL > TSCR then reject H0.
Step 8: Mkt Research Conclusion

• The conclusion reached by hypothesis testing must be

expressed in terms of the marketing research problem.

• In our example, we conclude that there is evidence that

the proportion of Internet users who shop via the
Internet is significantly greater than 0.40. Hence, the
department store should introduce the new Internet
shopping service.
Using a t-Test
• Assume that the random variable X is normally dist, with
unknown pop variance estimated by the sample variance s 2.

• Then a t test is appropriate.

• The t-statistic, t = ( X - m)/s X is t distributed with n - 1 df.

• The t dist is similar to the normal distribution: bell-shaped and

symmetric. As the number of df increases, the t dist
approaches the normal dist.

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