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75..fish Diseases Symptoms

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Oxygen starvation
Velvet Oodinium
Swim bladder
Fish fungus
Internal Bacteria
Fin rot
Hole in head
White spots
Internal Bacteria
These diseases are caused by a
variety of bacteria species, e.g.
Pseudomonas flourescens,
Aeromonas hydrophila and
Virio marinium
. Internal bacterial infections
spread throughout the fish's
tissue and internal organs.
depending on the acuteness of the
disease. In some cases the fish will just
darken in colour, become listless, stop
feeding and die.
 In others severe symptoms exist,
ulcers, abdominal and eye swelling,
destruction of the central nervous
system, and then the fish dies
 Previously, the only effective treatment against
internal bacteria was veterinary prescribed
antibiotics. These easy treatment methods improve
the chances of successful treatment of internal
bacterial infections.

Problems such as dropsy, ulcers and septicaemia

are very difficult to cure if the disease is too far
advanced, but the medicines will help to prevent
further deaths.
Ich or White Spot
 Small white spots showing up mainly on the fins
but also on the body.
 This is a fairly common fish disease Ich usually
arises due to poor water quality.
 increase the temperature of water to 82
degrees Fahrenheit to speed up the cycle time of
this parasites.
White spots similar in appearance to salt, appear
on the fish's body, more heavily concentrated on
or around the fins. The spots are usually raised.
Excessive slime.
Treatment must be done as quickly as possible.
Increasing the temperature of the tank can
cause the parasites to burst from the sacks early.
Once the parasites are in the tank, they can be
Hole in the Head
Small holes or indentations on the head of fish,
advanced cases may show markings along the lateral
line of the fish. They may stop eating.
There have been no scientific studies about the
effects of the prolonged use activate carbon causing
hole in the head.
Give your fish the best water that you can by
performing frequent water changes.
 Give vitamin enriched foods and change out or stop
using activated carbon.
Symptoms - Small holes or indentations in the
head of fish, sometimes markings along the
lateral line of the fish. Loss of appetite.

Treatment - Frequent water changes, vitamin

enriched foods, add greens to the diet, decrease
the amount of beef heart fed, discontinue
activated carbon use. Use a medication such as
Paragon or Hole N Head Guard.
Fin Rot
Rotting fins, loss of appetite and laying on the bottom of the
tank. This is due to a bacteria that infects the fins of the fish. It is
sometimes brought about by bullying from other fish and fin
nipping. Most often it is due to poor water quality.
Tetracycline from Mardel Labs. Remove any carbon filtration
before using medication because the carbon will absorb the
. Before using medication though try increasing the quality of
the foods you are feeding your fish, separate them from any fin
nippers and step up your water change schedule.
The fins of the fish appear to rot, discolor, and fray. The
ends of the fins will become whitish or grayish in color. The
fish will look visibly sick, moving very little and lying at the
bottom of the tank. Loss of appetite.
Check water levels to see if anything is out of
balance. Use a medication such as Tetracycline,
Maracyn, Methyl blue, Organic-Cure, or
Antibiotics. After time, the fins will regenerate.
Oxygen Starvation
Most or all of the fish are usually found at the water
surface. They may be gulping at the surface with their
Check the temperature of the water. Higher water
temperatures require higher levels of oxygen. You will need
to increase the aeration in the tank with air stones or
increase the flow rate with your filters.
 Try to decrease the temperature of the water by floating
ice cubes in plastic baggies and turning off the tank light
. If sun light is entering the tank from a nearby window, try
closing the shades
. Also, if you have an overcrowded aquarium you will
definitely need to increase the aeration in your tank.
Fish are found gulping at the water

Lower the water temperature if it is too
high, as high water temperatures require
higher levels of oxygen. Increase the
aeration of the tank and increase the
filter's water flow rate
Velvet (Oodinium)
Velvet looks a lot like ich but velvet shows up as
smaller yellow or gray dusty spots on the
Tropical fish with velvet will have rapid gill
movement and may be rubbing on
surfaces in the tank

There are a lot of products out there to treat this

common tropical fish parasite.
Symptoms - Similar in appearance to ich, but
smaller yellow or gray dusty spots on the fish.
Rapid gill movement and may be rubbing on
surfaces of the tank. Clamped fins.
Treatment - Raise the temperature of the
tank. Use a medication such as Aquarison,
Maracide by Mardel Laboratories, Super Velvet
by Aquatronics, Coppersate, Quck-Cure, or Cure-
Ich. Use a quarantine tank before introducing
new arrivals into your main tank
Swim Bladder Problems
Swim bladder problems are caused by bacterial
and viral infections, or hereditary problems.
 The swim bladder helps the fish to control its
buoyancy, allowing it to maintain its position in
the water.
 Internal bacterial infections can affect its
function, making it difficult for fish to maintain
. Fancy goldfish with their short body form are
particularly prone to this problem.

Fish have difficulty swimming upright,

either confined to movement at the top of
the tank or the bottom of the tank.
Some feed their fish peas to help in
the digestion process. Stop feeding
the fish for a few days. Perform
frequent small water changes.
Fish Fungus
Cotton like growths on the body that may appear white
or gray in color.
 If your fish gets a disease they may develop secondary
fungus infections.

 Jungle Labs Binox Crystal will treat fungus problems.

Cotton-like growths will appear on
the body, mouth, or fins. It will
resemble cotton or fungus.
Quarantine sick fish and use a
medication such as Jungle Labs
Binox Crystal.

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