75..fish Diseases Symptoms
75..fish Diseases Symptoms
75..fish Diseases Symptoms
Oxygen starvation
Velvet Oodinium
Swim bladder
Fish fungus
Internal Bacteria
Fin rot
Hole in head
White spots
Internal Bacteria
These diseases are caused by a
variety of bacteria species, e.g.
Pseudomonas flourescens,
Aeromonas hydrophila and
Virio marinium
. Internal bacterial infections
spread throughout the fish's
tissue and internal organs.
depending on the acuteness of the
disease. In some cases the fish will just
darken in colour, become listless, stop
feeding and die.
In others severe symptoms exist,
ulcers, abdominal and eye swelling,
destruction of the central nervous
system, and then the fish dies
Previously, the only effective treatment against
internal bacteria was veterinary prescribed
antibiotics. These easy treatment methods improve
the chances of successful treatment of internal
bacterial infections.
Lower the water temperature if it is too
high, as high water temperatures require
higher levels of oxygen. Increase the
aeration of the tank and increase the
filter's water flow rate
Velvet (Oodinium)
Velvet looks a lot like ich but velvet shows up as
smaller yellow or gray dusty spots on the
Tropical fish with velvet will have rapid gill
movement and may be rubbing on
surfaces in the tank