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Fish Diseases

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 There are literally hundreds of

afflictions that can effect the health of
fish. The most common maladies seen
in aquaculture are usually either
bacterial or parasitic in origin. Fungal
infections are also sometimes seen,
and occasionally physical ailments.
Signs of Fish Diseases

 Fish Become Sluggish

 Don’t take Food
 Rub its body with dikes or any other hard
object in water
 Increase in breathing frequency
 Discoloration of body
 Rapid secretion of grey colored slime on
the body
 Appearance of brown, black or white spots
on the body.
 Fin cuts and eaten out
 Whirling or tumbling movements
 Abdominal swelling
 Fish may stop eating.
 Cuts and wounds on fish body
 Eyes move inward
 Gills colour changed
 Thick mucus on body surface
Prophylactic Measures

 Water supply of good quality

 Proper aerated water
 Free of Pathogens
 Avoid excessive growth of plants
 Annual draying out of ponds
 Disease free stocking
 Proper stoking ratio (Avoid over crowding)
 In case of out break dead or infected fish
must be destroyed
 Excessive netting and handling must be
 Ponds must be disinfected with lime
 Killing of unnecessary fish with piscicide
 Disinfection of utensils and nets
Kinds of Fish Diseases
 Viral Diseases
Example: Viral Hemorrhagic Septicemia
 Fungal Diseases
Example: Saprolegniasis, Branchiomycosis
 Bacterial Diseases
Example: Abdominal Dropsy, Fin rot,
Bacterial Gill Disease
 Protozoan Diseases
Example: Costiasis, whirling Disease
 Worm Diseases
Example: Dactylogyrus, Leeches
 Crustaceans Diseases
Example: Lernaeasis,Argulosis
 Nutritional Diseases
Example: Vitamins deficiency, Protein
 Environmental Diseases
Example: Anoxia, pH Change, Ammonia
Viral Haemorrhagic Septicaemia
 Because of RNA Genome Virus
 Changes in metabolic and biochemical
 Damage to Kidney and liver
Sign of Disease
– Abnormal Movements
– Swollen Eyes and Belly
– Red Intestine
– Pale Gills
– Swollen Kidneys
Control Measures

 No effective treatment
 Infected Fish must be removed and
 Clean ponds and avoid overstocking
 Because of fungus Saprolegnia
 It attack skin, fins, head, mouth and
 Injuries on skin body because of netting

 Attack of parasites

 Weakened fish, Fungus spores are

present in water and attack fish in
favorable conditions
Sign of Disease
– Gray white or light brown wooly blotches on
– Thread like tufts of cotton wool on skin
– Fungus on gills
– Fish rub its body with hard surface

Control Measures
– KMnO4 bath 1g/100lit water for 60-90
– Malachite Green bath10gm/lit for 15
– Disinfection of pond with lime
Abdominal Dropsy
 Bacterium Aeromonous punctata
 Attack in spring season

Sign of Disease
 Swelling Belly
 Pinkish or yellowish liquid in body cavity
 Intestine, Kidneys and liver infected
 In Ulcerative form ulceration of skin with
blood spots
 Frequent jumping of fish
Control Measures
 Use of antibodies eg
Oxytetracycline either
in feed or injection @
1mg/100gm body
 Bath in KMnO4 5ppm
for 2 minutes
 Dead fish should be
removed and buried
Abdominal Dropsy
Fin Rot

 Because of bacterium Aeromonas and

 Fish become sluggish and fins become black
 Cuts and wounds apperar on fins
 Only fin base left

Control Measures
CuSO4 Bath 50mg/lit for one minute
Apply Mercuric Chloride on fins
Epizootic Ulcerative Syndrome
 Because of Fungus Aphanomyces
 First considered to be caused by Virus
 Some scientists consider it to be because of
Bacterium Aeromonas invadance
 Discovered in Pakistan in 1996
 Most dangerous can cause high mortality
 Attack is likely in winters and in oxygen
Epizootic Ulcerative Syndrome

Sign of Diseases

 Red spots on skin

 Restrict feeding
 Scales become detach
 Fish become sluggish and swim on
surface with head out of water
Control Measures
 Avoid unnecessary Netting
 Disinfection of ponds and utensils and nets
 Avoid overstocking
 KMnO4 bath 5ppm
 Bleaching Powder bath 1ppm or5-
10Kg/Hector in pond
 Oxytetracyclin in feed @ 60mg/1 Kg
 1% common Salt bath for one hour
 Caused by flagellate Costia necatrix
 When there is excessive cowdung
 Scarcity of food and pH acidic
Sign of Disease
Slimy Secretion on skin, fins and gills
Red patches on skin
Gills become brownish
Control Measures
Bath in 40mlFormaline in 100literswater for 15
Bath in 10gm NaCl in 100liters for20 minutes

 Known as Gill Fluke Dactylogyrus

Sign of Disease
Gils swell and gray at edges and partly
Control Measures
Formalin bath 1ml/lit for 15 minutes
NaCl bath 25gm/lit for 10 minutes

 Argulus is crustacean parasite

 Attaches to skin of fish at base of fins
 Anemia may result
 Argulus may produce toxic substances

Control Measures
Bath in Lysol 1m/5lit water for 5-10 seconds
KmNO4 bath 1gm/lit for 40 seconds

 Because of a crustacean Lernaea thread like

 Attaches with fish body with antena and
enters below scales and cause detachment
of scales
 Attack mostly in spring
 Fish rub its body with some object
 Growth stagnant and fish mortality
Control Measures

 Remove lernaea with forceps

 Bath in KMnO4 25ppm for few seconds &
repeat after few days
 Disinfection of equipments with KMnO4
 1% NaCl bath for few mint followed by
5ppm CuSO4 for few seconds
 Add Diptrex 0.2 to 0.5m/lit or 1 Tea Cup/one
 Because of oxygen deficiency
 Because of High Temperature, overstocking,
excessive aquatic vegetation, overdose of
fertilizers, decomposition
 Fish come to surface and take the mouth out
and breath heavily

Control Measure
 Add fresh water
 Use Aerators, Air Pumps and agitators
 Add quick lime
 The fish scrapes itself against objects, rapid
gill movement, mucus covering the gills or
body, the gills or fins may be eaten away,
the skin may become reddened
 Treatment
 can best be done with a 10 to 30 minute
bath in 10 mg per liter of potassium
permanganate. Or treat the whole tank with
2 mg per liter, but this method is messy and
dyes the water.
 Short of destroying the fish, which is easier,
two treatments have been suggested. First
treatment; soak the food in
parachlorometaxylenol and give the fish a
bath or treat the aquarium with 10 ml per
liter. The bath should last for several days.
Second treatment; find special food
containing thiabendazole as a nematode
(threadworm) cure and hope the fish will
eat it.

Leeches are visible on the fish's skin.
 Leeches are external parasites and affix
themselves on the body, fins, or gills of the
fish. Usually they appear as heart shaped
worms (they are just curled up) attached to
the fish. They are usually introduced to the
aquarium via plants or snails.
 If the fish is bathed in a 2.5 percent solution
of salt for 15 minutes, most of the leeches
should just fall off. Those that do not will be
affected enough to remove with forceps
with minimal damage.
 Another treatment is to add Trichlorofon at
0.25 mg/l to the aquarium. Live plants
should be removed and treated with
potassium permanganate at 5 mg/l before

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