Self in Philosophical Perspective
Self in Philosophical Perspective
Self in Philosophical Perspective
Philos = Love
Sophia = wisdom
• It is often called the mother of all disciplines, simply because of all
fields of study began as a philosophical discourses.
• Desire for truth by formulating never ending questions to provide
answers to every inquiry about the nature of human existence.
• When we have our understanding of our existence then we acquired
guide on how we will be able to live our life
• AN UNEXAMINED LIFE IS NOT WORTH LIVING - Examining one’s self is the most
important task one can undertake, for it alone will give us the knowledge necessary to answer the
question ‘how should I live my life’.
• Wants us to know the good life that leads to happiness
• A person can only have a meaning and happy life only if he
becomes virtuous (referring to moral qualities) and knows the value
of himself
• INTROSPECTION - a method carefully examining one’s thoughts and emotions to gain self
knowledge INTRO = inside Spectra = looking
• Viewed self as synonymous with the soul
• Reality has to realms : the physical (imperfect, sensible, biological
need of the body, its urges needs and sensation) and ideal realms
(perfect, unchangeable, and eternal, cognitive and
intellectual activities)
• Like Socrates self is synonymous with the soul
•Introduced the idea of three part soul – the
• 1. reason,
• 2. appetite,
• 3. spirit
•Analogy Phaedrus, The Chariot Analogy
•Allegory of the cave - Plato distinguishes between people who mistake
sensory knowledge for the truth and people who really do see the truth
• - refers to the tendency to interpret the world the way we see it as a projection
of ourselves. It is true that we see the world not as it really is but exactly who we
•Theory of forms
• World of forms ( non-physical ideas)
• World of sense (physical reality)
• Man as rational animals
• The soul is the essence of self.
• Soul – process by which a living thing actually lives
• He believes that Body and soul is not separate entities -
Soul & Body should function complementary and they should be working in harmony
• 3 Kinds of Soul
• * Parts of rational soul is characterized by moral virtues (justice / courage)
• Suggests that the rational nature of self leads to a good , flourishing and fulfilling
life. Thus pursuit of happiness is a search for a good life that includes virtuous action
• Live life of moderation – human sufferings occurs in human mind when someone does
not know how to live a life of moderation
St. Augustine
• I act therefore I am
• Self – best understood as a pattern of behavior
Paul churchland
• The self is the brain
• All the person has a brain and so if the brain is gone, there is no self
• The physical brain and not the imaginary mind gives the sense of
• The mind does not exist because it cannot be experienced by the
Maurice Merleau-Ponty
• The self is embodied subjectivity
• Perception is not just merely a consequence of sensory experience;
rather it is a conscious experience
• All knowledge about the self is based on phenomena of experience
• The I is a single integrated core identity, a combination of mental,
physical and emotional structure around a core identity of self
• * Phenemonology of perception – that everything the people is aware
of is contained within the consciousness.