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1 Review Soil Mechanics

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Review of Soil Mechanics

Foundation Engineering Course

Faculty of Technology
CEPT University
Review of Soil Mechanics
Review of Soil Mechanics
Review of Soil Mechanics
Review of Soil Mechanics
Review of Soil Mechanics
Review of Soil Mechanics
Review of Soil Mechanics
 Soil :
 Unconsolidated, mineral mass consisting of solid
particles, air and water
 Neither a solid or liquid, it is granular material,
having properties in between.

 It is important to understand the significance

of particle size, shape and composition, and of
a soil's internal structure or fabric.
Basic characteristics of soils
Soil: 3 Phase System

Notation Va air Ma=

M = mass or Vv 0
weight Vw water Mw
V = volume V Mt
s = soil grains t
w = water Vs soil Ms
a = air
v = voids
t = total 10
Basic characteristics of soils
Water content (w) is a measure of the water present in the soil.

MW Va air Ma=
w Vv 0
MS Vw water Mw
Vt Mt
Expressed as %
Vs soil Ms
Range = 0 – 100%.

Basic characteristics of soils
Void ratio (e) is a measure of the void volume.

VV Va air Ma=
e Vv 0
VS Vw water Mw
Vt Mt

Vs soil Ms

Basic characteristics of soils
Porosity (n) is also a measure of the void volume,
expressed as a percentage.

VV V air Ma=
n V a 0
VT v
Vw wate Mw
Vt r Mt

Theoretical range: V soil Ms

0 – 100%

Basic characteristics of soils
Degree of saturation (S) is the percentage of the void volume
filled by water.

VW V air Ma=
S V a 0
VV v
Vw wate Mw
Vt r Mt
Range: 0 – 100%
Vs soil Ms

Basic characteristics of soils
Bulk density (γb) is the density of the soil in the current state.

b  V air Ma=
VT V a 0
Vw water Mw
Units: t/m3, g/ml, Vt Mt
kg/m3 ,kN/m3
V soil Ms

Basic characteristics of soils

Saturated density is the density of the soil when the voids are
filled with water.

Submerged density is the effective density of the soil

when it is submerged.
γsub = γsat - γw

Basic characteristics of soils
Dry density is the density of the soil in dry state.

d  Va air Ma=
VT Vv 0
Vw water Mw
Units: t/m3, g/ml, Vt Mt
Vs soil Ms

Basic characteristics of soils

From the soil model it can be seen that

w = (S.e .γw) / (G.γw)

Giving the useful relationship:

S.e = w.G 18
Basic characteristics of soils

M T G S  Se
b   W air
VT 1 e e
S water
M T GS  e e
 sat   W
VT 1 e
1 soil
d   W
VT 1 e
Note also that:
n = e / (1 + e)
e = n / (1 - n) 19
Soil Consistency
 Soil consistency is the resistance of a soil at various
moisture contents to mechanical stresses or
 Consistency may be accurately measured in the
laboratory by determining the Atterberg Limits.
Soil Consistency
Grain Size Distribution of Soil
Very coarse soils Boulder size > 300 mm
Cobble size 80 - 300 mm
Coarse soils Gravel size (G) Coarse 20 - 80 mm
Fine 4.75 - 20 mm
Sand size (S) Coarse 2 - 4.75 mm
Medium 0.425 - 2 mm
Fine 0.075 - 0.425 mm
Fine soils Silt size (M) 0.002 - 0.075 mm
Clay size (C) < 0.002 mm

 In coarse-grained soils, because of large size & weight, gravity forces govern the
behavior rather than surface forces.
 In fine-grained soils, behaviour of soil changes due to the increasing effect of the
forces between the molecules of adjacent particle surfaces as the size decreases.
 Every fine-grained soil particle carries an electrical charge. The magnitude of the
electrical charge is directly related to the particle surface area.
Grain Size Distribution of Soil
IS Soil Classification
IS Soil Classification

IS Soil Classification
IS Soil Classification
IS Soil Classification
Stress Distribution in Soil
Use of Boussinesq’s
Effective and Neutral Stress in Saturated Soils

 When in a soil mass, if the effective pressure reduces to zero due to increase in the
pore-water pressure, the soil will be in a state of quicksand conditions or sand
 During earthquake, liquefaction occur when effective pressure reduces to zero.
Soil Compaction in the Lab:
Standard Proctor Test
(Light Compaction Test (IS:2720, Part-VII)

Compactive Energy used+

Dry Density
2.6 kg. rammer 6045 kgcm/1000 ml of soil Zero Air Void Curve
Sr =100%

 d max
H = 310 mm 25 blows per layer 3


wc1 wc2 wc3 wc4 wc5 Dry to Wet to
Optimum Optimum

d1 d2 d3 γd4 d5

OWC Water
Increasing Water Content

1000 ml capacity, 100 mm

diameter, 127.3 mm height
compaction mold.
Consolidation of Soil
Consolidation of Soil
Consolidation of Soil
Consolidation of Soil
Shear Strength of Soil
Shear Strength of Soil

S = C + .tanØ

Conditions in the case of Conditions in the case of passive

active earth pressure earth resistance
Effect of Wall Movement on Earth Pressure
Active Earth Pressure of Cohesion less Soil

Active earth pressure distribution – Rankine’s theory

Permeability & capillarity of soil
Permeability of soil
Permeability of soil

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