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(CVP 700)




OCT. 02/2019
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i OCT. 02/2019

Student address .................................................................................................................................. i

TABLE OF CONTENTS................................................................................................................... ii
LIST OF FIGURES .......................................................................................................................... iii
LIST OF TABLES ........................................................................................................................... iv
TEST. ............................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1. PURPOSE: ........................................................................................................................ 1
1.2. STANDARD REFERENCE:.............................................................................................. 1
1.3. NEED AND SCOPE: ......................................................................................................... 1
1.4. PRINCIPLES: .................................................................................................................... 2
1.5. APPARATUS REQUIRED: ............................................................................................... 3
1.6. SAMPLE PREPARATION: ............................................................................................... 4
1.6.1. Undisturbed Sample: .................................................................................................. 4
1.6.2. Remolded sample: ...................................................................................................... 4
1.7. TEST PROCEDURE: ........................................................................................................ 5
1.8. COMPUTATIONS PART:................................................................................................. 7
1.9. OBSERVATIONS AND CALCULATIONS: ..................................................................... 9
1.10. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS ................................................................................. 17
1.10.1. Results ..................................................................................................................... 17
1.10.2. Discussions .............................................................................................................. 18
1.11. REFERENCES ............................................................................................................ 20

ii OCT. 02/2019

1. Figure 1: consolidation test apparatus………………………………………………..……….…..4
2. Figure 2: specimen with ring……………………………………………………………………..…….6
3. Figure 3: prepared specimen for testing……………………………………………….…………..6
4. Graph 1: plot of void ratio v/s log(σ’) curve for loading and
5. Graph 2: plot of void ratio v/s log(σ’) curve for determination of preconsolidation
6. Graph 3: plot of vertical strain v/s vertical effective stress curve for loading and
7. Graph 4: Plot of dial gauge readings versus square root of time curve for
8. Graph 5: Plot of dial gauge readings versus square root of time curve for
9. Graph 6: Plot of dial gauge readings versus square root of time curve for
10. Graph 7: Plot of dial gauge readings versus square root of time curve for
11.Graph 8: Plot of dial gauge readings versus square root of time curve for

iii OCT. 02/2019


1. Table:1 Data sheet for consolidation test…………………………………………9

2. Table:2 Data analysis for determine consolidation parameters………...............10-11
3. Table:3Data analysis for determine t90 time ………………………………….…114

iv OCT. 02/2019

This test is performed to determine the magnitude and rate of volume decrease that a laterally
confined soil specimen undergoes when subjected to different vertical pressures. From the
measured data, the consolidation curve (pressure-void ratio relationship) can be plotted. This
data is useful in determining the compression index, the recompression index and the
preconsolidation pressure (or maximum past pressure) of the soil. In addition, the data
obtained can also be used to determine the coefficient of consolidation and the coefficient of
secondary compression of the soil.


 ASTM D 2435 - Standard Test Method for One-Dimensional Consolidation
Properties of Soils.
 IS 2720(Part 15):1986 Methods of test for soils: Determination of
Consolidation Properties (First revision). Reaffirmed- Dec 2016


The test is conducted to determine the settlement due to primary consolidation.
a. Rate of consolidation under normal load.
b. Degree of consolidation at any time.
c. Pressure-void ratio relationship
d. Coefficient of consolidation at various pressures.
e. Compression index.
The above information can be used to predict the time rate and extent of settlement of
structures founded on fine-grained soils. It is also helpful in analysing the stress history of

1 OCT. 02/2019

When a compressive load is applied to soil mass, a decrease in its volume takes place, the
decrease in volume of soil mass under stress is known as compression and the property of soil
mass pertaining to its tendency to decrease in volume under pressure is known as
compressibility. In a saturated soil mass having its void filled with incompressible water,
decrease in volume or compression can take place when water is expelled out of the voids.
Such a compression resulting from a long time static load and the consequent escape of pore
water is termed as consolidation. Then the load is applied on the saturated soil mass, the
entire load is carried by pore water in the beginning. As the water begins escaping from the
voids, the hydrostatic pressure in water gets gradually dissipated and the load is shifted to the
soil particles which increases effective stress on them, as a result the soil mass decrease in
volume. The rate of escape of water depends on the permeability of the soil.
a. From the sample tube, eject the sample into the consolidation ring. The sample
should project about one centimetre from outer ring. Trim the sample smooth and
flush with top and bottom of the ring by using a knife. Clean the ring from outside
and keep it ready from weighing.
b. Remoulded sample :

i. Choose the density and water content at which samples have to be

compacted from the moisture density relationship.
ii. Calculate the quantity of soil and water required to mix and compact.

iii. Compact the specimen in compaction mould in three layers using the
standard rammers.
iv. Eject the specimen from the mould using the sample extractor
When the load is applied to a fine-grained soil that is either nearly or completely saturated the
time for all the plastic deformation and void ratio reduction to take place is much longer. The
Length of time for this process to take place will depend on several factors, of which the
primary ones are
a. Degree of saturation
b. Coefficient of permeability of soil
c. Viscosity and compressibility of the pore fluid

2 OCT. 02/2019
d. Length of path the expelled pore fluid must take to find equilibrium.
Hence, consolidation may be defined ad that plastic deformation with void ratio reduction
(Generally termed as settlement ΔH) which is a function of time and excess pore water
pressure, or
ΔH = f (t)
One dimensional consolidation is that, with a metal ring confining the sample no lateral soil
or water movement takes place – all water flow and soil movement are in the vertical
The main purpose of consolidation test is to obtain soil data which are used in predicting the
rate and the amount of settlement of structure. The two most important soil properties
furnished by a consolidation test are the coefficient of compressibility (av), through which
one can determine the magnitude of compression and the coefficient of consolidation (Cv)
which enables the determination of the rate of compression under a load increment. It also
gives the useful information about stress history of the soil. It is used to predict the
settlements of structures in the field.


I. Consolidometer consisting essentially;

a. ring of diameter = 60mm and height = 20mm,
b. Two porous stones
c. Guide ring.
d. Outer ring.
e. Water jacket with base.
f. Pressure pad.
II. Loading device consisting of frame, lever system, loading yoke dial gauge fixing
device and weights.
III. Dial gauge (accuracy of 0.01 mm), Thermostatically controlled oven, Stopwatch,
sample extractor, balance, soil trimming tools, spatula, filter papers, sample

3 OCT. 02/2019

1.6.1. Undisturbed Sample:

From the sample tube, eject the sample into the consolidation ring. The sample should
project about one cm from outer ring. Trim the sample smooth and flush with top and
bottom of the ring by using wire saw. Clean the ring from outside and keep it ready
for weighing.

1.6.2. Remolded sample:

a. Choose the density and water content at which sample has to be
compacted from the moisture-density curve, and
b. Calculate the quantity of soil and water required to mix and compact.
c. Compact the specimen in compaction mould in three layers using the
standard rammers.
d. Eject the specimen from the mould using the sample extractor.

Figure 1: consolidation test apparatus

4 OCT. 02/2019

1. The empty consolidation ring was weighted (w1)

2. The dimension of the consolidation ring i.e. inside diameter and height was measured
and calculate volume of ring.
3. The soil sample was extruded from the sampler, generally thin-walled Shelby tube.
4. Approximately a three-inch long sample was cut. The sample was Placed on the
consolidation ring and cut the sides of the sample to be approximately the same as the
outside diameter of the ring. Rotate the ring and pare off the excess soil by means of
the cutting tool so that the sample is reduced to the same inside diameter of the ring. It
is important to keep the cutting tool in the correct horizontal position during this
5. As the trimming progresses, the sample was pressed gently into the ring and continues
until the sample protrudes a short distance through the bottom of the ring. Be careful
throughout the trimming process to insure that there is no void space between the
sample and the ring.
6. The ring over carefully was turn and the portion of the soil protruding above the ring
was removed. Using the metal straight edge, cut the soil surface flush with the surface
of the ring. Remove the final portion with extreme care.
7. The wall friction inside consolidation ring was reduced; oiling is done by Teflon or
silicon oil. Keep the consolidation ring in metal plate; fill the sample in consolidation
by pressing with circular disc by hand. Weight of soil sample with ring (W2).
8. The consolidometer was assembled: Place the bottom porous stone, bottom filter
paper, Specimen, top filter paper and the top porous stone, one by one.
9. The loading block centrally was positioned on the top porous stone. The mould
assembly was mounted on the loading frame. Centre it such that the load applied is
axial in the lever-loading system.
10. The dial gauge was set in the position. Allow sufficient margin for the swelling of the
11. The mould assembly was connected to the water reservoir having the water level at
about the same level as the soil specimen. Allow the water flow into the specimen till
it is fully saturated.
12. The initial reading of the dial gauge was taken.

5 OCT. 02/2019
13. Apply an initial setting load to give a pressure of 0.05 kg/cm2 to the assembly so that
there is no swelling and allow the setting load to stand till there is no change in the
dial gauge reading or for 24 hours. Take the final gauge reading under the initial
setting load.
14. Normal sequence of pressure to be applied is 0.1, 0.50, 1.0, 2.0, 4.0, and 8.0kg/cm2
and take the dial gauge reading after application of each load at a time sequence of
0.25, 1.0, 2.25, 4.0, 6.25, 12.25, 16, 20, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81, 100, 121, 144, 169, 196,
225, 289, 324, 361, 400, and finally 1440 minutes.
15. After the last load increment had been applied and the reading taken, decrease the
load to ¼ of the last load and allow it stand for 24 hours. Take the dial gauge reading
after 24hours. Further reduce the load to ¼ of the previous load and repeat the above
procedure, likewise further reduce the load to ¼ of the previous and repeat the
procedure. Finally reduce the load to the initial setting load and keep out for 24 hours
and take the final dial gauge reading.
16. Dismantle the assembly. Take out the ring with the specimen. Wipe out the excess
surface water using bloating paper and remove the filter paper both side the specimen
17. Take weight of the ring with specimen (W3).
18. Dry the specimen in oven for 24 hours and determine the dry weight of the specimen.

Figure 2: specimen with ring Figure 3: prepared specimen for testing

6 OCT. 02/2019
2. Height of solids.
Hs= …………………………………………………… ……………….... (1.1)

Where: Ws=weight of solids

Gs= specific gravity of solids

γw=unit weight of water

A= area of soil sample
3. Void ratio. Voids ratio at the end of various pressures are calculated from equation
e= …………………………………………..………………….……. (1.2)

Where H= height of soil sample

Hs=height of solids
4. Coefficient of consolidation, Cv
The Coefficient of consolidation at each pressure increment is calculated by using the
following equations:

Cv= (Log fitting method)………………………………………….. (1.3)

Cv= (square root fitting method)…………….…………..………... .(1.4)

Where Hdr=specimen height, the average of initial height and height after compression
In the log fitting method, a plot is made between dial readings and logarithmic of time, and
the time corresponding to 50% consolidation is determined.
In the square root fitting method, a plot is made between dial readings and square root of
time, and the time corresponding to 90% consolidation is determined.
5. Coefficient of compression or Compression Index, Cc.
Plot the void ratio, e versus log σ’. The slope of the straight line portion, that is, for the soil in
the normally consolidated state, is designated as Cc. This can be directly obtained from the
plot or calculated as

7 OCT. 02/2019
e2  e1 e
Cc   
( )'
( ' ) …………………………………………………... (1.5)
log z' 2 log z' 2
( z )1 ( z )1

6. recompression index, Cr, which we can express as

e2  e1 ezr
Cr   
( )'
( ' ) ………………………..…………. (1.5)
log z' 2 log z' 2
( z )1 ( z )1

7. Coefficient of volume compressibility, mv

It is calculated as follows

( z ) 2  ( z )1  z  m2 
mv     
( z' ) 2  ( z' )1 ( z' ) 2  ( z' )1  kN  …………………………………..…… (1.6)

8. Coefficient of compressibility. av

av= ………………………………………………………………………………………(1.7)

where, Δe= change in void ratio

Δσ’=change in vertical effective stress

9. Coefficient of permeability. K, It is calculated as follows

K= ………………………………………………………………………... (1.8)

8 OCT. 02/2019

Table 1: Data Sheet for Consolidation Test:

Before test After test

Mass of the ring 209.27g Mass of wet sample + ring 309.2g
Height of specimen, Hi 2.067cm Mass of wet specimen 91.7g
Inside diameter of the ring 6cm Mass of dry specimen, Ms 66.37g
Area of specimen, A 28.38cm2 Final moisture content of 25.33
specimen, wf (%)
Mass of specimen + ring 324.97g Height of solids 11.5mm
Initial moisture content of 28
specimen, wi (%)
Specific gravity of solids, Gs 2.65
Name of Test: dimensional
one consolidation Date of tast: Sept2/2019sept16/2019

Test No. 9 Soil type: Dahnoric clay

tested by Group:4
Incremental pressure
Elapsed Time Square root of Loading - Pressure intensity (kg/cm2)
(min) time 0.5 1 2 4 8
0 0 2.5 2.17 1.795 1.1 0.25
0.25 0.5 2.475 2.13 1.685 1.02 0.201
1 1 2.46 2.105 1.625 0.965 0.16
2.25 1.5 2.446 2.09 1.6 0.931 0.13
4 2 2.437 2.08 1.581 0.905 0.11
6.25 2.5 2.43 2.073 1.568 0.89 0.098
9 3 2.423 2.067 1.558 0.88 0.0905
12.25 3.5 2.418 2.061 1.55 0.87 0.085
16 4 2.413 2.055 1.54 0.86 0.08
25 5 2.407 2.048 1.53 0.845 0.07
36 6 2.401 2.043 1.52 0.836 0.062
49 7 2.398 2.038 1.51 0.825 0.055
64 8 2.395 2.034 1.502 0.815 0.047
81 9 2.391 2.033 1.495 0.807 0.04
100 10 2.389 2.03 1.49 0.801 0.035
1440 37.95 2.35 1.998 1.45 0.761 0.022
Elapsed Time Square root of Unloading - Pressure intensity (kg/cm2)
(min) time 4 2 1 0.5 0.1
0 0 0.028 0.12 0.19 0.31 0.51
10 3.162 0.045 0.135 0.257 0.381 0.62
20 4.472 0.048 0.1375 0.263 0.389 0.66
30 5.477 0.049 0.138 0.264 0.419 0.675
1440 37.947 0.074 0.163 0.279 0.425 0.685

9 OCT. 02/2019
Void Ratio Compressibility
Compression Deformatio Cumulative cumulative
under load
load n under of Final Strain
S.NO` Void Ratio increment Incremental Changes
each deformatio Specimen
loading n height

Kg/cm2 ΔH, mm Ʃ(ΔH) mm Hf =Hi±ΔH ef = (Hf/Hs) -1 ΔH/H Δe Δp 1+e0

[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]
0.00 0.00 0.000 0.000 20.69 0.7460 0.000 0.000 0.7460 0.00 1.7460

2.00 0.50 0.150 0.150 20.54 0.7333 0.007 0.007 0.0127 0.50 1.7460

3.00 1.00 0.352 0.502 20.19 0.7036 0.024 0.032 0.0297 0.50 1.7460

4.00 2.00 0.548 1.050 19.64 0.6574 0.051 0.082 0.0462 1.00 1.7460

5.00 4.00 0.689 1.739 18.95 0.5992 0.084 0.166 0.0581 2.00 1.7460

6.00 8.00 0.739 2.478 18.21 0.5369 0.120 0.286 0.0624 4.00 1.7460

7.00 4.00 0.027 0.027 18.24 0.5392 -0.001 0.285 -0.0023 -4.00 1.7460

8.00 2.00 0.089 0.116 18.33 0.5467 -0.006 0.278 -0.0075 -2.00 1.7460

9.00 1.00 0.126 0.242 18.45 0.5573 -0.013 0.265 -0.0106 -1.00 1.7460

9.00 0.50 0.155 0.397 18.61 0.5704 -0.022 0.243 -0.0131 -0.50 1.7460

10.00 0.10 0.256 0.653 18.87 0.5920 -0.036 0.207 -0.0216 -0.40 1.7460

11.00 0.00

10 OCT. 02/2019
Table 2: data analysis for consolidation parameters……….. (cont.… from back Table)

Time av Mv Compression Recompression Preconsolidation

Cv (cm2/kg) K (cm/sec)
fitting (cm2/kg) (cm2/kg) index index stress (kg/cm2 )

t90 (min) Cc Cr σ'

[11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18]

4 0.0253 3.17E-03 0.034 4.6E-05

5.29 0.0594 2.39E-03 0.026 8.4E-05
6.25 0.0462 2.03E-03 0.017 5.7E-05
6.76 0.0291 1.87E-03 0.009 3.4E-05 0.2002 0.0278 1.600
6.25 0.0156 2.03E-03 0.030 2.1E-05
Average 0.0400 2.30E-03 0.022 5.5E-05

11 OCT. 02/2019
Graph 1: Plot of void ratio V/S log (σ’) for loading and unloading

Graph 2: Plot of void ratio V/S log(σ’) for determination of preconsolidation pressure(σ’ c)

12 OCT. 02/2019
Graph 3: Plot of vertical strain V/S vertical effective stress for loading and unloading

13 OCT. 02/2019
Table: 3 data analysis for determining t90 time

Square rout of Pressure intensity (kg/cm2)
Time (min)
0.5 1 2 4 8
0 0 2.5 2.17 1.795 1.1 0.25
0.25 0.5 2.475 2.13 1.685 1.02 0.201
1 1 2.46 2.105 1.625 0.965 0.165
2.25 1.5 2.446 2.09 1.6 0.931 0.14
4 2 2.437 2.08 1.581 0.905 0.12
6.25 2.5 2.43 2.073 1.568 0.89 0.107
9 3 2.423 2.067 1.558 0.88 0.095
12.25 3.5 2.418 2.061 1.55 0.87 0.085
16 4 2.413 2.055 1.54 0.86 0.076
25 5 2.407 2.048 1.53 0.845 0.065
36 6 2.401 2.043 1.52 0.836 0.058
49 7 2.398 2.038 1.51 0.825 0.0501
64 8 2.395 2.034 1.502 0.815 0.043
81 9 2.391 2.033 1.495 0.807 0.039
100 10 2.389 2.03 1.49 0.801 0.036
1440 37.95 2.35 1.998 1.45 0.761 0.022
Elapsed Pressure intensity (kg/cm2)
Square rout of
Time (min)
(min) 4 2 1 0.5 0.1
0 0.00 0.028 0.12 0.19 0.31 0.48
10 3.16 0.045 0.135 0.257 0.381 0.52
20 4.47 0.048 0.1375 0.263 0.389 0.56
30 5.48 0.049 0.138 0.264 0.39 0.567


14 OCT. 02/2019
Graph 4: Plot of dial gauge readings versus square root of time curve for 0.5kg/cm2

Graph 5: Plot of dial gauge readings versus square root of time curve for 1.0kg/cm2

15 OCT. 02/2019
Graph 6: Plot of dial gauge readings versus square root of time curve for 2.0kg/cm2

Graph 7: Plot of dial gauge readings versus square root of time curve for 4.0kg/cm2

16 OCT. 02/2019
Graph 8: Plot of dial gauge readings versus square root of time curve for 8.0kg/cm2


1.10.1. Results
The average value of coefficient of consolidation using the square root time
method (Cv) is 2.30 *10-3 cm2/kg. It is determined using dial gauge reading versus
square root time curve plot of graph [4-8] and on table: 2, column [13] using t 90
time values.
From the slope of curve plotted between logarithmic of pressure versus void ratio,
of straight portion of curve,1` plot of graph [1] the value of compression index
(Cc) is 0.2002 on table: 2 column [16].
The average value of coefficient of compressibility (av) is 0.0400cm2/kg. on Table:
2, column[12]
From the slope of curve plotted between logarithmic of pressure versus void ratio,
curve plot of graph [1] the value of recompression index (Cr) is 0.278 on table: 2
column [17].

17 OCT. 02/2019
From the slope of curve plotted between vertical effective stresses versus strain,
curve plot of graph [3] the value of coefficient of volume compressibility (mv) is
0.022cm2/kg, on table: 2, column [14].
The coefficient of permeability (k) is 5.5*10 -5cm/sec. calculated by using, cv and
av values on table: 2, column[15].
From the slope of curve plotted between logarithmic of pressure versus void ratio,
curve plot of graph [1] by using Casagrande(1936) method the value of
precosolidation pressure (σ’c) is 1.60kg/cm2 on table: 2 column [18].

1.10.2. Discussions

Consolidation is the process that involving the soils decreasement in volume. According to
Karl Teraghi, consolidation is any process which involves decrease in water content of a
saturated soil with replacement of water by air. In general it is the process in which reduction
in volume take place by removal of water under long term static loads. It occurs when stress
is applied to a soil that causes the soil particles to pack together more tightly, therefore
reducing its bulk volume. When this occurs in a soil that is saturated with water, water will be
squeezed out of the soil. The magnitude of consolidation can be predicted by many different
methods. In the classical method, developed by terzaghi, soils are tested with an oedometer
test to determine their compression index. This can be used to predict the amount of

From the experiment we have done, we have achieved the objective of the experiment that to
determine the consolidation characteristic of soils of flow permeability. From the graph dial
gauge reading versus square root time we get a curve shape for the sample. From the graph
we find the value of t 90 and other values that is need to calculate the value of coefficient of
consolidation, cv.

18 OCT. 02/2019
The main purpose of consolidation test is to obtain soil data which are used in predicting the
rate and the amount of settlement of structure. The two most important soil properties
furnished by a consolidation test are the coefficient of compressibility (a v), through which
one can determine the magnitude of compression and the coefficient of consolidation (C v)
which enables the determination of the rate of compression under a load increment. It also
gives the useful information about stress history of the soil. It is used to predict the
settlements of structures in the field.

19 OCT. 02/2019

1. Braja M. Das (2002) ‘Soil Mechanics Laboratory Manual’, Sixth Edition, Oxford
University Press.
2. ASTM D 2435 - Standard Test Method for One-Dimensional Consolidation
Properties of Soils.
3. IS 2720(Part 15):1986 Methods of test for soils: Determination of
Consolidation Properties (First revision). Reaffirmed- Dec 2016
4. Das, Braja M. Principles of Geotechnical Engineering. Published on 2002. E-book.


West Conshohocken, PA 19428

20 OCT. 02/2019

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